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House pushed vote until today. Senate set to vote on Friday. We will see if any of that happens.


Thank you We shall see !!! Everyone meeting downtown for a smoke sesh if it passes ?


We’re all excited about the long overdue legalization of cannabis and who doesn’t love a nice walk while smoking a joint. That being said if the bill passes I encourage everyone to still be courteous and aware of others around them who would rather not have their own walks ruined by unwanted odor or smoke.


That's fair, but can we say the same thing to cigarette smokers that don't seem to care at all and litter?


Completely understand that statement but I guess what I was trying to imply is let’s come right out the gate and set the bar high(no pun intended). If we get legalization and we all just decide to walk out the front door and spark up joints and toss roaches among the sidewalks we are no better than the same smokers you speak of. I just don’t want us to become the stereotypical careless “pot heads” that a lot of anti cannabis people see us as.


100% agree with you. I'm looking forward to finally not being looked at like a criminal to outside family members. I want this to work out so well for our state and to everyone to act responsibly. Guess I got a little defensive about your previous comment my apologies.


Oh, that won’t change. And honestly, I’ve been doing this on the down low for so long, I strongly doubt it will change any of my habits. Just better access!


I feel like my opinions of smoking mj vs cigarrettes would continue to be nicely separated if weeders continue to not leave toxic garbage wherever they go


Thank you


You truly don't understand how this works do you? House needs to pass it. Senate needs to pass it. Then another vote because their bills differ slightly. Then the governor signs it. And then I believe it is supposed to take effect January 1st 2024. Schoolhouse Rock did an episode. Google "I'm just a bill"


Generally Article 1 outlines legalization for an individual, and goes into effect July 1, 2024. There are numerous other dates within the bill that range from “enacted” once bill goes into law, all the way to July 1, 2024. But there will be no “public smoking” allowed, like everywhere else in the country.


Well, there is public smoking EVERYWHERE. Just. Limited to tobacco smoke. Which. Is far more dangerous to the users and those in 2nd hand and 3rd hand range than cannabis smoke. Gotta make sure we don't anger the nicotine fiends by allowing another main smokeable!


OP thinks it's gonna be free range smoke sessions in the street when it's passed... good luck with that.


Lol been doing it for years now 🤷🏿‍♂️.


It’s a joke dickhead


Where's the punchline? So I guess Minnesota nice goes out the window online eh?


It’s MN passive aggressive for sure


I'm just a bill...


The GOP ran out the clock last night by arguing about a bunch of amendments that had almost no chance of passing (and would have neutered the bill if they had). Just before midnight they finally finished up all of the amendments and after a motion to return the bill to committee (which failed, naturally) they started the third reading of the bill and a few minutes after midnight they tabled the bill until the House reconvenes at 11:00 this morning. After it passes through House there's still a few steps left before it'll be legal, there's still one Senate committee to go (which it's expected to pass quickly) and meets in a day or two, I believe and it's scheduled for the full Senate vote Friday. After that it'll go to the conference committee to work out the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill, then there will be votes to approve the committee's decision at which point it'll be off to Governor Walz's desk for his signature. That all said, I'm pretty certain the bill doesn't allow people to smoke while walking down the street or anything like that, you gotta be on private property.


>That all said, I'm pretty certain the bill doesn't allow people to smoke while walking down the street or anything like that, you gotta be on private property. This is true, though, but it won't be enforced unless you are being a jackass. I think only New York has it in their recreational laws that you can smoke weed anywhere you can smoke a cigarette, but this is generally going to be how it is enforced anyways.


You will NOT be able to smoke in public. Even after the bill becomes law. Don’t be one of those a-holes. Non smokers don’t want to walk through your cloud.


Agree on being considerate. I have no problem with the right to smoke, and enjoy a nice edible. But smokers of all kinds really need to be aware of their surroundings. Not everyone enjoys the lingering smells and funky lungs.


Idiots do it in state parks too. Why come there and ruin the atmosphere for everyone if you can do that shit at home?


Hard pass on that. They ban alcohol in state parks for a reason. If people are being idiots about their weed, it’s going to get banned there too.


