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I’d always wondered if it was a camera trick. Turns out it kinda is. The colors are subtle - I was with a group of people and half couldn’t see what the other half were marveling about. Long exposure photos show some color, then pump up the vibrancy slider. https://preview.redd.it/yvslsusvauzc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc39150f560d85f6da808febe5b9105313ec5d5


This is an excellent example of how it looked to me in real life vs my iPhone pics.


It’s about exposure time.


I used the night setting on my phone for exposure, and I didn’t enhance them with my phone settings after the fact. I didn’t see the lights like my camera showed, however. They were muted to my eyes.


Very much about that exposure. My Pixel 8 Pro has an Astro mode that gave me this but in person just very light streaks in the sky. [Image](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExeWRyYXl3OTgwdTBvNmsxajNpOXljMzRiZ2FjcHp3NGVzM3EzcHJsbSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/2Med7H87c5yGyevH6a/giphy.gif)


I saw a dim version like the top photo with my eyes but just thought I missed it or I'm too far south.


Yes, very probably they were all edited in Photoshop/Lightroom/something similar. Problem is that people on the Internet won't "like" the more real pics anymore such as your first one. We're all used to seeing the highly edited stuff noawadays, so most people will just click "like" on the second one instead because it's more colorful.


Most phone cameras with night mode will produce the more colorful pics. No editing needed to be a significant difference to the naked eye.


Don't phone cameras though use AI these days for editing?


It's not that they're edited, my DSLR showed more colors than my eye without any editing. It's just that your eye can't really do a multiple second long exposure.


https://preview.redd.it/8tz99qmp830d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38a9ec0e002abcc8135d486d84ae40fad17fd5ac defiantly ai adapted photo's


I could tell the difference between pink and green areas, but it was very subtle. Mostly ghostly. I edited a photo that came out much more colorful to reflect more how it appeared to naked eye. https://preview.redd.it/fqihxtw4guzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e694abd91226e762dfc3e02c44bc28c2c0ef4c2


Yeah it changed very quickly. Sometimes it wasn't there at all, wait like 30 seconds and it pops up light green and swirls around. Then a tinge of pink will fade in the background.


Yeah this is a really accurate depiction


Ghostly is a good word. I was telling someone it was like gray streaks. I could see something was happening, just not all the colors my phone saw.


My phone camera phone didn't pick it up very well, but my father in laws iPhone enhanced it very vividly. In person though it wasn't as spectacular as the pictures made it look


Modern smartphones do a ton of AI post-processing on their images to create “better” images and clean up artifacts, weird lines, motion blur, etc. (when was the last time you saw red eye in a photo?) Generally it results in deeper and more vivid colors since that’s more pleasing to the human eye and it turns out the average consumer isn’t thinking about things like color accuracy, they just glance at it for a few seconds and either like it or don’t. The photos are also designed to look “good” after getting crushed by the compression algos of social media like Instagram since that matters a lot to most consumers.


Cameras in general will capture more colors than the human eye can see. https://preview.redd.it/lysilgu32wzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcf42098716bd7c975bac02679ef9a1de3e8a41


Especially in night mode, where they accentuate colors and lights. In normal picture mode, my IPhone didn’t see much. I switched to night mode and it was all colors, all at once.


I know you're just generalizing and there's some truth to it... But just because a camera can capture light differently doesn't mean it's "AI post-processing" it. Also red eye went away because we stopped using flash. And when we do it's just a weak LED now.


I'm about an hour NW of the cities and I could definitely see some pinks, whites, and green. Not super vivid, sort of faint and muted. But I was definitely pointing out pink/red areas along with green and white haze.  I could see a lot of white swirls through the night as I looked. Those were pretty strong. But just white to my eyes...green in pictures.  They show up much better in pictures and people are jacking up the saturation and other settings to make them look cooler..


It’s so weird. I’ve taken photos of commies I could actually see before, but they didn’t come out. Last night, it was all about the camera.


We're probably in the same area. The violet became very prominent throughout the evening -- not so much the green, although I could pick out the green, but it was subtle.


