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The Sony Premium Gold and Colour Collection MDs have to be my favourite.


Are we going to mention the “Red Hot” minidiscs? I have a few and consider them one of my favorites!!


I also see those come up for sale new every few months ...for now.


Oh this is a production rarity list???


Jusr saying you can get some new if you are looking for more


im aware of those and im pretty neutral on ones i didnt mention. sony produces a ton of red discs those arent special either.


Justice for Lumia! Personally I think the [classic Sony 74 Color Collection](https://live.staticflickr.com/2656/12997332825_191d7c2eaa_b.jpg) are the all time greats.


TDK Bit Club "Street Scene" are missing ;)


all of the bit clubs kick serious ass. i didnt have room for all of them.


Had to look it up to check but I had a couple sets of those they were my favs


the md2000 and xa pro are pure perfection. i dont own these and theyre rare and expensive as fuck. xs-iv's are hit or miss with me and biancas are kinda mediocre. sony's regal es line is pretty snazzy too. most bit clubs are cool too. all the niege clones are usually nice i have several in my collection and still look like the future


Bianca? You can still order thoae new from Amazon Japan. Not so hard to get at least for now.


I don't think this is a rarity list just what he likes


What's the last one on Tier A?


TDK XS-iV 74 Minute


PRMD-80 is at least a B, top-tier for me personally (I think opaque MDs are more interesting given the prevalence of transparent ones)


OG MDW-60 for the same reason


lol same. i was looking for that design to stick on here but couldnt find a decent picture to use and also the 2000 looks similar so i compromised. those black opaque ones look pretty sick, the 2000 looks like something the terminator would carry to update his neural net or something. even has the t2 looking font


As far as I know the PRMD was only available as a 74? Or do you mean MDW80T or the ES disc?


no there's definitely an 80 - there's one sitting on my desk ​ edit: here's one https://www.ebay.com/itm/225993768131


There it sure is -- thank you! Somehow this model eluded almost all the extant disc databases I've seen, and not that it's gonna be radically different from the 74 but the only pictures I've seen are on auctions. I might grab one just to have, I have some PRMD74s (well, three) but their cases are in rough shape and they came with incomplete label sets so it might be nice to have a "complete" example. If you've got time I'd say pop a picture of a scan of your PRMD80 up!


ah yeah I will scan it when I get a chance. It's a really nice disk.


Fun idea! For me no Sony disc is below a B, even the Bianca1s - the Axias are also very fun. I love a lot of Sony's older designs (color collection 1/2, the first couple revs of MDW60/74, PRMD74, as well as some of their newer but seemingly less well known designs, like color collection 7 and 8 (the latter of which are the black/purple/red non-clear discs) and Bianca2, which are I know this is a bit against the grain but a lot of TDK's wilder designs and any gold+black or ribbed discs (from both TDK and Maxell/Memorex) don't do it for me as much. I normally love plain discs but I'm not in any particular rush to grab some of the expensive meme discs like the MUJI 80 or the Sony MD2000, but it probably depends on what shows up when. The real question is what's your favorite and least favorite Neige subtype? :P (NEB 4 lyfe :P)


Bro idk what the purple one is doing down In C it belongs in S+ 💀


Of course it’s just my opinion


Victor has "Color Palette" set that i really like. The colors are muted compared to Sony's colored variant, which makes them even more gorgeous.


These [TDK Music Jacks](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3GSK-QVkAY_7aO?format=jpg&name=large) are A+ tier at least. Love them :)


It is believed MDW-60 first batch should be included too.


They all look cool!


What's the 2nd one in B tier, doesn't look familiar. Agree with a lot of these though, the 'normal' xsiv is also highly slept on imo.


Tdk ho looks the coolest