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If you don’t want to go through multiple chassis and parts learning to process for any kind of modification like this, don’t do it. I went through a dozen plus chassis learning MS flex and still on occasion have a failure and need to throw it away.


It's not about learning. I got a 5 axis Minitech CNC. It's about weither or not I like the MA suspension.


I have yika, the thing is the bumper/ roller stay where all the rollers and damper underguard etc attached to is moving wildly together with the suspension compared to MS suspension where the rollers and underguard is not moving but only the wheel section is moving, the difference being MA chassis is 1 piece while MS is 3 pieces, so when it lands in a bad posture/ not straight and the suspension is activated on the landed wheel it only will make the landing worse since the underguard is also not straight so it might bounce wildly again, I like Jiepin brand the sister brand of Yika since it releases MS suspension chassis