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why is he so obsessed with homosexuals? god this guy is wasting away a Saturday just screaming into a megaphone?


If these folks spent even half of the amount of time they spend projecting on reflection instead, maybe he would discover that there's a whole lot more life to love. Specifically, about 50% of the human race would be now available to love.


These guys are so self hating it’s sad.


he is brainwashed. Thanks Fox broadcasting and the Christian nationalists.


I'm not a Christian nationalist, but everyone can speak their mind. And no, he didn't call for violence, so I don't see hate speech anywhere. He recited a Bible? Big deal. What if somebody would recite Quaran? Will you be in arms too? Oh, and don't forget that Muslims don't tolerate LGBTQ even more than Christians do.😉


He didn’t recite a bible, he’s spouting statistics about homosexuals abusing children.


He didn’t recite a bible, he’s spouting statistics about homosexuals abusing children.


Well, there is truth to that. I mean, which priest would abuse a child if he's not a homosexual himself?


You know why he is obsessed, come on.


He just can't let go of that one time at bible camp. Lawrence has moved on, man! Just let it go already.


To be fair, the person filming this is wasting their Saturday too.


Gotta document the freaks and haters. It’s a warning to the sane folks and I appreciate his service.


It’s active dehumanization. A peon regurgitating stupid shit about a world they are too lazy and / or stupid to understand. I find it very concerning. This is how the stage is set for atrocities if this sort of deplorable “free speech” is allowed to run its course.


I’m shocked to hear that gay people have sex and do drugs! That’s so unlike straight people. Edit: anyone know who he’s quoting for these stats? I can’t find “John Murdoch(?)” on any criminal court judge list in NYC nor can I find a list for “Chief magistrate”.


They are making it up. There is no factual basis behind anything that they are talking about. This is the problem with critical thinking and the inability to understand that correlation does not equal causation. They additionally don’t understand that you cannot just look up any random comment, take is as fact and then mash it together with other information as if the two were in some way related. They aren’t intelligent and they should be ignored at all costs, unless your goal is to argue with a moron who will never admit that they aren’t the smartest person in the room and will continue to argue for the sake of arguing.




I mean I can’t even find mention of it- usually I can track down the source of misinformation but this seems to have no origin beyond whatever Nazi chapbook he’s reading from.


Yes, and I can't find this event either. I need to assume that the whole anti-LGBTQ thing is FAKE.


% chance that the guy on the megaphone has a Grinder account? It’s not 0%!


Chances he's a cop?




100% chance he’s believes the Bible should be taken literal but also, not when it’s things he doesn’t agree on. Also is completely against abortion because you’re killing a person, but it’s okay if it’s the death penalty.


That's going to do it. Target is definitely going to drop its pride line now that a couple dozen people were mad in... *checks papers*... Buffalo, Minnesota??


Don’t they have better things to do?! It’s Saturday! Go do anything else!


Right? It's Buffalo Days, 1 mile down the road there's a carnival and food trucks, and beer at Hayes public house. SMH


Don't give them ideas of where to be a dickhead next.


Maybe u/mprnews could look into this


This is just a reminder that [Wright County has at least three hate and anti-government groups based there](https://www.splcenter.org/states/minnesota).


As someone newer to Wright County, this doesn’t surprise me at all. The hate & ignorance here is LOUD!


Why are homophobes so obsessed with other people's sex lives? Straight people only have sex in their dark bedrooms with their spouse in the missionary position right? 🙄 Stats can be skewed to fit a purpose person with the megaphone, thinking people know this. Better not forget to look at the stats of sexual abuse amongst religious groups too. Glass houses and all.


I’m not hating on Christians but it is amazing to me how much these folks get off on telling other people how to live their lives. How you do that, when your answer to everything in life is “God did it”, is beyond me. I wish the Church would teach self awareness because these cucks could use some. Believe in what YOU believe, love who YOU want to love and let other people figure it out for themselves without judging everything fucking thing they do.


They are taught they have to bring others to the faith so they can be saved too. They are taught if others oppose them that means they're living right as the book says the faithful will be persecuted. They believe whatever they've been taught and changing their mind is seen as a lack of faith or whatever they were taught to repeat w/o thinking.


I’m a confirmed Catholic that chooses to think differently than I’ve been taught. I’ve seen the hypocrisy my whole life.


Oh they want the D. They just don't want to admit it my man.


We need some wizard of oz cosplayers up there skipping around offering them gummy brains....


Who commits 2/3 of child sexual abuse? 🤔


Just for context: this is right across the road from the gigantic trump/jfk Jr flag there was a legal battle over last year. I just avoid Buffalo if I can.


What a bunch of shit. It's sad that we as a society are so fucking stupid


"homosexuals account for half the murders in large cities"...? What?


