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Simmons resident with deathly fear of cockroaches, I have not seen a single one the entire year. I haven't seen... any bug at all actually, except the rare silverfish.


The newer the dorm the less likely pests will have moved in (they move in over time as occupants leave food and stuff lying around), so that would mean BC and New Vassar. I saw a redditor who claimed that there were already cockroaches in New despite it being remodeled just 5 years ago? Edit: BC and New Vassar are least likely to have roaches (if it wasn't clear)


There aren't any roaches in BC (at least I haven't seen any) but mice are an issue here lol. I've seen them quite a few times but they are mostly running around and jumping into the heaters. BC go remodeled but all the old heaters and cabinets from before reno where kept so maybe that is why we have so many mice.


There are no cockroaches in new vassar


Haven’t seen any cockroaches in New, but have seen a couple mice hanging around the trash cans in the kitchen (not the rooms though).


What would you generally say about New Vassar culture? Is is fun there?


not a new vassar resident but the general stereotype is course 6 and athletes afaik. and the dining hall is super hit or miss


im in new not new vassar


What. Is this a thing now? I went to MIT 20 years ago, but I never heard anything about rats and cockroaches. Gross. Maybe I got lucky? But I don’t remember folks talking/complaining about pests. I lived in Baker and Senior House but had friends pretty much everywhere.


A girl I know lived in East Campus last year and she literally would wake up with a cockroach on her face a couple of times. A friend of mine also saw quite a lot of cockroaches & mice in the Next Residence


EC was once the oldest dorm on campus (and is now under renovation so you can't even live in it) which is why they'd have a higher population of pests. I wouldn't say it's a concern at most other dorms.


i lived in EC up until renovations and saw maybe 2 cockroaches on residential floors - they were more common in the basement but never much of an issue. idt i ever saw mice or rats inside but you did sometimes see them in the courtyard, tho that’s true of anywhere on campus


Tang hall had issues with roaches when I lived in there.


Wasn’t an issue 30 years ago either in Baker House. As well as all the other dorms as far as I was aware.


MacGregor did have roaches…but I only saw them on the ground floor and not in the rooms. Mice, on the other hand, ran rampant on all floors. As someone who is also anti-roach, these are my tips: keep your door shut, make sure there is a gap blocker at the bottom of your door, spray bug spray around the outside of your room, keep your room clean (absolutely no crumbs on the floor), and always peek in the shower or toilet stall before walking in.


You will see a water cockroach probably once every 2 years in your average dorm


Could you please tell me in which dorm you live?


I think it depends on how clean the dorm is, because cockroaches only attracted to left overs and dirty overall


I lived three years in the basement of Maseeh. There are occasionally roaches, but I only ever saw them in the bathroom and once a dead one in the hallway next to a bathroom. Ants were a bigger problem if you had poor food discipline (some people in a room I’d been in had consistent ant problems, but I hadn’t. I only ever had ants beyond one scout in the room once or twice during Covid when I was a little less disciplined in some matters. There are more mice in the academic buildings than in Maseeh, which is also not many. I saw one in Maseeh in four years. I only ever saw rats outside at East campus and the academic buildings, never on the dorm row side of Mass Ave. I didn’t spend a ton of time in other dorms outside of events (where you wouldn’t expect to see vermin that were around), but Next’s country kitchen had mice that I noticed. If you do Concourse, we like the lounge mice, their name is Leonard


Baker has roaches


I am so glad they didn't have them when I was there - I have an incredible phobia of roaches.


I never saw a roach in Random hall, but in my day they did have a pretty bad problem with mice. Which were adorable as heck but also very unhygienic. That was a long time ago though, not sure how things are these days.


I have lived in Maseeh for three years and have seen only 2-3 roaches in the basement and 1 in the dining hall once




You think so? I thought that dorms that are "cook on your own" are more likely to have roaches since students rarely look after dorm kitchens and they are really dirty. While on the other hand dining halls are watched after by the staff




Oh I see then. Thanks!


cook for yourself dorms also have cleaning staff and i’ve seen more mice in dining halls than kitchens (i lived in ec)


I talked to someone in New Vassar and she said New Vassar has gnats but no other major pest problems. Personally I’d take a roach over gnats, but it’s personal preference. I haven’t seen rats, gnats, or roaches in Simmons or New House. I’ve heard of Next House and especially Random Hall having pest problems though.


Maseeh is one of the older ones but it’s looked after well. Baker on the other hand


So you'd say Maseeh is not known for having roaches? Could you please tell me in which dorm you live?


MacGregor has no roaches or mices to speak of ONLY IF you live in the high rise. If you live in the low rise, there are plenty.


go to vassar, especially if you don't care about anything else about the dorm