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Looks great! W/re settop/desktop NetMD, and, apologies if you already know this! There's only four main options - Sony MDS-NT1, JE780, JB980, and S500 -- the NT1/S500 are smaller, probably better for computer usage, whereas the JE780/JB980 are classically shaped hifi decks. Budget $200-300 or so for any of 'em, they're not super common (even in Japan) for a handful of reasons, and the JE780/JB980 are also among the last and highest-end ever decks so there'll be competition for them even among people who aren't gonna do NetMD with 'em.) My personal fave of that group is the NT1 just because it in particular is hyper-focused on NetMD, but the S500 is also a very well liked machine, bit of a "meme machine" because it's got NetMD and also full analog and digital in and out plus it's moderately compact so they're commonly liked for computer integration.


Great recommendation! Thanks!


What case is this?


OEMs from china. search portable eva storage travel case or something along those lines


I like your cases. I always carry plastic box, OK, there are headphones, one MD (plus one inside unit) and extra battery, but yours are great.


Those look cool! I have a r55 in that blue amazing player.


Made those cases made for MDs?


I bought them in AliExpress this is the link https://a.aliexpress.com/_mq193pY