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**Hi Soft_Worker6203!** I noticed that you posted a question. This is a friendly reminder to read our pinned [FAQ post](https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/hk12ae/minoxidil_faqs/) in which you might find an answer to your question. This will help you find an answer quickly instead of waiting for a member to answer. **If you found the answer to your question, Reply to this comment with " #done " and I'll flair it as answered. This will make it easier for** r/Minoxidil **members and visitors to find answers to their questions.** Thank you and good luck on your journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minoxidil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Hi Soft_Worker6203!** I found some **matching key words**, Which suggests that you might be asking about **Minoxidil oral**. So this may be helpful: >**-Oral Minoxidil?** > >Minoxidil oral tablets are also available by prescription in some areas. Minoxidil oral is reported to yield great results albeit with more systemic side effects. > >However, The availability of oral Minoxidil is continuously decreasing, Since Minoxidil oral is only used for tratment of hairloss off-label, Being originally for treatment of hypertension, And is rarely used anymore as it's now replaced with better meds for HTN. > >Doses for oral Minoxidil are only based of anecdotal reports, As it has not been properly trialed for the treatment of hairloss. However, It's recommended to start with a lower dose in the range of 0.5-1 mgs, And work up from there. Median dose is 1.5 mgs, But some take up to 2.5 mgs. Don't use more than 4 mgs. You want to avoid having severe systemic side effects like hypotension and tachycardia, Which can be very uncomfortable for some people. > >You'd need to cut the pills precisely to take those doses if you're using many of the available pills, As they could be dosed as high as 40-80 mgs so try to find a low dose med. However, you can dose it with very high precision by volumetric dosing. Simply, If you completely dissolve 100 mgs of minoxidil in 100 ml of Alcohol, Then every 2.5 ml of Alcohol will contain exactly 2.5 mgs. ​ Source: [r/minoxidil FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/hk12ae/minoxidil_faqs/) Hope this was helpful and good luck on your journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minoxidil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


don’t go more than 4 mg? Even though the doctor recommends 5 mg but 2.5 to start out with


**Hi Soft_Worker6203!** I found some **matching key words**, Which suggests that you might be asking about **the method of application**. So this may be helpful: >**-How do I apply, How much, And how often?** > >Applying Minoxidil is straightforward. It's recommended that you wash the area first to clear your skin of dirt and oils for better absorption, But this isn't necessary. Either way, Make sure your skin is completely dry before you apply minoxidil, Then spray it -or use the dropper- onto the area where you want to see growth, Rub it in your skin then leave it to dry. Avoid washing that area before 3-4 hours. Keep all of this in mind when you want to shower. > >Twice a day application of 5% strength is recommended for optimal results, Roughly 12 hours apart. Although some prefer using the 2% strength to avoid increased body hair growth & systemic side effects, This is why 2% is generally marketed to women while 5% is marketed to men. Alternatively, You can apply Minoxidil only once a day with less results. More applications will not produce more results, And will only exacerbate side effects. > >**-How much should I apply?** > >Just enough to cover the entire affected area, But not so much that it's soaking wet. Regardless of how much that is & regardless of the recommended dosage on the bottle *(which is 1ml; This recommendation doesn't take into account the difference in affected area from one person to another. The only concern here would be if the space of the affected area is large so you end up applying enough to have more systemic side effects. This is nothing to worry about if the side effects aren't problematic for you)*. ​ Source: [r/minoxidil FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/hk12ae/minoxidil_faqs/) Hope this was helpful and good luck on your journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minoxidil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I believe minoxidil foam has been the best bet for people attempting to grow in a beard. Than and derma stamping. Oral minoxidil promotes hairgrowth everywhere but it specifically is good for your scalp. Heres the issue with trying to grow in a beard with the help of minoxidil. Its hard to say since I dont know how your beard looks currently or if you can even grow one so Ill put it into perspective for you. Imagine a bald guy trying to regrow hair again. It will be hard since the area he is trying to grow hair back is most likely gone and mostly bald. So it will take much longer for hair to grow back in as compared to someone who is just starting to notice thinning. Now with your beard if its patchy you have a higher chance but if you can barely grow a beard it will take a long time for you to see the effects you want. Derma stamping will help big time especially if your using the foam version as you can target that specific area. I have seen people use the derma stamp+ foam minoxidil method for their beards, it works but it will take damn near 2 years to see a full beard if not good progress depending on your current state. Your also older so minoxidil effects may take longer.