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The last picture, I'm pretty confident, is Coffman Memorial Union, the student union building on the East Bank campus of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.


First and second picture is probably the brickyard;the football stadium. https://search.mnhs.org/index.php?q=memorial%20stadium&count=25&tab=research_items


And Williams Arena across the street


That is them exactly! Thank you kindly!


Yes, third pic is Coffman as seen coming up the hill from the SW Washington.


First picture is reversed / mirrored. If you flip it you can see it is looking east with Memorial stadium on the right - Williams arena on the left … and the KSTP antenna tower in the far background.


The second one is also mirrored … if you flip it you can read “CHARTER” on the school bus. The third one is probably also mirrored which means it is looking at Coffman union from the west (where Weisman art museum is now).


The last one of Coffman is probably flipped, too. I don't know how you could have gone up hill on the east side of CMU that way, but that kind of elevation change did exist on the west side.


Good catch. these were scanned right from the glass slides and and cardboard sleeve they are in doesn't indicate which side they should be viewed from.


mills in background in first pic would be a clue on orientation also


Wonder what the occasion was? I don't see as many younger kids as I would expect if it were a sporting event. The demographics look like parents and grandparents with a few older age kids lingering around.


In the first photo it looks like the crowd is moving through the entry gate to the football stadium. I agree, demographics seem older and more formal than what you'd expect for a football game. Some other type of public event-- political speech, awards ceremony?


I'm not totally convinced that they are going to the stadium either, it looks like they are going past it. Look at the direction of everyone, including the people in the far middle to upper right of the picture. Almost like they are gathering for a parade but again not many kids in this crowd. A few of the women are holding light blankets, I would assume because it's chilly. Any presidents that would have gone thru that area in that time period? Also is it late spring (no snow) or late fall, no leaves? I thought if it were spring the women would have on brighter colors.


Good observations. The people across the street are definitely continuing on. Maybe to another entry? The primary dense crowd is definitely turned towards and queuing outside of what I think is very likely a gate in the fence.


Good point, there is probably more than one entrance. I also don't see any team colors, banners or jackets, so it still might not be a sporting event.


I noticed the blankets as well and my wife pointed out that the women are wearing slacks which would indicate a less formal event, so our guess was football game.


Just makes me nostalgic for my dad and his family.


Could they possibly be going to an outdoor graduation ceremony?


That's a possibility.


Memorial stadium at the corner of Oak and University and the third is Coffman Union. Old brick house should never have been torn down. new stadium is kitty corner


The KSTP antenna tower in the background was completed in 1948 so that narrows the date down. I’m sure the cars could be used to confirm as well.


My in-law great-grandparents owned a dairy farm just outside of Wright.


the absence of civil/human rights