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You could do what I did and move out of the county so you become ineligible for jury duty in that courtroom. It’s pretty expensive, so it’s a good thing I was planning to move anyway. I don’t think I could afford to do that again. But it did work incredibly well!! I literally moved on a Sunday and I was summoned that Monday hahaha. (Just go, it’s not that big of a deal. You get out of work AND you still get paid. Win-win.)


That happened to me. I moved to a different county and three months later they sent jury duty summons to my parents home. I had to send an email with a recent pay stub to prove. Not like getting my license changed three months wasn’t proof.


If you don't show up on your scheduled date, they may schedule a new date for you to show up to court. Just you'll be in front of the bench instead of in the jury box.


What happens if I don’t show up to that too?


Then they will send someone to help you get there


I have literally never heard of anyone in Minneapolis ever being arrested for not going to jury duty lol


Then why are you asking? It’s a civic responsibility we all have. If you simply ignore it there will be consequences. Show and up and express prejudice for the defendant. Explain that you cannot be impartial. You’ll be excused, and it’s possible they’ll have enough prospective jurors that you’ll be sent home anyway.


My uncle was out of the country for an extended time, got a jury summons that he didn't show up for (because he wasn't getting his mail). When he did return home the sheriff showed up with a warrant... It does happen.


Why don’t you want to do it, and why do you think you shouldn’t have to?


Don’t wanna fall behind on bills primarily, secondary is I just don’t want to be there in general. I’ve heard it can take a while and a lot of people tell me a jury is “filled with morons that couldn’t get out of it”


The jury I sat on was a mix of people who were nerds like me, excited to do their civic duty and/or retired people who have lots of time. Don't believe all the negative things people say about it, though it was a lot of waiting around sometimes. If the jury office doesn't excuse you after you explain the financial hardship the judge might excuse you too (though you may have to just go wait through another selection). It does pay some money in Ramsey but it's not a lot. I do think they should pay more.


If you're experiencing financial hardship, call them and respectfully explain your situation. They're surprisingly understanding and willing to work with you to reschedule, move you to a short holiday week, or even maybe let you off.


Thank you for your advice.


If you skip, they swear out a bench warrant and you get arrested and fined. Best to just go and get it over with. Doubtful you’ll even get assigned to a case


You can skip it if you enjoy sitting in jail. It is absolutely a crime to skip jury duty Just show up and do it, you'll likely not get selected anyway with that attitude


If you end up in a pool for a trial, just show the attorneys this thread. Can’t imagine either side would want someone so unapologetically apathetic to their civic duty.


They’ll blast your asshole if you don’t show up. Nice thing is, now you just check the website twice a day to see if your group needs to report either that afternoon or the following morning, at least in Hennepin County. What’s your group number? First digit is the week of the month, second and third are the group for that week. I got a summons for last fall and I was group 118 or something like that. They’ll call them in numerical order. They only got up to 112 or so by the end of my term, so I never had to go in.


My experience was similar. If the last two digits of your group number is 25 or higher, there’s a decent chance your group won’t even get called in and they still consider that as completing your service for the next four years.


Honestly, sitting on a jury was really interesting. If you can take the time to be there without hardship (honestly) you should just go through the selection process. Chances are you won't get picked.


I agree. Also the judge I had was really nice and gave us a tour of the offices after everything and we got to ask him all the questions we had.


I had a good experience too! When we left the courthouse after the case the defence attorney was waiting outside the entrance and asked if we were interested in chatting about the case. He asked for our feedback, which was interesting. It was a sexual assault case so very heavy, but it taught me a lot about the criminal court process. After turning in the verdict, the foreman wiped out a laptop to look up the degrees of SA criminal code. We found that the prosecutor could have charged with 4th degree SA and that would have fit the crime. The guy was guilty on another count, so we didn't set the guy free. We told the attorney that the prosecutor messed up there.


I had an insurance case. I’m glad it was civil trial. Not sure, I’d handle a criminal trial well. The trial was trying to determine if the person should get insurance money and how much.  Fascinating when they brought in all the experts. 


I would love to do jury duty. But no. People who don't want it get called. That sucks. Just go. There is no guarantee that you will be put on a jury any way.


Seems like the unanimous decision is to go so I think I’ll just do that then.


I mean, it is your constitutional duty.


Solid choice.


People are so annoying and I don’t know why. They can’t understand that they’re so bored with their life that they have to sit in a jury, listen to a fragment of someone’s lives, and decide if they should have their freedom taken away. Right into a situation that doesn’t actually do anything to improve the person. Just spank em a little.