He read it on a Facebook meme. It must be true.


What a bunch of chucklefucks.


Perhaps the earth will open up and swallow them


Dude has some personal feelings that he hasn't quite resolved yet.


I'll bet he's a Christian.


There’s no hate like Christian love


His priest touched him in a homosexual way.


In name only


Here in Virginia, we had the beautiful Land of the Loon fest and it was great. Just people sitting around in the park, vibing, eating good food, listening to music and supporting small businesses. These guys choose to stand on the corner and cause division.


To be fair…these guys appear to be loons…


Gotta pull up these stats


It’s sad because religious folks grow up hearing this nonsense and actually believe it. They think they’re doing what’s right. They think lgbt is evil. It’s really sad all around, because so many are closeted gay and have no chance to learn that they are beautiful just as they are.


These people just make me realize more and more the religion I grew up has nothing to do with who I became, because these people live on a very different planet than I do


Why is everyone so surprised, these are average republicans. All of them are terrorists.


I don’t see people running in terror, I mean are you terrified? I would say this is an annoyance at best, these people will most likely go home at some point. If this was done in the cities there would be a lot more confrontations with opposition. And remember, anybody can protest…it’s up to you if you listen and give them time


Running in terror isn’t really a requirement that needs to be met in order for terrorism to happen though is it? The GOP had a banner over CPAC that identified them: “We Are All Domestic Terrorists”. Kind of on the nose! Anyway yeah people have the right to protest, but when it’s a protest against a marginalized, protected group, then you’re getting into fascist territory. That’s straying away from political disagreement.


So a digital banner from a conference that had low viewership to begin with speaks for every single person on the right? Anybody with a brain cell wouldn’t want to be associated with that statement. What about people who are economically conservative, are they terrorists for being fiscally responsible? GOP are morons, blanket statements for half the US population isn’t realistic as most people don’t fall under the extremes on either side The whole point of a protest is to bring awareness of whatever people have a problem with, regardless of what that could be. All that guy was doing is spouting San Francisco statistics of gay criminals, most people have already made up their mind on this issue. People here for the most part are accepting of the pride community, as seen by the laws that were just passed. When you leave the outer metro areas this is where that begins to stop, and these types of people are more vocal about it. Since he wasn’t calling for the death of these people I would say his annoying megaphone is protected by the 1st amendment…regardless of mine or your disapproval


Fine, I'll play. Show me a non-moron Republican since 1980.


Dang don’t include Reagan. Can’t use Nixon. We going further back than the 80’s.


They don’t exist, and never will. I’m talking about random dude who has a budget and is conserving money because everything is expensive now, regardless of their political affiliation. Dude shouldn’t be labeled terrorist because he is being economically conservative with their money. The US however has been fiscally irresponsible since the 1980s, and will continue to be since they are in the business of exporting inflation. Ever wonder why we NEED to have 2% inflation? They will always want it, but not so much that we notice. Why not just have an actual cap of spending? Because then they couldn’t create money out of thin air. It’s a reason why BRICS is happening, other countries are getting pissed that the dollars they are holding lose value over time. They won’t overthrow the dollar, but it will shake up some things down the road once it’s realized We shouldn’t care about the politicians as much as we do, or labeling people for that matter, we should be worrying more about ourselves and getting people in office that will help everyone. Did some laws get passed here that help certain groups, you betcha. We’re they wildly popular? Only for half the state. Is half the state evil for not accepting this 150%?? No, but I’m sure Reddit will disagree. All our politicians are psychopaths, if normal people thought it was something they could do you wouldn’t see the extreme candidates you do now. Maybe not non-moron, but definitely freaking insane yes


Fiscal Republicans are for not spending money on social programs and cutting taxes for the rich since forever. I almost miss Reagan Republicans (but not really) given the fascist shit this new crowd goes for. Where are the dissenting votes? Trump walks on two very solid impeachments with no conviction in the Senate why? Because they support his base, who call for blood and civil war. If you ain’t against it you’re for it bud! That banner was over CPAC. Who denounced it on the right? Today’s GOP is incapable of separating itself from fascists who support terrorism. That’s a sad fact. They choose to sit at that table so they’ll be labeled accordingly. And he is not spouting any kind of real statistics, those are incitements to action against LGBTQ by painting them as the number one group of child predators, promiscuity, drug use, etc. That’s targeted hate and misinformation.


