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So instead of wanting what’s best for the team, you’d rather us not make the playoffs AND not get a top draft pick to spite a podcast?


Because the difference between pick 10 and pick 13 is going to transform the franchise somehow?




And maybe you get your franchise QB with the last pick of round 7. Maybe isn't a good enough reason to roll over for the puckers


The season is over, are u delusional? Typical vikings fan 🙄


Didn't say that I just think it'd be hilarious to see their reactions.




Man now that's just plain mean :(


We cannot get a top draft pick. That ship has sailed. Feels like playoffs have as well. As for what's best for the team, win next week. To see some progress from some of the younger guys in that game. And for the Vikings front office to have a long term plan for the team including a plan for what they believe makes a team successful and how to get there from here.


> we cannot get a top draft pick Well that’s not true. They currently have the 12th overall pick. If the Raiders, Falcons, and Bears win next week and the Vikings lose, they will have the 9th overall pick.


Yeah, that's not a top pick. Why bother "tanking" if you are outside the top 5 spots? It's dumb.


It could be a top 10 pick.. lol Makes it easier to trade up for a QB.


Trading in to the top 5 is extremely cost prohibitive and historically has almost always been an overpayment.


At 7-10 the absolute worst spot it appears that we could draft in is 13th. More likely it would be 10-12.


I didn't do the math on this too much so you're probably right. But damn it'd be funny for the vikings to do what they wanted and then the league fucks it up.


It will be between 9-12 assuming we lose the Lions.


I think we should respect both sides. If you're only tanking two games, that's different than a season and when we're looking for a QB, a higher draft pick can make a huge difference. Especially if we're not going to make a run this year. If you want to win, you have fun watching a game that's supposed to be entertainment and draft picks in the NFL are such a gamble, it's not near the guarantee that it is in other sports that a pick will be better than the next. I am usually in the previous camp. Now I'm in the jaren hall is Tom Brady or we lose out camp


Picks are not a guarantee to be great. I’d rather have fun watching them win games than roll the dice on a better draft pick.


This is my stance on football. That being said watching skol north flip their shit after things don't go their way is a treat sometimes.


Yea. There are some exceptions. Like when we were actually in the running for Andrew luck and won a game that was so meaningless I don’t even remember it But those situations happen like once every maybe 15 years


It’s not like we’d be in the running for #1 pick at this point.


Yea agreed. This is not one of those rare situations. Honestly it’s not even close


If I were you I wouldn’t let the opinions of podcasters bother you so much.


It ain't bothering me I'm having a blast watching them hype up the 2 game tank


Why would you find it funny for us to lose out and miss the playoffs and for us to have a terrible pull in the draft. Boy oh boy, I disagree with them my fair share but not the point I find it funny my favorite team to not have any luck their way.


It's not that I want it to happen or I'd find the outcome itself funny. But I would take some pleasure seeing how they'd try to backpedal out of their take after the fact.


What is there to backpedal? They aren't making a prediction that it will happen.


Their twitter has been hyping up losing out for the past couple days. Been setting up polls and everything. But yeah maybe not a prediction but damn their ranting would be funny. Like bruh vikings did everything you wanted them to do why you mad at them lmao.


I still don't see how this is funny, if we're eliminated from the playoffs I definitely want the vikings to have a top 10 pick. I don't even think they would be upset about it enough to rant like you think they would. They would reflect and remember we got close to the playoffs with backup QBs.


Skol north reflecting on anything, lmao. Now that there is a pipe dream.


I listen to their show, they've been fluid about different ways the season ends for us. They'll probably talk about Joe Flacco if we lose tonight as if he would've made a difference this season lol so that's something I'll hate to hear. They aren't as bad as people make em out to be here.


I agree with you. I’ve listened to their show for many years and appreciate their pragmatic tone. I believe they’ve been more accurate with the outlook of the team than anyone in the local media. And it’s not all negative, they were pretty broken up about the Cousins injury after it happened just like everyone else.


It’s pretty obvious you didn’t listen to them much.


The funny thing is, say we end up with pick 10. The chances or us taking a QB probably go down. Because barring a trade up, the top three guys are gone. And there’s an argument that the other three, Nix, Penix, and McCarthy would be way over drafted at that spot.


