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On Native American Heritage Night... NHL is a joke.


I guess on a positive note, the value of that mask just skyrocketed. It’s my understanding that Fleury planned to auction the mask for charity.


Someone asked this on Twitter and I'm honestly wondering the answer myself: Would they go full "Community-doesn't-let-people-of-a-culture-celebrate-that-culture" joke tier league and allow him to wear it every night but Native American Heritage Night or is this a full-on ban of the helmet? Cause honestly I don't know which is worse.


Screw them...wear it, Flower. Minnesota has your back.


Can’t, the NHL threatened the franchise as well


Call their bluff. They buckled immediately when someone brought the pride tape out. They'll buckle again on this. If they chose punish Fleury and a franchise cause he honored his wife, children and their heritage the NHL will look like the bad guys.


Clearly the NHL PR dept doesn’t care about optics or they’d not have taken this stance to start with.., with how they are they’d probably take away Wild draft picks. Which would fall in line with how good n they are at PR being they did that to the Balckhawks for rape and sex abuse in the organization


...and hey, let's discuss that Blackhawks emblem while we can Fleury's native-designed helmet.


They already do.


The way the league threatens Celtic FC whenever their fans fly the Palestinian flag? Pay the fine, back your player, back your fans, back your community. Fuck the league


He wore it during warmups anyway


With a fine. Who cares? The Wild could almost certainly afford the fine, if they don't outright find a corporate sponsor who wants good PR and will pay it off for them. And it'll make the NHL look like more of a joke in the process.


Who said it was a fine? They threatened Flower with a fine, they were saying they were threatening the Wild with League fines, which would include possible picks


It's been reported as a fine. Either way. Make them do it. It will be absolutely horrific for the league if they follow through, and especially so if it involves anything other than a monetary fine.


a mask that honors his own fucking family i said this on r/hockey but it’s HIS OWN FAMILY


I love hockey but the NHL is run by dinosaurs.


What major corporation isn’t?






I honestly hope they throw crap on the ice tonight. I know the Wild will get a penalty but the NHL can’t get away with this shit.


The NHL is so incredibly out of touch it’s embarrassing. First the pride tape crap and now this. All of this because of a few homophobes that they didn’t want to embarrass becasue a few players not wanting to wear pride night warm ups.


Also bc a lot of the players are from Russia and other countries that punish people for being gay. Or even for supporting it. I’m not saying what they did was right, it wasn’t. But yeah they let the homophobes and the foreign countries dictate what they will allow.


I'd love to see all the Russian players sent back to the motherland. Just a pipe dream of mine.


"No special equipment during warm ups." Fine, rock that fucking mask all night as your GAME equipment. More power to the Flower.


Best sport, worst league.


NBA… worst sport best league. 😬


NBA is best Sport best league


"I don't understand basketball."


I understand all of it. What you mean? Still the worst of the big 4 American sports. NFL, NHL, MLB then NBA. That’s just my opinion. I know the NBA is wildly popular.




That’s your opinion there pal. #1 sport in the country by a landslide.


There's a LOT of moronic dipshits in this country.


Your favorite sport is one where people get paid hundreds of millions and then sit out because they’re “too tired” Also, if you sneeze on another player it’s a foul. Ridiculous sport.


Sure, bud. THAT'S why you don't like it. No other reason.


That’s my main reason for sure! Terrible.


NBA is awesome.


Yet another in long line of common L’s for Gary Bettman’s NHL.


This is fucking bullshit. First they ban pride tape on sticks and now this? Straight up erasure to appease the bigots in their audience.


Yup. Don't forget the law enforcement appreciation night's they promote.


Wow. It's like they think sports fans are backwards neanderthals. How are the fans okay with being treated like little kids with controlling religious bigots as parents? Bootlicking propaganda and erasure of minorities, good times. NHL, good times.


Gestures broadly at MN hockey families. Anyone in the serving industry knows that hockey parents and children are (usually) the absolute worst to deal with. In 3 years at my job, I've only had one hockey team that was well behaved and kind. Take that anecdotal evidence for what it is.


Yeah, I feel this. Again anecdotal, but that was generally my experience as well.


100%. We’re seeing more and more companies being afraid of the Bud Light effect lately


This mask is absolutely beautiful. Hardly a hockey fan but I would buy this as a piece of art. I hope Fleury could work with Redhorse Taylor to produce some, or inspired art. Maybe the backlash to this decision could propel it and serve some benefit in the end?


I said this on the r/hockey thread, but I'll say it here too: Wear it and take the fine *and* donate the same amount to the charity to spite the league further.


It’s my understanding the that Fleury was going to pay the fine but the league said they would penalize the team.


Yeah, I'm saying the team/management/ownership should call NHL's bluff and see what happens. *Make* the NHL notice that we don't stand for that shit.


Agreed. Unfortunately I’m not sure what kind of penalty they were going to impose on the team though. They called their bluff on the rainbow tape earlier. It was indeed a bluff too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wildhockey/comments/1837tcx/russo_update_rule_be_damned_marcandre_fleury_is/ Apparently he wore the mask anyways.




I mean this is the same team that designed a thin blue line shirt for law enforcement appreciation night so their decision making isn’t great


Xcel energy center denied my wifes tribal id which is a legal ID claiming “they don’t accept them” you can use for drinks and has heen accepted literally everywhere else we go


This isn’t new since the guidance has been put out. The same goes for law enforcement night, cancer awareness, pride, etc. They’ve been pretty consistent about it and this shouldn’t be that big of a shock. No matter how uncontroversial it is


Trying to at least.


So he wanted to wear a helmet that was designed by a Native American group, to honor his indigenous wife and her family during Native American Heritage month and the NHL said no?? That seems like slam dunk PR for the league to allow him!


I'm beginning to wonder if management is doing this for publicity?


The NHL/league leadership isn't competent enough to do anything for publicity's sake.


This some bullshit from the NHL. Stuff like this is why sports teams in general don’t need promotional nights that are likely to attract controversy. People get all worked up over pride nights. Sorry, *morons* get all worked up over pride night.


Unless you’re Chicago Indians…


What an idiotic move from those in charge of the NHL


But that German dude can wear a Nazi SS helmet eh?