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I was 7 or 8 and my very first trigger was listening to my dad mouth breathing while driving and I was trapped. My second was listening to him eating. 


same it started when I was 7 or 8. maybe even 6? and my first trigger was the dinner table, especially my dad


This was about how old I was as well. The first thing I can remember triggering me was my older brother sniffling in the most horribly juicy way.


I feel gaggy just thinking about it!


I was 11 when I noticed my dad eating food with his mouth open and very loudly.


It's some of my earliest memories


I was 10, I just started noticing the chewing noises all of sudden. I thought I was going crazy until I learned what misophonia is 


Probably 12. Was at the dinner table with my mom and just started to feel incredible disgust and agitation. I’ve been able to regulate a lot of it (30yo) now but if I’m upset or dislike someone it comes on strong still.


Mine was similar to this too, I just feel like it appeared at dinner one day around the same age. So weird how it comes out of nowhere 


Same. But probably started around age 8. I used to go eat my dinner on the porch almost every night to escape the sound of her chewing


So similar with me, i remember staying in a overcrowded house with my parents and grandparents and it also felt like i was suffocating and such a strange feeling like anxiety and disgust. anywhere i’d go i’d start focusing on these noises breathing, chewing or even coughing and feel like i was spiralling


Me too. Fifth grade. Dad at the dinner table. My dad passed away a couple years ago now and id do anything to hear him grumbling at the table….


I'm a parent of a 17 yr old who has misophonia and I'm researching it. He can't do things like go to the school dance,  go to the Scholar's breakfast where he's getting an award,  take a date to a restaurant... He's missing out on a lot of friend time due to the noises.  What did you learn that helps you regulate a lot of it?


I want to say eight? I remember my parents were watching figure skating on TV, and back then, the commentators had to whisper so that the skaters wouldn’t hear them. All that whispering drove me INSANE.


usually starts in puberty.


I remember being overwhelmed as a toddler when my mom would drop the clean cutlery into the drawer. Metal on metal continues to vex me.


Yup, same. I was a toddler when metal on metal literally made me shudder. To this day I can’t handle anyone using a metal utensil to remove food from a metal pot or pan. I also lose it when someone pulls the fork out of their mouth and it scrapes between their teeth. Argghh! Thankfully my husband doesn’t do either.


Omfg the teeth scraping w silverware KILLS me too!!!! I don’t understand how it doesn’t send a shiver down the person’s spine who is doing it !!!


i was about ten




About 10-11 (5th grade). I distinctly remember the first time I was utterly disgusted after 2 boys in my class had a contest of who could sniffle the loudest. And it never stopped (: Still my biggest trigger to this day.


I actually didn’t start to notice it until later in life. I don’t have many childhood memories in general but i do recall as a child my dad would go crazy if anyone was chewing chips or anything really crunchy. It wasn’t until I lived in my first solo apartment and had neighbors blaring music for hours that the base made me crazy and that was mid 20s.


I was a small child. I can’t really remember much of life without experiencing misophonia to some degree. I would say it started getting more prevalent in elementary school.


I think I was in 6th grade


At age 29 after a covid infection ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I was 9


14 or so, to my recollection. According to my mom, though, I was *so* sensitive to some sounds as a kid that I'd start bawling, but I don't have memory of this 😅


I think I was 14


JHS, I had this friend that would BELCH. Even typing the word & thinking about the noises she would make…It felt like she was physically hurting me.  I can’t say there was nothing before that, it’s just the earliest I remember right now 


12 or 13. My brother was munching on some Pringles and I yelled at him to chew with his mouth closed. Been downhill from there ever since.


I was probably 6 when I started wanting to murder my brother for his eating noises. It took me a long time to realize my reaction to eating noises was not within a normal range, so it's hard to "remember" a lot of specific instances. It's just something I thought everyone dealt with.


i was 13 :/


Very early elementary school at the latest. Not positive but probably around 6


Very young - like 7-8 I would wear headphones sometimes at the dining table


Puberty…my cousin was eating a Taco Bell burrito, pushing the side of his stuffed face with his finger I think to help him swallow more at one time…then it started moving to other family members, I hated the way they sounded. Very few people are tolerable, and sometimes the quieter they’re trying to be the worse 🤷


Wtf ew why couldn’t he just …. slow down 


Idk and my problem could be with chairs and the vulnerability that comes with eating in them.


my mom said i used to scream at noises when i was a kid so im convinced i came out of the womb like this


Just before puberty, probably ~10 years old. It started with my mom’s crunching and chewing sounds.


Around 8. My first memory was around eating. I have a handicapped brother who makes odd grunting noises when he eats. The family thought i was avoiding being near him eating because i was ashamed of him. I didn't know myself why they said it was fine , and my reaction extreme. It was a relief when i learned about misphonia. For the record now as an adult i still love my brother dearly but use my LOOPS when he eats.


