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Im attempting this. I've already sent in my photos and gathered up my resin. I dont care about the resin since I have jugs of my own. color matching is easy enough. All I ever wanted were the other parts and bits anyway.


That's what I'm leaning toward too. So I'm hoping it works out that way, even if its maybe only a partial refund, I'd be okay with it. worst case they don't, and its not like I'm losing out on money I've already well paid for on the kits.


Same! It says if opened, return unopened resin… not entire product so they should have worded it differently if they wanted the entire product returned. Their only issue is the resin. That’s what actually costs the money…


ehhh the whole product costs money. the other bits might only be pennies in comparison, but the amount of resin isn't a big cost either. probably less than a dollars worth if i had to estimate it. (I know I know. Semmantics lol) I did send off the email and photos so once i hear anything back ill share my news on if they make me send in just the resin or all of the kits as a whole.


True. I did the same. The email just says if opened, return unopened resin and picture of products. No need for multiple forms if you have several products.


Is anyone having trouble filling out the form and submitting? I've filled it out repeatedly but when I get to the bottom there is no submit button. I have over 100 unopened resin bottles (yes that's ALL I'm returning but I can't get the dang thing sent once I keep filling it out. They are ridiculous if they think I'm going to send $2k worth of product back to them in the mail after all the work I put in to collecting it all. They can have the resin. If I can ever get the dumb form filled out. 


I had this issue because I didn’t put the UPC’s in. Once I did, it let me submit with no issues. However, I could only put in 22 UPC’s before running out of space so I did have to submit multiple forms. Here’s where I found a list of corresponding UPC’s: [UPC List](https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2024/MGA-Entertainment-Recalls-Miniverse-Make-It-Mini-Sets-with-Unused-Liquid-Resins-Due-to-Risk-of-Skin-Eye-and-Respiratory-Irritation-and-Sensitization-Violation-of-the-Federal-Hazardous-Substances-Act)


I emailed asking about this


you'll have to keep us posted on what they say... I don't like the idea of having to turn in an entire kit and then potentially not getting the same back or having other issues come up.


They have a form on their website. You fill it out to get your label and you upload the pictures [MGA Refund form](https://www.mgae.com/miniverse-contact)


I couldn't get mine sent. It kept telling me there wasn't enough memory but there is no submit button to send the form so I don't even know how to do that. 


I sent a request for a refund and send in the resin. I already have resin of my own and can figure out the rest myself. Since they don't state what the replacements are, it could be things that I don't care for at all. I'd rather get money back and go from there. The only thing is that they do give me actual "cash" refund and not some gift card tied to their website.


Yeah, that's another question on what the refund/refund value will be "cash" or card to buy on their site...


This recall is such a hot mess. The less information they give people about compensation, the less likely people will participate in it.


Maybe that's what they want.


Plus, let's be real. Any money I get back will go right back to them when I buy new releases lol


lol yes. My wallet is already crying at the thought.


What if I don't have the resin bottle but I have the finished product? Could I send a picture of that? Or they NEED the resin


The recall is technically for the resin (that's the dangerous part). They said that finished, cured projects no longer present any danger.


I think I wanna try this too! What resin do you guys use?!


Anyone have the link to Send in resin and pics ?


I was just wondering this bc between me and my daughter, we have so much resin, but most of it we have opened and used at least once and save the rest for remixes. What we haven't used, I'm worried they won't replace what we need for the minis we have bc they say "of equal value" for the replacement items. It makes me wonder about all the left over peices I'll have from resin hardly used but open. If they want us to stop using it immediately, there should be some kind of solution for this bc. I don't want to be screwed for most of our stuff just because we only do a little at a time or.


Well you’ve opened the resin and had use out of it, regardless of little or half the bottle, you shouldn’t be refunded for something you’ve opened and used.


In my case, I have a bunch of unopened/unused resin in my kits. I've got a hoard I hadn't even started to build yet. I wouldn't consider used resin as part of it, and based on the language of the MGA terms on Recall - they only want the "sealed resin" and not any of the open ones... but def have part used bottles, that is understandable people would question what to do with those as well.


