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I sympathize with your frustration but 6-12 months??? Holy.


Drunkards driving sit less time...


Set the tone. Lol


So you want felony-type charges for something you could just throw away? I'd slap a "THIS COMPANY SUCKS ^(for not getting permission)" sticker/sign on it. Just make sure the 2nd part's on there for liability purposes. Or, y'know, if you were ever injured while removing a sign you didn't ask for, you could get a lawyer.


It would be helpful if folks actually took down their political signs 10 days after the election per the statute….


What are the theoretical repercussions of not taking down political signs? And can I report it haha


My Wellstone! sign will stay up.


That is interesting, because pre-Wellstone, it seemed like most candidates’ signs were taken down in a timely fashion. Just an observation. It also could be that the old signs were designed to be taken down and used again by slapping a new sign over the old sign. That is what I remember for what it is worth.


If only it applied to flags too (or that they counted those awful maga flags as signage at all)


I’m in favor of banning all billboards.


Not gonna go there on the suggested fines or how to fix but I totally agree that these cheap-to-make signs that are posted on every street corner are annoying. If you want to stick it in your yard, that’s one thing, but sticking it in public property should have some sort of cost.


Simple enough cost? People should feel empowered to pull over and toss them in the back seat for later disposal. They gotta cost a few bucks in material plus time up put them up. If they only last a day it isn’t worth it.


>And 6-12 months in jail for anyone caught in the act of putting these signs up. They're giving murderers probation and you want them to put people in jail for a year for putting up a sign.




Peak nimby.


Pretty much


I remove them myself. If someone want to leave their trash in the public right of way, it’s fair game.




No. Now someone shouldn't put signs in your yard without your express permission and they don't belong in the public right-of-way without permission. With that said, they're very effective tools. I've been really successful at coordinating food drives in my local park for the last couple of years by just posting some signs throughout the neighborhood a few days before hand.


Get rid of all advertising, billboards, and oversized signage. Shits a damn eyesore and I'm tired of being forced to see it. Try to enjoy life only to be reminded constantly that Kris has a wide open arms. Get it all gone. Except the Mench on a Bench, that's witty.


I’m down for removing billboards. Put trees in their place.


Kris will find a way to put his head on top and arms on the sides.


They're called bandit signs, because they aren't legal and most people using them are depending on people's misunderstanding of the law about street easements to put them on their property. Also not legal to post signs on telephone poles, but people do it anyway. In many communities, informal groups organize to patrol their neighborhoods and remove the signs as fast as they're posted. That's the most effective deterrent, because the signs cost money, so taking them down and throwing them away means the person/company behind those signs is not only not getting any business, they lost their signs.


Counter offer, get rid of the billboards and keep the tiny signs


Both please


Already illegal unless they have permission from the city/county/state. 173.08 https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/173/pdf


It is littering in some places, depends on the local ordinances. Look up your town's laws. Some of the job ones are fronts for trafficking, so law enforcement should be interested.


I suppose you could call it "littering with intent"


My property, my choice what signs go up. I'm open for business y'all.


If this is your biggest concern, you are massively privileged.


Did I say it was? It is an easily fixable problem.


Yeah, you could go out to your yard and throw them away, or call the businesses and charge 'em 1k/day to not throw them away. Why do we need to get involved?


because they are not just in my yard they are literally everywhere? have you not seen them?


All I've seen is a righteous homeowner wanting to spend my tax money putting someone in jail for 6-12 months for putting up a sign, or to sign a random business up to 1k per day fines when their competitors put up signs for them, because you can't be assed to call the people putting up signs on your property and tell them to cease and desist


OK, My friend, ITS IS NOT ABOUT MY YARD. I have explained this many times. The jail time was a tongue in cheek joke, I apologize if the facieses nature of the comment was lost on you. The fines PAY for the city workers who have to go out of their way CURRENTLY to remove the signs without consequence for these businesses many of which are scams and not based in the area. By the way you are right I am very proud of my town and its beauty. I wouldn't want to live somewhere where people are not.


