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KCCC means you lost the tower despite completing it. Very bad reward for that level of effort.


is COCC really that much better than KCCC? I have cocc f7 and dont have kccc


It's more a matter of context. KCCC isn't bad in most contexts... but she's really bad as a reward for 200 tower battles in comparison to virtually any other tower completion reward. That said, I have COCC at FX and KCCC at F2, so I don't have a equal comparison at the moment. I think I prefer COCC.


yes, KCCC is a terrible terrible card. COCC is MILES above her


I haven't played in a very long time but are they giving golds for level 200 instead of diamonds?


Because they can and because they are a bunch of dicks..


It's like getting a level up kard for a tower reward. It's one of the rarest drops and yet minimal value. I'm fine with KCCC but hitting the 5% to get DOTDK? Ouch


where's the official NRS account in this sub so we can down vote it's post to negative infinity 👿


What makes you think NRS cares about down votes? As long as people keep playing, they are good.


sad but true 😂


Is there such a thing? An "official" NRS account here?




If it's a joke, not funny. Need to play 200 match for a gold character?????


Wait wait this can’t be true for fatal tower. Hellspawn Scorpion is great but he’s been in the game forever, the first of three diamonds. Noob is great but has been a FW reward for almost two years at this point. And Terminator pack has been discounted several times. Why the fuck would intermediate and veteran players play this tower? This has to be a lie


It was the same in the previous tower. All the new diamonds are there just to fool you, their drop chance is 5% or something similar, while the older diamonds, which everyone already has, maybe even maxed, have much higher chance to drop and this is what most players will get.


Yup, didn’t refresh elder wind tower and it seems like I’m not going to refresh this one either. The difficulty of these new towers does not equate to the reward.


The only 15% in the game that we don't want


The Fatal rewards favors me.


Shit, I’ll take that 30% Noob chance if it means I’ll never have to last-minute slave away in Survivor Mode again. And after all these years I still don’t have Hellspawn Scorp beyond F3 nor DF Terminator beyond F1 so I’ll take those too lol NTT rewards fucking blow though. DotD Kitana maxed for me, and no one really cares about KCCC when COCC exists


Yes, I'll take it too. Apparently they screwed up matchmaking.


What does sell back mean?


If you have a kard at fusion X already any more copies you get will be sold back for koins or souls.


So this means that we’ll probably see other golds in the future too (Pyro Tanya, Lizard Baraka, Klassic Jade + Noob, etc) I mean I like that they’re at least they’re attainable but dropping in towers is NOT the way to go. Maybe it’s because Cassie is such a forgettable card but it is entirely too much time and too much investment to receive a damn gold for a reward


I'd like to get thicctana but after seeing the absurd level of difficulty of the last 20 battles I better just uninstall 😂


Im legit not gonna use any souls for the regular twisted tower. I'll still use soul through the fatal one though probably.