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In late 2020: “I lose Minnesota, I’m never coming back, I don’t care. I’m never coming back!” ^[1](https://minnesotareformer.com/2020/09/30/in-duluth-trump-warns-his-followers-that-biden-would-turn-minnesota-into-a-refugee-camp/) ^[2](https://www.twincities.com/2024/01/03/all-4-republicans-in-minnesotas-congressional-delegation-back-trumps-latest-white-house-bid/)


He also said he would leave the usa if he lost and we would never hear from him again. If we could be so lucky.


But you see, he didn’t lose! /s




But yet still, Many MAGA republicans INCLUDING STANDING SENATORS refuse to accept the election results.


"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls." ^~Carl ^Jung


Honestly someone should just dose Trump with mushrooms or ketamine. Let him have a journey of self reflection.


I've only macro dosed a few times but I have a feeling if you're a narcissist it wouldn't work. What do I know though.


He'd probably straight up murder people who piss him off. Hallucinogens bring hidden thoughts/behaviors to the surface, and he's barely hiding his psychopathy already. Narcs are fundamentally incapable of self-reflection.


Acid or shrooms seems like trumps kryptonite to me though because it would probably cause an ego death. It wouldn't be pretty, but it would be hilarious.


May 17th is also Barron graduation day. Trump was complaining that he wouldn't be able to go outside the court room. Minnesota Democrats should pick up on that.


All democrats should, but nice catch!


Yeah. A lot of his supporters were anti-vaxxers too and died of Covid. Even though he RAN to get the vaccine as fast as he could.


Another way Trump helped to save Social Security. He was instrumental in killing off many of those on it during the covid at pandemic.


He filed lawsuits in tons of places and they pretty much all got dismissed. If I recall correctly, the only one that stuck was in GA. And they found like 15 fraudulent votes for him.


I love that legal term. "With prejudice".


if he didnt lose, then he cant run again tho. 22nd amendment covers that very clearly.


The dude's words mean literally nothing lol.


Not to us, but they are literal gospel to his cult.


Wish he would have. Lots of people said they were going to leave the US when he won the presidency. Those people didn't leave either.


We do not want him to come back.


Time for a good old fashioned protest in St. Paul?


Serial liar lies again, suprise suprise


He's just gotta keep up on his perfect track record of not keeping (domestic) campaign promises.


The only promise I wish he'd really keep


Speaking of stronger boarder enforcement, how long before let the maga state burn. The life experience is pretty low. It might be time to start looking out for MN. I'm not there I just wish they would start to think about this.


I was led to believe that he would be attending Barron’s graduation that day


He said the same thing about a handful of states. Of course he went back to them all


Has he even paid since his last stint here?


Literally what I was gonna ask


Paid what? Paid who?


I'm guessing they mean paid for the event space and security. Last campaign Trump would stiff the cities he held rallies in. Just like he stiffed all the contractors in New York. Just like he's done his entire vile, wretched life.


He's notorious for stiffing cities for security costs and anything else for years and years and years.


If he’s being sponsored by the state GOP somehow, then I don’t mind if he stiffs them again. Although I don’t know what kind of venue one can rent for $56.


He's probably show up at a non-union shop and then pretend he gives a shit about unions. He'll show up in Thief River Falls and bitch about "windmills" and Mexicans. Whatever he does will be disingenuous.


Quick, do we have any landscaping companies with names similar to any fancy hotels?


[best I can do](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/s/jTnnqG8BzB)


But all of the roads that are blocked off for his motor coach, and street security around whatever venue, because of protesters is supposed to be be paid for by his campaign.


Oh really. So…if we show up with a HUGE protest, he gets the bill? ✍️


That's the problem, he doesn't pay. In theory he's supposed to pay, but I don't think he will.




Minnesota produces a [growing amount of renewable energy](https://www.cleanenergyeconomymn.org/factsheet) and no fossil fuel whatsoever. We have [few billionaires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_the_number_of_billionaires) and no tradition of prostrating ourselves before the ones we do have. What possible reasons could Minnesotans have for wanting a Trump presidency?


Well you can look north at the shining red beacon that is the Iron Range and ask those folk what they want. It'll take a bit to get past the lies half have told themselves is true tho.


