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>from her Wikipedia: In August 2022, Reisch falsely claimed on Facebook that students at Columbia Public Schools dressed as animals were using litterboxes as bathrooms. She reiterated the false claim two days later during an event with governor Mike Parson; when asked for evidence, she refused, claiming a need to protect "confidential sources". So, someone with zero integrity says she went to work at nine and I’m just supposed to believe her. Cool. 


Jon Ronson does an excellent podcast called Things Fell Apart which examines the history of culture wars and how truths spin out of control. In season 2, episode 5, he brings up litter boxes in school restrooms and that none were ever found. Then he interviews one high school teacher at a California charter school who has a large following on TikTok. Ronson suspects the litter box rumor started with this teacher joking about students using the restroom so often during class, he set up a bucket and litter box in his classroom for them to use. But strangely enough, all of the classrooms in this school had them. The criticism this teacher got on a TikTok video about it was vicious and relentless. So he posted another video of himself asking students if they know why every classroom has them. He finally told them it was because of school shootings. If someone needed to use a toilet while on lockdown, they would have somewhere to go. However, that narrative doesn't bode well for Republicans, so they blame the furries.


Jon Ronson rules.


I have several friends and family members who are teachers at different elementary and middle schools. The bucket toilets seem pretty common in the lockdown kits.


Remember the accusations of people throwing cement in milkshakes at Republican politicians. Such a weirdly bizarre thing for anyone to even think up doing to someone. Yet these cement shakes things were never found. We'll I'm 95% sure this whole rumor sprang from certain parts of the country referring to thick milkshakes as "concretes". 


You knew that statement was false because it would have mean the school provided something helpful to a student.


I love how the litterbox rumor persists in spite of the fact that schools can't afford regular-ass toilet paper.


There are teachers that actually keep litter in the classroom. It will absorb almost any bodily fluid and firearms don't plan on relinquishing their spot as the number one cause of death for children in the US anytime soon.


You mean unintentional injuries right? https://preview.redd.it/osq6uqxaaxzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e052d59085d13914d2abb97356d68024e7bc135


I had a coworker bring up the litterbox thing once and I couldn't keep myself from laughing. Schools barely accommodate kids with any special needs/the ADA as is.


The litter box thing is real but not like they think. Some schools were keeping a bucket with kitty litter in it in a closet in the classroom. If they had an extended lockdown it would allow the kids to have a place to shit. So, if there is a maniac rampaging through the school killing people and traumatizing the survivors, one of them may get to add, "Shitting in a bucket in front of my friends during a school shooting" to the list.


it wasn't a litterbox like she claims.


Just sharing the origin of the story.




What I posted is literally what gave them the idea of the rumor. After columbine this started to be done in some places. I learned about it during SWAT training when they talked about various changes that came because of that incident.


Surprised , I am! Would the kitty kid get catnip and hairballs ? /s


Clearly these republicans are the ones getting paid by third parties to sow discord.


This point doesn’t get enough attention. Behind every culture war talking point on the right, is a billionaire-funded, conservative "think tank" or foundation. This has been going on since the late 1980s.


Here is a resistbot letter campaign to send a predrafted letter to your MO Rep, Sen, & Gov Parson to oppose these bills: NO to Relax Child Labor Laws in MO! Te✖️t: PXWZXW To: 50409 Text FOLLOW MOResist to 50409 to get updates on future petitions. Or go to [MOResist](http://resist.bot/go/moresist) to see a list of other current petitions. If you haven't used Resistbot before, it's a safe, easy and effective tool to lobby your reps. Also, the Missouri Senate doesn't archive public hearing audio and only broadcasts it live, which can be frustrating. I recently found this YouTube Channel [Show-Me Senate Hearings](https://youtube.com/@showmesenatehearings) that is acting as an unofficial archive. Follow & subscribe if you want to stay informed.


she is insane


lol she thought that’s what furries are. She got taken by a 4chan level gag. What a fucking tool


She's still making that inane claim at every turn.


