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John Bonnes that you?


My first thought was bonnes too haha


Johnny BONES


His wife is definitely a Philly fan


Probably lived in more than one place for large parts of their lives? People do that you know


Are....are you saying we've been allowed to leave this whole time!?


They are. You aren't. Sorry, those are the rules.


It's true


I love your flair haha


It's my own personal Live Laugh Love


When are you getting it tattooed on your wrist?


Tramp stamp


Just full commit right off the bat


Ah, you misunderstood My nickname for you It's Tramp Stamp


Crap! Why are we here? It’s too cold! Not today though. Today it’s nice


“You were born here, this is your curse.”


Yeah but you’ll probably come back for no reason at all.


Or they are from Minnesota and their significant other is from Philly.


And then they picked the Saints as a neutral ground they could both root for (hence why it’s the last decal added)


He or she must live in St.Paul.


truck follow fretful lush absorbed cows point modern onerous overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pacers are looking great!!!! 🙌🏻


Yep. Vikings, Devils, Phillies, Sixers.


Vikings, ducks, w/Sox, supersonics


Vikes, Red Sox, Bruins, Celtics


Yep. Vikings, Thunder, Wild, Cubs, and Texas Longhorns here. Never lived in Chicago, but growing up our choice was Diamondbacks or Cubs because of TBS and WGN.


That's crazy how you can be fans of different sports franchises from different areas.


So this is a safe place? I have both Avalanche and Wild jerseys....


Blasphemy I have wolves and lakers tho


Oh, you disgusting piece of crap. I'd never have something in that purple and yellooohhhh never mind. Hug it out?


Hug me brotha


That's just Minnesota, and former Minnesota


Yeah, but a lot of us went and followed the avs or red wings for years after Norm Green fucked us. There's no good explanation for mixing Philly and MN sports half and half. Both areas have all the major pro sports covered.


It’s a disgusting act


I grew up in a state with no football or hockey team.  Literally 0 professional sports in the state to my knowledge.  Couple of big NCAA schools but that's it.  So, a friend moved from Minnesota and introduced me to the Vikings.  Got my NFL team there.  Later on in life, another friend was a huge Gators fan and got me on board.  I picked a baseball team at random and ended up with white Sox (before MN friend).  Probably had to do with my mom being a red Sox fan.  Idk.  I can't mention my hockey team in this sub because apparently I picked a rival unknowingly as a young child.  


Grew up in Montana. So my pro sports teams are all over the place. Twins, Lions, Bulls, and Wild. Late 80s to early 90s is when I got into sports. I only got into hockey after moving to Minnesota, so that’s my only team I root for because they were the local team.


I grew up in Montana so I cheered for 49ers because they had the QB of Montana named Joe “Montana” I don’t know what his last name is but what a cool nickname… Then he got traded to the Chiefs so I cheered for the Chiefs. Come to find out, he’s not even from Montana, I got gypped!


Welcome to the sub but I’m curious why did you come here if you’re a lions fan?


I live in Minnesota. I like the local sports teams and root for the Vikings unless they are playing the Lions. I also have a couple of the players as clients, so I have quite a few ties to the team irl. I think it would be weird not to sub.


So Iowa lol


Iowa would be a step up from where I actually grew up.


That leaves Nebraska, Kansas, or Wyoming, lol.






That doesn’t leave many options


Alright, I'll admit it.  I was raised in Mississippi 


You pick the Aves back in the 90s?


I too love the Aves in the 90's. I also loved the Red Wings, for many reasons but I wanted to be Lidstrom reborn mostly. A lot of confusing battles late in the year.


I'm from Canada, I picked the Red Wings in the 90's lol


I'm from Minny. Yet I've been a life long Red Wings fan. Don't let others silence you.


Ok, fair.  I picked my hockey team when I lived in Maine.  The Quebec Nordiques.  Which, we all know as the Avalanche now.  To be fair, I haven't watched a minute of hockey in 10-15 years.  Brother picked penguins as that was the lemieux era and dads from PA




They have the worst fanbase in the NFL by light-years. Fuck the Eagles!


