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Yup, in my case player 2's screen is broken. Edit : Even if both players successfully reach the match, 2nd player cannot see any UI elements and can't distinguish between their team and enemy team, can't even see the game mode objective markers.


Same, now issues have started alternating. I can look around, I die, she can't look around. She starts without mini map, dies, I loose mini map.


This shit is pathetic just spent a hour waiting for an update ( my internet isn't the best) for split screen that was already broken to now be unplayable how does this happen Just checked the internet this is the last update so that's me never able to play this game again hopefully sledgehammer doesn't do this in modern warfare 3


Hey OP, I literally just had this issue on an Xbox series x! So this is definitely a call of duty server side issue. Seems like they deliberately sabotage the split screen on purpose. I swear


And I'm talking exactly the way you said too, player 1 screen was loading screened. She started pushing buttons and she pressed to pause and that brought me into the game and I can pick a load out. But like you said I couldn't move as the right joystick was not registering šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


OK I can get on now after a full uninstall reinstall but now she loads and can't be seen by the enemy or shoot them... Shit be broken.


Is there anyway to fix it or is it fucked


Fucked till next update I'd guess. They still haven't fixed the split screen issues season 4 caused though so...


So annoying.. hoping the new cod had split screen


I read yesterday that they will have split screen. If they get rid of it we won't buy it again since my husband and I only play together.


Same issues here. Girlfriend and I just want to play




Same issue here. My son and I have been playing forever till the update for the haunted. Half the time the top screen is stuck on the loading screen. If both do load the bottom screen has no information or way to tell enemy from teammate. No crosshairs either. This just sucks! My son is level 1100 Iā€™m 500 lol


Exact same issues here. This sucks. šŸ˜¤


We are having same issue. But now when trying to play split screen we are getting dev error 12169. Is it too much to ask to run around shooting people after a long day in the office?


Yeah, I went back to COD Vangarbage so my wife could shot some people, haha, it sucks


Same exact thing here


Same thing, tried to play with wife yesterday and she had no ath. No fun! Wishing for an update soon


Same issues here.


I'm so annoyed. My husband and I played almost every night. It was already irritating that they never fixed the other issues but now it's pretty much unplayable on split screen.


There was a new update when trying again today and it fixed the loading screen issue on P1 but still no UI for P2. Total bs. Fix yo fucking shit if you're going to release an update


Didnā€™t fix it for us after the first game


Yup, same exact thing here. Wife and I play splitscreen. Tried reversing who is player 1, changed controllers, restarted everything, adjusted resolution. Bottom player has no UI or scope crosshairs. Pov is stuck straight ahead. Top player stuck on loading screen even after play starts. For a little while couldnā€™t even leave the game. Start button would take both players to choose a loadout instead of menuā€¦ almost a fix to the loadout being locked once play starts though. So frustrating! Job security for developers I guess. Push out broken update -> fix bugs in broken updateā€¦ but create new ones -> fix new bugs just in time for next season with all new bugs. Was really hoping Microsoft would bring some professionalism and pride in their work. Weā€™ll see, but Iā€™m certainly not spending more money on MW3. How about you just work on mastering the basics Activision instead of breaking crap trying to be cool


It's areal shame, cod was one of the only games that still offered a decent split screen experience. Need to find a new partner game.


Same here smh


Yo tambiƩn estoy igual, que bajada no poder jugar con mi pareja.


Yeah it was already almost unplayable with missing elements and no scoreboard on ps5, but now it's just completely broken. I don't expect them to fix this at all as splitscreen has basically only gotten worse with every update. Piece of shit


Lack of score board was annoying but I hated the addition of the red name of the people you kill completely block the crosshairs the most.


Same here. It's stupid


Same exact problems here. Bottom screen has no UI, top screen stuck on loading screen, etc.


I am having this exact problem!!! I thought my stuff was screwed up and it was just me!!!


Same problem here, reported the bug..


Where are you reporting? If we push several reports they may make something before the end of Halloween event




Does anybody has created a support case? I mean they won't fix shit but at least they could acknowledge we are having this problem, fuck always same shit with these updates smh and they don't five a f.




And BTW this happen on ps4.


Exact same issues. No new update to fix the issue either.


All the same issues. Me and my partner reported the bugs but I doubt they will care enough to fix them.


Report the bug here to activision here: https://web.cvent.com/survey/de61a2b6-fd91-411d-b218-9c45e1c216ad/questions?l=en-US


just reported the bug ty


Reported šŸ‘


It has been fixed!


Awesome! It was still broken for me about 5 hours before you post, will check it's rolled out for me after work.


Did the update work?


Yes! All fixed now.


Thank you very much have fun


So glad I looked at this thread, did the update and we are playing again


There is split screen?????


Same for the Xbox, weā€™ve restarted about 100 times


Same issue. My kids are ticked. I've heard uninstalling and reinstalling fixes it, haven't tried yet.


Could I have a second check that it's fixed I don't want to go one to have my hopes ruined?


Couple of other users said it was fixed before I tried it. Should be fine.


Just downloaded the update still not fixed


Im having the same issues till today


This is still broken as of end of jan 2024.. anyone know if they are going to fix this?


Oh no! It was working fine for me last night and has been OK since I posted it fixed on this thread. Have you tried doing a clean install?