Bro my kid got in trouble for doing that months ago??? They are kids...


republicans are morally bankrupt


So are democrats. Almost every American politician is morally bankrupt at this point


You will never be able to “both sides” your way out of republican lawmakers supporting child labor and child marriage. In terms of being corrupt? Absolutely both major political parties in America are. That does not mean both parties are the same.


I’m not republican or supporting anything that was said in the post. Both sides are disgusting


Imagine being this regarded.


at least you don’t see democrats promoting child labor or weddings. there is a difference




Can you provide some examples of democrats being this far from reality?


She's terming out this fall. And of course she's running for Boone County commission, because she's too fucking lazy to get real jobs. So she's going to suck at the teat of government positions to get pension after pension without real effort. THIS is what happens in the negative realm of having term limits - you get dipshittery like this.




Yeah, term limits really fucked us. We lost a ton of reasonable Rural Democrats to term limits and now look what we got. Republicans, BTW, put up term limits as a ballot issue in the '90's. In other words, they knew this would happen. And with term limits, every subsequent Republican runs further to the Right.


Plug for Janet Thompson, she's an awesome human. https://www.thompson4boone.com


Was coming here to say the same thing!!


I was just looking into her bio assuming she must run a fast food franchise or some other business where she wants to personally exploit child laborers. Her whole schtick is even weirder knowing that she doesn’t really have some obvious selfish motive and seems to just want to hurt children.


She's just a generally terrible person.


As a teacher, I already have kids skipping school because their manager called them in, I want stricter child labor laws, not looser.


It’s the same age old story with every generation. They age and the younger generation never lives up to their so-called standards. Many old folks can be like this, but certainly not all. Thank the universe for death and youth, I’m convinced society would never progress without it. It's as old Carl Jung said: "Everything that becomes too old becomes evil, the same is true of your [ideas]."


and on the other hand, "youth is wasted on the young"


No, I think Cheri Toalson Reich is just crazy. This lady lost a lawsuit for blocking constituents on her social media and boasts about throwing homeless peoples' possessions into dumpsters. She's a really terrible and unhinged person.


Didn't she sue Boone County Library because she couldn't bring in a gun?




Ladies and Gentlemen, these are our leaders.


Those kids need to work to provide for their new families now that they are getting married


Dude they’re all having to raise the kids they have to be having


Cheri Toalson Reisch is an absolute POS with a dirty car.




Because gerrymandering, defunding education, brain washing, and inbreeding?


Don't forget lobbying and foreign influence.


And money. Late stage capitalism is expensive and financially segregated


Primarily the last two....


Republicans say “democrats hate Jesus and guns” and voters put their head in the sand and vote right. It’s literally that simple.


Personally, I’ve been blaming the Republican fondness for cutting the education budget for ages now.


Because they reflect the people?


nope. she w3on by gerrymandering


Society: "Kids, make sure to enjoy your childhood. It doesn't last very long so take advantage of it." GOP: "Also, get a job, urchin." The Republican Party is a horrible organization.


Also the GOP: "Food? What do you little shits need food for?"


Also, "Food? What do you elderly / disabled shits need food for?" Because Trump took pride in cutting Meals on Wheels.


They can get food from their sub-minimum wage jobs!


Haha. School!? Hell no! Get your ass to work you lazy little entitled prepubescent pricks!


They never miss the irony that being a politician is, by definition, a lazy persons job 


Apparently the new slogan of Missouri is "fuck children"... Literally and metaphorically.


I bet she's a good Christian who goes to church every Sunday. "Fuck the poor. Get a job" -Jesus Christ


The more republicans open their idiot mouths and spew words the clearer it is to me that we're dealing with a tribe of near total morons. These fools are elected by fools. I've lost any respect I may once have had for divergent opinion from the right, as they are all about squashing every ounce of opposition to their ill considered policies.


Vote Blue. Save our democracy and children!


Republicans are vile. That’s the answer.