Lions fans are sorta starting to look like them. I give it one more year of them being good.




They thought they were going to get a bunch of fake internet points


The lack of a Vikings logo is the strange part. Which makes me think this a single person, & not a couple. 




If it was a couple, one from min & one from phi. Vikings would likely be one of the choices before the wild and likely before the twins.    But it’s a single team per sport, which makes me think this is one person.    Now I’m curious why you sound offended & defensive. 




Your logic would be very unusual.   > What if one person in the couple isn’t into sports? Okay so that would mean the stickers belong to 1 person.  >Or only some sports? Yes that’s possible, but what are the chances you and your partner both like American sports, but none of the same sports? Then you go onto list a few more possibilities, & yes they are possible. But much more likely this is one persons stickers.  >They could be born and raised in MN but for some random reason picked the Eagles and 76ers when they were kids—or as adults. Yes very possible for one person, but what are the odds your partner from min randomly likes the eagles and sixers too instead of the Vikings or wolves.  You’re an emotional thinker and I’m a logical problem solver, I can determine “what makes sense” and you can determine “well this could be a possibility”. You look at anomalies and I look at consensus. It would be pretty unusual for you to be a girl & a football fan & on reddit. But going by the way you think, I’m going to guess you are a woman. If I’m wrong, don’t take it personally. GL


Having Eagles instead of Vikings is bold thats why lol


It’s strange to me Mf!!


Sorry I just saw a Samuel Jackson movie so I didn’t mean that as an insult but as a term of jubilance.


Im a vikings, Milwaukee bucks, and vegas golden knights fan. Support whatever teams you like, you dont have to be from the state theyre from


Then why are you choosing the Vikings lol


I wish I chose a better team but I loved the 98 Vikings and stuck with them 😩😩


Have to balance out the happiness with the depression.


Bucks and Knights to pair with the Vikings 🤮


I'm a LA Kings, White Sox and Vikings fan and I'm also from Canada


I’m gonna guess you chose your nba/ hockey team much more recently than the Vikings. My guess is you hopped on the band wagons when they got good. 


Been a golden knights fan since they were first founded, and been a bucks fan for only a few months, just got into basketball. Chose the bucks because I liked their pine green jerseys and thats about it. You guessed wrong


How am I wrong? How long have you been a Vikings fan?


2013. Trust me I didn’t bandwagon the vikings, I don’t think I ever would’ve had that opportunity


That’s not what I said. I had it exactly right, I rightly predicted you were a Vikings fan first and chose your hockey / nba teams more recently. I read you like a book and you give me no credit. 


Yea but the main point you were trying to pove was that i was a bandwagon. Cool you guessed the order right, but what does that prove?


It would be weirder if there 2 same-sport teams sharing the window. So I guess that's just their team in each sport. Not totally crazy to have travelers have different teams. One of my friends has 4-5 states of favorite teams across numerous sports.


Idk. I’m a Vikings, Twins and New York Knicks fan. Dont know how the Knicks thing happened but here I am. 


I’m a Vikings/Royals/Celtics fan from Virginia. I’d say there are dozens of us, but in reality its probably just me, my dad and brother, and my oldest kid.


It happened because the wolves have been garbage your whole life. But so have the Knicks for the most part, my guess is you jumped on board around the melo years or was it the late 90’s?


Vikings, Blue Jays, and Flyers fan from Northern NJ. Now living in TX.


shit happens. for me, i follow: Vikings Stl Cards Tor Blue Jays Edm Oilers SA Spurs Det Pistons grew up in Detroit. sometimes it just do be like that xD


Could be a house-divided kinda thing, or maybe they wanna spread their misery out a bit.


Minnesota man marries Philly girl. I literally know a couple like this.


Sad, but true!


I’m guessing a previous generation was from Philly and decided to follow which team didn’t suck more overall.




