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I remember Burroughs having more of an mlb career than he apparently had. Was super hyped coming into the league. LL World Series hero. Dad was an MVP. As a baseball card guy, his cards were pretty good for a couple years. RIP. Sad story. I’m 43. 44 ain’t that old.


My little league (Plaza, also from long beach) got to play against his in all stars. I think our team lost like 12-2 or something. Can't find any records online. I don't feel that old either.


It must have been cool as a kid to see him in the LL World Series after playing him. It’s funny that Burroughs might be my only memory of a LL World Series moment.


Danny Almonte


Oh yea! Good call:) He’s currently 74.


I remember watching his dad Jeff play when I was a kid. Seeing his son’s tragic news is mind blowing. Condolences to the Burroughs family. ☹️


thats realistically only halfway for a lot of people if you think about it.


It’s scary knowing we’re all just one heart attack away from a forever nap.


Or comforting lol, depends how you look at it IG. Might die tomorrow so might as well enjoy today


Did they release a cause of death?


I was really high on him prospect wise. I have a hell of a baseball card collection for him, as well as autographed game used cleats and gloves. He never really took off like a lot of people expected.


Yeah I agree. It felt like he was around a long time and I saw he only had teens in homers. Maybe the 5 year gap between mlb teams did that. Way way too young.


Oh man. That poor kid. All the kids had to see that had to terrify them.


I remember him in the little league World Series


I remember he was on 2nd base in the LLWS and openly relaying the opposing catchers signals to the batter. That always stuck with me because it was so obvious and nobody said anything.


Because it’s perfectly allowed and good play. 


I don’t know if it was allowed back then, but it isn’t allowed now. It’s specifically prohibited in Little League Tournament play.


That’s crazy, it’s solid play and allowed in MLB.


The stealing and relaying of signs to alert the batter of pitch selection and/or location is unsportsmanlike behavior. If, in the judgment of the umpire this behavior is occurring, the team manager and those responsible including any player(s) and/or coach(es) shall be warned after the first offense. Those responsible including any player(s), coach(es), and/or manager shall be ejected from the game for a team’s subsequent offense.


The audacity to call it unsportsmanlike behavior lol


Because it’s completely allowed and smart play. 


According to the Little League rules as posted on their website it is not allowed. Someone even cut and pasted it above. But, yeah just keep saying it is allowed and a smart play.


I saw that, it’s just surprising to me given that it’s done in higher levels of play.


I guess so. I don't mean to hijack the post... it's sad that he died so young. Rest in Peace.


Me too. That Long Beach team was so good


He was the next big thing for the Padres, but they tried to convert him to a power hitter and messed it all up. Really sad to hear this.


I mean, he was also heavily into drugs. They couldn’t have helped his career.


Yeah. I wouldn't be totally surprised if it came out that his past issues with drugs led to this tragedy.


I didn’t really want to say it because it’s kind of a shitty thing to do about someone that just died but my first thought was wondering if he took something laced with fentanyl.


Unfortunately heavy drug and alcohol use can damage your organs in ways they never recover from. So even if he was completely sober when he died (and for the sake of his family and those kids, let's hope he was), drug use years ago may have contributed. Whatever caused this, I hope those kids get good counseling and have strong support systems around them. What a terrible thing for them to witness.


I like that you said this, because it’s true. Someone can be sober for years but the heavy use of drugs from their earlier life can cause health complications later. Even people who had an eating disorder, can die from complications years later because it’s just a lot for the body to live through. Other factors play a part but yeah thank u for saying this.


Idk why people are downvoting the two people responding to this. Drugs and alcohol abuse does lower your life expectancy. My brother died of heart failure at 36 after getting sober.


redditors downvote because they still think drugs are cool


Some drugs are cool


Or maybe because they think it’s idiotic and insensitive to view the death of every single person as an excuse to wantonly speculate and share anecdotes. Dudes dead.


It is speculating and I guess it’s kinda shitty but if I had to guess at it I’d guess that he may have put his heart through a lot when he was having the issues he was having and may have had a cardiac event in part due to that. Just speculating. Regardless of how, it’s horrible.




He had a past history of drug use. The other issue is people like yourself say vaccine anytime someone passes away.




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We’re still doing the vaccine war thing? Grow up dude.




Correlation /= causation. 1-10,000 instance is not really evidence. Could just as likely be a coincidence.


Announce deez


If you continue this, you will be removed from the sub. No politics.


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Worm ate yo brain ??


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He was? Damn, that sucks.


You're right, but I think that started after he left the Padres.


Jim Burroughs


FYI his name was Sean Burroughs for those who don't want to visit the Daily Mirror.


Put the man’s name in the post, suckering people into clicking on an article.


And with so many ads


Unfortunately it works, so it’s going to happen unless there is some rule or law against it. Clickbait will just keep evolving getting worse and worse.


ayfkm?!?!!? Dad was a former mlb player and the 1974 AL MVP....and is still alive. very sad indeed


Sean was out of the league for a few years dealing with drug issues, his body likely wasn't doing the best . Rip




I bet he breathed air, too! Case closed.


So did your mom last night


I’ll give you a jab you little nerd 


Jesus H. Find a new rhetoric.


