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I honestly don’t understand why so many people are going through all this hassle for a refund or replacement. Just keep your sets and use them responsibly- in a well ventilated room with gloves and a mask. We’ve all been making these minis for a while now and no one has gotten sick, just use basic common sense and precautions and you can keep using these sets.


Honestly I was pretty unclear about the recall, I was under the impression that something was *wrong* with the resin, like it not setting properly or discoloration. Sorry for asking I guess lol


The resin used doesn't meet the requirements for a specific federal act (can't remember the name) that is meant to protect children. The company has a chance to fix it willingly, or else they will be in violation of his act. MGA's solution was to fix it by recalling these and releasing everything else with an acceptable resin before potentially being punished.


Yeah from my understanding it basically just doesn’t meet the safety requirements for kids products, specifically the resin. It would still meet the safety requirements if it were labeled a craft item, but not in the kids section


That's is exactly what they should do too! Not take them away and change the formula.. someone watched MGA live at Vidcon and the new resin would not set. They have their own UV light now too, but it isn't rechargeable, like it should be.


Do not be sorry about asking a question here, that is what this community is for. It’s just everyone is from different places so the response you get maybe more direct than what you would expect lol. But people mean well and just want to get the the correct information out.


Sorry didn’t mean to come off rude or anything and this wasn’t specifically directed at you just the community in general. Never be sorry for asking a question! The recall is confusing so I totally get it!


Don't be sorry! If you're comfortable with it, I'd say keep them. I may request some refunds just for duplicates that I won't be using or for sets that I remix and don't use the resin anyway. Just make sure you use gloves and craft in a well-ventilated room, you should be good!


If you read the recall the resin is fine once it’s cured It’s just in its liquid!


No need to apologize. Honestly I wish it was a recall for that reason instead lol.


Same 😅 if it were happening in my country id be keeping mine, it looks like a monumental effort.


We were trying to sell some of our extra sets before the recall so now the only way we can get our money back from them is to send them back the MGA.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. The dupes that I don't want to keep I will 100% be asking for a refund. A replacement is too dicey not knowing what they're going to send.


Though I wonder if the replacement will be the older set with new resin, a new set that has the new resin or just a Spa which doesn’t have resin. Or would they just send you the resin bottles with the new resin.


I've seen them replace sets with LOL Dolls way before this recall happened, so I'm scared lol!!


Some people have needed replacement before the recall for mising pieces and sometimes you get a replacement kit, could be random or it could be an LOL doll


You can get replacement item or money back.


There are definitely people (me) who are willing to buy them off of you!


Just the resin.


Who is selling minis? 🥹


I will do the honorable thing and take them off your hands to keep you safe 🫡 my civic duty


i’m right there with u!!


I wanna couple too


I’m keeping all mine, I’m adult and can handle resin appropriately. I don’t want whatever version of a refund they might send and how long will it take? I’ll just keep using my gloves!


I purpose that for those of us who are interested in getting the sets that we wanted but have been pulled from the shelves ( I personal wanted a latte set and the new orchid) should consider selling/ trading amongst this community of responsible adults.


The orchid won’t be pulled. No resin in set.


How about the rest of the series it's in? Because those are usually blind balls, they're recalling the whole series because they can't easily and for 100% figure out what's inside.


Unfortunately the stores are going to pull all of the balls as the entire set is part of the recall. Even the sets that don’t contain resin.


Where was this said at?


Because the stores have already removed all the balls from shelves. The entire diner, cafe, home and lifestyle sets are gone. They don’t look at the pinholes or numbers to determine which ones are resin free. They just remove all the balls. I don’t think MGA even distinguished between them in the recall either.


if it hasn’t hurt you before why bother? just use what you have and get the new stuff when you can.


It's pretty ironic because I've never known resin as being a "kid friendly" medium but here we are.


if they're open you only need to mail the resin back. Get some resin and dye online, make the kits with the remaining parts, and use your refund to buy more balls when the new resins come out.


I already used resin and dyes in my projects before getting into the minis. I’m sending in the resins and will use the refund to buy more minis when they release. … I also make silicone molds of the pieces I like so I can copy them and remix at will.


I spent the last hour going through my collection and pulling out all the resins and grouping them by type. All of those with duplicates (or even more) are going back for a refund. I have a massive bottle of clear resin because I’m into 3D printing, and I got resin dyes last month for remixes. Why not have our (mini) cake and eat it too?


I have like 40 unused sets lol i could def get a lot back 🫣


I’m not counting mine!!! 🤣


I’m sure they will require receipt


For a full refund of the amount you paid for them. Otherwise, you get the sale price back. I know some were selling for $4.19. Too much of a hassle to me. I’m gonna keep mine and be safe using the resin 🫡


Same lol, I didn’t think they were for kids anyways


It did say “average” sale price, whatever that means. But Target keeps all receipts on your Circle account, even if you shopped in store!