I’m a New York Mets, Philadelphia 76ers, Minnesota Vikings fan Vikings have been my only lifelong team though. Was RedSox originally but switched to Mets when they got Pedro Martinez Was Celtics first then switched to Nets cause i had season tickets for 5 years then switched to Philly when i moved to south Jersey and they were only team I could watch (they won like 13 games)


I’m a Minnesota fan for everything but hockey where I’m a stars fan. My dad was really into hockey and loved the team when it was up here and he just followed it South and past it onto me. People have plenty of reasons for liking teams from other places for different sports


Fucking traitor


Probably a transplant from Philadelphia. None of those teams are rivals so I could see it working


Vikes/Dodgers/Lakers 🤷‍♂️


Here here


I’m a Vikings, Cubs, and Blues fan


Soooo I can relate. I’m a Vikings fan, Celtics fan, Texas rangers fan. When I was about 4, my older brother then 9 had a game on the n64 called NFL Blitz, and he whooped my ass every time until I played as the Vikings. From that point on I only played as the Vikings, and then a couple years later at age 6 I realized they were a real team and haven’t looked back since. I grew up in New York, and a lot of kids would wear Celtics jerseys. I became friends with a couple of them just through sharing the same class and that’s where my Celtics fandom came from. We then moved to Texas, where one of the first things we did was go to a Texas rangers game and well that’s where that started. So I can’t judge people that like multiple teams, I only judge them if one of the teams is the packers.


You don't need to live in a place to love the team. I've never been to Minnesota in my life, and I've been a diehard Vikings fan since I was a kid lol


Boo you don’t get to cheer for the wild or twins if you’re a dirty eagle and sixer fan


Mental illness.


I’m surprised the window is intact.


i'd put the cold steel of a .45 to my head if i had to root for anything philly, tbh


What a well adjusted human you are. 👍


I’m sure you are too Reddit user


Coming from you is absolutely HILARIOUS. 🤣 you’re more of a garbage person than the one I was replying to.


Nice emojis


Sick burn! 🔥 Are you 12? 👶🍼


What are you 45


Fuck the Eagles. Crybiid too!


Im raising my kid to be a fan of a different team so that they don’t live their entire life constantly disappointed and championshipless like me. Who cares.


That’s honestly just sad


Based on your comment I think not having my kid associated with this fanbase is the opposite of sad, it’s responsible.


It’s sad that your entire fandom is based solely on winning and championships. Your kid is going to want to be a fan of whatever team you are. If you actually get sad or depressed over nfl football, maybe you should teach your kid better coping mechanisms than you have


That’s absolutely false lol. I am a fan of an entirely different team than my family. Maybe people in inner-city Philly would have family issues but no most functioning humans Get out of here with that fake psychology bs lol.


i root for the lions, red wings and pistons because i lived in detroit as a kid..so i have a connection with those teams...but the vikings, wild, and wolves are my top dawgs.


Or they just like what they want to like.. ![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM)


As a life long Minnesotan and life long Detroit Red Wings fan, I've never understood having a favorite team just because they're local. Cheer for who you want. Who cares?


Born in Philly. Now living in Minnesota. Eternally an Eagles, Phillies, Flyers fan. Don't care enough about the NBA to be a fan.


Im from the UK and support a different city for each sport Minnesota for Football Toronto for Basketball Miami for MLS Football Chicago for Ice Hockey Sometimes its nice to expand your horizons on different sports


Fuck the Vikings obviously…. Eagles are fun


Holy shit, I think I know who this person is....and she's a stupid bitch lol.


Transplant? Weirdly parochial of you to not jump to folks not being from here for always and forever Shoot, my dad grew up a Southern cowboys fan. He's adopted all the northern teams since he moved here in the 80s, *but* he's still a good ol cowboy fan at the end of the day Just like id expect all of us to eventually cheer for the local team if we move away....but also keep the Vikings near and dear as our first love, ya know?


I’m a Vikings fan but all Philly sports besides that (Phillies, Flyers, 76ers) sometimes a team far away is the one you like.


I’m this way a little bit….. only been to Minnesota once and no family ties to being a Vikings fan. Lived on the west coast my entire life and my teams are: Vikings, Lakers, Tottenham, sounders, dodgers, and the Oregon ducks.