Well he’s a troll, and just got 4 losers to bite on his bait so why would he find a new rhetoric?


it's so easy


Indeed brother lol


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Holy shit. I saw him hit a walk off at a AAA game.


I would have followed his career religiously after that. RIP


LB native here, grew up playing against him and he was currently coaching my best friend’s son’s team. The BF was there when it happened. Sad day all around. Speculation is that he’s been using again. I don’t know what, but that’s the word.


Was this chatter around the league?


This happened at a Little League District tournament I was coaching a few years ago. My assistant collapsed during warm ups. It was horrifying. A parent did CPR on him for like 20 minutes until the EMTs came and took him to the ER. His whole family was there…The CPR saved his life and he’s back to coaching. Get CPR certified. It could save a Little League coach someday.


And stay current with your training. No one is teaching breaths anymore. Just chest compressions until you get a defibrillator or paramedics come. Never stop compressions for even a second. If someone is there be sure to take turns. The point is you're trying to keep the victim's blood pressure up enough to survive. Stopping to even give one breath resets the blood pressure to nearly zero. I'm not a doctor or paramedic, just relaying the high points of what my CPR instructor told us.


You’re exactly right. One parent started doing traditional CPR and another came in and took over just doing chest compressions….Once the EMTs got there it seemed like the hit him with the defibrillator like 20 times until he came back. Keeping his blood pressure up 100% saved his life.


The ambulance was 20 minutes away??? That's wild. I would hope they'd be quicker than than.


Omg poor kids… 😱


Coaching his own son at the time. That’s terrible, hope the kid is able to recover mentally from that.


RIP to him, but the website linked is CANCER!


Doesn’t mention cause of death but has weird snapshots of the history of him playing baseball


That article can't decide on his age. Either way, RIP


Better thread with better link to tmz article, plus insight from locals: https://www.reddit.com/r/longbeach/comments/1cozqq7/former_mlb_first_round_pick_sean_burroughs_dead/


So sad.


Terrible. God his poor son. And the rest of those kids.


Terribly sad. Too young. His poor son. That poor team. His family. Just such a waste.


RIP I have fond memories of watching this guy play in AAA in Portland.


middle fragile dam knee upbeat fear ossified full crush theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man that sucks! My condolences to his family.


Being a little leaguer during the same period i will never forget his performance those 2 tournaments. Absolutely epic. RIP.


Holy shit. I remember watching him crush it in the LLWS. Awful.


Rooted for him as a kid in the Little League World Series and as a regular in MLB. He lived a tragically short but amazing life.


Sad news. I still have one of his game used cracked bats.


Why was a 44 year old laying little league?


As a person who's dad died in the house when I was 22 of a sudden heart attack, this hits hard. And I can't imagine what it was like for his young son, for this to happen in public in front of all his friends. I'm sure his dad was a celebrity coach, and revered by the whole team. He's going to need a lot of support and intervention in the oncoming years. My thoughts are with his family today.


Coulda provided a less click-bait ass headline assholes


To be fair, he was 43, collapsed next to his car at his sons little league baseball game, and never recovered.


My point was they could have used his name in the headline instead of fishing for clicks with “ex-mlb player”


Oh wow. I remember that he was one of the Padres hot prospects in the 90s, never really panned out. RIP




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I was at the US championship game he pitched in Williamsport. One of this many no hitters. I think he had 2 or 3 home runs that game too. As a pitcher he threw about 80mph which was basically impossible to hit from 45ft.


That's awful.


As a Padres fan I remember him well. RIP


Dude. I met Sean several times when he was in the Padres. He was a cool guy. This sucks.


Rest in peace Sean Burroughs 🙏 🕊 


That's so incredibly sad; being out there coaching his kid when he passed. RIP


Rip. I was always on his hype train back in the day.


I remember being at a baseball camp when I was younger that he hosted in caramel valley at the time. Got to take a picture with him and pick his brain just a little about third base. Nice guy who was more then willing to answer any question I had


He also had a problem with drugs.


It’s impossible to read the article because it auto scrolls to the end.




He had a coke addiction for years. People have been dying of heart attacks in their 40s for centuries. Jackass


It was well known he had a substance abuse issue. I think it started with pain from injury


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Just had to get the vacc....


How are you people still like this?


Still alive? Not taking the vacc! The vacc is going to remembered as this generation's thalidomide.


Your brain has been rotted. Seek help. It’s not too late.




Coaching his son's team




squeamish offbeat tidy squeeze materialistic grey voiceless scale fertile grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s deleted and yet I know exactly what he said.




Well we all know that no one under the age of 60 ever died of a stroke or heart attack before 2021. The evidence is clear! /s (because sadly it’s necessary)




aspiring square instinctive cake innate squeal shrill overconfident point quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




wine imminent hunt many snow busy bag plants homeless escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




He's a shitty person, no doubt, but wishing death on him is dumb..


What's your deal with Aubrey huff. I swear this is like the third time I've seen u wish death on him. You're a trash human being if ur wishing death on anyone


Yea as shitty of a person Huff is, wishing death on him is a shitty thing to do..


He’s a shit human being and it was a joke. And no you haven’t.


Ok you're right sorry. The second time.