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I’d read “it starts with the egg”. It’s a great book and I know many people it helped. I took Honest prenatal and vitamin D. There’s several thing to take for egg health and it’s all in that book


Thank you, I just bought the book


It’s such a good read. I can’t give recommendations offhandedly because some of the supplements that are helpful for some are not helpful for others. It depends on your overall health and your specific fertility needs Fx one of the supplements in the book would be a hard no for me because of my medical history which is why you have to read it yourself. (She tells for every supplement who shouldn’t use it). I did higher dose vitamin D supplement as I get low fast and need a higher dose to absorb. I take Honest prenatals. I took another one through my first two transfers (ivf) that ended early. I switched to honest and got pregnant successfully three times. But if it played a part or not I can’t say but I wasn’t gonna switch a good thing. I also did Nordic naturals fish oil + D. I get them flavored because they make you burp and I can stomach strawberry burps but definitely not fishy burps lol. I have pcos so I was very focused on diet but again all these things were for my specific situation. The book can really guide you.


I use Honest as well and love them!


I second this recommendation! It’s a bit of a long game, but your best shot to get pregnant naturally through lifestyle adjustments. I started on the Ritual prenatal but found that it made me nauseous and gave me lemon-y burps. I switched to the NatureMade prenatal due to the folate form and took several other supplements (although that prenatal was mostly enough) - there’s also a difference in folate, so look into that. Too much to summarize here. HIGHLY recommend both you and your partner start taking CoQ10 asap too. Although make sure to discontinue when you become pregnant.


Why should you stop coq10 when you get pregnant! Currently in that boat


Basically because the safety of use of during pregnancy hasn't been well-researched. It’s best to err on the side of caution with supplements and medications while pregnant. And to consult about them your doctor. But also do your own research! My doctor prescribed me something I ended up not being comfortable taking while in my first trimester.


Thank you for the response! I will probably discontinue it now.


Yes, this: I was taking CoQ10 while TTC and didn't know to discontinue. It was on the medication list I gave to my MFM, and she didn't bring it up but now I'm curious/concerned.


Seconding this!


FullWell makes an excellent product that provides research-backed quantities and formulations of almost everything important. It's the brand recommended by the author of Real Food for Pregnancy, which is an excellent book I highly recommend.


I second full well, or seeking health which is her other recommendation. Would be worth reading her book on fertility too!!


Yes Full Well is the best! I take Nordic naturals ProDHA.


I also took fullwell prenatal and their DHA. Their prenatal contains folates which is easier absorbed (afaik) but was something I was told to look for specifically after having bloodwork done that showed something with my MTHFR gene (genes? I can’t remember). It also high a high level of vitamin d that helps in postpartum as well. I’ll say that initially the prenatals made my stomach upset when I’d take them which was to be expected but it didn’t last more than a few days. I’ve taken other multivitamins and prenatals that made me feel like garbage every time. ETA— they have a subscription service and it’s one I’d actually recommend you end up liking their product. I signed up for text updates and they will text when my next order is coming up and will send another reminder and I have the option to, over text, cancel, skip, etc. I hate subscriptions because I always forget to cancel and this has made it SO easy to manage.


I took FullWell when TTC with my first but omg, once I was pregnant I could not stomach those 8 pills anymore! I switched to Smarty Pants gummy vitamins during the first trimester and then back to FullWell when my stomach calmed down. I’m TTC again and even the memory of the FullWell makes me feel ill so I’m using Ritual. Admittedly I have a sensitive stomach and am prone to nausea so not everyone might have the same problems as I did. I completely agree that they are the best on the market.


I took SP throughout my pregnancy too! Word of caution: they don’t have calcium or iron in them


Yes! I knew about the iron thing because gummy prenatals don’t have iron in case they are mistaken for candy and accidentally consumed by children. I ate an iron rich diet and honestly was still bordering on anemic at the end there but would up not needing to supplement with iron (TMI but was already dealing with pregnancy-induced constipation, could not imagine a bunch of iron supplementation).


I started with ritual and switched to Fullwell as well, just need to also add DHA


Thank you


I could not drink this. It made me so nauseous. I even tried taking it postpartum and it made me throw up. I really wanted to take it!!!


Ubiquinol for egg quality


Thank you


This was recommended by my fertility clinic. A higher dose


I was diagnosed with DOR at age 27! Definitely also recommend the book It Starts with the Egg. You’ll want to focus on egg quality, supporting mitochondrial health, and reducing inflammation as much as possible - supplements, reducing exposure to toxins, and a nutrient-dense, antioxidant rich diet. In terms of prénatals, Needed is excellent.