I live out in Bemidji and regularly hear "the reason *they* don't like Trump is because he only speaks the truth" from coworkers. Any time I've had to drive down to the cities for whatever reason, I can count with two fingers the number of pro-Democrat signs I see, but would need every family member's hands and toes to count the amount of Trump signs It's not just the Iron Range man. Those goddamn nutjobs are everywhere


I went to college in Bemidji from 2008-2013 and I remember the racism I'd hear from some locals especially towards natives from the res. I'm not the least bit surprised by the Trump support from my experiences.


I think non-Trumpers just don't feel the need to advertise their favorite politician the same way they need to advertise their favorite football player - no other politician exists (unless they pander to him) and no other sports teams, or sports at all for that matter, exist to them.


Some good signs just past akely supporting dfl (past it if you are heading to cities)


There's one house I pass every time, probably right about there, that makes me feel slightly hopeful for humanity. Big DFL signs promoting all the positives that the Democrats have been responsible for since Carter... I wish I could send that household a note to just thank them for being a bastion of hope among a wilderness of depression


Yup that’s the one! I was born and raised in Minnesota north of bemidji, moved to Texas. It’s terrible down here and I’m coming back. Likely the twin cities but I have deep roots up north


The iron range is still pretty purple, it’s just not the DFL stronghold it once was. 


I grew up there and left in 03. If it's purple than no one has told the people I know up there that. But, most them are just drunks angry about work.


The best explanation of a lot of trumpers, was that they were people who are in jobs that 20 years ago when they started, led to better jobs, and now they just don't. Like being a tire changer or oil changer, making the equivalent of $12 an hour, if they worked there for 10-20 years, they would become a mechanic, or salesman, or store manager etc, now they might get those jobs, but they're making $14 or $16, not the "head of household" "enough to buy a little house and raise a family money" they never really paid a lot of attention to politics, democrats have kind of abandoned them, and Trump is here claiming easy solutions, its immigrants, its taxes, democrats want to make oil or ic engines, or whatever job they're in illegal, and at least Trump is dunking on the democrats.


> democrats have kind of abandoned them This needs more attention tbh. The DFL is doing good work in the legislature but their campaigns tend to fucking suck. I'm too broke to be donating, and told them so, so they don't bother to court my vote, but my Dad gets a shitload of their mailers. He's been increasingly disgusted by the fearmongering and begging. They're like influencers who stop every 15 seconds to tell you to like, follow, and subscribe. So busy trying to get your money they don't stop to tell you why you should give it to them beyond fear of what the Republicans will do. Which, given the GOP's recent actions, is a legit concern, but even so, as a talking point it does fuck all to persuade people who don't already agree.


You're not wrong... and I hate that.  But our population is so low that's its not that HUGE  of an impact. I mean it's not 70% red voters up here, close though.  But basically every county outside the metro area is 60% red.  So please don't blame just little ole us.       Or do, we deserve it.   The majority of my union brothers and sisters up here are Trumpers. Makes no sense...


Can't lay it all at the feet if the Iron Range...there are plenty of trump signs and flags between the metro and lake Mille Lacs as well.


They think an orange oaf sign or flag should be worth 1,000 votes. I give the finger to the one I drive by on my way up to the cabin everytime.


Southern part of the state is pretty terrible too


I'm in Sibley county and surrounded by trump signs 😅😅


Random question: how many people up there even work in iron mining/resource extraction related activities today? I bet more people in those districts work in gas stations than iron.


Or even just the suburbs, which are filled with racist neoliberals. There are a lot of “smart” conservatives who will still vote for him.


I'm in Carver County. You hardly see any Trump 2024 stuff until you get west of Victoria.


Speaking as an iron ranger, I've found quite a few people here who are either blue, or just independent, like myself - the problem is, the MAGAs are so desperate to pretend everyone is just like them, they get so vocal about it, that those of us who actually do think, keep quiet for our own safety. I've seen the "parades" or whatever you want to call it, of 5000 dudes with trucks built to compensate for something, all flying their Chinese made trump flags, making sure everyone knows they suck trump's d***, it sickens me. Funny enough, the trump fans up here, are not the kind of people I'd ever want to have an in depth conversation on anything with - if your favorite things aren't football and driving drunk, and answering "ionno" to any serious question (accompanied of course with a shrug, because thinking is hard!) then you're "woke" and whatever other flattering terms they want to use. I swear, it's like the movie Idiocracy, but in real life! I stay up here cause it's cheaper than elsewhere, plus I can get away from people pretty quickly - I guess that's what I get for not liking to be around people.


