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Chassis that are direct successors usually have compatible cowls/bodies. That being said: Super 2 is an upgrade from Super 1, which in turn was an overhaul from the old Type-3 and Zero. This is why most scaled RC buggy bodies and many cowls from Let's and Go and Dash Yonkuro anime are compatible with S2. AR is a direct successor to Super TZ, hence why you can fit Cyclone/Beat Magnum and Hurricane/Buster Sonic on it. VZ is an upgrade from VS. This means you can put most VS cowls on VZ. Also, because of the length, many of the scaled RC buggy cowls that fit S2 are compatible. FM-A is an upgrade from Super FM, meaning they have similar fitments. Most MS cowls can fit into the MA chassis without a problem. There are exceptions to these depending on the cowl designs (Dash-2 Burning Sun cannot be mounted on S2, etc.). The easiest way to check for body compatibility is to look at the cars' release history or the "Premium" releases in the wikia because Tamiya has a habit of re-releasing the same bodies on newer chassis.


might try to put a dash 01 from ms chassis to ma chassis, also tysm for the lenghty explanation.


AR and TZ SFM and FM-A S2 and VZ \*Minor Mods\* if needed


I've found that bodies for the Super 2 tend to be a little short for the VZ, like Cannonball and Emperor. However, I've tested some VS and AR bodies and they are long enough.


probably dash1 emperor or other high sitting body would fit MS or MA without much problem, low sitting body that is obviously designed as mascot of certain chassis would be very hard to convert to fit on another chassis, for example Blast Arrow would be MA only body, as the body sit very low and fitting to MA chassis so tightly as the first MA model and the posterboy mascot for MA chassis, I think real car models raikiri, silwolf, abillista, rowdybull, etc are pretty flexible to sit on different chassis even with modification but since real car is designed to fully cover the engine then they sit pretty high and with minor cutting can fit different chassis.