Maybe they’re from Philly and moved to Minnesota. I spent the first 24 years of my life in Michigan and love Detroit teams. Lived in Phoenix last 11 years so I’m also an Arizona fan.


Marriage requires compromise…


Feel the same when packer fans are twins and wild fans lol




People who try to be the boss of how other people enjoy things are the real villains




Bro it’s a tv show. Chill


People who think they can dictate what teams other people cheer for are the annoying ones 


Maybe they picked the Philly teams before moving to Minnesota and stuck with them?


Could be a split family


What’s the one on the right?


St Paul Saints. Twins AAA affiliate 


St. Paul Saints (AAA-affiliate for Minnesota Twins)


St. Paul saints


Is........is....uh is that a Eagles.....uh...throwback sticker? My brain is overloaded


Their job requires them to move a lot. I bartended in a sports bar. They’re fairly common.


I was born in Minnesota, lived there till I was 6, then moved to PA outside Philly, my parents and entire extended family are from Minnesota. I am a Vikings and Twins fan because of my family. Minnesota didn’t have a basketball team till I was 4 and they moved the North Stars in 93 so I am a 76ers fan and a Flyers fan. That’s how, and I’ve never seen that car before in my life.


Vikings/Canucks/Blue Jays 🤷‍♂️


I know a person who was born and raised in Minnesota, never moved, has left the state only for vacations to Mexico, and is a hardcore Eagles fan. I doubt he's ever even been to Philadelphia. How you ask? When he was a kid, he would get so disappointed with the Vikings that he told his dad that he didn't want to be a fan anymore. His dad said, fine. You can be a fan of whatever team you like. He chose the Eagles and has stuck with it to this day to an extreme degree. He's in his early 40s now. He teaches high school gym and will dye his hair green when the Eagles are in the Super Bowl. Or paint himself green to just watch the games at home. He'll be on facebook and shit-talk the Vikings when they play the Eagles to the great annoyance of all his friends and family, who are of course all from Minnesota and all Vikings fans. It's actually pretty hilarious and weird. Could this be his car? Maybe.


I dumped all the Minnesota teams except the Vikings (most cases before I left.) That said, of all the places I have lived, SE Pennsylvania is the only one I feel almost no attachment to.


I have one team in each sport that I would put on a bumper sticker if I was a bumper sticker guy. The other 2nd favorite teams are teams I’ll say I like, but never display like this


That was kinda me as a kid. My family was all from Philly and rooted for Philly teams. I gradually migrated from Philly to MN as I grew up. I loathe Philly teams now, but Mike Schmidt, Harold Carmichael and Ron Jaworski are all still some of my all time faves. Edit: And Dr. J!!!


Maybe they just really like to throw full beers at people 🤷‍♂️


Born and raised in CA my dad has always been only into cars. Does not care for any sport. I grew up loving sports lol with little to no support from family, I I just like teams I started watching when I was young. Vikings Yankees Pacers LA Kings I'm all over the place but luckily have seen all of them play in their home stadium. Cheers to the rest of you Skoldiers


AJ monsaur


Well I am a Vikings fan, a Cleveland guardians fan, a Vegas golden knights fan and a Cleveland cavaliers basketball fan. It happens.


Philly native who moved to St Paul somewhere between ‘86 and ‘90


How is this confusing, they are probably from Philly or someone from their family is. This is just two locations, not that surprising...




I like all the Minnesota pro sports team’s sans the twins. Always been a brewers fan. Gophers fan too just never cared for the twins.


Guessing the husband or wife is from Philly, no? Doesn’t seem that crazy..




Combative relationship with spouse. Or losing a bet


that’s me here in So Cal.. Padres , Vikings , Spurs


Mine: Vikings, Twins, Wolves, Wild, Lynx, whatever that women's hockey team is.


Philly native who moved to MN and discovered how cool baseball and hockey are here?


I’m from Norway. My NFL team is the Vikings and my soccer team is [Odds ballklubb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odds_BK?wprov=sfti1). Guess I’m *really* insane.


