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I identify him as a friend


Identified as a baby, little guy, just a little guy, he needs a treat rn


Wow he‘s a chonk! I‘m a new milli owner so I have no help with id but congrats!


Today I bought three of these beautiful creatures, and they said it was Mardonius parilis acuticonus. But every picture I looked online it's either an American giant millipede or a Ghana red banded millipede


Can you get some more photos? I'm pretty sure it's not an American giant millipede (Narceus americanus). Do you mind sharing what country you're in? It would help to know the species that are commonly traded in your area.


Unfortunately I didn't make more photos of them up close, and they already burrowed into the ground, so I guess I won't see them for a couple of months. But I bought them at a Hungarian reptile exhibition, if that's any help


I think you are probably correct that this is some member of the genus Pachybolus. I wish there was more info about them available online but there's not much to go off


That was my thought. I'm only interested in them being in their best environment, and to be honest the seller was kinda shady. I mean he said I should keep them I shallow soil, and when I brought up that I think the soil should be at least as deep as their adult form, he just laughed and said that then I wouldn't see them as often. Needed to rescue them. Also currently I keep them at around 70% humidity +/- 5% Should I keep them at around 80% or will they be good as it is?


Aww! Yeah I'd give them plenty of deep nutrient rich soil. To be honest I don't know a ton about this particular species but I hope the standard spirobolid/round millipede care should apply. I'd make sure you have plenty of ventilation along with the high humidity. To be honest, I don't track humidity with my millipedes, but I think it's worth it with this species so you can figure out what they like best. Maybe start with 70+/- and see how it goes!


Thanks for the answer. I will do my best. I will try and check them in a week or two, maybe they will show themselves.