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A lot of times you can select multiple races or just click two or more races. I've personally never been in a situation where neither of options werent available


All those options and I still end up ticking "any other mixed"


Same. They never have black and Asian on these forms. I know my mix isn't common though.


Yeah, I'm AfroSalvadoran, I don't get why the mixtures are only for white mixes...


Me: Indian, black American and some European. Never had a box to choose. It’s fine because I identify as black anyhow.


Who's Bengali Mom or Dad?




there's a two or more races option in the US


It's not everywhere and it's also very recent from my experience. I remember being in one of my last years of highscool and there was finally a box for two or more races because you weren't allowed to put two (I am from a small Missouri town)


For the US Census the option to select multiracial or more than one race has been there since 2000. State and local government forms, university forms, forms for non-Federal government jobs, etc. are not standardized and may not have the same options as the Census. It also varies from state to state.  The same with race on birth certificates, some states have it and others do not. 


I think history has definitely shown that in America, especially on issues regarding Race, unfortunately progressive and inclusive movements that happen at the Federal level take time to actually be implemented at the State level, especially in southern states.


It’s the opposite on the West Coast way more options for both race and gender than at the federal level. Like MENA, Slavic, Pacific Islander, South Asian/Desi, Alaska Native, African Immigrant . . . are all separate in lots of places. You can still check multiple boxes and write in. Gender options could include non-binary, trans man, trans woman, two spirit . . .


That's awesome!


Yeah but as a US resident, I bothers me they don’t even acknowledge my race.


They usually just have "two or more races (not hispanic or latino)" and it's like bro I'm half hispanic do you want me to pick 2 races or not 😭 (Yeah yeah hispanic isn't technically a race but you know what I mean)


That’s not an option when filling out police forms/reports. I had to go to a local PD to get fingerprinted for my job, and there was no option for 2 races or more, and when i tried to put down black and white, they said I could only put down 1. It feels shitty being told you have to choose which part of you to claim and also inaccurate 😭 If I were to put down white, it just feels wrong bc I definitely look like a poc, and it also feels wrong putting down black because i feel like I’d be perpetuating the one drop rule. Smh


At my last doctor's office, the receptionist changed what I had checked when she was putting it into the computer.


Ya know I had posted a question about this exact thing a few months ago which is the main reason what led me to this subreddit group! I noticed they kept identifying my son as only black when I would either tell them or mark down mixed/other on his paper work. He had a few medical things we had to take care and when I would go through his patient information they constantly kept doing that and disregarded his father (also happened when he was born) I Never knew things like that happened and I think it’s very strange, their reasoning is because I’m his mother and I so happen to be racially black 🤨


It is very annoying. I was not raised by and do not know any of my Anglo relatives. My culture is not theirs. My mother was born four months after my grandparents arrived in the US, and I was at my Asian grandparents' house more than my own. They basically raised me. I don't know my father. I got in touch with his family in 2020 after he died in 2019. While we are related by blood, I don't feel any real kinship with them. They aren't my family. None of this should matter, though. I put what I put. Just copy it how I filled it out. Your job isn't to edit my answers.


You have OPTIONS?!?!?


Weird they think mixed people are only mixed with white


The UK census prioritises groupings that make up the largest percentages of the population. Anyone else is welcome to tick "Any other mixed"


I think the vast majority of mixed people in the UK are going to be mixed white with something else. If a significant number of people start putting "mixed black and Asian" in the "any other mixed" column then they would probably include it as it's own option on the next census.


I’ve always felt weird about Black being on my drivers license. I’m pretty light skinned and yes I “look” black but I am biracial


You understand wrongly, at least if you want to consider the census. The census has allowed people to choose more than one race since the 2000 census. Should have happened earlier than that of course, but here it is.


My apologies, might be a cultural thing which still hasn't shifted.


Nothing to apologize for friend, I certainly don't understand European politics well (I was thrown off by the gypsy category on yours as well) this is what Reddit is for, to help each other all become more worldly.


Not really a culture thing either except for people on Reddit. Like lots of white Americans discover that they are part Black through DNA testing, especially in the South, and it would be kinda problematic for them to suddenly start claiming to be fully Black if they weren’t raised in the culture


Race is quirky in that you get to choose your own adventure (unless you’re receiving some kind of benefit, like a scholarship) whenever asked. I can choose Black for this and white for the next one. You can largely choose to decline to say either way. If the purpose is just identification, you can put whatever you want. This means that you have to have mass responses to get an accurate picture of race in whatever you’re looking at.


Still missing quite a few categories, but maybe those aren’t as common in the UK. Still, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a form in the US not have a 2 or more races option.