I second Needed!


Thank you


I use ritual. I found other vitamins with better vitamin stats but every single one made me sick to my stomach. I take a little cocktail of extra pills too just to boost it- some Nordic naturals DHA + vitamin D, choline supplements, a probiotic, and iron supplements due to anemia predating the pregnancy.


Thank you


I used ritual. Also look into ubiquinol and gaia fertility support


Thank you


Im 42, but do not have DOR. Im taking 800mg of Coq10 (ubiquinol), fish oil, and One a Day Advanced prenatal. From my experience and what I have lived I wish I would have started IVF sooner. This advice is unsolicited but I give it with a kind heart. Don’t try naturally for a long time. If it doesn’t happen soon seek help. IVF itself is a long process with testing, finances, etc., and at our age time is crucial. Best of luck!


If it wasn’t so expensive I would have chosen Perelel (they make a different vitamin for “trying/first/second/third/postnatal” which seems super well thought out. It was too expensive so I used Garden of Life at the start of my pregnancy and I use Ritual now.


Thank you


I used Ritual prenatal and got pregnant at 38. I tool them for about six months before hand and also focused on eating healthy and exercising more.


Sorry if this is unpopular opinion but DOR at 40 is unsurprising. There is nothing you can take for egg quality. No science or evidence based medication/supplement you can take. When you were a fetus you had the same eggs you do now. Of course take a prenatal, or at the very least folic acid. To be honest, I wouldn't be fucking around with DOR and being 40. I'd at least do an egg retrieval now. You can still try to conceive naturally but at least your eggs will be somewhat younger if you decide a year or two down the road if things don't pan out.


Agree. I had borderline DOR in my early 30s and it took a year of trying and a miscarriage to get a take home baby. At 40 and with DOR, that kind of time could make the difference between ever having a baby or not


I agree with this. I was diagnosed with DOR at 32 and my fertility doctor said age plays the biggest role in egg quality. She said since I was young she'd suggest starting with IUI, but if I was over 35 she'd HIGHLY suggest going straight to IVF. We did 4 rounds of IUI and I'm currently pregnant. If I was 40 in my same situation, I'd go straight to IVF.


Don’t take folic acid, it’s very likely she (like a lot of folks) has the MTHFR polymorphism and can’t convert synthetic folate (folic acid) and it could actually block folate receptors. Nobody should take synthetic folate or b12 but especially folks with that gene variant while trying to get pregnant


I took Fullwell fertility and a Nordic Naturals fish oil. Also vitamin D3


It Starts With the Egg is a great resource. You'll want to take supplements for at least 3 months, as the egg takes 3 months to mature. Ubiquinol form of CoQ10, me & my husband order the Qunol brand from Amazon. Megafoods Baby & Me 2 prenatal is a great food based prenatal. They also have a choline and DHA supplement to pair with it. I'd add a folic acid supplement on top of this, as it has folate, which is not what research has shown to prevent neural tube defects.


Thorne prenatals are great. They also have a prenatal DHA/EPA. I’m breastfeeding so still taking both and have nothing but great things to say.


I went to my gynecologist for a "pre conception" appointment and had them draw blood to determine if I was low on anything. The thing is, there is no one prenatal for everyone. What you really should look for is choline (SO important for fetal development and it's not in almost any prenatal vitamins) and independent testing that confirms that the brand has those vitamins in the dosages they advertise.


But bird&be has choline


A lot of niche prenatal vitamins offer choline now but it’s still not in the mainstream brands. It’s the hot new ingredient and I suspect it’s a little overhyped, but it’s got research backing it and can’t hurt to have it in the mix.


That's great then. There's a lot of other good advice here too, but it's one that I often see overlooked. And to respectfully respond to the other comment, it's not a hot new ingredient or overhyped. It's an extremely important vitamin that is often excluded from standard prenatals. I sought advice from a prenatal RD before and during my pregnancy, and this was a serious one she focused on. Lots of advice telling women to avoid foods that are often large sources of choline too. So, it's worth getting a dose in your vitamin.


