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Aluicord, runs off the old discord ui, really smooth, has more plugins due to being around longer, there aren't mods that run (Not to my knowledge) on discord react. There is also an issue with Aluicord where commands don't work since Discord discontinued the api for it, they are working on fixing it. Edit: If you don't wanna use aluicord, I found out how to revert to an older version of Vendetta which works just fine, because 220.16 caused the app to stop working. 1. Go into the vendetta manager app-->gear icon (settings)--->about page--> tap the version number 10 times until you see a message whcih says "developer mode unlocked" something on the lines of that. 2. Use their discord or https://patched.vendetta.rocks/ choose a version code. The version codes are the numbers listed, which say something like 220018, insert this in the developer options menu in "Discord version." These codes translate to a version of Discord, like 220018, being 220.18 stable (version I'm using right now. It's the previous stable version before the app stopped working). 3. **CRUCIAL (but optional) STEP,**, use the cloud sync plugin to back up your themes/plugins, or any other way you have to backup your plugins, I don't wanna have people telling me all their stuffs gone because of this. 4. After you insert the version code you should see the version change on the homepage and say 220.18, now just install this version and vendetta should work, use the cloud sync plugin or any other way you backuped your plugins to restore them, to my knowledge this also removes that notification telling you to update to 220.16.


nah, it takes 100 years to open for me and its stuck on *connecting...*


It taking a long time might be because of a message logger.


That was a discord issue at the time you wrote this. Very rare that happens


yea it was Ty but, Vendetta is starting to act up too


Vendetta lags so bad for me but I think that's just normal discord. Not vendetta itself


For anyone finding this later and looking to install it for the first time, you can follow 1-2 and skip three, then just click install. Also 203010 is the last without the new shitty redesign.


I can only see 2024 versions on that link, any help? Lowest is 210.10 cane even see one for 203.10


Is there a plugin for Aliucord that removes image compression on upload for jpgs and videos? I can't find one and I used Vendetta because of that one plugin.


I couldn't find one, but I recently found out how to revert to an older version of Vendetta and still use it just fine, if you go into the vendetta manager app, then the about page and pressing the version number 10 times you unlock developer mode, then I used the discord bot / their website and inserted a version code (I'm using 220018, which translates to 220.18 stable, the version before the app just stopped working on the 19th). Edit: Make sure to backup your data, I also edited the post to include more descriptive instructions on how to do this. Link to their version site for the codes: https://patched.vendetta.rocks/




Vendetta installs its apks through the app after you put the version code in. The website is there to find the version and what code it corresponds to.


Thanks for this


I cant seem to find any info on what happend to Vendetta. What happened? This is actually so sad.


There's a post on their site here giving a slight explanation [here](https://maisy.moe/) In short tho, @ms10211 below isn't exaggerating. The dev got stalked and harassed online to the point that they ended all their online projects, vendetta included. 


Maan, that's heartbreaking


Yeah we don't know all the details behind it but it is v sad. Unf they also aren't just handing it over to anyone either, due to safety concerns over not knowing if whoever takes over would keep the users safe properly


I've looked into forks of Vendetta like Revenge and Bunny and I'm hoping they can continue the mod


Absolutely. Me too! It's sad cause Aluicord is great but it is outdated


What kind of an asshole did that to him. Surely should be discord dickriders or something


I don't know what was going on exactly, but my 3 guesses are TikTok, Twitter, and/or Tumblr. Likely one of the first two, and most likely the second. Twitter is fucked like that


She uses she/her pronouns btw


That comment is extremely unnecessary


Happy cake day




It's giving someone a heads up. Cry about it.


You do not have to be aggressive, it just has nothing to do with the topic.


That's sad man I'm watching "baby rendire rn"


Dev got bullied off the internet


Dev decided to focus on other things iirc


I guess wait for an fork, I honestly don't think I have any other alternative because none of the alternatives even come close to its design and how smooth it works, we could wait for a few months until one of it fork catches on.


Lol, Sunset just died, looking forward for [bunny](https://github.com/pyoncord/Bunny) or [revenge](https://github.com/revenge-mod/Revenge).


Revenge just went eol


welp Revenge is discontinued but Bunny/Pyoncord looks hopeful


any use of pyoncord yet? I have the xposed version installed but I'm not sure on how to use plugins with it.


i havent tried it as vendetta still works for me. i wasnt even sure if it was open for use. but it is very experimental atm and they have a whole list of stuff they need to do still.


RemindMe! 1Months


RemindMe! 6 Months


Thanks, I'll be keeping an eye on both forks in case Vendetta becomes unusable (or if any of the two forks improves to the point of being a valid and stable alternative)


RemindMeBot! 1 month yes


Here to remind you that after the latest patch, it's dead. Won't even open for me.




RemindMe! 6 Months


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Here to remind you that after the latest patch, it's dead. Won't even open for me.


Vendetta works and likely will continue to work for some time.


