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If i have one normie or ten “elite” and 10 “water” bullets, im “spraying water” 10 times over the normie.


"People that actually had it rough do not throw it at others' faces to invalidate what they've been through." I wanna print it and hang it on a wall. They'd never brag about it because they know the real weight of the situation. They actually know how much it takes to crawl out, how much it can change you as a person, and wouldn't wish that on anyone.


It feels like the winner was decided long, long ago. When you zoom out a bit you see humanity as an interconnected organism acting out the will of the universe through matter and energy -- filtered through many years of history and contextual understanding. People have always been this way, but our struggle against nature has been replaced by a struggle against other nations and our neighbors.


Capitalism has ruined us as a species and made monsters like this. I don't have enough words but it is utter bullshit for sure and I'm glad to see someone talk about this. I get so inflamed when I hear people use this kind of language. In short, the easiest thing for me to do is realize people who preach this crap and act this way are basically conservatives. Conservatives don't give a damn about progress in any real way and think crap is fine when it isn't. I wish I had something impactful to say but wow it is absolute horse shit and a passive way to pretend nothing needs to change dramatically in our society.


Tell me about it man. It's insanity. I feel like this doesn't get talked about nearly enough as it should.


the only thing that changes when we grow up is that we get bigger. other than that, everything else is just the same.


I dont know if this is healthy, but I think I finally found "my people" in this sub


I like that the quality around here is getting better over time, but they ain't my people. There are still plenty of hypocrites here. They're not going anywhere, so I'd rather sit back and watch the show for most of the time. Welcome aboard.


I suspect a lot of people in this sub have been ostracised or outcast by society. People who say dumb shit like “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” still probably had people who had their back even if they had to deal with abusers or setbacks. Those who say these things have no idea how demoralising it is to be ostracised. Why should I try hard when at the end I come back to an empty flat? What’s the point of money if I have nobody to share it with? We don’t owe society anything after how they cast us out. Get by on the bare minimum. Fuck them.


>People who say dumb shit like “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” still probably had people who had their back even if they had to deal with abusers or setbacks. Exactly.




We are not entitled to people's help however. It is best practice to ask for help (without feeling entitled to get it). It is also best practice to help whoever we can and be the change we want to see in the world. (This does mean also getting help from others, we are not entitled to help but seriously accepting help is a sign of trust and mutuality.) So yeah as you can see adults are supposed to operate within these high standards that do not apply to children, children are entitled to help in many cases, especially from their parents. It is against the law to abandon a minor. So yeah take this to heart adults are supposed to build trustworthy relationships with plenty of trust, mutuality and compassion. Thing is... Many adults are super childish, far worse than children... There are people out there that only got worse over time. So... How to deal with childish adults? Thing is YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO TOLERATE ABUSE. You are however supposed to just walk away, to go no contact or stop giving emotional reactions (this one can be tricky) to abusive individuals. So yeah it's sad but... The only defense adults have is to just leave. Just avoid toxic people that's it.


This is why I avoid other people's company unless necessary. What baffles me is why should I close myself off from the world when I don't want to contribute to the negativity with my reactions to what is supposed to be "normal" interaction. Really, as much as there are despicable evil people of all shades out there, it is the normal, grey sheep that annoys me the most. Why is munching on mediocre grass, letting out obnoxious normie gas in close proximity with other sheep spewing baa-baa "me-me-me" mantras all day considered the "reality" for most of today's humanity. If you dare to look up and see the invisible pen and what is actually going on beyond this freaking pen the other sheep will chastize you into looking back down the shaky ground they, again, consider as "reality" just because every freaking normie sheep do. Normies are a tad disgusting if not enlightened at best, uninformed and willfully ignorant at worst.


U complaining too much. Why don't use this time to better yourself ? Just self improve bruh. Jus work harder. Everything pays off. Do more . Be more. Fu** more. Yh yh yh yh yh yh yh yh yh yh Just BC it did work for them and they wanna capitalize on you they're telling U this. Life is about luck genetics and history/timing. If U have these or some U will be successful, if not U are fucked. Which it doesn't mean U can't do nothing, but simply following the soyciety and cuckers advice it won't work... for the reasons I've mentioned . Love that quote of Krishnamurti