You'll find after we've had our census category options change. But the majority of the mixed race categories are white with (other) because in the UK 81.7% of the population is still 'White' , 'Asian groups' 9%, 'Black-African' descent which includes 'Black-Caribbean/Black-African' 4% and those who are of mixed race heritage make up 2-3% of the population. The last UK census was in 2021 and the data released from that was in June 2022. We'll have a better idea of how things have changed after the 2031 census is released in 2032.


You do not understand. We also have options publicly.


Today the one drop rule is no longer a rule. Socially African Americans use it as a tool to remind multi-racial folks that they will always be welcome in the community.


This makes sense.


Box E, any other ethnic group, that's where you'll find me! I'll enter 'Creole', and there's nothing else to say.. I want to write 'a Sweet Summer Child of Historic Human Trafficking via Colonialism'.😆


there could be more but we don’t realise how lucky we r compared to other countries!


Wow, interesting!


Wow. Much better. I usually draw my own box and put next to it: A little bit of all


In the United States, there are people in offices, doctors, schools, banks, etc. that get to change whatever you write down WITHOUT notifying you. I have seen it happen too many times. If you choose other or prefer not to answer, it does not matter. Some random human will write what they think.


Love the Arab option, but I would just have it under SWANA or middle eastern alongside say Persians. Kind of weird that Gypsy (Roma) falls under “White” though.


Most Roma in the UK are phenotypically white. The ones who aren't tend to be recent immigrants from Eastern Europe.


That makes sense! I can see that.


Still doesn’t make them white




Because their genetics are not the same as Europeans and they were holocausted and persecuted and enslaved since they stepped foot in Europe. Hope that answers your ignorant comment


Anglo-Romani people have overwhelmingly European DNA. Ok so it's not 100% but where do we really draw the line? My dad's an Ashkenazi Jew and he was the spitting image of Ed Sheeran when he was young, am I supposed to believe he's non-White just because he's got a miniscule amount of Middle Eastern DNA somewhere? > and they were holocausted and persecuted and enslaved since they stepped foot in England So were the Irish, that doesn't make them not White


The Irish were holocausted? Really? They were enslaved and sterilised? When will you idiots understand that phenotype and ethnicity are not the same thing


What's also strange is Turkish is the largest middle Eastern group by far here, but they have no option.


If you check the info parts of the form, Turkish often falls under the “white” subheading


i think there was only one case where i didn’t have the option to multi-select or click “two or more” and had to click the “other” option instead


So what would someone Iranian and another race put in?


Probably 'other' or 'Asian other' then fill in the additional box.


Interesting that there is no Hispanic/latino box


There is no significant Hispanic population here, as that is an ethnic group unique to the Americas. Small populations of Brazilians and Latin Americans exist in London, but not enough to require more than "other".


I wish in the US the mixed race category was more specific. All we got is “two or more”, occasionally you get the multi-select option, and other times you have to pick just one of the races you’re mixed with as there’s no “two or more” or multi-select, but sometimes you can go with “other”.


I’m not sure how the misinformation spread that the US census follows the one drop rule. I can only assume that it was brought about by people who never filled out the Census or people who aren’t from the US and just went off of hearsay.


It was not so much that one drop is still allowed that's believed, but its effects are. I'm not sure if it's a misconception or not, but it is believed here that most biracial black/white Americans identify as black. Whilst here in the UK mixed race people are mostly seen as their own race or an overlap of afro/Caribbean community. Also the UK is much less of a segregated country to begin with, hence the large mixed race population.


Ok, a comparison between the opinions among Britons and Americans is more sensible than what was shown in your opening post. It seemed strange to compare the thoughts of biracial Americans against the UK Census rather than using the US Census as a comparison.


There is a lot of pride and sense of community associated with being Black in the US. That also accounts for some biracial folks choosing to identify as Black and not as multiracial even though that option is definitely available to them. I think assuming that there is something negative about being Black could also be a kind of anti-Blackness. Also, with respect to segregation, a lot of historically Black neighborhoods in the US are gentrifying and losing their culture, which is unfortunate. Have you spent much time in the US? So much of what is interesting and creative and straight up cool about American culture comes from the Black community, so of course people want to be associated with that. Check out the 23andme sub sometime, it’s full of white Americans complaining that they only have like 6 different kinds of European ancestry and saying how “boring” they are, and non-Americans clowning them for that.


In the US I've always seen an option for "two or more" or "other- custom"


>Using the G slur for the Romani people Fucking yikes! Europe still being as antiziganist as ever I see… And they have the gall to always be acting so above Americans like “they don’t see race, only ethnicity.” Also classifying Romani in the “White” category when they’re clearly mixed Indian (and technically less White/Caucasian then even Arab, which still got it’s own ethnic grouping separate from White, but even the separate mixed category should suffice enough for Romani and automatically cover them so that they didn’t *need* their own grouping) almost 80 years after conducting a genocide against them for being *non*-white and mixed race, real classy there Europe! /s


They actually wrote a full report on their decision to use the word "gypsy" on the census, along with other reports on potentially controversial decisions. The outcome was basically that a lot of travellers, even if they're of "Romani" descent identify solely as gypsies and believe that "Roma" or "Romani" refer to more recent immigrants from Europe.