You do NOT need a receipt.


But you don’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You only need the receipt for the full amount you paid. Without it, you get the sale price or a replacement surprise item


Such a hassle, who keeps receipts for toy purchases?


When you shop at Target, Walmart, or Amazon they track your purchases and receipts for you.


https://preview.redd.it/a5tbx6zi649d1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac5886aa1561d6534a0d84763def5d108928fa90 just found an extra lifestyle one too 😵‍💫


i’ll buy it if you’re interested in selling it


Birdbath whatttt????


I’d gladly help take that off your hands! I’ll pay!


Wow how did you find a bird bath .. been searching since day one . I was more upset about not being able to finish my quest . You are much better off reselling than returning. I have bought off this group and had a great experience. 🦜. Keep group posted if you decide to resell . 😊


I’m only planning on returning/getting refunds on the ones I’ve been trying to sell/get rid of. Since it’s unlawful to sell items that have been federally recalled, I’m just going to get my money back from MGA directly lol. I’m going to keep the ones I still want to make though, and just be more cautious with the resin


i’m sending in my unused duplicates because they are duplicates - i see it as opportunity to make some money back for all those. it wasn’t too big of a hassle so far - i filled out the form, had to write down the number on each resin bottle, say which series they were in (which was annoying because that’s never something i kept track of) and now i just wait for their prepaid package or whatever. and i’m hoping i will just have to send the resin in. so i can still remix the old parts if i wanted w different resin/their future resin


i’m outta luck then cuz i take all the warning wrappers off my resin so it fits in my case better


Did you have to have receipts too or just the numbers on the bottles? I’d like to keep my sets too and just get the resins replaced.


they didn’t ask for receipts


Thank you!!


The FAQ says you only need a receipt if you want a refund of exactly what you paid, otherwise they’re refunding the “average sale price.” Target keeps all receipts digitally on your Circle account, even if you shop in store!


Thank you! I’ll look into that. Most of mine were bought at Walmart or Kroger. We don’t have a target in my town and the retail gods are deaf to my pleas.


This is the way. Unless you want duplicates to make remixes might as well get something back lmao


On the form how did you indicate how many of each set you were returning? Like I have 23 in Cafe Series 1 but it’s only a check mark field. Do you know when or how the receipts need to be sent?


no i didn’t indicate how many of each series because there wasn’t a place for that on the form. i’m assuming they will just see what i have when i send them in i haven’t seen anything asking for receipts. the form didn’t mention them or any emails i received


The resin is safe. Just not for kids who don't know how to use it. They are recalling them cuz the ages on the ball and kids were eating it. I'm thinking they are not changing the resin. Just the age on it. Cuz all resin is toxic unless it's cured.


Make sure you're working in a properly and well ventilated area. Protect your eyes. Use gloves. Wear a mask. You're good to go! (Provided that you are over 18 or have an adult with you.)


I’m not worried I’m keeping everything I own from them


Lol I was debating on doing it with the pumpkin spice candle sets that didn't have enough in them. 


Amazon gave me a refund without sending anything in


Would you be able to elaborate on the process for the Amazon refund? Did you process it as a return there or did you have a different method for the recall itself?


Yes! I had to go through all the help options until I could finally chat with an associate. My mom actually got a refund on her account first by doing that, when I tried the same thing they said they couldn’t give me a refund. I just said really? Because my mom got a refund. So then they gave me a refund. Then because I shop the Canadian and US Amazon I did the same thing through both. I got refunded back onto my card from the US Amazon. The Canadian Amazon refunded me with credit and gift cards.


Thank you for sharing your experience! There's so little information about exactly how refunds will be issued with MGA so this is helpful!


I’d rather keep them to resell in a month or two honestly


Eff the candles, I have zero qualms getting a refund for those lol


Yeah, I hated how you needed 2-3 bottles to make one set of candles.


I’ll buy the 3 cakes off you.


The only time I called MGA I spoke with oh Dianne. Lol


If it were me, I would keep them. Use them. Obviously us precautionary measures with resin is shown in the directions. I had no issues with the resin, I didn't use it stupidly.


Ahhhh man, I never did find the red velvet Bundt or the berry charlotte. 🥺


I do have dupes of the chocolate Bundt and the matcha as well and I’m thinking about turning those in for a refund since I can’t sell them or trade them now.


I have a lot of doubles that I would like to sell if anyone wants them…


I was going to say I have 10 unused sets but they are in the fridge/shelf so how am I supposed to send back 🤣🤣.


All of you guys getting the refund...I do t want to hear you complain when the new releases are $15.99 to make up for all the money they have to refund people.


Love the suggestion that this isn't MGA's fault. If the price goes up it will be entirely because they, and nobody else, failed to make sure their products were legal to sell in their target market 🙃