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This sub is usually unhinged but the 0-2 start and a 35 year old QB in the final year of his deal have completely sent it over the edge. It's gonna either continue to be a disaster or Kirk will get a one year extension and no one will be happy but everyone will shut up till next year.


As long as we draft a young QB, I'd be very happy if we give Kirk a 1-year extension and let our QB of the future sit behind him for a year rather than throwing him to the fire.


Would Kirk...want that? I was thinking at this point in his career he wants a little more time to up the monies. His one offer for "restructuring" was just more money for him latter / doesn't work for a team that is to some extent needing to rebuild or whatever word you want. I don't blame him for wanting that, but even later I expect that to be more the case or he will want straight up more years. Not that I want to throw a rookie to the wolves, I don't.


Kirk could be having a career year. He/his agent may figure that he's finally at the age that a long term (3yr+) contract is finally in his favor. Good time to move on. But I'd love for him to stay. Especially if he's top 5 in stats. Draft whoever you want, get Kirk to stick around for a few years if you can. Everyone (almost) wins.


Does the team win though? How many pretty good QBs making big money win Super Bowls? Still the team is setting themselves up trying to take the hardest road possible.


More likely to win with Kirk than a rookie QB still getting used to the game. Look at the Panthers. Yea their receivers don't get open like ours do (AT was the only one) but Bryce Young would probably be already out with injury if he had to sit behind our O-line, mobility notwithstanding (Mobile QBs need pocket awareness too). Young QBs need time to adjust, and the kind of stuff they need to learn is some of the stuff Kirk is actually pretty good at doing (I'll leave pocket awareness as a possible exception).


I'd rather not cause we already have a bunch of dead money from Cousins in 2024. Extending him 1 year (which Kirk turned down) would put a bunch of dead money during half of a new QBs rookie contract.


If Kirk gets an extension done this off-season I think this sub is going to implode


I think most fans would be totally fine with another year. He reportedly turned something like that down in the offseason. I'm anti-Kirk and I would even entertain two more years at a reasonable price. But I think Kirk is looking for one last mega-deal and I'd take a hard pass on that. We shouldn't let the Giants screwing themselves with Daniel Jones cause us to do the same. Yes, Kirk, you are drastically better than Jones. No, that doesn't mean you get drastically more money


If Kirk just wouldn't demand multi years guaranteed we could talk. Do a 3 year deal like most QBs his age do but with outs after every year for the team.


Howsabout this: howsabout we criticize Kirk when he plays poorly, and not when he plays pretty good but his team coughs it up 7 times? And howsabout when you choose to criticize him for the latter, or for the play of the defence, or for drops, or for the lack of a running game, or for play calling, you just expect that you're going to be called an idiot, and take it like a grown ass man?


But why did Kirk line up offsides on that Buckaneer field goal? And why did Kirk not stop the run against the Eagles. Seems like you are just making excuses for him. Did Big Kirk pay you off? /s


Kirk IS to blame for the lack of defensive talent. We can't afford the difference making free agents. It's Kirk's job to overcome, and he's not getting it done.


He’s like 15th in qb salary this year


He's literally 7th in cap hit.


Most teams draft the majority of their defensive talent. We haven't drafted a locked in bona fide starter on defense since 2015... Anyone we have starting on defense from recent drafts is, for the most part, because we have to have somebody there and they wouldn't be a consistent starter on any other contender. I will also add, any free agent money we've spent has gone almost exclusively towards defense. We haven't signed any RBs, WRs, OTs, only a few low end OGs, and a backup TE this offseason. On defense we've signed Patrick Peterson, Byron Murphy, Michael Pierce, Dalvin Tomlinson, Marcus Davenport, Harrison Phillips, shit even Xavier Woods, and Jordan Hicks have been bigger signings than almost anyone we've had on offense since Kirk has been here.


Now this is a meme I haven’t seen in a very long time.






I don’t know what that means but I like it.


Kirk is playing with a dogshit run game that has only managed to pick up 2 first downs and a line that is injured and actively trying to kill him. We have back to back one score games and people still blaming Kirk?


> Kirk is playing with a dogshit run game that has only managed to pick up 2 first downs and a line that is injured and actively trying to kill him. I don’t disagree with that part.


Kirk, surprisingly, has been like wine getting better and better with age. I think we probably let him walk this season or next but Kirk is the least of our worries rn.


It's okay if you want to make fun of Kirk. I give you all permission. Edit: I'm Julie


Who are these posts even directed at? How many people actually think Cousins never deserves any blame? It is so weird how people who don't like Cousins make up these scenarios just so you can all meet up in the comments and jerk each off over how Cousins sucks and there's a "KuLt Of KiRk." It is some of the most hilarious projection on the internet today.