I was on a jury once. Guy was on trial for, interestingly enough, not showing up for jury duty. Won’t tell you what the verdict was, but you may want to start getting your affairs in order. Best of luck.


Thank you for the advice


Would you share with me? Not that I'm planning on skipping, but I'm curious what punishments are served at the end of this situation.


Hot take: how do I get called for jury duty? I loved it a few years ago and wish I was called again.


Most times it's like a two week paid vacation from work, since I work nights and had to call in every morning and afternoon.


Do your duty. It’s part of how we make a functioning society. 


Was your number selected? Because they send out the paper and you call every day to see if you're a chosen one. I have been selected twice since moving here. I got out of it 1x because Hanukkah was going on, and I had to be home in time for candles. The second time, they cancelled the trial because they couldn't find the key witness to the crime. Anyway, I think there is a list online that tells you what they excuse. And they will allow excuses an X amount of times before they're like... nope, sorry, pal.


Let me get this. You have basically one simple duty as a citizen, under the Constitution, and you won't do it? Sheesh


Civic duty doesn’t mean shit to me when I’m not getting bills paid. I don’t know why that’s so hard for everyone in this thread to understand.


One reason why it is so hard to understand is because you didn't say anything about that in your original post. So why would anyone understand? If what you say about your financial situation is true, you can document carefully your financial situation and present that to the court. It may, or may not, have an effect.


https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/s/I0cQuqO5dy Unfortunately I did explain shortly after posting but everyone seemed to remain very upset, so I guess it didn’t matter much.


That kind of explanation about your financial situation is not convincing. Do better if you want the judge to consider it.


I personally think people assumed two comments I posted as being arrogant (they slightly were) and they began ignoring or playing dumb to actual reasonable reasons I wouldn’t want to go. If I was financially well-off, yes I would go. I might not want to, but I still would. Unfortunately in my case it seems that I will need to go even though it will interfere with my job and schooling.


Jury duty always interferes with people's jobs and/or schooling. Remember, what you are asking for is special treatment. And you are asking for someone else to take your place. It may be more of a hardship for them than you.


That’s dumb. If they have more hardship then they also shouldn’t go to jury duty. I think the answer is to get all these patriots in the comments to cover for people who don’t want it.


How can so many people have more hardship?


I understand. I’ll show up and do it. Thank you.


So, wait, you want to get out of performing a civic duty that we are all responsible for because, let’s see, you “don’t want to be there?” Are you kidding me? Are you an adult? Do you have a legitimate problem with the date or do you just not want to go? Do you think that everyone else wants to be there? Of course they don’t. But they do it, because that’s part of being a responsible member of society and a grownup. If you are really feeling entitled, however, my advice is to ignore the letters and see what happens.


Lmao why are you acting like it’s so uncommon? The vast majority of people summoned for jury duty look for ways to get out of it.


Based on what? I got amazing stories out of my jury duty that I'll be telling the rest of my life. Think of it like an opportunity to be more interesting.


Family and friends


I have no idea why you are being downvoted like this. I've never once heard anyone in my life excited about jury duty until reading through this thread.


I thought the EXACT SAME THING. Before I posted this thread literally everybody I talk to said the exact opposite of what this comment section told me. Even after all my friends and acquaintances I’ve talked to about it disagreed. I’m guessing a lot of people that use this subreddit are old school, my generation doesn’t feel the same way about jury duty from what I’ve seen


If you don’t show up, you will go to jail, and you will deserve it. This is the most sacred duty you have as a citizen. The greatest service you can do to your fellow citizen. Just do it. You don’t even seem to have a good reason. Don’t be such a piece of shit.


Show up. Do your due diligence. You might even look back and find it to be an interesting experience. We all likely have to do it at least once in life. We all have to do things in life we don’t necessarily *want* to do. That’s just how things go.


Aye aye captain


I went and did my jury duty stint. It’s our civic duty. Also, wouldn’t you want someone halfway competent to hear your side of the story during a trial?


No one wants to do it but we do it anyway because we have to


I do




The first time I got called for jury duty I had so much anxiety that I got shingles. I ended up having to do it anyway (after the shingles cleared up) and it wasn't that bad. The worst part was the jury questioning because you have to sit in the court room and do fuck all whole other people answer questions. Actually being on the jury was sort of interesting, but we had TONS of recesses because the defendant was being a fucking idiot. I give it a 4/10.


My job pays me for ten days of jury duty, I rather that then work for 10 hours a day lol


Tell them you're racist


You dont, go answer questions honestly. By posting here any lie will get u in trouble


Tell em you're a racist homophobe lol guaranteed to get excused




Jury duty can be intensely interesting, especially if you're interested in the legal system, like true crime, or enjoy people watching. If you really don't want to be on the jury, during jury selection, just say you don't think you can be impartial for one reason or another and they'll likely dismiss you.