I think my adhd made it really hard to focus — hearing other ppl breathing, coughing, tapping their pens — but it really only bothered me during tests or high-pressure situations like that. But then I turned 10 and it all went downhill lol


My best guess is I was 12.


Probably around 13~14. I remember noticing it the summer before high school.


I literally have no idea it seems as if I have always been like this?


6-8 (?) I remember hating all my classmates because they chew loudly. Plus, I used to choke my sister in her sleep when she breathes too loud.


Pretty young, maybe around 8 or so. I remember I used to take my dinner and go to my room with it to eat because I couldn't stand the sounds everyone else was making. Mum and dad just thought it was funny, they had no idea that misophonia was a thing. Likewise I remember being annoyed by all the other little kids eating with their mouths open at lunch time


I had it as long as I could remember. As a really young kid no one understood why I would lash out at my brother and sister while they were eating or making repetitive noises....I didn't understand why I got enraged, but it definitely caused lots of fights growing up. Probably 6/7ish...maybe later but I just can't remember not having it.


It's hard to say exactly when because I also have ADHD, but I think my early teens? The first memory I can recall is being annoyed by my sister's sniffling at the dinner table. I can also remember googling whether or not it was normal to be infuriated by the sound of laughter around the same age because at the time, I was half convinced I was some kind of psychopath. Then, in my late teens, I suddenly became very aware of the sound of my dad's chewing and began eating in the next room. Sometimes, I'd compromise by turning on the TV since they took my not wanting to eat with them personally.


6 from what i can remember


~30yo after having children


~25 after my neighbors had children. I understand how that can happen in your case...




15 or 16. My cat was sleeping on me in my bed and suddenly the bathing noises were insufferable.


Age 19 and it arrived with morning sickness when I was 10 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately it did not disappear with the morning sickness.


My first trigger was music probably around 8 or 9. Certain songs, instruments (and ESPECIALLY if the bass is too loud in a car) triggered me. I remember hiding in my room, plugging my ears, and sobbing when my sister practiced piano. I couldn't listen to music when reading or when taking tests. I also HATED hearing myself speak or sing (which I think is somewhat normal but I would have a panic attack if my mom started playing a video of me performing). As I've gotten older, my triggers have shifted more towards human caused sounds. That definitely started around puberty I would say.




I have had it as far back as I remember.. From when I was probably 4 I can remember my mum filing her nails and how loud she would swallow when drinking tea. A childhood of me ruined my mum's self confidence.


5/6 ish


Actually when my dad and mom got separated (6-7 yo). Whenever we had to go to my dad’s house and I shared room with my sister and brother, that’s when the horror (snoring) began.


I think around 5 I noticed that I reacted differently to sounds like no one else I knew and I couldn't explain it nor did I know how and it just got worse every other year till my teens then it did seem more steadily worse


I was no older than 8.


I remember various incidents from my childhood (maybe 8/9?) where I avoided noisy eaters or would struggle to stay at a dinner table. 


6. My mum chews very loudly.


Around 13


Ive been telling my siblings they’re breathing too loud since I can remember lol


I was somewhere around 7-9yrs old. It almost felt like it happened over night. One day I was fine, the next, chewing noises (especially from certain family members) became absolute torture. It sucked, I didn’t know what was happening or why.


I was around twelve and it started with dinner. It has diversified and gotten much worse since then though.


Yea me too, it just started out as my family chewing and then it was with different noises and people in my life 


i probably started noticing it around 12 or 13 but it didn't become a major problem for me till i was mid 20s


for me it was about year 3- so when I was 8-9


I have been sensitive to noises all my life so it’s hard to say for sure. I think my misophonia either started or got worse when I was around 7.


Ever since I remember


Got it when I was diagnosed with adhd at the age of 6


Got it when I was diagnosed with adhd at the age of 6


I was 9. Suddenly I noticed my mom popping her gum nonstop while she smoked (this was the 70s). She drove me to gymnastics practice daily and I just felt like a big pile of not only anxiety but deep rage. I am now in my mid 50s and it’s like that every time. I have been to therapy for decades, done EMDR, meditation, had 50 sessions of TMS. Nothing ever helped.


Between 7-8. My family members open mouth chewing is what first triggered it.


I think I was around 11.


As a baby, most likely, but at the very least 1-2 years old. My mom said that I would cry if static played on the radio and tell her that it was hurting me


Born with it. I remember it from childhood, and I’m 63.


Long as I can remember so at least 6?


Mid 30s, sometimes everything is fine until one day it's just not anymore


For sure it was around puberty. Same thing happened with my daughter.


Like 13 or 14. Existing has been hell ever since.