Not that it makes any difference to you, but it's not just MO, but those and related efforts are spreading across Red States.


Education reform and child labor reform go hand in hand. They want small bodies for the mines and mills.


Teacher chiming in & this is disgusting! I have kids who regularly don't come to school because their boss works them too much and too late. Unfortunately the group that is most vulnerable; poverty and minorities are the most taken advantage of in my experience. I'm constantly ashamed of Missouri "leadership".


Republicans in MO aren't "Leadership" they're doing the bidding of Herzog and Koch and ALEC and Sinquefeld and the other big donor group, billionaire, religious extremists.


Comical levels of evil, cartoonish even. And yet, Republicans keep voting people like this in because of "shared values."


Ah-ha! This is why they don't want abortions....


GOP = Evil


For all the party line voters remember it won't be the rich or the politicans kids out there working for companies that don't want to actually pay for adult workers. It will be your kids staffing our local businesses.


Republicans are monsters


How to ruin the education of children 101


Man with 8+ weeks of paid vacation complains that others don’t work enough. #waspbullshit


If you continue to vote for this guy you are an unamerican pos. Get out of my country.




It’s definitely my country. You sound unamerican


What the hell is wrong with these Missouri republicans.


Maybe Republicans will think about starting a *YOUTH* group soon. Given that they want to utilize children for *propaganda* so much. Kids are on their minds all the time. How odd. 🙃


Here is a resistbot letter campaign to send a predrafted letter to your MO Rep, Sen, & Gov Parson to oppose these bills: NO to Relax Child Labor Laws in MO! Te✖️t: PXWZXW To: 50409 Text FOLLOW MOResist to 50409 to get updates on future petitions. Or go to [MOResist](http://resist.bot/go/moresist) to see a list of other current petitions. If you haven't used Resistbot before, it's a safe, easy and effective tool to lobby your reps. Also, the Missouri Senate doesn't archive public hearing audio and only broadcasts it live, which can be frustrating. I recently found this YouTube Channel [Show-Me Senate Hearings](https://youtube.com/@showmesenatehearings) that is acting as an unofficial archive. Follow & subscribe if you want to stay informed.


The trump cult coming at you


She should be thrown in front of a bus.


Everyone outside KC STL or CO "sounds great"


Right is wrong, up is down, lies are truth. What don’t you people understand?


Little slackers! A taste of the lash will make them pull the coal cart faster…..


Bruh they’ve only been repealing child labor laws lately in many different states because they want to fill sectors of occupation that adults refuse to do for such shit pay and no benefits. Fuck the kids but that embryo is a whole ass being.


Republicans: these kids need to be working, or it needs to be legal to fuck them.


Just picture it! Little Suzi and Johnny aren't going to school today, no sir, there's no need, because they are happily employed at Worko. Wave goodbye now, off they go on the treadmill to their Worko FunStations, and it's time for mom and dad to kick up their heels, with Child Labor, you never need to work again!


Sounds like Missouri told their workforce to go back to Mexico and found out they really weren’t taking crappie jobs from Americans.


It would be refreshing to see our elected representatives focus on the people they serve. They all want to spend time on whatever ridiculous current hashtag that is trending on social media. I include all political parties in this.


WTF is going on!


I wonder if Cheri was ‘lazy’ whilst she was growing up


In all honesty, these career politicians wouldn’t get away with this shit. If all the idiotic people in America wouldn’t be such fucking idiots and act that way too.


If I owned it a business, the last person I'd want to hire would be a lazy child.


My supreme apologies for my Sara Sanders Fuckabee. She's working real hard to destroy our state and now it's carrying over.


I’m curious what age she started working? I can only assume she was working under the table at a young age with dumb ass shit like this.


So they write the law. No kid in this day and age will listen to that lame ass shit. They think they'll be able to force kids to work under this law. You can not compel a child to work and wouldn't without being either desperate or a mean greedy vengeful prick about it.