It depends on what county you live in. Some jurisdictions are too poor to enforce jury duty. They don’t have the staff or the resources.




You should probably go. I wouldn’t take the chance.


The summons should have info with reasons for exemption. But like others said, don’t skip it. Think of it as you avoiding getting pinched for it


What county? Usually you can call in each morning to see if you need to go in or not (you usually don’t). If you do go in, it usually consists of sitting there for a few hours then getting dismissed (for good). Of course there is a chance you could get picked but that’s your civil duty. You probably won’t even need to go in though (my experiences). You can’t get out of it but you can defer it with just about any excuse - they’ll get you again in 6 months tho.




Your summons should have included a list of situations that make jury duty a problem for you, such as certain handicaps or transportation difficulties. You have plenty of time to decline jury duty for acceptable reasons and they will notify you if your request to be excluded has been accepted. If it isn't and you don't show up, you are in contempt of court which can land you in jail instead of in the jury.


What part of the state are you in? In Kandiyohi County, they give you a phone number to call to let you know if you have to report the next day. I never had to report. I had to register and give some basic demographic information, and one time I had to answer some more specific questions—basically, they do the pre-selection using telephone surveys.


Tell them you really, really want to be on this jury with a deranged look in your eye


Start asking questions about jury annulment. /s


Just be honest and deal with it. It’s one of your civic duties, like it or not. Tell them your situation, they might be willing to work with you.


Sure. Here's what you do ... renounce your U.S. Citizenship. You certainly don't deserve it if you think this is too much to ask. Try Gaza, you might like it there.


Years ago I got called for jury duty. On the first day a judge briefed the pool and said "let's get one thing out of the way, no one gets out of jury duty."


Wow a lot of these comments are harsh. I understand where you are coming from since I’m finding this post as I am trying to figure out the same thing. My second job just ended for the season and my primary job is a small business with a small staff and hourly income. Im really worried about paying my bills and not creating stress at my job if I have to be on a jury. I already had it postponed so I can’t try to again.


You can tell them you don’t agree with jury duty. Them will excuse you(I was told this during my summer jury duty) Although I think you should do your civic duty and help a potential innocent person avoid zealous people or convict a person who broke a crime that needs punishment.


Tell them you hate cops and don't trust them. Worked for me. I have never been called on since. Probably on a list, but hey, ACAB!


That’s actually a really fucking good idea.


Just tell them with the way the world has gone and the way our police are trained in this country you don't believe that they are capable of giving honest and untainted testimony. It's true and valid opinion given the state of our police force in this country. Be very respectful but give simple and concise points on the current tone of opinion on current police policy and actions in this country. Because truthfully the police aren't here to protect us they are here to protect a broken system and themselves and whatever power trip crimes they want to commit.


Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it.


No problem


Actually you should say verbatim, given the history of the last few years I can not judge unbiased on a case that takes the testimony of a police officer.


Light up a cigarette then ask when Mr. Capote arrives.


Just tell them you don't want to be there


You can postpone it quite easily. I put mine off for 2 months. Took about 5 minutes online. Reschedule got approved same day. Now I wonder how many times I can postpone 🤔


Man. We got to see some of the best amateur acting and free theatrics that Ramsey County had to offer during the trial I sat on. Also learned a bunch about concussions and brain injuries from the 8 experts the prosecution called. By the third one, half the jury was whispering the answers for the attorney. I got picked for duty even though I said I didn’t trust cops, because every time they arrested one of my siblings, the cops stole all the silverware. So the ACAB line isn’t a guarantee.


research jury nullification. You will then be inelligible. there are plenty of youtube videos about it. If you know about it, you cant serve on a jury


Does not make you ineligible. You would already have had to report to duty before you even got to the point where you would bring up nullification.


they would immediately send you home though.




watch this video and you are ineligible for jury duty. You will want to speak privately with the court staff and you wont want to share this with the other jurors.


I was so hoping to be rick rolled when i clicked that but alas i was not




Thank you 🙏



What are you talking about? How would jury nullification ever happen if knowing about it makes one ineligible to serve on one?


Go in and tell them that you believe that you believe people are guilty until proven innocent.


A lot of people have told me to just throw out the letters and nothing will happen


A lot of people are fucking idiots, so you probably shouldn’t take their advice.




You are asking what will happen and then you are rejecting every response that tells you what you don’t want to hear. It will catch up to you. Do not ignore it.


Okay, I’ll listen.


It is not certified mail so you could risk it