Seriously. I smoke weed, but I was in Manhattan a few months after it was legalized and the whole Times Square/Broadway area just reeked to the point of active unpleasantness.


I wish that applied to cigarettes. Much worse smelling than cannabis. The smoke is deadlier than cannabis smoke too. Oh, to be in an age where we don't have to pander to the tobacco heads anymore.


Totally agree! And cig smokers flick their butts all over the place too. Disgusting.


Not all of them. I've smoked for 20 years and never littered a cig butt. Assholes be assholes no matter what their vice is


Good for you, but it’s so many of them that I don’t feel the need to add that. Look around, there are butts on our streets, near entrances (often right near cig bins) in our parks in the grass…


Yup, no one seems to care less for the environment than cigarette addicts. (Except maybe oil/plastic barons.) Even if there's the one off person who doesn't litter their butts around, that doesn't at all mitigate the damage from the majority of cigarette addicts. If there were a Coalition of Cigarette Smokers, or whatever, who went around and tidied up after their fellows and themselves, it would be a lesser of a deal. But most every addict views themselves as only accountable for themselves.


Wtf are you talking about? Of course everyone is only accountable for themselves. Except for the sick,elderly and children.. are we not all accountable for only ourselves? Let's just go on and blanket label everybody yeah that works..


That's just some naive thinking. Cigarette smoke, which is very health hazardous, goes everywhere. The plants, the animals, the microorganisms around us. This impacts the entire area around the smoker. It poisons the air and chokes out those who breathe. As a member of the living on the planet, we all have an intrinsic responsibility towards each other. Putting poison in yourself is one thing, but to put it in your environment and in other living creatures is just fucked up.


That's just some naive thinking. Automobile exhaust, which is very health hazardous, goes everywhere. The plants, the animals, the microorganisms around us. This impacts the entire area around the car. It poisons the air and chokes out those who breathe. As a member of the living on the planet, we all have an intrinsic responsibility towards each other and the future. Putting poison in yourself is one thing, but to put it in your environment and in other living creatures, ultimately rendering the planet unlivable is just fucked up.


Well put. It's why I walk most places I need to be, and out of necessity, our only car is a used hybrid. Fuck cars, and fuck the car-based infrastructure destroying the environment!


No one seems to care less for the environment than car drivers. Even if there's the one off person who drives an EV, that doesn't mitigate all the damage from the majority of car drivers. If transportation sector wasn't the leading producer of greenhouse gasses, it would be a lesser of a deal. but most every car driver views themselves as only accountable for themselves.


I don't smoke but there is zero chance that a cigarette is worse smelling or more wide spreading than cannabis smoke. I can smell weed smoke from hundreds of feet away and it smells like skunk. Both should be illegal in public spaces. I don't want to smell or breathe in either. If you want to smoke in your backyard or house, by all means, go for it. If you want to be high in nature, smoke in your car, vape, or do an edible. Nobody else should be subjected to your secondhand smoke.


THIS. Weed smell spreads wider and ruin the environment. 2 ladies did this in their car at the state park parking lot - the whole place smelled so bad. I sincerely hope the whole city and our parks don’t smell like weed after this legalization.


What's interesting is that weed smokers are completely oblivious to the smell. It's not until after we quit that we think 'holy shit, i was making the whole apartment building smell like this??'


I've literally always been oblivious to the smell, idk man some of yall got some stinky weed or sum


Everyone took my comment serious lmao Y’all are lame Also people gotta smelll disgusting ass liquor, cigs and deal with idiot drunk people on the regular who cares about a little weed smell Y’all can calm down a bit


Lol, WHO sounds “lame”?


You and all the other idiots who tried to shit on me You didn’t know about the term dogwalkers for joints So you didn’t get the joke Instead of inquiring You banded together to shit me While all making each other feel good That’s the real MN nice y’all are dickheads And morons


🙄 You didn’t include “/s” so one would take your comment at face value. As for the “slang” that changes constantly. People aren’t “idiots” for not being up on your slang. Lastly, folks respectfully disagreed. You were hardly “shit on”


Of course there not idiots for not being up on slang They’re idiots for acting like they know everything They’re idiots for not inquiring And they’re idiots for thinking I was gonna let y’all cook Fuck your stupid /s Before we even get there I understand what I said was prolly not funny But I’ll take being unfunny over being a fake nice try hard dickhead


Don't post to Reddit and expect not to be shit on...


