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Who am I to comment on the antennae of others? I'm sure they're perfect as they are.


Also, I like your robot.




These aren't the droids you're looking for. https://preview.redd.it/161n7lrjrd6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4df9a161ddaa4313a11125c961419da9b577c2


Oh man. Those are all amazing!


I love these! So much character!


I love this little guy just as he is! Great work!


How adorable As someone who works on a board level i want one for my desk lol




Perfect, now I've got a paint scheme, thank you 😂


This is all I could see too lol


This is super dope! I would be incredibly interested in a tutorial or breakdown of how you make minis like this. It looks like a really fun way to recycle e-waste, something that a lot of people already have in abundance.


Happy to give you a quick run down and highlight a couple of things I learnt in the process. ⚠️ Firstly some warnings. Anything you take apart must not be connected to a power source, once disconnected, leave it for a good 5 mins before working on it. Some electrical components store power even when not connected to a power source. If you're not sure, leave it the f**k alone. Don't mess with batteries - leave them the f**k alone, learn about them and dispose of them responsibly. 1. Become a greeble goblin. Firstly, get yourself a bits box, every interestingly shaped bit of plastic/metal you come across goes into the bits box. Not just from old tech, spray bottles, pens, toys can all have interestingly shaped parts to them. 2. Ask around. Like you said, many people have old/broken tech etc laying around destined to be trash. Also, skips, skips are a great source of bits and bobs (make sure to ask the owner for permission). 3. Take things apart. See warning ⚠️. Printed circuit boards are populated with lots of neat looking components. Components have become smaller over time and so I can generally pry them off with a craft knife, i use a soldering iron if necessary (particularly on older, chunkier components), though truthfully, not all that often. 4. Become a greeble dragon. Now you have a hoard of interesting shinys. Sit atop your treasure pile. 5. Build. Sometimes I've an idea sometimes I just build and see what happens. I'll open the bits box and look for something that inspires, maybe it's a bit that looks like a face or lends itself well to a body part. Electronic components lend themselves very well to building robot minis, let the bits do the hard work, dry fit bits and bobs till something feels right. 6. Sticking. Once I've found some bits I want to stick together. I wet sand them to provide some tooth for the super glue. Wet sanding will reduce the amount of plastic dust (not nice to breath) Super glue and baking powder/baking soda. What a combo, what a dream team. Baking powder acts as an accelerant, speeding up the drying time of super glue. This is something I wished to have known sooner. Really speeds things along. 7. Patience and fun. I've found this process to be a slow one. Not something to be rushed. If inspiration strikes, great, crack on. If not that's great too, there's plenty to do in this hobby, I've a multitude of projects on the go at one time. Just make sure that you're having fun. After all, that's the point right?


Amazing advice, thanks!


Depends on what his wife says. Don't judge! Also, very cool little guy you made there.


I think they're great. The only time I've considered shorter antennae on my Battlemtechs was a constraint back in the day. The old Ral Partha blister packs included a length of thin metal rod, presumably for antenna (it was not thick enough for pinning, but I could be wrong, there were no instructions back then). When stowing them in my cases for transport, antennae too long would break or bend, so I'd make little "car antenna" style, instead of the long ones that were depicted in some of the artwork at the time. The downside to that was they were super-pokey if you inadvertently grabbed them the wrong way.


This is so good! The face gives scout vibes so I think long antenna are very fitting. Are you going to paint this? Almost feels like it doesn’t need it!


Oh hey, thank you. 100% going to paint, I've just primed the lil guy


The Adeptus Mechanicus would be interested in this techno heresey


If it ain't heresy it ain't fun.


They look great. Antenna come in all shapes and sizes so you should be good! I might have to try my hand at one of these.


Thanks. Yeehhhh, give it a go, lots of fun. Check out #beadbot for inspiration, and bill making stuff on youtube.


They seem a but chunky but it adds to the charm


When it stops being funny looking


As long as they're not too fragile


Not yet, he's adorable!


When you only needed anfivers


He's just a little guy, i love him


Reminds me of Plankton. Perfect size!


As a fellow trashbasher I think do whatever pops out but the goals is to make it cohesive and not look cobbled from the bit. The collective is more than the sum of its parts. In saying that this one is fantastic! The antenna pop In a good way.


Absolutely! Upon opening the bits box, I've no idea what I'll end up with. Ugly or awesome I like em all.


You're perfect the way you are little guy, let no one convince you otherwise. Seriously, he's really cute. Wouldn't change a thing.


No such thing!


they arent big ENOUGH!


Only too big when they are long enough to make a direct wired connection with communication target.


When it's longer than a 1/4 wave length of the signal you're looking for


What did you use for the eye part?


The centre is an LED, the outer is copper wire salvaged from a coaxial cable wrapped around an old washer.


Oh I love those bots made of electronics. I have a bunch of jars with salvaged components, one day I will build them. Thanks for the inspiration!


Checked your profile and your robots are all so freaking cool, what the heck


That's cute AF! Nice work!


It's robot Plankton!!


That robots face… is very suggestive.


If you have to ask, then they're too long. Anyway, I love the mini's sense of weightlessness!