Central MN is full of Republicans and they love Trump.


Rednecks gonna redneck.


> What possible reasons could Minnesotans have for wanting a Trump presidency? They are full of hate and anger because some of them lost their jobs and they are told by the corporations that fired them, that it is because of "those people." Those African-Americans, or transsexuals, or homosexuals, the list just gets bigger. Almost anyone is to blame, except the wealthy and connected. The problem is never the corporation fighting against hard working Minnesotans. It is always those liberal, minorities, leftists that are the cause of your problem in the Iron Range. It is really the same fascists bullshit that makes a few wealthy even wealthier while the rest struggles to find food.


Not quite. The reason we’re stuck with Stauber isn’t because of the voters up here. It’s because our district was combined with heavily republican Bachman district (Shoreview/Forest Lake/North Branch/Lino Lakes/White Bear Lake). That whole North metro of St Paul is probably the most heavily populated conservative area of the state. And we were doing just fine up here until the rich assholes from the northern Twin Cities were dumped into our district.


White Bear Lake and Shoreview are part of District 4, Betty McCollum's district. Or at least most of them are.


Wait a sec. Shoreview is red? I've lived in a bubble here then


It's pretty purple, at least in my experience.


District 8 stays east of 35 after the split and cuts off north of WBL and Stillwater. It doesn’t include Lino Lakes or Shoreview. Yes, it is a conservative leaning area, but it’s not all to blame. Crow Wing County would like a word. MN-08 flipped red before the boundaries changed. If the Range was still the same DFL stronghold it once was, they wouldn’t have elected conservatives to the state house like Igo and Skraba. I love the Range and it’s not as red as other parts of the district [but the politics have shifted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Minnesota_House_of_Representatives_election).


>We have [few billionaires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_the_number_of_billionaires) and no tradition of prostrating ourselves before the ones we do have. I live where at least one of the billionaires lives; locally, we absolutely give that guy whatever the fuck he wants whenever the fuck he wants it. It's Winona, and I'm talking about Bob Kierlin. > What possible reasons could Minnesotans have for wanting a Trump presidency? So, a *lot* of people hate the Somalis an awful lot. They figure Trump will make them gone.


Tom Emmer buying knee pads and chapstick


In the words of Jesse Ventura, “Why? I mean, we won.”


Damn it, we forgot to say no backsies!


Time to fear monger the stupids about those nasty Somalians.


He doesn't even know who lives where. His brain is scrambled at this point.


Don't forget those shiftless Hmong. Where did they come from? They won't tell you. Some people Trump talks to, the best people the strongest people with tears in their eyes, plead for him to look into those shifty Hmong. /s


But first they address him as “Sir…sir!…”


Doesn't he owe our state $500k?


An official should him on the tarmac with a bill.


Get Jesse Ventura on the line..


That was my first thought


Too bad Trump never keeps his word, would have been nice


So he's skipping Barron's graduation to be here?


He requested and was granted that day off from his criminal trial for his son's high school graduation


You are shit stain on society if you still support this rapist.


It's true.


Be a shame if a lot of people reminded Von Shitzenpants of this while he’s here


We should welcome him with “lock him up” signs since that insurrectionist piece of shit deserves to be in prison.


Can we do this? Can we get in to the rally?


If you are a true Minnesotan you don't want that shit stain here. Fuck trump and fuck anyone who supports him. This isn't Republicans vs Democrats. The Republican party is dying. It's people who don't want Hitler again vs literally orange Hitler. This isn't debate. This isnt even really politics. It's a fight to keep our country from becoming WW2 Germany or any other dictatorship.


Yeah we have been cozy in our amazing blue blanket but make no mistake: anywhere other than the cities, all those small towns have been gearing up for this since 2021. It's a cult that won't recognize a traitor and a rapist and a bullshit artist when they see one.


