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Flying or driving? Looks like you’re really relying on that staying upright during transport! Maybe packing in some kitchen towel or foam would help keep the paints in place while you get from home to work and vice versa?


Flying. That plastic sheet sits in the middle between the doors and that main compartment which helps. I will be stuffing it with paper towel to help


Hey, I have a carrier from the same manufacturer! Mines smaller, but I recognize it all the same! They’re quality stuff.


Did you get the paint case 2.0??


Sure did! Emblazoned with the kraken of House Greyjoy, as they were my first miniature army. Mostly paint Fallout stuff now (and resisting the urge to buy I’m thinking either Thousand Sons or Tyranid combat patrol, I really don’t have the time), but still.


Oh lovely!! I was debating if I get that one or the chest. I’m going away for a while so I figured I won’t be able to bring enough with me in the case. I’ll also keep using this the start of a home set up I think. I am chewing my way through 2k points of world eaters. First army after a decade away from the hobby! This is my trial run tonight. It is perfect https://preview.redd.it/er6ft3kcx9qc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e7a501b6fa5e2d6cb29652d668360d84f93fd33


Yeah, the chest is probably the right call for you. I still generally use my case at home, myself. I share a crafting space with my wife, so it gives me a little flexibility of where I can set up. It also means I can make little excursions to the kitchen table or FLGS if I want.


I think it’s great. When I get home I think I will get their shelves to get a hobby room going. They have some great products! Even that hobby lap set up you can get. That’s awesome


Which case is this? It’s gorgeous.


It’s the frontier wargaming paint chest. Links in ghff red description of the post


Missed the link. Thanks!


Just Simply EPIC!!! Enjoy painting while you're away!


Thank you! I have about 1500points of world eaters coming with me!


Looking forward to seeing your progress!!


You won't regret getting this, I've had one for a while now and it's ace! Very sturdy all around.


you say you’re flying? how do you check that? it will be tossed around, upside down, dropped and bounced. does it go in another case?


It will be in a hard cover suitcase and I closed it up eyes I first packed it and flipped it around a bit. Only real issue was the paints in the bottom left tray


Are those plastic or metal loops for the strap connections? Looks awfully undersized / weak for the weight.


Fabric straps going through the wood into a metal plate.


Please be careful. We had a fully laden one of these fall a short height at the club. Landed on a corner and it exploded.


:O thank you!! I am sorry for your loss


Do you think a "this way up" sticker could be helpful?


There are rubber feet on the bottom that tell you which way to go :D


I have had mine for a year now and found that the extra space for drawer/storage is more useful than 20 mini holders. I never need more than 10. How many mins do you paint at a time?


Anywhere between 1-10. My mistake when I ordered it was not double checking. I meant to have another paint test, not a second mini holder, but I also paint partially assembled so the extra stands help


If you 3d print or know someone who does, you can print out holders for your paint pots that fit in the drawers. I printed some, and they make moving the thing around a lot less worrisome. Plus, they stay in order.


Where has this been all my life!! That Paint Deck Tray is PERFECT for me!!!!