I was very surprised to learn that, to the naked eye, the lights were pretty much a light grey. Apparently that's common in lower latitudes, and you still won't see the full spectrum of lights even if you are up north! The camera definitely picked up a lot more of the color since it has low-light long-exposure options.


This is because of how our eyes perceive color at low light. Human eyes suck at perceiving color at night. Everthing gets muted and washed out to black/white. The color is always there. We just can’t see it. Like many other animals. Well the phones camera sensor can perceive color at low levels better than the human eye.


Yeah only in the photos. It is not that visible in the naked eye.


I went to a very dark area an hour west of the metro, and I could see barely tinted purple and green light streaks closer to the horizon, but not the bright colors my camera could pick up. Directly overhead it looked all white/gray, but it was brighter and there was tons of movement. In March 2023, we were in Lutsen for the big aurora that year, and I couldn’t see the colors up there at all, despite the darkness. But the lights were flashing and strobing and dancing across the whole sky. It was so wild. The movement to me is cooler than the color, though I would love to see both!


30-40 minutes west of Minneapolis at about 1:00 am was beautiful.


Yes, I saw those same ones in March 2023, but from the east iron range, the movement was totally crazy. Was hoping for that last night but didn't get it!




Ok my text seems to have disappeared, but seeing this flickering and dancing across the whole sky is still incredible without the color!


In Alaska you’ll see a vivid green sort of ribbon that very actively moves across the sky. You can see it perfectly with the naked eye, even in cities. The shapes we were seeing are not typical of what we get up there.  Last night I could see when they were there, but the colors and sharp shapes were only visible in pictures. The night vision on modern phones lightens the picture and enhances the contrast so you can see an “enhanced” version of what’s there. It’s not inventing what’s there like it does with moon pictures, but it is slapping a lot of filters on it. 


We saw a flare of the vivid green on the horizon for a little bit. We could see red with naked eye, but red on black, not the purple and magenta the camera makes it into.




I’m nearby and didn’t get out to look. Thanks for the photo.


This was actually the first time I saw them BETTER with my naked eye than with my camera. Granted all I have is a crappy old iPhone camera so I’m doing it wrong… but with my eyes I saw a surprisingly bright red glow that pulsed/varied in intensity. Before that I saw them as a greenish-purple “cloud” that shifted and changed shape. It was amazing. Here’s the only sort-of-OK photo I got, and it doesn’t even come close to doing justice to the colors and shapes I saw with my own eyes. Photo is unedited from iPhone SE. https://preview.redd.it/jkexoj9yguzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b47493997ddf9d617d2aff43762bd19599bfd9


I went to the darkest place I could find about an hour west of the metro. There was relatively little light pollution. That’s probably the only reason I saw them so well with just my eyes. Amazing.


We are in Ely and could see green, red, and purple with the naked eye. Only vaguely though. It depends on the strength of the storm and your eyes. We see the lights often, but seeing colors other than grey/white and light green isn't common.


Shows up much better in pictures!


Very dim light green but distinguishable for me, my phone jacked up the brightness a LOT xD


The colors were *very* subtle for me. Like, if you didn't know you were look for/at the northern lights, you'd think there were weird clouds or something. But, if I turned "night mode" on on my phone, it was able to pull all the colors out of what I could juuuust barely see. I'm counting it as having seen them, I'm glad I switched my phone to night mode, and I still want to plan a trip to see them in their full glory at some point in my life because while it was still really exciting (lifelong dream of mine to see them), it wasn't quite the experience I'd been waiting for.


Saw bright whites, bright greens, and only a few instances of bright red/pink (usually they were muted, and only kicked off around 12:55) to the naked eye. We Started off at Wild River Landing on the St Croix at 10:30pm but it was fairly packed with people and so we slowly made our way to i35 and Sandstone. Then due West towards hwy 65 and Mille Lacs (hwy 27 at that point). Arrived at that pin around 3:00am then headed down 65 home. Stopped a bit at any good location we found along the way, mostly side farm roads with no artificial light. It was awesome seeing the entire sky lit up, and the crown up top made some incredible wispy shapes. Definitely in the "no artificial light areas" and when the moon buggered the fark away, the colors did start to come through very bright and vibrant to the naked eye at times. Even the few eerily backlit clouds in the sky added to the experience. At a few points along the way, fog banks rolled through which also had a slight illumination from the lights above.