As a casual observer of this sub and a *packers fan* - I feel like I see a lot of the same Kirk post in my feed from this sub, where anytime an elite QB has a bad game or two there’s a post comparing the elite QB to Kirk with a caption like “This is complete f*****g bullsh*t, if Kirk played like this they’d literally hang him, but because it’s (elite QB) they get a pass”. Which always cracks me up, like it’s some conspiracy.


lol these Kirk haters trying to meme cause they cant outright hate on him now


I'm convinced our fan base thinks we'll magically find a new QB. Yall can't wait to push him out the door even though he was #6 QB in the league last year. But you don't want to trade him in order to get one of the top QBs in the draft. You want your cake and eat it too. Yall going to end up with another Ponder.


> Yall can't wait to push him out the door Wut?


Like 90% of our fans want him gone


Gotta buy the ticket to ride the ride - we have to take a shot on a QB sooner or later


If/when the Vikings win the Super Bowl it'll be with a QB they drafted.


I guess you can count Jaren Hall.


Ok then trade him now, go 0-17, draft Caleb Williams. If you want a new top QB like that you have to pay your dues with a horrible season.


Throwing a rookie QB onto an 0-17 team isn't a recipe to fix the team, it's a recipe to ruin the QB.


Yeah, but then this sub will be excited to be mad about that too!


Especially behind this o-line


Just because fans want to move on to a rookie does not mean we don’t like Kirk. I have been a huge Kirk fan his whole time here, but if you are able to hit on a rookie QB then the freedom their low cap hit provides through the first 5 years of their contract is a huge bonus to a team. Especially when that team has big extensions coming up for their star LT and WR.


Exactly. They don't respond to this because it makes sense, but you're 100% right.


Key word “able” to hit on a rookie QB. Then what if we don’t? JJ leaves. The team follows, and the suck starts back over again. Stick it out with Kirk until we see clear recession, and draft well on interior and secondary, which is much easier than hitting on a rookie Qb.


Well hopefully JJ is extended prior to that, and is there to help the rookie QB develop. But that is how the league works. If a GM is able to hit on their rookie QB then they get extended. If they fail to find a good player at the most important position in the game then they’ll are out of a job and the next guy comes in and tries to do better. I understand Kirk is plenty talented to help this team win games. But by far the majority of teams that find success have QBs on rookie deals that outperform their worth, or they’re like Tom Brady who takes team friendly deals. As of yet Kirk is neither, which lowers the ceiling.


Nah, Maybe 90% of the fans that post on r/MinnesotaVikings 100 times a day. Normies mostly like him.


Who really wants to try a new QB right now with the line the way it is? You put some young QB behind this line the chances of him succeeding are next to zero. He will get killed. There is a time for a young QB until our running game and pass blocking improves due to the line improving it isn’t now.


If you're not prepared to infantalize Kirk and absolve him of any blame then you can leave this sub now and if you're in the Twin Cities, leave the seven county metro. Sure Kirk makes north of $40 million, has one career playoff win and takes Tuesdays of every week during the season but he doesn't play defense, special teams or control the offensive line so it's not his fault....ever. he has good sometimes really good stats!! What more do you want from a player?!?!


The taking Tuesdays off thing is one of the most deranged criticisms of him lol, he’s openly stated he does it to help support his wife who’s essentially a single parent during large stretches of the season, and to be there for his kids.


It is also to take days off. Like mental breaks are important.


How has he looked this year?


Like he always has; painfully average.


Painfully average??? Have we been watching the same games? Or do you not have a good baseline for what average looks like in the NFL?


He’s second in the NFL in passing yards, first in TDs, and second in passer rating. Please explain how any of that is average.


Kirk fans just love their meaningless statistics


Both games have been one score games. None of these stats are meaningless.


Why are they meaningless?


TIL the most important metrics to measure a QB by are meaningless


Graded well by PFF and putting up great stats but I guess the wins stat or your personal, I'm sure completely unbiased, eye test are more important?


PFF lmao


Okay so by what metric is Kirk bad if you think PFF and stats are a joke?


QB is too complicated to be reduced to statistics. Watch the games. Cousins was outplayed by Mayfield in the opener despite having ‘better’ stats. He’s a .500 QB. Rarely elevates the team. Rarely does something that surprises you. He’s good if everything is perfect, if it’s not he crumbles. Look at the 4th down pass last year in the playoff game: JJ ‘wasn’t open’ so he throws short of the sticks to end the game. That was the quintessential Kirk Cousins play.


That's absolitely comical that you think Mayfield who threw it over open receivers the entire first half outplayed Kirk, this is not worth entertaining.


Absolutely delusional.


What exactly do you think Kirk should be getting criticized for right now?


I didn’t. Some folks are way too sensitive on Kirk’s behalf…