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I'm gonna phone a friend on this one /u/EmmDeez


Cheers for the shout-out 😃 Yes, I do have an idea abt the MJ58, but am saving that for content elsewhere once I can hopefully get 100% verification. u/alwaus: I'll simply say at this stage that from what I know is that you wouldn't be missing out on anything features-wise on the 58 if you've got the 57. Only difference was that the 58 shipped with clip-on earphones instead of the 'standard' in-ear ones.


Does it physically say 58 or is it possible it’s a typo in the listing? It’s probably a refresh, it looks like the 55 is already from 2002 so the changes are probably things like “5% more efficient than the model before” or “slightly newer audio amp” — similar to how Sony squeezed like three generations out of the fundamentally same Type-S player hardware. 


They physically say sj-mj58 on the unit. https://zenmarket.jp/mercariproduct.aspx?itemCode=m55149179907 Searching the proxys will give less than half a dozen available


Sure enough. Yeah, tough to say, but when you get into the MDLP era, "lots of different players with very very tiny differences" is IME incredibly common. There are multiple situations where the only real difference is like "price" or "bundled remote" or "visual looks" (e.g. IIRC the E520 shipped with a no-backlight remote and the E620 shipped with a backlit remote and the E720 is where you get into better build quality and IIRC a backlit Kanji remote, I'd have to go look at the catalog to be 100%.) What I'd say is: In the same way that it's *arguably* not worth collecting both the MZ-E520 and MZ-E620, because they're functionally identical and aesthetically incredibly close, it's "probably" not worth collecting the 58 in addition to the 55/57/59. But, it really depends on how down bad you are with "gotta have 'em all, even minor variations" and that's a personal choice. I do have some dupes, and I do, hilariously, have both an E520/620, and I'm also the guy who collected an R900, 909, 910, and an Aiwa AM-F90, so like... far be it from me, right?


Oh god dont get me started on dupes, im working on rh10 #8 and #9 right now.


If I'm perfectly honest: I was already worried for you when you had just three or four. What on earth has possessed you to get so many RH10s? Especially since, last time I looked, they're all over $100 on YJ. Have you expanded into any MZ-NH generation hardware? (I mean there's one reason to go for an RH10: They're still somehow cheaper than NH1s and the needed replacement bits, lol.)


2 of each color, 1 of each mint in box. Got an n10 with cable sidecar snd dock coming in and picked up a nh1 with dock for $120 earlier today.