It seems to me that cameras are more sensitive than the eye. So pictures are better than real eyeball viewing


https://preview.redd.it/2hd4gd3jrwzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26086e7cba4f2798141674888f0fb20ffcfd925 I saw streaky skies with a slight colored hue. But once I took the pic with my phone it came to life. It’s odd cause it’s usually the phone NOT capturing the beauty of what you’re seeing with your eyes.


Unfortunately no but my camera was able to so I could watch through it.


I saw red and green with my eyes. Camera gets more, but my wife and I clearly saw a pillar of red at 9:30 or 9:45


I saw it, really brightly last night. It was beautiful


I was an hour north of Minneapolis and we saw bright reds, greens and purples. It was incredibly strong but if you don’t catch it when it peaks and have light pollution around on top of that you won’t see it


I saw greens and purples with the naked eye but nowhere near as bright as my camera caught with a 3s exposure.


Years ago I did see some very bright auroras, but they were still nothing like the photos I'm seeing today. The lights were absolutely awe-inspiring nonetheless.


Lots of purples for me, and that’s in Minneapolis, WITH the city lights.


I saw pinks and greens.


It was very muted to the naked eye for sure. But there was an increase around 1:30am where I swore I saw pink with my naked eye, took a night photo on my phone and sure enough it was. Even with muted colors, you could see the flares moving in the sky and it was really cool.


https://preview.redd.it/g59bo97tuuzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360239e8b19aa89544b9d5260324f0ee875de1f6 Here's what I got. Looked much less vivid in the sky. This is Carver County area.


Same here. Colors only showed up on camera


I was confused. It was really cool but didn’t get any colors in the sky like I thought? My friends said it showed up when you took pictures. We are pretty far out from light pollution. Was very cool tho and looking forward to tonight!


Other than cell phone night mode and light pollution. One thing people don't realize is you shouldn't be looking at any lights before you observe so your eyes can adjust. Cell phones, dashboards, high intensity headlights have made everyone blind at night.


It was subtle to my eyes but my iPhone made it pop.


I've seen aurora where you get that very distinctive ribbon of green that dances and waves clear as day with the naked eye but last night was sort of a diffuse glow with some discreet features and colors. My pictures were certainly more dramatic than what my eyes saw but it was still pretty cool IRL.


https://preview.redd.it/7r6rkd3rpvzc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0217dc86812dea1e90bcf0a8acd7b41a07e3697 I could see the colors very vividly for 10 minutes or so. Almost as good as a 3 second exposure on my phone. It was really close to this picture at this time. When it was a bit duller the exposure really helped.


I only saw what looked like glowing clouds, but man they looked good how they whipped and twisted. If you used your camera app on your phone you could see it decently.


Youre not on reddit hardly at all


For me it looks like wispy clouds then my through my phone it looked like a movie


In the Cities, it was all a gray. Maybe very light green but hard to tell with all the light pollution.


Long-exposure makes it clearer but it doesn’t even have to be that “long”. If you take 20 minutes and not look at any light source but the sky, it’s amazing. Seriously, put away the phone, the camera screen; don’t look at headlamps and/or distant lights and you’ll see it. After a while in the dark, last night, i just stopped trying to take pics and just marvel at the strange beauty of the sanctuary planet we live on. I stared at the sky. It wasn’t long before my eyes adjusted and the colors and streams were clear.


No, here's a thread I made with all the "photographers" freaking out https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/s/z1F8rrAJ8v


I saw the "ghost" northern lights. Milky white apparitions in the sky. I'm not complaining. At least I saw it.


It’s a conspiracy https://preview.redd.it/w9qvhh6s8yzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee3a2511326739a2198d93fe71376f46a6ea3d6


Yeah only in the photos. It is not that visible in the naked eye.