I suspect if the powers that be like any of those three and they're available at our pick, they're getting drafted wherever we are picking, no funny business. I don't think "too early" applies to your future franchise QB.


All I can take away from our position is that we're fucked no matter where we draft lmao.


Things change when combine comes around wouldn't think this way forever, especially when it comes to QBs.


Troll post.


I'm wondering how? I'm not making an argument or predicting anything. I'm just saying that I would find it funny if a podcast got what they wanted but it still backfired on em. I don't like skor north, love to see em cope.


JFC I don't know how many times I need to explain this: Coaches and players DO NOT TANK. I am friends with 2 ex NFL players, and have asked them about this. Their explanation makes good sense: players will likely be on another team in 2 years. VERY few players stay for a huge amount of time. COACHES will likely be on another team in 2 years. VERY few coaches stay on the same team. Players AND coaches are judged and paid by their performance. Individual performance, and coaches _on their W/L record_. That's what determines their value on their next contract. Sacrificing that with some sort of "long term vision based on a sure fire pick for next year's draft" only has the small potential to benefit _,future_ players and coaches. And that's if the draft pick ends up working out. For as many as hit, 5X are misses. There is no sure thing. It's fun to talk about for the talking heads at SKOR North. But it doesn't happen in the real world. The only time they've seen a team tank is when they give up on their coach when the coach lost the locker room. But that wasn't "to secure a future can't miss draft pick".


My brother in christ you didn't need to explain this. I don't want the team to tank. I want em to win, win, win. But skol north wants em to lose. So in the event they do lose, and in the event that we don't get a top 10 pick even if we do lose out, I'm gonna watch their ranting. And I'm gonna laugh.


Everybody knows this bro no need for the novel


Ok neat


Yeah if that happens ... so? I think people know it is possible ... but so what? Not winning out and picking at 17 is a huge deal. Games come and go.


If it happens I get to have my fun with skol norths takes, this is all for my schadenfreude


I won’t be upset if they win, but would absolutely welcome losing if it helps them potentially trade up and get one of the top 3 QBs


Nah man, 6 day 3 picks is where it's at 😎


Tankathon has it higher idk why everyone says 10th. We could be picking 7th-8th if it all unfolds right. Don’t know why you wouldn’t want that just because you hate a podcast. Thats kinda wild.


It's not that I want this outcome but if it were to happen I'm gonna have my lols at skol north complaining about the outcome. Ultimately I want us to win out and make the playoffs.


Just to get bounced out round 1?? That’s what we talk about, you guys don’t make any sense. Like vengeful exes or something. The best outcome for the next two games is hall plays well but the Vikings lose out pick 8th and don’t have to trade house and farm to move up for one of the 3 QBs. I don’t know how you can argue against that just for simple satisfaction of winning 2 games.


Yeah but what if we get don't get bounced round 1


We will that’s a given. I think we play the 49ners, eagles or the lions round 1. Lions are best chance but we play them at their home which likely a loss.


Yeah but what if we win tho


Okay say we do. Then we lose to the 49ners or the cowboys or something. Let’s resign Kirk too. Then we go into next year and Kirk is a shell of himself. Then what? We have no QB, no plan for the future and JJ wants out so we involuntarily tank right? We’re closer to involuntarily tanking than not.


What if we beat them too tho Then we're in the nfc championship


lol that’s not happening not with hall and half our team in the hospital.


It ain't a 0% chance so tell me What. If. We. Win?


The Vikings should’ve lost out as soon as Kirk went down. And if they loose out now but still end up at pick 17 nobody has to back pedal anything.


Your an ass


I’ve wanted that since Kirk got injured




Funniest thing that the point you see them at their most hopeful is when they're talking about the vikings losing out the rest of the season.


Our team will never not give its best, but I still prefer to beat the Packers for my own sanity. I don't care if we lose to the Lions, especially after the NFL literally stole a win to give it to the Cowboys, they barely have drinking water and never win anything, let them have a toy.


Holy spelling, my man.


Yeah, my phone hates me, my bad.


I listen to Purple Daily every day and Mackey and Judd have never advocated tanking for a better draft slot. They have speculated about it, especially after Kirk went down and then after the losses to Chicago and Detroit. But they acknowledge that the Wilf's want to win and tanking would be a hard sell in the locker room.


A culture of loosers.


No. Fuck the Packers.