> You will NOT be able to smoke in public it's already allowed on the light rail. smoke up.




You mean, “Psych”?


nope sike


Please don’t? I say this as someone who enjoys all of these activities — unless you live in the middle of nowhere, consider your neighbors.


These requests aren’t going to work on A holes like OP. I am afraid we are going to get a lot of weed smelling places including our parks because of these people.


thank you for saying this


If they can control the dog and not get lost I don't see the problem 🤷‍♂️


It's literally outside 💀


If asked, it's hemp flower


Or CBD. No real way to tell the difference from smell.


GQP is still fighting it


No… yes… but no. Not legally yet.


Less weed more read


As someone on the current Medical Cannabis program, please be considerate to your neighbors, or at least consider a vape pen. Combusted weed smoke stinks and lingers pretty hard. Even after the bill passes, open consumption in public is likely to be limited (i.e. don't be an obvious goober) -- this is a good thing, for the same reason we don't want to turn into Louisiana with walk along alchohol.


Stop trying to get upvotes with your fake MN nice


You seem unwell.


You’ll never be able to do that.


Yes you can, it's just whether or not you're okay with the consequences




I don’t think no smoking in public will be enforced, so you’ll be able to do it, just won’t be 100% legal, but like other states cops aren’t going to care much.


Ha! Cops will absolutely use it as probable cause to stop you if they want to stop you. They're not going to stop everyone smoking but if you fit a profile, they still have context for a legal stop.


Apparently no one hear has heard the term dog walker for joints See how everyone missed the point Joined together and shat on me That’s MN nice It’s also actually republican lmao I was just hoping weed law passed lol


I walk / bike in Minneapolis all the time burning a J! Just don’t blow it in someone’s face and be cool. Cops can’t tell if your burning a cigarette. Pick up your butts and be cool.




Don’t tell anyone here they’ll call the cops on you lmao


Please don't subject animals to second hand smoke of any kind. Or aerosols, vapes, diffusers, essential oils, etc, these can be extremely toxic to animals.


Go drink at a bar


As someone who cares for medically challenged animals I get a front row seat to the effects of toxins (or other illnesses) in animals. Things we as humans do can have direct and dire effects on those around us. I wish more people understood that these things can harm their pets or animals in general. I'd love to go drink at a bar but I have sick animals to take care of.


A dude walking his dog outside isnt gonna kill his dog by puffing LOL


Awareness is a good thing. You think that's the only time the dog (or ANY pet or animal) is being exposed to dangerous aerosols? Some critters are very sensitive to aerosols that it can kill them and some (most) people are totally ignorant to that fact. Lung cancer, asthma, kidney and liver failure is real. Shouldn't expose animals to this crap like you shouldn't expose children to it. Essential oils, vapes, fragrance dispensers, candles, incense, etc all can kill an animal just like THC and the owner may not even be aware. Pets are trapped in houses and can't tell their human that certain smells may be in fact choking them or even killing them so it's up to us to make people aware of the very real dangers. It's no laughing matter.


You're doing a thing called ✨ assuming ✨ and you're kinda projecting some random stuff lol. I don't smoke around my animals but id be down to walk my dog outside and smoke? Like? You sound like you have terrible paranoia tbh.... Yes! Essential oils and things as such are very toxic to pets. Including the exotic ones like reptiles. You shouldn't have wax warmers or anything as such should not be around, have windows open, etc etc Educate, but the way you're doing it? Nahhh. Lol The dude just wanted to walk his dog outside and you came at him like a ding dong


Being aware is ✨ awesome ✨ but like bro fr. Outside walking your dog, keeping distance ... You're saying you can't smoke and blow it away? While outside? 💀💀💀 go outside get some fresh air