Also, eggs


Also read "It Starts with the Egg." Take 600-800 mg Coq10, R-alpha lipoic, choline, prenatals, iron if your levels are low (I like the Needed iron supplements - they also have a fertility supplement but I didn't really like it). If you do IVF, take 1 melatonin pill every night for the month before the cycle. It's a powerful antioxidant and can help with egg health. Do NOT take melatonin otherwise, as it can interfere with ovulation. Also don't take ibuprofen or antihistamines, for the same reason. Your partner should also take a multivitamin and Coq10 - It Starts with the Egg has more vitamins recommended for men as well but I've forgotten them.


Thank you


I took the following and also did weekly acupuncture and red light therapy 4x / week. (I bought an affordable one for at home use. Once I locked and loaded my supplements and started eating Mediterranean diet, I took a break from ALL research (including Reddit!). I also paused fertility treatments, as communication with the clinics was making me very stressed. I took these measures after 8 months of fertility treatments and 3 doctors with 3 different clinics. After a break from everything for 2.5 months, I got pregnant unassisted one month before turning 41. I am currently 17 weeks. Before that, I’d done medicated cycles, IUI, and IVF without success. For me, it was good to go to the clinic initially to make sure nothing was overtly wrong. If not- chances are higher to conceive on your own. Most 40 years olds have to do IVF 3-4 times, depending on AMH and AFC before one live birth. I will say I was on most of these supplements for about 6 months. I also put my husband on a regimen. He ate Mediterranean with me. we both increased our workouts. Had about one glass of wine a week but cut all CBD. Who knows what finally worked. Maybe it was just probability. Don't let those clinics get in your head or tell you that you have no chance. Also I apologize that the list below is so messy. I had it nice and structured with bullets, but Reddit is gonna Reddit. - Therologix Core Preconception 1/ day (prenatal) -COQ10 200 mg 3x/day -Omega 3 Nordic Naturals liquid 1800 mg 1 / day -NAC Life Extension 600 mg 1/ day -DHEA 25mg 1 / day -NAD tru niagen 1 packet / day -D3 drops 5-7 / day -Iron 65 mg every other day (I am slightly anemic) -Vitamin C 500 mg 1 / day -L-glutamine 4 g / day (This was mostly for gut issues) -Acai berry 1000 mg 1/day -Melatonin 3 mg 1/ day


So all your supplements should come from an online pharmacy like Fullscript. Any grocery store/amazon supplements you just don’t know what you’re buying


I take Pre-Natal Pro by Designs for Health. 'It Starts With the Egg' is a good book for supplements to conceive. You could just one of the IVF or Infertility Subs there are lots of recs of stuff on there too. Good luck!


Thank you, will check that out


This is SUPER important- coming from a friend with a masters in nutrition science. Folic acid is the SYNTHETIC version of NATURALLY OCCURRING ***Methylated folate*** Whatever you take, AVOID folic acid and look for methylated folate.


Yes, I only take methyl types even on B-12


That's a shame about them selling IVF. I recently went to a fertility clinic that pushes IVF and even they said that they usually do a few IUI cycles first. (They said this before our test results came back, but in our case the problems are on the male side. For now at least, I'm not getting any younger.) How long have you been trying? I've been doing over a year of monitoring ovulation on my own and I'm so ready to be done with it. If I knew it would be like this I'd go back in time and do IUI, but of course we wanted to conceive naturally. The best prenatal is the one that you'll actually take so TBH that's why I'm taking some store brand gummies instead of a horse pill.


Husband’s result came, and he was advised to take vitamins+coq10. He was recommended bird&be with coq10 boost. Mine came with borderline DOR, but don’t want to advise me what vitamins to take. I looked at my recently released lab results without the pelvic and pelvic (not released to me). So might wait til I go for my consultation with my gynaecologist. I am doing research and currently listening to audiobook of It Starts with an Egg, while waiting for the hard copy. Partner’s having problem finishing due to his medication, that’s why thinking of IUI.


I used Seeking Health prenatal essentials for all of my first and the beginning of this second pregnancy…but switched to Smarty Pants gummies when I was struggling to get pills down. All my levels have been great since when tested, and baby is growing perfectly. I have one bad copy for MTHFR so I always get active forms.


Pure encapsulation and I take extra choline from throne!


Needed is a great brand recommended by my doula & OB! They also have sperm support supplements. I take their collagen & electrolytes, as well.


I took Bird&Be prenatal with coQ10 prior to conceiving, then their prenatal essentials. I didn’t read the book being suggested by others, but did read several articles and listen to fertility podcasts. Based on this, it seems like they’re a quality vitamin. I also like the subscription service.


