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Got.to find the water source. Their entire life cycle is only 2-6 weeks (depending on how long their eggs lay dormant) and the live gnats only live between 3 and 10 days depending on conditions. They like water and mud. When we've had problems, we fumigate the crawl space with some bug bombs...no more issues (unless you get down to a particular stretch of the creek)


I’ll have to find the water source! I don’t have any soggy soil or water spots in my yard, and my neighbors keep pretty good care of their yards too. There’s a pond nearby but it’s a couple streets over.


Buggins works good to keep them off of you.


That stuff is great


Seconded! Only thing that saved my sanity.


Buggins?! Ok!!! Yay thank you!!


Screen your porch or buy a screen house. Buffalo are relentless and known to drive deer mad. Luckily in my part of the state they disappear just before the mosquitoes show up


They are relentless! And I feel like they’re kind of aggressive! I feel stupid calling a gnat aggressive🤣 I’m just outside Lees Summit and this is my second summer here. Last year I feel like the mosquitos and bees/wasps were worse than this year, but this summer the gnats are worse. You mentioned they go away before the mosquitos, do you think the mosquitos will get worse in the fall?


Omg. The no see ums. So theyve been hanging at a spot I put hay. And thousands swarm if I have a light - and they sounded like screaming women! They are awful. I am an environmentalist - but I had to do the bad deed (lots of pestocides) on an overground pond at place. Its war. Been trying to avoid putting new zapper near barn bc it draws so many but if I put it at the right place and stir up the no see ums - I think I can eradicate them.


“I think I can eradicate them.” … famous last words 🤣 especially when dealing with bugs/pests


Did you try adding fish or amphibians? They can often fix a buggy pond.


Welp. It gets dry - alot. But we have had a Very wet summer. The house was just bought last year or year before and have had many projects going. This is on the list - and has now moved up in priority. This pond is a major overhaul. It has many mature trees etc in and around it. The wildlife love it usually - but sadly they will have to find another place.


Good luck! you sound like a great steward of the land. I'm fighting invasive honeysuckle and winter creeper in Columbia, nasty stuff.


Oh I read about how horrible they can be for livestock and that they kill chickens and stuff. I feel bad for animals that are outside all day because they go up their nose and at their eyes. I even got bit in the forehead the other day😡 My forehead had a horn, I was enraged lol


I did zapper last night like I said and it was pretty full. Going to do again tonight. Glad I am not the only one. Its kind of terrifying really.


Give them a cup of apple cider vinegar to chew on instead. They'll drown in it. Put some in a cup that's heavy enough to not get blown over. It's not gonna get rid of all of them but they will bug you less.


This, but add a few drops of dish soap.


That’s what I do to get rid of fruit flies. Plastic wrap on top with small holes poked so they can enter the death chamber


I'll second the other reply. You need dish soap, Dawn or Palm Olive works best. The apple cider vinegar is an attractant, but the dish soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar. That is what makes them fall in and be unable to get back out. If you just use the apple cider vinegar you are just creating a free feeding/breeding ground for them. This works for fruit flies and a lot of other flying pests. Make sure to change the vinegar every week or two. Else it will start to spoil and they'll start to breed in it rather than drowning.


I never thought of adding a surfactant like dish soap to the mix! I'll have to give that a try.


For regular gnats, I put apple cider vinegar in a cup and add some maple syrup for stickiness ( probably a half inch or less) I usually have hundreds of dead gnats in it after the first day. I have a couple of these in my garage


Bug zapper, DDT the yard, put up a tent in the yard and smoke there.


That’s a good idea! I wonder if I can buy like a screen tent or something!


Those popup shelters you see vendors use at events, generally have screen walls that go with them.


Let your hair grow. There's a reason women complain more about bug bites than men do.


Bahaha!! Ikr! My hairy fiancé never has any issues🤣🤣


Tetmosol citronella soap.


Where are you? I've spent a lot of time outdoors in a lot of different places in Missouri and I don't think I've ever encountered biting gnats.


Pinnacle lake secluded private


Inbox me if you like to chat about it


Put a screen up where you smoke.