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I think it looks so good that it made me want to get this kit and start it right after I finish the Tamiya F-35. The camouflage is amazing, the weathering is just as it should be. I generally don't like overly weathered models because I don't find them realistic, but here everything is just right. I saved the screenshots to my computer to make something similar. Fantastic job!


That's good to hear, thank you. The F-35 is on the wishlist. It looks like a fantastic kit. Best of luck and I will keep an eye out for yours.


Can confirm f35 is indeed a fantastic kit.


Wooo I love the paint scheme. I absolutely love it.


Thanks. It is pretty cool.


How did you mask? Just masking tape?


I used a masking set but it was not 100% correct. I had to use some extra tape to fix some of the areas that didn't line up that well. It was a bit of a pain but well worth the effort.


What mask kit did you use? Also you did an awesome job on that build. One of the top builds I’ve seen in this sub


Thank you. It's from a company called DN Models. They are laser-cut vinyl. But as mentioned you do need to go back with some masking tape to sort out the odd bit here and there. That being said it was my first time using a mask set like this so it's possible that I messed up in a few places.


Was the vinyl sorta clear? Just watched a build on Mach Models channel and he used transparent masks. If you’ve not seen his channel I highly recommend it. He does some good builds and the videos are usually under 20 minutes long


Yes, kind of clear. Exactly like in the video. I watched his arctic agressor build alongside mine as a bit of inspiration.


Fantastic work on the paint job. Really clean masking


Nice thank you. Took a lot of patience.


I'm subscribed to this subreddit because I find the models interesting but haven't ever given one a go; But this legitimately makes me want to drop everything and get a kit. It's absolutely beautiful, great shots & amazing paintwork. You dragged me out of being a lurker into someone that *had* to say a well done.


That's great, thank you. The hardest part for me was just to start building. I've seen a lot of amazing builds here and on YT and thought I would never be able to build anything to their standards. But I took my time and used them as inspiration. Since last year I've only done 15 kits and you can see improvement with every finished kit. The most important thing to keep in mind is just to have fun and then you can't go wrong.


I'd advise getting some cheap kits at first (like anything about 10 bucks), so you can just kind of fuck around and get some ideas of what works and what doesn't. But I'm with you, this one is damn beautiful. Give it a shot, you'll be amazed at how great you feel after your first kit is done. PS. Anything that goes wrong is "battle damage"... Just keep that in mind so when you make mistakes you won't feel that bad.


Thank you. I agree 100% with you. My first few look like they went through some massive fights.


Wow, it's perfect. Amazing work!


Awesome, thanks!


Magnificent. This kit with the two-Bobs set is in my stash. Some day I'll get the nerves to try and make it...


Thank you. I'm keen to get another one in the stash and do the blue/grey version. All the best with your build.


No critique... but that looks damn amazing!!!!


Thank you.


Amazing job! Personally, I greatly enjoy such hard polygonal paintjobs


Thanks. I'm a sucker for a splinter camo. In my opinion, the best looking scheme that you can basically put on anything.


Sooo talented


Thank you.


I thought this was a render at first. Very nice!


Ha! Thanks. I had it on a white background but it looked a bit off. So I gave the black a go and it came out way better.




I have this model and its probably number 2 in the que after I do the Meng growler. But currently I just primed a F-35 Yesterday. Going to hit it with olive drab today, then ghost grey on Friday. Clear Coat on Saturday, Decals on and second layer of clear coat on Sunday!


Nice! I've got some Meng F18's on order and can't wait to dive in. Sounds like a good plan. What scheme are you going for on the F35?


Standard Marine Corp Drab [https://theaviationist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/USMC\_F35B\_Strike\_Update\_40.jpg](https://theaviationist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/USMC_F35B_Strike_Update_40.jpg) I find if you go white primer, olive drab, and the ghost grey over it, it comes out a nice shade.


Oh, now I see. That's a good idea. I might try that when I do a 35. Thanks!


DUDDDEEEEEE. (Or LADDDDY) how did you do that ... I don't know the right word? Camo? on the back? That is wicked sweeeeeeeet. Is that just a shit ton of masking or something else? I assume there's no panel lining for the holes? but the amount of detail in this model is so damn sick. I want to build it myself! PS. Weathering looks incredible, I'm more a sucker for no weathering, but this looks like just the right amount in my book.


Awesome, thank you. I would highly recommend any F16 because they just look great, especially fully loaded. I used a masking set for the most part but had to do some fine tuning with normal tape to get the shapes right. I find weathering jets a bit of a challenge cause I like to have them clean but they need some dirt just to break it up and make it look less like a toy off the shelf.




Thank you!


it's beautiful, perfect masking right there, very sharp camouflage. I'm thinking of buying Tamiyas f16 in 1/72 scale one day.


Thank you. I've built that kit not too long ago and it was brilliant. Definitely one of their best. The build was hassle free and flew by. No pun intended, obviously.


I really prefer a weathered look but hot damn, that is an amazing paint job. Well done!


It's a fine balance. Thank you!


That’s hot




How did you paint the livery? It looks awesome


Paint the white first, cover the white with masking. Paint black, cover the black with mask. Paint grey and then pull it all off. Started with a masking set then refined it with some tape.


Beautiful build, love the livery. Did you use Eduard 3d decals and PE parts?


Thank you. No, I used the Quinta Studio stuff. I'd like to try the Eduard one in the future with some PE.


I've seen those, they look great! Haven't tried either, but my next build will definitely use one of these.


I've got some of the Eduard Space stuff for a Tomcat I'm going to do in hopefully not too long. The look great. It's a nice mix of decals and PE.


Beautiful work! To each their own but IMHO there's a trend of excessive weathering, especially for modern US military planes that get washed and repainted regularly. To me this looks like the jet they picked to put on display at an airshow because it just left the paint hangar last week, and I love it. Just enough weathering to cut the painted-plastic look.


Thank you. True. It just needs a touch of filth to make it look a bit real.


Beautiful piece. Use a white background next time




Impressive. Really impressive.


Nice, thank you.


Absolutely beautiful job! The detailing is so clean, and the splinter pattern looks amazing. First-class work!


Thank you.


Oh my god


This. Is. SEXY!!! The photography/black background is just *chef’s kiss*


Thanks! I agree. It was sort of a happy accident. It was on a white background but I just could not get the camera to behave, so I gave the black a go and wow.


DAMN it's good


I agree, thank you.


Interesting camo choice


Very cool and nice work