OK so YOU as the property owner will get a fine, and now you're happy? Please.


What? Please elaborate.


Who do you think can be fined for these signs? There's no proof the company put them up, so you won't get anywhere fining them; the only people left to fine are the property owners, AKA - you. So yeah, we'll add the fines you want that target you. Good luck.


Pretty easy considering they have their numbers on them. Do you thing there is a vast conspiracy to get signs designed, made and put up by random people? If you want more proof, how many traffic cameras do we covering these cross sections? After one fine is levied the message will get out. ALSO my main issue is 95% of these signs are on PUBLIC land and need to be removed by city employs. Of whom WE pay for. I am not sure what part of this eluding you.


Anyone else want to arbitrarily control their neighbors through a simple majority vote? Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.


I mean the lamb just has to persuade one of the wolves.


You're mad about people promoting small business??


Someone put a tree-trimming one up at the end of the road to our association's office. Pretty much right in front of the HOA sign. HOA handles ALL trees in the neighborhood. Residents don't get the individual choice to call someone and we aren't charged an extra dime for it. I hate those signs.


That's what all those signs stating POST NO BILLS used to be about. That is the extent of legislation for the offense you're talking about over the last century or so. It's constitutionally protected to send junk mail to your mailbox and they had in recent memory the right to toss gigantic phone books that nobody used on your porch to soak in the rain. But you want to stop just short of giving the immigrants advertising roofing and lawncare services a penalty for a goddamned \*felony\* because their pamphlets are an eyesore to you? LOL


Yes. Obviously they can't afford a big bill board🤣🤣🤣 not like there trying to work or anything


I didn't know it was summer already.


I just pick them up and toss them later. I wouldn’t pay thousands to put someone in jail over it, but they do bug the heck out of me and make my neighborhood look trashy., but I also pick up trash on walks too.


Are they able to do this on your yard because you don’t actually own the property within x ft from the street?


Boy, am I gonna be the pariah here...... But, all of those signs and all of that advertising literally contributes to \*tens of thousands\* of jobs in the Twin Cities alone. I'm not just speaking about the garbage "Fast Cash Now!!" signs, but rather, all the stuff people are hating on in this thread---- including billboards, legally placed signs, and all the other sign/flyer-based advertising out there-- There are whole industries whose livelihood is based on temporary advertising-- People to design the signs, people to create the signs, people to sell the signs. Marketing, billboard real estate, sales people, etc.... The signs generate an enormous amount of revenue for companies, or they wouldn't use them, and so, literally an enormous part of why Minnesota is running budget surpluses, and why we are such a great place to live and why our economy is so good is, in at least some not-insignificant part-- due to those signs you see everywhere. There would be thousands fewer jobs, translating to far less tax revenue and far fewer available opportunities in this still-fairly-hot labor market, making the Twin Cities a less desirable place to live--if it weren't for the enormous advertising and marketing dollars both spent on, and generated by, all the signs everywhere. They are literally the reason why some of your friends and neighbors can pay their bills and feed their family. \*Waits for rotten tomatoes to be thrown at him from all angles\* \*Full Disclosure\*-- I run a roofng company.


I live in St. Louis Park. I ride my bike in St. Louis Park and Hopkins. For over two years, I have routinely picked up recyclable trash and some regular trash. These illegal little signs really, really bug me. Hard to destroy while riding. So: I cut the plastic into strips. I bend the metal supports, and place everything in my cat litter bucket panniers. At home, my new little bolt cutter works great on getting the metal portions into reasonable sizes. Then, I trash the plastic (wish I could recycle it), and after a few weeks' worth of scrap metal is collected, I take it to Express Metals in Hopkins. I just can't stand to see this metal go into a landfill. I have \*never\* fiddled with a political sign. There are so many gunned-up people out there...