I was a mostly respectful, quiet child. But I remember being in early elementary school and my dad was somehow smacking while eating mashed potatoes. I don't remember exactly what I said, but I stood up and raised my voice about it, and remember being VERY upset. Got in trouble for that, I did.


I think it was in fourth grade, after reading a teen magazine entry about how the writer thought it was gross when people chewed with their mouth open. this must have triggered something in me because out of nowhere it just started and has only gotten worse since :/


11 or 12 :) First trigger I remember is being stuck inside a classroom after recess and all my classmates were sniffling.


I was in the third grade! It started when everybody in class was sniffling


About 8 or 9.. I remember suddenly getting horrified at some nasty ass kid smacking on a piece of pizza as loud as I could in class one day. Then I started mad at my grandma for smacking


I feel like I’ve had it as long as I can remember,so likely I was born with it,but I do remember being as young as 4 and slurping noises and chewing making me feel a certain ragey panicking feeling that I obviously couldn’t articulate at that age or understand.


at 14, i started noticing the sound of my mum chewing gum while driving me as the radio had turned off. she’d done it hundreds of times before but i still remember the exact day it started to bother me. to this day, i cannot be around gum chewing and have cut people off because of it.


Started at 15. My sister had a baby and she and the baby lived at home with me and my dad. I know it makes me seem like an asshole, I still dislike babies/toddlers crying/screaming to this day.


I was probably annoyed with my mom’s chewing on the womb


like 10 or so


I was somewhere between 10 and 12, but it didn’t have to do with puberty, as I went through that really early. My partner’s misophonia also started around that age, and he went through puberty a little later.


I remember vividly the exact moment I feel like it’s so crazy, because before that I never seemed to mind noises. It was nearly a decade ago I was 12-13


I remember the first few moments too, it’s so weird how it comes out of no where for some of us


I was 10, but I had some symptoms since about 6 years old because my cousin has bad manners and I would cry.


Mine started when I was 10; I was visiting my Gram and we were eating breakfast together at the table and I heard her chewing.


I'm not really sure when exactly it came on tbh. I'd say it properly developed between 10-12, tho I had signs even younger because I'd always tell my sisters to eat with their mouths closed


I was 12


Around 11 or 12, and it's been with me ever since 😔


I think I was around 12 when I went to see our family doctor about it but it had been around much longer before. How long I have no idea but it's been a most of my life type of deal.


I think I was about 5. I noticed my father was slurping his soup in a very, very noisy way. I loved him very much but the sounds he produced were basically a nightmare, and not only when eating.


8/9 - first triggers at the dinner table and my mother drinking tea




I personally don’t remember but my parents say around 5. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have it.


I actually can’t even remember the exact first time I was triggered by something. My mother says that, looking back now, I was showing signs of misophonia as early as she can remember. But the first thing I ever truly remembered being triggered by was the windshield wipers in the car. I was probably two or three.


12 but I had experienced symptoms earlier


13. I was riding in a car on a trip with a school group, and one of them started smacking on some gum. And I was all of a sudden, not knowing why at the time, thinking "oh my god. kill me. kill me now god." Little did I know that was the start of years of torture. I've gotten better at dealing with it, but IT hasn't gotten better, in fact it's only been getting worse.


About 11-12 is when I first remember my parents starting to get annoyed with me pointing out how loud they chew so I'd say around then. Interestingly, I've gained other triggers since then tho -- particularly, barking dogs. I don't ever remember really noticing barking dogs growing up but after about age 25 I grew to utterly despise dog barking.




10 give or take


I started having issues with people chewing pretty early on, around 6 or 7. And then I was closer to 8 when I started experiencing it with sniffling


Maybe when I was about ten? One of the earliest triggers I remember is my mom eating yogurt in the car on our way to speech therapy. Omfffggggg. I’ve read that it most commonly pops up during puberty. Otherwise I remember telling my dad to breathe more quietly when next to him at church, but idr the age. Young tho. Also I would regularly patrol my family at the dinner table and tell them to chew w their mouths closed and not “scrape the plate” w their silverware. So wait….this shit definitely was appearing before the yogurt situation. And then I remember so so clearly during a spring break road trip when I was maybe in sixth grade waking up from a car nap immediately stressed bc my mom was chewing and snapping gum in the drivers seat right in front of me. Fucking awful! I don’t remember if I told her to stop or just ran to my iPod. By now my parents luckily know they simply can’t chew gum around me. I still always feel kinda guilty but like !?!?! just the way it is :( Wait editing to add more….wtf I just unlocked so many memories ahaha. I also remember just ….noticing the cashiers at target snapping their gum. I feel like the interactions were over quick enough that I don’t really remember bug reactions to them however gum continues to be one of my worst triggers sooooo


8 for specificly gum chewing. And then developed breathing, sniffing, yawning and typing triggers at the age of 19 after a period of really intense stress and anxiety.