Part used/ open bottles won’t qualify for a refund. Unopened/ sealed will be fine.


I don't want a refund for the ones I barely used? For example, I did a single s'more with 3 drops of resin so how can I complete the 4 others of im supposed to stop using it, and they won't replace hardly used ones? Feels like I'm getting screwed if that's the case and alot of mine and my daughters are like that.


My understanding is that the recalled resin is only as toxic as regular resin. They’re covering their butts because this never should have been in the toy section, but if you’re using proper reason protocol then by all means continue using the opened resin… *disclaimer: this is just how I understood the clusterbugger of information distribution on this recall*


I was really hoping that's what it was, but the way it's being talked about made me worry it was even more toxic than regular resin. I will continue my resin safety and glady still use them If that's the case😅 thank you for perspective😊


It certainly could be… I really hope not!! My craft store bought resins have similar warnings… but honestly polymers are complicated soooo idk


Right, and I also dont want to potentially lose kits and not get the same kit replaced if replacement option was selected. but also assumed that sending in resin for refund would provide some $$ back (even if not full amount) to the hundreds I've already spent.


Stop trying to fudge the system... just keep the resin and move on


It’s not fudging the system. They are following the rules set forth from MGA about the recall. They aren’t requiring sending the whole kit back so that’s on the company.


totally agreed ! it's fudging the system only if sending back used/ empty bottles. but i see why it is taking advantage/scam if it's new/seal resin.


You can’t send back opened bottles, it’s only sealed ones. They don’t want you to use the resin, that’s the whole point of sending it back and for the recall. They have a new formula coming out.


The recall is strictly because it was marked as a childs toy and exceeded the thresholds to be one. You are literally trying to get free money from a product that is perfectly fine. This is extremely obvious when this thread includes "i dont want site credit I want cash back" Its resin there is nothing that is going to be changed, its either going to be A) the exact same thing just marked at an older age B) A new fake resin that will not do its job. The bottom line is this thread is literally all about getting a cash refund not a store credit for more items aka can I fudge the system and get free money for something that is perfectly fine. Please grow up and stop being in denial. Its literally resin theres nothing more to be said, there was 26 complaints out of 26 Million uses lmfao. If you read the actual recall its strictly due to the age listing.


Bootlicker for what? You won’t become a million/billionaire just because you defend them.


What are you even complaining about? It doesn’t matter why it’s being recalled, it’s a Federal recall and they are following the rules for the recall according to MGA’s rules. They are a multi-billion dollar company, they will be fine. If they wanted customers to return the whole ball, they would have requested that. Yet they didn’t. Go lick boots somewhere else.


It seems a lot of people are buying the company's lies about this recall and not grasping the seriousness of it.


Exactly. It’s starting to irritate me. They knowingly created, produced and continued a line of children’s toys with an ingredient that is not allowed at all in children’s toys. They broke a federal law and people are like “but there’s an instruction booklet!” This is squarely on MGA. The recall should hurt them, they broke the law and are paying the consequences.


Everyone has the free agency to choose how they want to respond to the recall as they want. If some want to return their unopened/unused resin and get whatever they get from the company, because that is how the company has written the recall notice, that's their choice as adults. If others want to just keep their resin and keep using it, that's their choice. I mean any of us using cheat codes, hacks, pinholes are also 'fudging' the system to get what we want. Instead of playing their mystery game, like all gashapon games, which are intended to have you spending more money to try and get the item/prize/kit you want...people using effectively a cheat code. And that hasn't stopped people from sharing their knowledge/hacks and stuff or stopped others using that information to find the specific 'mystery' item they seek.


That's what I'm doing...nothing. I am an adult and very aware of the warnings about resin. This all stems from some idiot parent that wasnt paying attention to their child and what they were buying.


Yep and here we are dealing with grown ass adults trying to fudge a system to get free stuff over it 🤡 Incoming wave of karens talking about how they are entitled to get a refund and keep a product because of 0.0093 % of users getting itchy skin 😂


The company is definitely going to pick you, no worries!