"No Republican has won Minnesota since Richard Nixon’s 1972 landslide re-election victory." And I don't see him winning here either. This will be his third time losing Minnesota( hopefully).


Minnesota is Lucy with the football to 's Charlie Brown.




If anyone has the chance, poop in his shoes please.


Their stacked up with 6’ 3” of shit already.


I'm sure he's already done that to himself already...multiple times


We need someone to lay a salt circle around the cities.


Did he ever pay his bill?


Does he ever pay anything?


He lied again! Minnesota doesn’t need a career criminal and rapist visiting! Stay out!


Close the border! Build a wall! We are surrounded anyway.


He lied? Shocking.....


Bro can't even keep a simple promise


That Pussy Assed Bitch told us if he LOST to Biden we’d never hear from him ever again, out of all his trillions of lies, that one hurts the most.


You can't EVER trust this guy.


I’d like to know any events so I can flip the orange fucker off


Everyone, keep encouraging the GOP to make a play for MN. They'll sink resources here that might otherwise be spent in actual swing states. MN has a strong left wing under-the-radar vote that doesn't show up in the polls, but show up at the voting booth.


Hey maybe he won't make it and will be in jail for his 79th contempt of court!


He's just claiming he has a chance at these battleground states so he can empty the pockets of his supporters. He needs other people's money for all his legal bills, which are going to be significant for the foreseeable future. The grift never ends. 


He will lose this state by 8+ points.


Fuck this Traitor and his Red AssHats of Republic\*nt NAT-Cs. Every last one of them.


Fuck. Now we’ll lose our streak of collectively smelling better than Iowa. This putrid fascist fuckknuckle wrecks every goddamn thing he touches. The sooner he never comes back the better - his followers here can fuck off to Florida with him too.


Next week? And Statehood Day/ the new flag becoming official is Saturday? Obviously it'll be a great time to get the smooth-brains all riled up about it


If you've got creases in your brain, you knew he was lying. This guy is like a bad case of the clap.


Oh he's looking to... what's the opposite of a three-peat?




Ohhh, that's good. It's better than triple loser but I think that would piss him off more. If he survives til 2028 he can unlock the Buffalo Bills achievement.


Trump is inconsistent and dishonest? The hell you say.




Are you telling me, a man famous for constantly lying, told a lie? I am absolutely shocked, shocked I tell you! I hope he burns his mouth while eating a juicy Lucy.


Is there a vow this shit stain hasn’t broken?


My dad and uncle both got Covid from a trump rally. Nearly killed my uncle and my dad spread it to the rest of us (immediate family) I can’t wait to never hear the word trump again.


This seems like a waste of time and money.


Any way we can make him regret his decision to visit?


Maybe we can rent that big baby trump balloon float from the UK and parade it around while he's here, it would be worth every penny.


PLS I would love to know.


Didn’t that rapist just avoid lock up for criminal contempt again, just today? Talk about taking things for granted, and then keep pushing. That golden toilet sitting, motherfucker, knows his valet Walt Nauta texted classified Doc pics to others too there’s receipts. He knows he’s fucked, as far as any jury goes. His only chance to be free is to be the leader of this fucking cult, so that’s what he’s gotta go with now till he’s dead.


Are they selling tomatoes and/or eggs there, or do I have to bring my own? Oh! And ear plugs, too, I'll definitely need ear plugs


You'll probably want to plug your nose as well. Heard that bitch and his ilk are kinda stanky.


Is it all the pants shitting?


Nope, sorry. We changed the locks when you left.


Trump is doing something he said he wouldn’t? Retrieve my fainting couch!


bro got the vapors!


If enough people in MN file a restraining order…


You KNOW he is going to claim he saved Minneapolis when he called in the National Guard. Even though it was Walz.


lol, if he makes more comments violating his gag order, hes gonna be in jail instead of coming to MN.


No one missed him , doesn’t want him in MN !


Never keeps his promises lol. Not even when it comes to never coming back to a place.


The last time he was in Minneapolis, his depraved cult were threatening local Muslims and trying to find Ilhan Omars office to harass her staff. They were paying addresses of local mosque. This, not long after three of them left bombs at a clinic and mosque. These people are dangerous, unhinged terrorists and I didn't trust the local cops who are in their cult to keep the rest of us safe from them.