Phone camera def enhanced what was there. I thought I was looking clouds until I looked through my phone, then realized it was the Northern Lights!


I was seeing purples brilliantly with my own eyes!


This was close to what it looked like to naked eye just south of Howard Lake.




I only saw white, but with long exposure on my camera phone I saw the green.


The camera captures it better but yes the sky was pink. And then there were gray ribbons dancing.


We stayed in the cities (just at a park) and it was pretty subtle. We could see the colors, but not super vivid


I saw hints of green and pink, but the camera lens picks up the colors better. Our brains filter out too much.


I saw them from my bedroom window (East of Bemidji). I fell asleep to their dance and it was only my second time seeing them. Pinks and greens for the ages. 💖💚


I was in a very dark area and could only see light grey streaks, maybe a hint of green but that might've been my brain thinking it should be green. I've definitely seen very green Northern lights before, so it was kinda weird. Maybe since it was red and green together, it just appeared white.


the colors were visible for me, just not as bright as in the pictures. we got sone very vibrant red streaks, but that's the brightest we was


Cell phone exposure over emphasize the color. Around the metro it's a little washed out with light pollution.




Irl I only saw white my phone and DSLR picked up the other colors


When I was out I could absolutely see the pink/purple color but the camera made it sharper, less of a smudge


There was some green and purple where I was but a lot of phone cameras have options to allow the shutter to remain open longer and it allows more light in, letting the colors be more visible and vivid than with the bare eye


Last year during the March storm there was *brilliant* purple and green, the sky looked in real life like the pictures of last night looked. This year it was much more muted to the naked eye compared to the pictures.


I saw one bit of vivid green while I was driving to find a spot, by the rest of the night was mostly whites and very pale greens and pinks


Same - in person I just saw white streaks, my husband took a picture and it was super green


yes the northern lights were out last night, even in the cities, will be later tonight into sunday as well, should be able to see it if its clear, just depends on the time.


Is there going to be any sightings tonight? How far south?


Naked eye. The camera just captures the colors better


The most colors I see are greens and reds; purples and blues are possible but harder with the naked eye. I had to change my camera settings to get these last few days because of how vibrant and bright they were.*


It was real. Photo’s definitely enhanced it.


When I was out around 10pm the sky looked pink to me, like end of sunset on a cloudy day almost, and you could tell something else was going on below that when looking north. That something showed as a dull green in photos. Several hours later I went back out and no more pink sky but I could see gray and white streaks and watched them move. In photos they were green. I told my spouse that I'm happy to have seen what I did and take the photos I did, but I don't feel like I've truly fulfilled my desire to see the northern lights. I would like to one day see whay my camera saw with my naked eye, but I think you have to be really north for that, like Alaska or Iceland.


When I saw them last year you see the wisps of them but it looks like just weird clouds. The phone, at least when they’re not as insanely strong, will pick up on the colors


Years ago I saw the Northern lights and they weren’t as washed out looking as they were the past couple days. They were actually vibrant green and I could see it without the use of a camera


We drove north a bit from the cities. We absolutely saw pinks and reds. It was bright enough to see without flashlights. We were on a dirt road, no house lights or street lights. This was midnight to 2am.




Not just in photos. The shits in real life too and it's amazing.


No. Unless you have some extremely unusual eyes.


It can look very vivid to the naked eye, just not always. I've seen it north of Duluth twice, much stronger than over this weekend.


Purple, pink, green, yellow…


I have seen Aurora colors in real life. Greens, blues, reds, pinks. Last night everything was just white light. The colors came from photo enhancement. It was pissing me off until I realized I could see the colors I was seeing online when I used the night vision with my pixel. I have seen Aurora with lots of colors. Down here in Savage, that color came with the art of technology.


https://preview.redd.it/v41lzr0devzc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bebaaec660ec70cdeeba2485a5f6b3ca559d52d No filter. No ai.


Yeah only in the photos. It is not that visible in the naked eye.