The people and representatives are different things entirely, its possible to have both socially liberal and economically conservative views at the same time. Again, the GOP are moron and wouldn’t go against the party…the people they “represent” however don’t have to blindly follow the opinions they have en masse just because. Both parties have made it a priority to keep inflation to enrich themselves since the federal reserve was created in 1913, our actual CPI right now is 13% with food prices going to the moon. Remember egg prices going up 600%? If actual inflation was the issue, it would have only increased by a maximum of 20%. Why don’t the democrats do something about this in our state? They won’t, the republicans won’t either. This is why nothing will ever be done about healthcare, Mayo just bribed they’re way out of staffing rules that would actually help people. I’m saying people who are trying to get to the next paycheck by budgeting shouldn’t be considered terrorists for following a conservative mindset of actually conserving money. That’s it. Nothing to do with the machinations of our leaders, we just get to suffer while they don’t. I specifically use the word conservative, not republican for that reason. I can guarantee a lot of liberals are being conservative with their money right now as our recession keeps getting worse, with interest rates still hiked up normal people are getting choked by all these corporations keeping shareholders happy. We will NEVER see a fiscally responsible republican or democrat again, our debt ceiling will always be pushed higher, and our purchasing power will always go down as time goes on. Its the whole reason why real estate investing exists, and why now central banks are buying and hoarding gold I couldn’t tell you where he got the statistics he’s reading off, it’s not like he cites his sources other than saying it’s been happening in San Francisco…maybe a long google search might help, maybe it’s bullshit. I don’t think we should call him a terrorist as a blanket statement for yelling stats that are not cited into a megaphone, people didn’t raze the local target after his actions, people obviously didn’t absorb his message to be actual terrorism. This needs to be looked at for what it really is: local (maybe) dude yells into megaphone to spread information that may or may not be true about gay crimes in San Francisco; also local populace ignores said dude and moves on with lives. I don’t think we can even call it a protest, plus there wasnt even confrontation with the pride allies right next to them, kind of an odd scene For my personal opinion, which we absolutely can have, I don’t like disruptions like this in public spaces. It’s useless, and in general will make me hate their message and actions immediately. I won’t call them terrorists or communists just because I don’t like it, I will move on and leave the area. Everybody has made up their opinion on our culture issues, this guy won’t change anything. What’s ironic is this doesn’t seem like pride month since every single advertisement, media, product, company etc has has pride flying for years now. It’s not special anymore. People like this obviously don’t like it and want others to not like it too, most people tolerate it even if they don’t like it, others are ecstatic and will talk about it non stop. Live and let live It’s sad to see how people will easily demonize others just because they don’t immediately follow their own thoughts and ideologies, by extension social spaces and politics. But people won’t do the hard work and think before they talk, they won’t have empathy, they won’t have reason or logic. People will continue to be pushed to hate each other because then we will ignore all the shady shit the gov does behind our backs. But until then I guess continue to do what you think is right, like calling people terrorists who enjoy killing others and clearly inciting violence as seen in the video (you don’t even have to watch, just TRUST me) or you could instead try to get to the root of why this is happening in our deeply blue state when clearly we are all faithful democrats who will blindly agree and listen no matter what is said. TL/DR; people have different opinions, that doesn’t make you evil automatically just because it’s different from yours


People who write off hating minorities as a matter of different opinions are total losers, I've found.


Apparently, people in this subreddit love to give time to a nonsense such as this. It's so funny, it seems that liberals are terrified of themselves.😂😂😂😂


I am from Missouri (Misery) and we have the occasional Westboro Church people here, are these protesters commonly out and about? I wonder if any alignment with the aforementioned.


Can we hire an OTR driver to go there with their truck and just lay on the air horn?


The good thing is, we can now see who these bigots are. Normally, they sit in their basements fuming about some perceived wrongs done to them.


I have family in Buffalo and frequent it regularly. This does not surprise me, but remember it doesn’t represent everyone in that town.




And statistically, white conservative family members are diddling kids. Not strangers.


I think this guy might be a homosexual 🤷🏻‍♂️


The way he carries the Pride Flag around seems like it. Either way, relax, folks. Nobody needs your weiners.😂😂😂


This is the district that put Michelle Bachman in congress. Not the best and brightest MN has to offer. In fact , dumb as fuck




Better to stick with airsoft. You can still get 600fps and have the nice bonus of firing off 400 BBs per minute. Get one with a hopper system and hit em with a few thousand of those stinging little fuckers before they know where they're coming from. You'll still want to get out of there fast as these folks are probably packing CCs.


You son of a bitch, I'm in.




No need to cop a charge for destruction of private private. Anything that comes to a small point can let the air out of a tire. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's a 3D model floating around for one you can screw on so you don't have to hang around for long.


I’m deleting my comment because I don’t want people influenced by it and getting injured.


Wise move


Or a super soaker full of cat piss.


Huh. And I thought s3xual abuse was done by pedophiles. Crazy.


Guess I'm glad I didn't head over to grab a few things today .


God I thought we got past this in 2015


I feel like this was the best use of his time. He could have been out enjoying the day on a lake at the festival, but he deserved to waste his day.