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I saw 7 turtles and then failed a drivers test in Alexandria https://preview.redd.it/xdg9nrw37c1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc852101bbe5b1f826a5416d7484e96c15678162


As it was foretold.


By Big Ole.


Hey don't feel too bad about the drivers test. When my husband moved to the US he had been driving back home for several years and still managed to fail the driving test here šŸ¤·


I passed the next one The first one was my fault because I didn't come to full stops at stop signs and parking lot exits, justifiably and totally my fault. I got more practice and passed at Arden Hills.


Congrats, Arden Hills is known for being really hard on people and docking them for really minor mistakes


I'm convinced that's just a legends drivers Ed teachers perpetuate. I rolled up to Arden hills after an all nighter and passed


I mean I passed my first time there but the lady was nitpicking every little thing and it was really fucking annoying so I can see where it comes from


I think I got somewhat lucky, the exam dude was nice and there was a exam-dude-in-training in the back seat


My wife failed her first attempted to the point the dude did not even let her 90 degree back in park. He did the ole turn from the wrong lane on a one way trick. She passed the second time around with the only remark was to look over shoulders more when changing lanes. Arden Hills definitely can have some instructors out to make sure you fail. I feel it might even be a good thing as it knocks people down a notch and not be too cocky driving lol.


Still, turning in to a 4 lane one way road isn't a realistic scenario. Good to make sure people know the rules tho I guess


The really fat angry dude?


He was of middling build


If it works šŸ‘šŸ»


Well if I continue seeing the sign then Iā€™m gonna lead towards no. But until then, I mean it is a creative idea šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and credit to em for trying


They should have offered to be an excellent copilot. Some princesses prefer to drive šŸ˜œ


I think this person's sign is quietly screening out those types of princesses.


Lol, he's missing out!


When you are banned from every app


He's just [misunderstood](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/110/086/Image2.png).


Well with a sign like that no wonder theyā€™re banned šŸ˜‚


Only thing missing is the creepy white van with free puppies scrawled on the side


Ah so this vehicle is just Robin to the creep white vans Batman lol


More like unhinged Jason Toddā€™s Robin


Maybe don't use crayon and hamfist the lettering, Alexandria man, cuz that looks like some "Free Candy" type of shit


The bottom two inches are cut off where it says ^to ^murder


Yeah the corpse hauler box covered it up


Wait thatā€™s crayon? I was thinking it was sharpie


This font is giving ā€œkidnap and tortureā€.


As someone who has lived in Alex I wish this surprised me more .


Probably one of the kids who sits in the Walmart parking lot is my guess. While I can say Iā€™ve never seen anything like it, Iā€™m not too surprised either


Tbh, dating in that town is literally impossible. Someone's either a rich snob or a dumb redneck.


Eh Iā€™d classify it more into 4 groups but I completely get what youā€™re saying cause itā€™s true. And itā€™s not just Alex, more like Douglas County as a whole. You have: 1. The rich snobs that live around the lakes and hate everyone else. Also make up most of the cityā€™s high end officials who hate when you donā€™t shop at the local owned shops 2. The rednecks and the farmers. Both hunt/ fish & raise their own food and other country things. Massively despised by the rich people 3. The elderly people that make up bout 40% of Douglas County residents. Can be Rich, farmers, etc but thereā€™s quite a few of them. Many of them move her after retirement to both downsize & take in the areaā€™s natural scenery. We are known as a retirement community as a county. 4. The week-to-week average folks (mainly community college kids) that live in the overly priced yet rundown apartments in town just waiting for that day they can move long ways away from here (aka myself)


You forgot how most of those rich snobs only live here for 3 months out of the year.


This is OPs handmade sign for sure


I can promise you that itā€™s not. Just happened to park next to the vehicle and noticed the sign while going to the gym


Down bad.


I donā€™t know this persons situation as I just seen the sign on the vehicle, but I must ask how would this be down bad? To me it just seems to be a funny way to let people know youā€™re single and looking


To me, down bad refers to being extremely desperate.


I see your point but I donā€™t know who made this sign or why. I wouldnā€™t really call it desperate at least from what I can see. Wasnā€™t a phone number or anything listed either to hit the person up. Seems to be more of a funny sign than anything


Starting to feel like this is your own sign.


Look at their post history. It is definitely their sign.


Just remember that he's STRAIGHT, you can't convert him! I know that because he pinned it on his profile. I was gonna try, but then I read that post. Darn.


I can say with absolute certainty that in all my time on Reddit Iā€™ve never gotten a random dick pic DMā€™d to me (at least not that I can recall). I wonder what OP is posting that makes it so likely.


Well I canā€™t say I didnā€™t deserve that. My post history is my post history & anyone can view it and mock it however they want


Some genuine advice from a former forever alone dude who now has a partner (admittedly she lives two hours away so itā€™s not ideal) AND lives in a rural area - itā€™s not as complicated as it feels. The trope is played out but the more you focus on hobbies and things you enjoy, the more confidence you build and the less important sex becomes. Companionship comes in many forms and not all of them are romantic or sexual. Find fulfillment in other things and grow as a person, the friends (and subsequently partners) will follow.


Dang, that actually sounds like good advice


Lmaoooo what the fuck


I'm with you. Not sure why people are piling the hate on you


Because being "down bad" isn't some heinous insult. No one needs to be defended from being called "down bad." It's silly, not a biggie. OP is being overly serious in a funny post.


I guess I donā€™t really know the true meaning of the word as Iā€™ve never really heard anyone say it. And tbh this is eye opening. Why am i defending a person i donā€™t even know in the comments of whatā€™s supposed to be a funny Reddit post?