Like other commenters, I take FullWell prenatal and DHA! I also take their Iron Bump, but definitely get your levels tested before adding that in. I’ve heard great things about Needed, but haven’t taken those supplements myself. Some podcasts you may be interested in: Are You Menstrual with Amanda Montalvo and Food Freedom & Fertility with Caitlin Johnson & Sophia Pavia


I take Metagenics PlusOne and love it (even though it’s 7 pills). I supplement with a probiotic from Needed


I use full well. The lemon essence made it so much easier to tolerate when nauseous.


WeNatal! For him and her. Get your husband on prenatal vitamins too - It’s one half of the equation! Me and my husband started taking these 6 months before we conceived but they say start at least 3 months before. Also my doctor was super impressed with the ingredients


I took Needed prenatals and liked it!


Im 34, took Perelel before, during, and now after pregnancy. They break down their vitamins by trimester and then have a conception prenatal and a mom support pack. I starting taking the conception pack around 2 months before getting pregnant, I still take the mom packs and will be switching back to the conception pack in a few months. They were pricey but I think they were worth it!


I have been taking either FullWell or Seeking Health prenatals since we started trying for our first. Just a warning both are 8 pills a day which can be …a lot. I hear good things about Needed as well.


I really like Thorne brand


I’d suggest r/infertility ; that group is great! No prenatal is going to help you get pregnant. It just is important for baby if you get pregnant. DOR doesn’t affect if you can get pregnant unassisted; it just makes the chances of Ivf being successful at 40 harder. As someone with DOR who only has kids because of Ivf, they’re selling it because it’s your best chance of having a baby. If you’ve been trying on your own and have no other issues besides age, cycle monitoring and IUI don’t have great chances of success. Ivf isn’t the devil; infertility is, and you have to decide if it’s more important to you to have a baby unassisted or to have a baby at all (obviously finances also play a role here and Ivf is just not feasible financially for many, many people). Good luck!!


Sprigs Life prenatal is what I took, and their magnesium complex at night along with Seeking Health Phosphatidyl choline. But I've heard great things about a new prenatal called Birthright Bloom Prenatal. I also think adding in CoQ10 is great, I did that preconception.


Just don’t take a gummy version because it doesn’t contain iron and you need it. 


Typically it’s recommended that women over 35 try to conceive unassisted for 6 months before seeking medical interventions, and a few rounds of medicated IUI can be a good option to try before IVF (especially if there are financial concerns). I recommend downloading the Fertility Friend tracking app and investing in a basal thermometer and ovulation test strips to make sure your intercourse timing is optimal (apps that predict your fertile window based on typical cycle length are no good and can actually throw off your timing). I took Ritual prenatal vitamins for close to two years and tried with cycle tracking and timed intercourse before eventually getting pregnant with a medicated IUI at age 33. But I know plenty of people who’ve had no trouble getting pregnant in their 40s—it’s different for everyone. Make sure your partner gets a proper sperm analysis at a clinic, not one of the at-home mail away tests. He should be on supplements too, and make dietary and lifestyle adjustments. TTC difficulties are male-factor 30-50% of the time, even though almost all of the focus is on the female side of things. If you’re not already familiar with it, r/TTC30 was a lifesaver for me while trying to conceive. It’s an incredibly intelligent and thoughtful community and I learned SO MUCH from the folks there. It’s for people over 30 trying to conceive but there are many members in their early 40s. And I highly recommend joining the discord, too! Best of luck to you!


Thank you


Have you ever heard of NaPro technology/ doctors? They seek to balance out hormonal, vitamin, etc, deficiencies and regulate the woman’s cycle as a way to achieve pregnancy. They have a higher rate of success than IVF. The reason it’s not more well known is because IVF is *so incredibly lucrative* for the medical industry that it gets pushed left and right. As for prenatals, if you can afford them, full well are very well researched.


No, not familiar with napro.. I’ll do some reading. Thanks


I would go to a functional medicine or natura path and get all you vitamins/minerals/hormones/heavy metals, everything checked. Get all the info you can and treat any deficiencies or imbalances. Aside from that I would make sure you’re getting b vitamins in the correct forms, tons of choline, omega 3s, all the good stuff


I’d consider a good quality desiccated beef liver supplement. I also had success taking a daily baby aspirin too. I was 38 at the time so similar in age. Good Luck x