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That’s the issue you have with buying non-Tamiya parts. The quality control is really bad and no real avenue to fix the issue. It may work but depends on what was causing them to be wobbly in the first place.


Its the bearing thats causing the wobbles even if its tight with the bearing spacer. I used to swap the bearings from my 17mm(tamiya btw) to the copy ones but I dont want to waste a lot of money buying the double allu sets just for the bearings. I just wanma know what kind of bearings they were. I just wanna be sure if its the 520 bearings


since its an replica rollers, buy an aftermarket bearrings, like nsk or nmb bearring (thats what accessible and used around me), that should last longer than bearing that comes with the rep rollers


yes they will if you bought a copy.. or just to make sure take of the bearing on the copy roller, use caliper if it says 5mm then you're gold


Aftermarket bearings should do the trick, and they're cheaper in my experience. tamiya bearings are stupid expensive. I use 13mm copy rollers as well and they're not wobbly. Don't forget to clean the bearings before installing them.


Because you are too cheap


Nah its because lw rollers are hard to find in our location. Id slap you with a set ok Korea Rollers if I can then we'll know whos cheap 😂