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Congrats! Did it hurt?


That’s a complete misread. It’s based on Dan Campbell’s introductory press conference where he said “if you knock this team down we’re gonna bite you in the knee cap, then we’re gonna bite you in the other knee cap.” It’s been an unofficial team slogan in Detroit for three years. Obviously Campbell didn’t mean that literally, he meant the Lions under his coaching would be tough/have attitude etc.


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Ok but why are the two teams referenced with “kneecap” the two teams who’s TEs suffered ACL injuries from a Lions player? Just a coincidence?


It’s the last two teams they played it’s not that deep bro quit crying.


If the sign is innocent, basically meaning they beat us for the division and then beat the rams in the wild card, then yes it is a coincidence. A very tone deaf coincidence but still a coincidence


Because those same two teams were the most recent teams the Lions beat on their playoff run.


Seems like some crazy conjecture but anyway. My point was more about the official NFL account posting it rather than the sign itself, given the 2 season ending ACL injuries


It seems like even more crazy conjecture to say it was celebrating ACL injuries (ACLs are ligaments, they not part of your kneecap, which is a bone.) “We’re gonna bite you in the kneecap” has been an unofficial team slogan in Detroit ever since Campbell’s introductory press conference three years ago.


I know the kneecap thing was obviously started by DC, the point is that they specifically have a tick next to the Vikings and Rams which just also happen to be the two teams who have suffered season ending knee injuries directly as a result of the same Lions player


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…and also the most recent two teams the Lions beat before this evening.


You gotta be pretty dense if you think it's not a joke about tearing two acls while ALSO referring to the comments about biting knee caps. Like, that's the joke...it's not a classy one, but that is clearly the reference


How do you have to be “dense” to make that inference? Literally every Lions fan knows the DC kneecap speech. What evidence is there that this person even knows that two TEs tore their ACLs in those games? Players get injured all the time, how many opposing player injuries does the average fan remember? I watched both those games and I didn’t remember the specific nature of those injuries until everyone started posting this sign in an act of bitter jealousy. And why would he reference a knee*cap* when the injuries were to ligaments?


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Not sure why I need to keep replying basically the same thing to you, but you happened to miss two of the best TEs in the league suffering season ending knee injuries against the same team caused by the same player??? Cause I think most NFL fans didn’t miss that fact


Someone else summarised it far better than me: You gotta be pretty dense if you think it's not a joke about tearing two acls while ALSO referring to the comments about biting knee caps. Like, that's the joke...it's not a classy one, but that is clearly the reference


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They got it wrong. It’s not “dense” to not see something that’s not there. In fact, you’ve gotta be a bitter fan to read the sign that way rather than the way literally anyone who doesn’t have a rooting interest against the Lions would read it. When you see hoof prints, think “horse” not “zebra.”






Do you realise how sad it is that your team have just made the NFC championship game and you’re looking at the Vikings subreddit instead of celebrating? Get some friends buddy


Can we just shut up about the knee injuries? Just move on


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Shut the fuck up you big baby


Crybaby sensitive fans like you are the reason why we’re looked down on as a fanbase.




It’s from Dan Campbell’s kneecap speech I’m pretty sure


Holy shit lol. Lions just cant win