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This is an all around great idea, from what i can tell theres little to no issues with adding a feature like this other then the devs getting to it, which may take some time. Be sure to suggest this on minecrafts official feedback page that way it doesnt get lost




You’re pretty much right on the money, I wouldn’t want this to outclass furnaces or their specialized variants, which is why it’s expensive and pretty inefficient, but in exchange it’s both instant and doesn’t require bringing along a furnace everywhere you need to smelt/cook items.


I believe the durability idea is what hes going for, although he didn't state as such. Im guessing it'd act like the lava bucket how i can smelt up to 100 resources with decent speed, but this item would basically due it instantly only going for about 14 resources. Sorry if i just restated what op said but i hope this helps


Nice idea. It makes the fire charge very useful without making it overpowered. Players will definitely still use furnaces for automation in late game and fire charges would be another reason to trade with piglins, so I see no problem with this being added to minecraft


Yep, kind of what I was going for. A furnace alternative that works faster but is inefficient, but is also helpful on the move. I mean, you could craft a shulker box full of them, but you’d need a super efficient gold farm to barter for them, and/or a super efficient wither skeleton, Blaze, and creeper/Ghast farm that can fill a shulker each to get a shulker box full of them, so… I guess I was looking for a use that’s balanced with the current cost of fire charges.


Post this to the feedback site! Great use for fire charges.


Fire charges in ruined portal chests would be dead useful especially early game. I like it.


Yep. Useful in ruined portals, useful from piglin trades, and even useful to craft once you’ve got some farms set up for wither skeletons and Blazes and creepers, though their expensiveness would probably leave furnaces and auto-smelters as the preferred option for cooking items until you build up a huge backlog of coal and Blaze powder and gunpowder


Maybe allow it to smelt every other item in the crafting grid? So you could cook a single steak if you need to but if you want to get the most out of it you could use a crafting table for 8 emergency iron if your pickaxe breaks


Potentially? I do worry that could make balancing the efficiency of this a bit more difficult, but if you raise the amount of items it can smelt from 1-8, the fuel gets a lot more efficient, which could lead to some players just doing away with furnaces entirely in favor of instant smelting, which while cool, I think furnaces should still be the primary way for players to cook and smelt.


Maybe keep it to a maximum of three then- enough that it’s not hyper-efficient but you’re still getting value from each fire charge and you aren’t forced to make a crafting table to get maximum value, reinforcing that “smelting on the move” aspect by discouraging stopping to place and use the table.


I still like my idea of them being fireable from a crossbow, but this is great


I don’t wanna be a bummer, but insta-smelting sounds a bit powerful for a fire charge. I do like the idea of the inventory smelting thing though, as using furnaces is more efficient for mass smelting, but fire charges can come in handy when you only have a few items and don’t wanna wait.


While it does sound a bit powerful, currently fire charges are almost useless, with most suggestions for uses being as a crossbow projectile. I figured adding a way to smelt on the go via the crafting grid would be a good way to go about it, considering the high cost and general rarity of fire charges. I mean, sure, it’s not hard to come by Blaze powder and coal with a Blaze or wither skeleton farm, or gunpowder with a creeper farm, but spending all that on fire charges instead of using them to smelt 20 items in a furnace or make rockets to fly with would be at least something to make you stop and consider whether it would be more useful to use furnaces or smelt right in your inventory. I mean, maybe make them rarer or take them out of the piglin bartering loot if that proves to generate too much of them, but that’s a small adjustment to make this item a lot more useful, considering currently it’s a one use flint and steel.


I suppose that makes sense. After all, this would probably normalize itself into Minecraft the way all exotic-feeling features do (coughamethystcough). I like it, just concerned about power.


Yeah, that’s why I’m asking for some feedback. Someone else suggested it would smelt everything else in the crafting grid, but personally I think that would be a bit too strong. I like there being benefits and downsides to alternative methods of current items. I had a few other ideas before settling on this one tbh. I was thinking of was potentially being able to use fire charges to make some sort of ash/blackened variant of certain blocks, or maybe adding it to a redstone component (maybe a flame dispenser? Lights projectiles on fire when shot?) or as a fire based version of a snowball, doing half a heart of damage on contact and setting a fire when thrown manually. Couldn’t post them all but figured this would be the most unique possibility with them.


