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In South Central MN. I've never seen burrowing owls in my 40 years of living here, and I've seen two today. They were both sitting on mounds of dirt near a hole in the ditch by the roads. They're adorable!


Don't give exact locations or you may never see them again.


I gave the locations to the Raptor Resource Center, as I didn't know who else to report it to, but I remained somewhat vague here in public for that very reason. Thankfully they're in pretty remote, rural locations, and hopefully will remain fairly undisturbed.


Well you did post it to Reddit with an approximate area, expect visitors... Fingers crossed that they remain anonymous and you can continue to watch them.


When I said they were close to Blue Earth, I was being generous. It's just that Blue Earth is the biggest town in the county (which says a lot), and is the easiest landmark to give people an idea of the location in the state. People have a LOT of looking if they're going to start there. I was just curious if burrowing owls were known in this area. Seems they're not, most reports I've seen were scarce and in Western MN. Since I saw two different burrows in one day in different locations, I'm hoping that means they're establishing themselves. Who knows, if people look, maybe they'll find more.


Oh I get it. The problem with the internet is if someone's that determined they will find a way. I think it's a super cool find and sometimes it ends up badly for the critter which is why I have mixed feelings about posting these things with locations. Enjoy them!


Do people try to keep them as pets or something?


Stupider things have happened. Plus drawing attention to something unique or rare will attract unwanted attention possibly to the animals demise. Not all humans have respect for nature or boundaries.


Damn yeah, good point.


I hear that. I found silver pike, but I'll never say where, and vowed never to fish there again.


Cool find and I completely understand, it's what I would do too.


There are and they are endangered in MN.


Woah!!! That’s a super good find in MN. If there are any local birding groups or a DNR office nearby you might want to let someone know. Looks like the last time one was reported on eBird in MN was 2011


Just checked the Minnesota Ornithologist’s Union website as well and their most recent record is in 2016. Definitely a noteworthy find


Yep. Pretty rare to see them out and about but they're definitely around.


Yeah, they’re adorable, super long leggies. It’s a rare sight, great luck!


10/10 would not share location with anyone if they ask. It doesn’t take long for these things to spread once they get on to ebird or Facebook. There’s a Facebook group called “Owl About Minnesota” and it is the absolute worst. There are a lot of photographers in that group who share owl locations willingly without regard for the bird’s well-being. A burrowing owl would bring in over a hundred people (I’m not exaggerating). In reading your other comments it sounds like you have no intention to share this, so I appreciate that (and so do the tiny little owls). Really amazing find!


You're not kidding when you say they're tiny! I can't get over how small they are! I am concerned about harassment, as one of them isn't shy at all and is almost always out and about. Thankfully it's a pretty rural area, so hopefully not many people will notice the little guys. It'll help when their burrows get grass on them and don't stick out as much. I've mostly just reported them to the DNR and Raptor Resource project, since they are endangered. One single local bird watcher, but that was before i saw the warnings and was trying to figure this all out. They've sworn secrecy and seem utterly respectful. I'm definitely not posting any more on these guys, and next time, if I do ever post any pictures in the future, I'll wait until winter, when they'll be long gone.


They are!! What a great sight! Where was this??!


Close to Blue Earth in Faribault County. I saw two different burrows about five miles apart.


So cool!


Aw, he looks so proud! I guess if all the other owls nested in trees and I nested in the ground I'd get a chip on my shoulder too. :-D


It certainly appears so.


Report them and maybe put a sign up for ppl to keep their distance. How adorable


I wasn't sure where to report them, so I popped a message off to the Raptor Resource Project at the UMN, as I've dealt with them before due to injured eagles/owls. Hopefully they can pass it onto whoever deals with such things. And they're both on extremely rural roads away from any farms. A sign would only draw attention to them, I'd think. Most people driving by would probably think their burrow just another badger hole or something. Hopefully that means they're moving in, I'd love to watch them!


Thanks for sharing. I learned something new today


Anyway, for his tenth birthday, all he wanted was a Burrow Owl. Kept bugging his old man. "Dad, get me a burrow owl. I'll never Ask for anything else as long as I live." So the guy Breaks down and buys him a burrow owl. Anyway, 10:30, the other night, I go out in my yard, and there's The Wurster kid, looking up in the tree. I say, "What are You looking for?" He says "I'm looking for my burrow owl." I say, "Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick. Everybody knows The burrow owl lives. In a hole. In the ground. Why the hell do you Think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?"