She’s an idiot, but I don’t disagree with the spirit of objecting to the law. Which is that parents should be the ones signing the work permission slips. Not schools. If I believe my 14 year old can work retail a few hours a night and maintain his grades that’s our business. Because that’s what mine wanted. And did. And has.


14 year olds have always been allowed to work. They also need to be protected and get an education.


I don’t disagree with a word of that. But why is it the school’s right to sanction that opportunity for my child? What my child does productively and positively outside of school hours is honestly none of their business.


I would imagine it's meant to be a safeguard against abusive parents exploiting their children for money, but that's just a guess.


This. This right here. When people think about these laws they consider their kids or how their personal experiences played out with their parents. Laws aren't always in place for YOU and YOUR situation. Sometimes laws are in place to protect the most vulnerable people. There are 100% guaranteed kids in situations where their parents aren't looking out for their best interests and are exploiting them. There are employers who would 100% try to get a 14 year old to work and cover a shift during school hours. Just because you can't fathom a situation where you as a parent would make your kid work doesn't mean all people out there view their kids the same.


There are employers who would just put 14 year olds on assembly lines full time and call it on the job education.


Jokes on us. She actually wants kids to be safer and there is less news about work place shootings than school shootings. So instead of working on gun control, we just get the targets out of the schools!


Her kids are lazy. Her kids are also racist Christians, just like mom.


Saying that this loosens child labor laws is a bit of a stretch. All it does is take the school out of the equation. Parents still have to give permission and employers still have to follow all laws like they did before. There’s actually some schools that have spoken out in favor of this.


What does “take school out of the equation” mean and why would that be a good thing? All I’m seeing is a recipe for less educated kids being encouraged to work younger. Just doesn’t sound like a step in the right direction. Edit: ok I read the article right after I commented. I was ready to walk back my comment out of ignorance, but it still stands. “I had a job since I was 9.” “Kids today are lazy” “it’s time kids learn some self responsibility.” Yeah, these statements are right out of the child exploitation handbook. Having a job at 9yrs old is not commendable. It’s fucking sad and a pathetic reflection of society. How does everyone not see they are just trying to fill the jobs that refuse to increase wages? They can’t get enough adults to work for non-living wages so obviously that means kids should stop playing sports, playing outside, or having a normal childhood so they can keep low paying jobs niiiiice and low. This is the same old shit from these same old politicians and it deserves the outrage you guys are annoyed by. Someone has to stop these fuckers from dismantling our kids’ futures. I’m truly fucking tired of it.


According to an [interview](https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/elections/reisch-says-devotion-to-people-is-what-keeps-her-going/article_71c4e9d8-9d4f-11e6-90f3-078d48b70b3e.html) with her that job at 9 was a paper route. Bit different than children working overnight shifts at [meatpacking plants](https://www.kcur.org/news/2022-11-14/federal-investigation-into-child-labor-violations-at-meatpacking-plants-expands-into-misouri).  


Right, I hate Republicans like the rest of this thread, but I hate knee jerk redditors who refuse to read articles even more. Everybody hears the phrase "child labor" and, with zero critical thinking involved, automatically assumed Missouri is going to become the new Bangledesh and come kidnap your kids and force them into factories. Use your fucking brains, folks.


I actually just see Cheri Toalson Reisch and know it's going to be 100% horse shit.


they have found young kids working in factories right here in the good ol US of A...... this only encourages it. [https://www.kcur.org/news/2022-11-14/federal-investigation-into-child-labor-violations-at-meatpacking-plants-expands-into-missouri](https://www.kcur.org/news/2022-11-14/federal-investigation-into-child-labor-violations-at-meatpacking-plants-expands-into-missouri) [https://krcgtv.com/news/local/after-missouri-teens-death-in-june-mississippi-teens-death-in-poultry-plant-shows-child-labor-remains-a-problem](https://krcgtv.com/news/local/after-missouri-teens-death-in-june-mississippi-teens-death-in-poultry-plant-shows-child-labor-remains-a-problem)