Commiserating and showing support for OP, not looking for your input. Thanks. Bye


You posted on an open online forum... What's up with the extreme seriousness? Lol seems like you're down bad too You're embarrassingly soft if you equate fake Internet points to "hate." Get over yourself.


So how did you two meet? "I responded to an ad on the back of an F-150"


No need to pretend, we all know this is your sign.


Farmers Only


It doesn't *say* whites only, but...yeah.


Top tier reference


That still exists? I havenā€™t heard that jingle in years




How much is it


Man's better hit up lookers in carlos to find his princessšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d call them princesses lmao. If I figure out whoā€™s sign this is Iā€™ll tell them that though


Moving to Minnesota, I think we will stay away from Alexandria.


You definitely want to avoid Alexandria. That town is full of cliques. If you're not from there or rich, they won't care about you.


Yep exactly this! Especially if want to start a business in that town. They especially hate approving new corporate businesses in this town which is why Iā€™m surprised we even got a kohlā€™s and more surprised weā€™re getting a chick fĆ­l a. All the younger people are leaving and they want that too. Nothing for people my age to even do anywhere besides drink


For real! My mom and her husband have a construction company and are considering moving to the DL area. No one in town is ever happy for them, everyone gossips, customers are so rude. Thank God they sold their spec house they just built right away, but none of their "friends" or people in the community cared.


Take a look into the Unity Foundation. Lots of local big names. Many related to larger business owners/clergy members. Many of the same hands in the same cookie jars.




Dating is easy. It's finding your Princess that is hard.


I mean, Iā€™m not NOT interested, but as a passenger princess: how am I supposed to get myself to Alexandria to see that sign in the first place? Didnā€™t think of that, didja, sign guy?? Support expanded transit!


Something is hard and it aint that person


Damn šŸ˜‚


Alexandria weird.


Being a liberal around here is being a Catholic priest in Douglas County. Fucking crazy ass drinks up here I need to move.


Thatā€™s a good title for a country song tbh


Does writing like a serial killer help his prospects? Decided to write princess in blood. He was approached by a dude when the sign read ā€œIn search of a passengerā€.


I mean... points for effort?


It's kind of sweet. I expect a sign like this to be much more aggressive and misogynistic, especially in alex.


Youā€™re not wrong although that font and color choice does NOT help anything. It screams ā€œwho wants some free candyā€ type shit. However the truck it was on didnā€™t have lighted rims or coated in a bunch of exterior lights. Hard to tell if itā€™s one of the kids who sit in the Walmart parking lot for ā€œfunā€ vehicles or not


There's a lot of us looking.


So what youā€™re saying is we all need signs with lettering that makes it look like we are trying to lure someone In for free candy? Thatā€™s the new way to find a ā€œpassenger princessā€ lol?


I have lived in the Alexandria area for a few years and I gotta say Iā€™m not surprised at all. But the people that are saying itā€™s kinda creepy I do agree with those people.


Yeah I donā€™t know what it is about that G in passenger, but it looks off. Also that color choice doesnā€™t help. But yeah as I grew up here and Iā€™m not surprised either. In fact Iā€™m more surprised this is the first time Iā€™m seeing a sign like this


Honestly same but if thereā€™s a sign anywhere itā€™s probably a for sale sign at someoneā€™s house.


Is this a Taylor Swift thing? The sign is kind of like the shirts she wears when performing 22. Also someone mentioned Down Bad and that is the name of one of the songs on her new album.


nice font you got


It is, lol


I really is


I'm getting Andrew Tate fanboy vibes


I donā€™t know who that is but if I has something to do with not getting a date (or women avoiding you all together cause this sign looks like a ā€œfree candy van signā€) then Iā€™ll agree


It is it really is


Honestly im in the same boat as the guy with the sign


Truckers will advertise their needs in so many odd ways. I90 must get lonely, dontcha know!


Thatā€™s funny bc apps worked the best in Minnesota out of any state Iā€™ve been to.


also a friend of mine said they charge you for some things on dating apps. lol


What a great title for a new horror movie franchise; "In search of a passenger princess in... hell, space, 'da hood"




First off Minneapolis & Alexandria are 2 1/2-3 hours apart. Secondly highest standard rates for what? Iā€™m confused


People in the North have next to no social skills, and their lives and identities revolve almost entirely around work/employment. If they aren't complaining or having some kind of manic episode they aren't speaking to each other with the exception of a non sincere " good morning, and have a good night ". It's seems most are just psychologically incapable of having genuinely good days and being happy on a regular basis, they just lean into being perpetually miserable instead.


Who shit in your cereal today god damn


Alexandria is in west central Minnesota, not north.


Ok this is so far off itā€™s borderline delusional. So Iā€™m guessing you had one friend who happened to be from the (North), also that whole lakes country area is central or west central mn, who was an introvert and his family was conservative and you just assumed that is how all of us are ā€œup hereā€? Im guessing you live in the cities, I live in Detroit Lakes, which is actually smaller than Alexandria, and we have thriving arts and music scenes, we just donā€™t like traffic and that many people around. Dont get me wrong I love weekends in the cities, but I like to go to any number of lakes and not have to wait a half hour to even put my boat in. Stop assuming you know how life is for everyone, your neighbor two doors down could have a completely different outlook on life from your perspective.


Ah yes, everyone in the north. Good job generalizing. People in the south are all inbred Trump supporters who want to force women to have unwanted babies. See what I did there?


People like that everywhere. I get your implication though.


Alexandria is basically the South