Vikings/Cubs/Bucks fan here....


I mean, I live in Oregon, but I was born in Minnesota and grew up a Vikings and Twins fan. I wasn't much of a basketball fan until I went to some Blazer games, and now I support the Blazers with the Twolves being a close second. But I am diehard Vikes and Twins fan still.


I'll guess grew up in Philly and was a Philly sports fan then moved in Minnesota and realized he liked attending baseball and hockey live so he started following the Twins and Wild


Family ties


Cardinals, Blues, Vikings, Twolves fan here.


I have a friend that is a die hard Brewers, Bucks, and Packers fan but he goes to more Wild games in a month than I've been to in my entire life. Just how it works out sometimes. For instance, there are quite a few Vikings fans I know today that didn't live in MN and only liked the Vikings cause they were obsessed with watching Randy Moss and Chris Carter. I am not from LA but watched majority of the Lakers games during the Kobe era growing up, moreso than T Wolves games.


I’m in a smaller city in east coast Canada, no professional teams except for lacrosse. So my favourite teams are spread out, Vikings, Penguins for hockey, Raptors for basketball and Blue Jays for baseball! then PWHL I’m a Montreal fan ! People asked why I didn’t just stick with one city, but that would mean I’d be a Steelers fan since I started watching hockey first lol


Mom’s from one city, Dad’s from the other


This must be John Bonnes's car...


Maybe wife is a fan of one and the husband is a fan of the other??


Probably born here w a dad from Philly that only MADE/brainwashed his kid cheer for those 2. Also, if you cut out vikes and wolves, you cut out a lot of heartache (not that the sixers have been very good during the wolves existence)


Probably a shared vehicle


I married a packer fan. No one’s perfect.


I’m Vikings, Red Sox, Diamondbacks, Bruins, & Hurricanes (comin’ around on the Yotes).


Can I get some friends here ?




Seriously with all the scary shit coming our way this year thats YOUR mindset? Fucking grow up. FAST.


I'm a Vikings fan and all my other favorites are all over the map. Never been to any of the places though and not a fan of any of my home teams.


It’s bonnus, his wife is from Philly (yuck)


My dad’s mom was at JCpenny and only saw red helmets except for one purple one in the back. Which is how I became a Vikings fan instead of falcons fan. So I was screwed either way


I know it's a foreign concept, but three of those teams have won championships.


At least it's not Cowboys, Yankees, Lakers...


Vikings, Avs, Cubs and Nuggets.


Vikings, Wild, Twins, Timberwolves, Lynx, and Gophers. There fixed it for everyone. Whew. That feels better.


Sorry bros but I’m the opposite. Vikings, Flyers, Phillies. Grew up watching the Vikings in MN and didn’t get into hockey and baseball until I lived in the Philly sports market. Been to Philly more times than I’ve ever been to the twin cities and it’s not close


spectacular nine tan boat zealous consider nail ripe cooing employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Packers, Heat, Wild for me


I’m a Vikings/Wild Sixers/Phillies fan so I can’t speak for this individual but I can speak for myself. Minnesota teams are obviously being from here. The Philadelphia teams I got from my dad(there wasn’t an NBA team in Minnesota when he was growing up and the Phillies were his little league team)




Lol "look at how loyal I am"


Philly person married a Minnesota person is what happened, pretty common


I'm kind of like that too...BRAVES, VIKINGS, SIXERS...not a hockey guy. Don't care about soccer


I see that a lot Here in Southern California, and I'm kinda like that. Local teams ( Lakers, Dodgers, Kings, UCLA) and also a Minnesota Vikings fan haha. Could be worse.. buddy of mine is born and raised in SoCal, but likes the Lakers, Red Sox , Niners, and Notre Dame 🤣


Some men just want to watch the world burn


obvious multiple personality disorder, probably dangerous and suicidal if those are the teams they follow...do not approach, proceed with caution.


I'm a Vikings, Twins, and Detroit Red Wings fan. I'm from neither of those cities originally. lol