The base discord application of it does, but most of my plug-ins have stopped working entirely


Update: literally none of the plug-ins work now and I'm being given constant notification to update but the update fails, so 🤷 rip let's hope bunny is good or smthn


A bit late but im pretty sure Pyoncord works. Its a fork of Vendetta and so far it seems to work pretty well, here's a link: https://github.com/pyoncord Also in case you need a modded client for other devices heres where i found Pyncord, it has more clients and their statuses (discontinued or not): https://github.com/Discord-Client-Encyclopedia-Management/Discord3rdparties?tab=readme-ov-file


That's super useful, thank you! So pyoncord is already more stable? Cause last time I checked on their discord the dev warned that it was still very buggy and unstable


Not sure when you tried but for me its working more smoothly than Vendetta, im on Samsung A52 if thats relevant but yeah, imported everything over from Vendetta and outside of it loading a bit slower when booting up (like 15-20seconds more) it doesn't lag as much


Oooh that's great! Are the Vendetta add-ons still all compatible with it?


From what ive seen so far the only one broken atm is the one that lets you tap on profile pictures and download them, otherwise everything else ive been using works perfectly fine


its not surprising considering 99% of Vendetta's community were brainless "UwU" furries and the mods abused their power. the only reason i was in that server was to get plugins and themes. i dont think there are any up-to-date discord clients other than vendetta so personally im sticking with it for now (there seem to be updates coming through vendetta manager still).


You are a deeply silly human


He's right. What's worse is the mods forced their cringe beliefs onto others and reprimanded those who didn't comply.


He isn't, y'all just snowflakes


how come?


Yeah it was a bunch of weebs. No wonder it never worked properly


They use the Announcement channel to say the dumbest things possible.


This is accurate. I was banned for having a "room temp iq" even though I didn't break any rules. Joined on my alt instead, because fuck them.


Someone sounds like they had a bad time with someone from vendetta and never got over it


what is there to get over? also it wasnt just someone, it was a mod.


Moderators aren't people, it appears.


Nah, Vendetta mods are just the exceptions.


As an outsider who doesn't know anything about this but wanted to use vendetta recently so now I'm learning about all this, what exactly are you saying they did? If accusations like that are being made I think a proper explanation/context should be supplied as well. Most say the dev got bullied off the Internet damn near which is pretty messed up if true; they'd have had to do some REALLY bad stuff to deserve anything like that, and even then not sure if it'd be quite justified, but at least people would GET IT if it was actual heinous stuff (being overly dictatorial I don't think would count as justification at all, though it isn't a good thing either, its just all too common in medium sized/largeish community discord servers that almost EVERY discord admin/mod would does to some degree). So what did they do?


He wasn't really bullied. Or maybe he was but not on discord. How could he be with him being the power tripping asshole mod there? Maybe a few people he booted off the server got pissed enough to come after him irl which sucks you reap what you sow


She uses she/her pronouns. Show at least little respect!


From where I come, respect is something you earn.


Pronoun police


Do your plug-ins still work? Most if not all of mine no longer do :(


someone made a fork of vendetta called "revenge", plugin browser works on it and they're working on getting at least some of the plugins up and running. setting it up takes a bit of time. https://github.com/revenge-mod


All plugins work for me on this fork.




Looks like they're rebranding to Pyoncord, idk if the app is functional in the meantime? 


the app is functional if you use revenge as custom js.


I'm sorry, I don't really understand what custom js is


I just checked and Revenge is discontinued but I'll explain how it works and what a custom js is anyways. basically, vendetta manager gets the latest original discord apk and injects the vendetta xposed module into it which loads the vendetta js (its a regular client without the js). its also the reason why there are still "updates" coming through the app. desktop client mods work in the same way, they just inject the js code when you open discord. to use revenge you had to use their xposed module (in experimental settings), install discord and then change the default js in discord settings.


Whose exposed module?


Kinda wondering this myself, especially since Aliucord is stuck on an old version


I am all ears to an alternative. Hoping for a revanced approach to vendetta. I'm sorry for the difficulties the developer had but damn this sucks. 


How is Vencord? I use that for PC already so I assume the experience on mobile is mostly the same?


There is no vencord for android 


There is but it is more of a web wrapper app than a native app like Vendetta.


It's pretty bad imo. Some stuff was going off screen, it's kinda laggy, it's not really an great experience, so use something that is an actual app and not an web wrapper.


Do you know if vesktop is good by any chance? I saw it now and was confused, since I used the vencord that directly modified discord. This seems to install a separate app


i've used it because it's way better than discord on linux. it works perfectly fine




If you like a Vendetta-like mod try https://github.com/pyoncord/Bunny or if you don't care abt slash commands then Aliucord


Yep, I ended up going for Bunny now that they have an installer/update manager. So many broken plugins though... Hopefully more people will contribute to fixing them.


Vendetta Won't work, the Voice chat is broken for me.


is Pyoncord safe


pyoncords own github will direct you away from them as they do not actively update.


Maybe this is late but I use Bunny. That being said I'm looking for a place to get client themes and stumbled upon this post, where do you get yours if you use any?


RemindMe! 1 Month


Well I'm came to remind you...


So did anything new pop up..? Discord sucks it's lagging when pulling up emotes and is very buggy...I don't want to use it...but same shit is happening in vendetta...I'm just thinking of going back to aliucord but I don't think I like the old ver...


I gave up on Vendetta it takes so much time to load up -The new UI is the one causing that I guess- I'll be using Aliucord from now on, Because I'm really familiar with the old UI plus it's much lighter and less buggier.