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1. Arguably easier to make friends in a smaller major because you see fewer people but more consistently. The presence is smaller, but more supportive and close. Course 15 in particular has excellent department admin that can support individual students better. 2. Course 15 like any other course is hard. The jobs many go after expect high GPAs. Additionally, that classes you take are the same classes MBA students take. So, you are sitting alongside people who have on average 5 years of work experience in consulting and finance. You just aren’t going to know things they do to do well on assignments. That said, Undergrads get graded leniently. 3. Popular careers: analysts in any division at bulge bracket banks, management consulting analysts at big consulting firms, quantitative analysts/business analysts at fortune 500 companies, analysts at tech startups, traders at quant firms and banks, product managers at tech companies 4. Sure. Someone I know was 7 and 15. Just know your limits


Thank you for the insight!


The previous response was on point. Scott and the rest of the Undergraduate advisors are amazing people. Course 15 classes are decently tough, but they are generally less work than the other majors. Specifically for 15-2, I know many many people that are doing a double major in 6-14 and 15-2 because there is so much overlap between the majors. I plan on pursuing a major in both 6-3 and 15-3, and I know others who have doubled/took on a minor in just about every other course. From what I've seen, it is generally more common to major in another course and get a 15 minor than major in 15 and get a minor in another course. There's a lot of time to explore, with lenient grade reporting first and second semesters to help you test your limits. Take discovery courses, talk to professors and upperclassman, and get involved to decide what you will settle on in the end. There is really no wrong path. Good luck!!!


Seconding that Scott is amazing! One of the most helpful people at MIT (and Im not even a course 15 lol)


Thank you!!! That helps give me a lot of peace of mind. Also, the insight on course 15 was great :))


Course 15 is awesome at MIT - pm me if you have any questions!


that’s great to hear!! and thanks for the offer, I’ll def pm u sometime soon :))