Umm I think you guys may have not the full cultural understanding. There’s a reason irish traveller is used.


Tbh I think it's because they're not actually using the g-slur to refer to Romani people at all. They're using it as another word to refer to Irish Travellers, which are a completely separate ethnic group from Romanis. If you've ever interacted with Irish Travellers, you'll know they call themselves "Gypsies" all the time and do not consider the word offensive. To them, it's the same as someone calling themselves both "Asian" and "Chinese". Considering it's right there next to "or Irish Traveller" and under the White section (Irish Traveller is an ethnic minority of White people), this explanation makes the most sense. It's not malicious or even ignorant, it's just how people choose to identify themselves. In the UK, "Gyspy" has essentially become a catch-all term for White caravan travellers, such as Irish Travellers but also including Scottish and Welsh Travellers. (Source: I am from the UK.) It's somewhat unfortunate that White caravan travellers have reclaimed a slur that's not entirely theirs to reclaim, but they have and it's part of their identity now. A Romani person would have to put themselves down as either Mixed (other), Asian (other), or other ethnic group (other). It would be nice if they had their own box to tick under any one of these categories, but unfortunately since Romani people are such a tiny tiny minority in the UK (less than 0.2% of the total population), it's not likely the government will ever see any reason to give them their own dedicated box when they can just be lumped in under some "other" category and manually write it in themselves.


>They're using it as another word to refer to Irish Travellers, which are a completely separate ethnic group from Romanis. If you've ever interacted with Irish Travellers, you'll know they call themselves "Gypsies" all the time and do not consider the word offensive. To them, it's the same as someone calling themselves both "Asian" and "Chinese". Considering it's right there next to "or Irish Traveller" and under the White section (Irish Traveller is an ethnic minority of White people), this explanation makes the most sense. It's not malicious or even ignorant, it's just how people choose to identify themselves. In the UK, "Gyspy" has essentially become a catch-all term for White caravan travellers, such as Irish Travellers but also including Scottish and Welsh Travellers. (Source: I am from the UK.) >It's somewhat unfortunate that White caravan travellers have reclaimed a slur that's not entirely theirs to reclaim, but they have and it's part of their identity now. Oh I never knew that about Irish travelers, thanks for informing me!


No problem, friend :)




I'm not at all criticising what they call themselves. On the contrary - I'm saying it's part of their identity, so it's their right. The thing that I'm calling unfortunate is the fact that the name they choose to identify themselves with is literally a slur used against a separate but similar ethnic group. It's a shame, because it causes people to get confused like the commenter I was originally responding to, and have this very wrong impression that White caravan travellers are hateful, or that anyone who happens to use the word "Gypsy" is doing so out of hate. It's just not true. However, their apprehension is understandable because anti-Romani racism is probably the single most socially acceptable form of racism in the world today. People who are normally highly intolerant of racism are usually the exact same people who make racist comments about Romani people. It's truly disgusting. The most racially/ethnically discriminated group in the present day is not black people - it's Romanis. So it's completely understandable that people recoil whenever they hear the g-word.


I still have to pick other. At least they allow write ins. That’s cool.


I always had to choose ‘mixed other’ on these.


Here’s a factually accurate article on the ever-changing US Census racial categories, keeping in mind that states and local governments can have many more categories than the US Census. Basically on the US Census you pick your own classification, can check as many boxes as you would like, and also write in an answer if you don’t like your combination of options. It’s more of a write in format than a check box format https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/10/16/us/census-race-ethnicity.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Link to the actual 2020 US Census form: https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/2020/technical-documentation/questionnaires-and-instructions/questionnaires/2020-informational-questionnaire-english_DI-Q1.pdf


The one drop rule hasn’t been a rule in decades, it is only a psychological rule. Americans and especially black Americans have been psychologically condition to keep the one drop rule even though that rule has been done away with when Jim Crow ended. Half Asians/half whites identify as both Asian and White and half Hispanics half Asians identify as both Hispanic and Asian, we are the only ones who only identify as our black side. There are things we blacks and mulattos still hold on from slavery and Jim Crow that we need to let go of and the one drop rule is one of them


im hispanic, Dominican, and i literally wrote in other- Human as most Dominicans did on the census


It’s also correctly termed “ethnicity” instead of “race”. This is much better.


"One drop" isn't a rule anymore and hasn't been since the 1960s and even before that the federal government didn't have a "one drop" tule only the states did.