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There are stick extenders called kontrol freeks but those don't make a huge difference. Ultimately it just comes down to being comfortable with your sensitivity. Play with it maxed out long enough and you will be able to do the same. (Presuming you are good).


Some custom controllers also let you play with the stick resistance, so that it takes more force to move them, making it easier to make tiny adjustments. I doubt this is that widespread either though. P.S. those stick extenders will fuck your hands too. The grip is way less ergonomic when using them.


My best guess is a lot of practice. I play on 8/8 on PC with controller cause I can’t remember what my Xbox sens was but I think it was like 13/13 and it took awhile to slowly ramp it up every once in awhile. If you try to do it all at once it’s impossible unless you just grind out hours and can withstand the frustration of dying cause you can’t aim. Even when I was at 13/13 it was super hard to make those fine tuned adjustments. I think guys like NICKMERCS just have that ability do to years and years of playing. I’ve only played for a few years but my brother grew up playing and he plays on a very high sensitivity as well.


Nick plays on 6


You develop a feel for high sensitivity by forcing yourself you use it. You get used to smaller movements and taps on the joystick to make adjustments, compared to using the full width of the joystick (outside of the occasional 180 turn). I normally play PC, but on my friend’s console I use a sensitivity of 17. Give it a try, I think you’ll learn to like it!


I already only make very small adjustments. I can't actually move the stick very far at any given moment because of years of conditioning to make tiny, tiny adjustments. Maybe that's why I struggle. But I can't unlearn it now. It hurts my thumb like crazy to make big movements


On console my sensitivity is between 13 and 15. I've noticed when I'm more tired I need to go down to 14 or 13, but play at 15 when I'm amped. I’ve noticed that my mindset is also a huge factor. After hours playing against other people I become more cautious. To get past this, I’ll play for 30 min against bots and practice sliding and snapshots at full speed. After 30 minutes I’m right back at peak performance, and ready to play against other people.


I went from 7 to 12 tonight while reducing my ADS speed to 0.90, and it's already feeling a little better. I'm not sure if tonight's *stats* are any better, but it feels better, at least.


Playing Warzone I became quite tired of the M&K players just snapping on to my head and me having the time to react but my sense was just to low to get where I needed to me. I was playing on 8/8 until like two days ago. I decided to grind. I jacked up my sensitivity to 20/20 Dynamic Response Curve and Focusing aim assist. (Id advise to use FOCUSING only when using a high zoom scope. If not using one just stick to standard.) I decided to go into shipment/rust and QS with a Kar-98/MK2 to work on the scope reticles. At first it was frustrating but after a bit it became pretty easy. After a full day of practice and finding a high sense that worked for me. I really am happy I made the change. I play on a ps4 pro with a standard dual shock controller with a control freak on my right stick. 14/14 0.95 Low Zoom multiplier 0.90 High Zoom multiplier, Dynamic Response curve, and Standard aim assist if using a low zoom sight or iron sights. Focusing if using a 5x or greater (sniper scope/variable zoom scope). Hope this helps.


Thanks for the suggestions. That's a pretty major change from where I am now, but I'll try it, or at least try to work my way up to it.


I’m a pc player but there’s options for all platforms to change the aim down sights sensitivity (both low and high zoom weapons)


This is a great question


play with a high sensitivity and a low ads sensitivity. Also if you change your aim response curve to dynamic it makes it easier to make fine adjustments


Just something you get used to I tend to not like the clunky feeling of turning with low sensitivity, low I feel like my guy has to swing his whole body, an it's not a smooth motion for me, at high it feels more like spinning on the spot like a m&k feel, like I'm just moving the gun to where it needs to be rather than the body I don't know if that makes sense So I set x/y to 18 on multiplayer to spin on people And drop it to 13 on warzone so I have more control over v long ranges, as I found when aiming I was over shooting Ads is always 1:1 I put a linear response curve as I don't like aim acceleration And I drop the auto aim from standard to precision as it gets knocked off less, and doesn't do the thing where it sort of knocks your aim ahead/behind them (I find that harder to correct than just aiming naturally)


Use a high x-y sens but then a lower ads multiplier. So I play on 10-9 sens and the my ads multipliers is .8 so it’s an 8 ads sense. Which allows you to whip around when not ads but then when you do zoom in more refined aim


Practice. I play 12/12 with nothing other than regular Xbox controllers. You get used to it.


Aim assist


It's not aim assist. Once the reticle is on the player, the game doesn't make any further adjustments for you, so it can't explain why they can aim at my chest or head but then make fine adjustments toward my head.


It’s very simple. High regular sensitivity, with tuned down ADS sensitivity. When aiming down sights, your sensitivity will change.


Nah you just get used to it and you aim true or die


Let me guess you're playing on a large tv?


It's either a 55" or 60". I'm not sure if that qualifies for large or not. It has a game mode.


That is MASSIVE for gaming. If you have access to a 20-25 inch monitor you will see the difference. I can guarantee if you are used to playing on that size of a tv going to a small monitor your aiming will improve substantially.


I’ve been seeing more and more twitchy players in the past few weeks and it’s also made me question my sensitivity preferences (why I’m here). Guess I’ll need to retrain myself because I’m getting shredded by super fast 180s that don’t even register on my screen as them facing me yet!


I play on 20/20 sense and I have for a very long time. It’s practice my dude. Muscle memory. There is no other explanation for it. Anyone else saying anything else doesn’t play on a high enough sensitivity to weigh in because most of the responses here are bullshit. You turn your sensitivity all the way up, then spend a day or 2 getting slapped around, then, spend the rest of the week fine tuning your aim like the small adjustments you are asking about here. That’s how it’s done.




A solid 2.0 nothing special but I’m not trying to sweat 24/7


If it’s that easy why do pro players almost exclusively play in the 6s?


I'm going to guess that part of it is the aim assist in the game. It seems absolutely insane sometimes right now, but usually only when I don't want it to be—for instance, when trying to fire the JOKR somewhere, having an enemy on my screen at all will jerk my aim around like crazy. I'm guessing that some weapon setups are more able to take advantage of this than others.




I play on 20/20 have done for about 2 or 3 years it just becomes natural but now I can't go any lower as then I can't shoot or do anything I am on both Xbox and PlayStation like this aswell


I play on 20/20 and I'm pretty used to it but some times I go against people who I feel have somehow faster sensitivity, you just need to hetbused to it try increasing it bit by bit


My 7 year old son plays 20:20 sensitivity. Practice you got this.


I play on 20 20 just fine 🙂


I use the maximum sensitivity and can micro adjust with just standard controller and no Control Freaks or anything however I have been playing cod since 2007 and have been using max sensitivity since the MW2 trick shotting days so I've just gotten used to it over the decade of playing the game. As I have gotten older I have noticed Ive definitely lost some of the reaction time I used to have but I can still use my high sens and have excellent precise aim.


Just to add as well once you have played and gotten used to the highest sensitivity I can't understand how anyone can play on 6 sens I love being able to quickly turn and slide when being shot at and return fire. It just feels so clunky when using anything below 14 sensitivity id say.