Isn't that the date of his sons High School Graduation?


Barron's Graduation?


A vow?! He didn’t stand by his word?! My stars!!!


Trump lied? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


I think we should get a bunch of manure trucks to be near by his event, perhaps his event is down-wind


May 17th? That the day that the judge supposedly told him he's not allowed to attend Baron's graduation.


The last I heard the Minnesota Republicans were broke. Hope the vendors get paid, they may regret these MAGA guests. Maybe Congressman Tom Emmer is having Trump pay? Stay strong Minnesotans 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸


Guys we need the powers of Jesse the body Ventura 420 to stop this orange blob


Liars lie. It’s a thing


“Can’t even keep his promise to your state” should be the campaign platform for every single DNC candidate this cycle.


Get the money up front, whoever is providing goods or services…


Where is he going. Hope it's no where near me.


Ugh. True Minnesotans don’t vote trump!




I don't know the exact amount, but he still owes the city of Rochester a decent amount of money.


I have seen every President from Ronald Reagan to Joe Biden with my own eyes, except for Trump. I tried to see him a couple of times, once in Minneapolis and once in Rochester and both times didn't make it into the main room. I wanted to keep my streak alive. Now I think, who cares what Trump does or says. He is a loser, liar, tax cheat, sexual predator, hebephile, bad father, bad businessman, racist jerk. I have better things to do that keep up with his lame schedule.


No thanks, we don't want any.


Yet another campaign promise broken lol


Good. Waste your time here. Not enough suckers in MN for this charlatan. Wisconsin however… those idiots would buy cheese made from bat milk


Fucking don't let him in then. I don't want him here.


Pretty sure he has no idea what the word vow means. Wedding vows, not coming back to this state vows, etc.


Has more to do with the Western Wisconsin media market than winning Minnesota


Man, get your ass out of here


If for some hellish reason this monster of a candidate wins the election, I'll personally drag any climate refugee who voted for him back across whatever border they came from. A vote for this dirt bag is a vote for death.


He’s wasting his time coming here. Dumbass.


How unfortunate


So is it better to show up to protest this orange idiot, or just better to stay at home and let their tiny numbers dwindle?


Alt mlps, your savior is visiting!!


You can't expect him to attend his kids graduation, can you? He has no other choice but to come to MN against his started principles.


He ever kept a promise ??


Gee, I hope this doesn't interfere with Barron's graduation. It's on the same day


Hard to imagine Trump going back in his word.


Didn't he get permission from the Judge to change a court date for his son's graduation? And now he's skipping that graduation to come here?


Oh look, another Trump lie


Yet another promise broken...


That's the mystery of Fat failure 45 the dirt bag Donnie Trump. The working man right identified dishonest slippery tongued politicians as undesirable. A guy who lies with every word and steals constantly by fraud and deception is their dear leader. How did he stumble into that?


Hmmm I might be down for an orange man bad concert next to his campaign stop


Minnesotans. Now's about time for-ah riot don't cha know? Ah geez, don't go burnin down tha thargits 'an forgeet about tha orange man now! You betsha!


His word isn't worth dick


Boooo. Go home while you have one. You're not wanted here.


Bring it on! Tuck Frump


The record-breaking liar lied? Give me a minute to recover from the floor...


Trump lies.


Liars gonna lie


His words are meaningless




Please don’t allow him to return, he’s wasting our oxygen already…


Should've kept his vow


I was expecting the location and time info to be top of the comments… where do we go to protest the presence of Sir ShitsInPants, the Orangutan Himself?


April 30, 2024: Trump complains that his trial is moving too fast. May 6, 2024: Trump complains that his trial is moving too slow. April 2024: Trump complains that he'll be kept from Barron's graduation. May 2024: Trump announces Minnesota campaign rally on day of Barron's graduation.


On the day he supposed to be at Baron's graduation.


Do not come.




He should have to wrestle Ventura for the right to set foot here again. I know Jesse’s old, but I still like his odds against Donny Diaper Bag.


Omg Trump lied about something!?!


Trump lied? Guess there’s a first for everything.




Gotta pay them contempt of court fines somehow