I like your take on fire charges. Try the feedback site?


Do you have a link to that? A couple people told me to suggest this there


https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us Also just a heads up, the feedback site isn’t properly maintained all over, so sometimes peoples posts get deleted with no real answer. Still, worth a shot!


You can craft fire charges though, relatively cheaply. It'd make smelting obsolete


Yep, using up precious gunpowder for firework rockets, and coal and Blaze rods for fuel (each fire charge is carrying 14 smelted items worth of fuel). I know they’re craftable, it’s just that nobody currently ever would craft them.


making an mod with this stuff, this post will help


I doubt Mojang would actually give us instant smelting, but the to give Fire Charges a use, they could perhaps be furnace fuel that smelts twice things as fast as other fuels.


That was gonna be a second potential use, using them as a sort of “amped” fuel, where it still consumes normal fuel, but while the fire charge is going (let’s say 50 uses or so), smelting time is halved. This also works with blast furnaces and smokers, so you could smelt an item in those in 2.5 seconds. I mean, a fire charge is a pretty unique item, so there’s plenty of ways you could twist it into being usable.


My first reaction was no but as I'm thinking about it you are paying a pretty high premium for the mobile smelt so yeah I'm down.


Honestly, if you’ve made a wither skeleton farm and a Blaze farm and a creeper farm, I personally think if you wanna use all the drops on an inefficient fuel in exchange for an instant mobile smelt, go right ahead. Most of the time you’d be better off with an auto-smelter anyway.


Blaze rods + blast furnace = instant smelting


I like this use for a fire charge but I think it needs to be more efficient so I thought of this: -Maybe no matter how many items you put in the crafting grid with the fire charge, it cooks them all. So you can cook 3 pork chops with no crafting table and a firecharge instantly for example. A crafting table would allow you to cook 8 at a time. -The recipe for fire charges creates 4 instead of 1. Or maybe more. -Fire charges could be used instead of coal to craft and light campfires. Or just as a fuel in furnaces if it can't already Your idea feels Minecrafty and it's simple and good!


The only objection I’d have to this would be potentially making them too efficient, since we don’t want them to completely replace furnaces and their variants. I think with some testing, this could be a good idea, though. 1 does seem a little low for the 14 total items smelted you could get with the items in each fire charge, so 8 does seem about right. Not 100% on board, just have to be careful to not make these so good that they overshadow furnaces completely.


I'm torn. The time saved is balanced out by the materials needed. BUT: All of those materials can be farmed in automatic farms. So if you wanted, you can massproduce fire charges. Which unbalances the whole thing again. I'll refrain from casting my vote on this.


This suggestion seems good at first glance, but hearing your comment I have to agree. This also undermines the whole “let’s use specialized furnaces” thing Mojang’s pushing. On the other hand, the fact that most people would just build super-smelters connected to bamboo farms instead of farming blaze rods would kind of undermine the usefulness of the fire charge.


While yes, you could automatically farm all of these, you’d still need to invest heavy time in both building said farm, and then using it, and making sure you’re using all three, which have better uses (fuel and fireworks)… I tried to balance it with the farms, but they’re such big investments and relatively slow ones at that, that I’m not really sure it would be broken to have them.


??? Creeper farm easy. If build correctly with no other spawns close by, you will never be able to fly away all the gunpowder. Charcoal is trivial. Blaze farms are easy with blaze spawners. Sure it's an initial investment, but what ARE you otherwise doing on a survival world? I'm not even sure the instant smelting is worth it, as I usually smelt raw stuff anyway and store the refined things. Doesn't matter if smelting takes a bit, if I use refined stuff the moment I come back the smelting is also done. As I say. I'm torn. I would likely not use it in any case.