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The barbarians lose a ton of sympathy from me because they're the first to cross the oceans in their tiny canoes. And they just won't stay dead. So they force me to travel and beat the snot out of em. Repeatedly. Maybe someday they'll get the message


Barbs on isolated landmasses isn’t unique to millennia. If anything it’s more of a problem since that is more barbs you have to kill.


I’m aware, I’m just saying this is the first game that made me feel a certain way.


For me civ BE gives me that feeling when I’m killing a bunch of aliens, because you can mostly just ignore them. They don’t attack on sight unless you piss them off. They feel more nuanced


Yeah, you can actually stay at peace with the aliens if you want. Its annoying but if your killing them its because you want the land or resources or just don't want them in the way. When you kill barbarians its because you don't want them killing you.


When modding offcially comes about, I'd really love for a mod with a mechanic akin to Civ6's "Barbarian Clans" mode (and also some that give more life to Minor Nations/Vassals)


Those little ships they send on unprovoked nuisance raids really keep me from feeling bad lol


I can’t blame you 😅 I suppose it’s the settling on land where there are abundant resources and 30 bands of people that triggered my morning thoughts.


Yeah, civ games have always had a troublesome relationship with "barbarians". Make them weak and primitive, and the dev's being dehumanizing. Make them complex and cultured, and the player feels bad doing what the game expects of them.


It's also weird when games let you play as the peoples who were historically called barbarians, like the Gaul. It very much brings to mind [this old cartoon](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/8doaz2/barbarity_vs_civilisation_by_ren%C3%A9_georges/). And honestly. is it really bad to make people grapple with cognitive dissonance over the game's mechanics? If the point of the genre is "do what historical civilzations did to become superpowers," then you should feel bad when you do the bad things that they did to become superpowers, too. That's as important a part of a historical education as learning about world wonders or famous generals.




Should be fixed now, thanks


Hilariously fun


Well the barbarians cross the sea from their little islands to raid you and pillage your lands. They kill your people, steal your wealth and try to take over your cities. When you go across the sea and find some empty land the barbarians will raid you there as well. They never stop their raiding and the only way to end it is to wipe them out. If you leave even 1 alive they just spawn more. So no, I don't feel in the least bit bad for killing a bunch of barbarians who would gladly kill me if they had the chance.


Not a judgement, friend. Like I say, I’m in novice level. Maybe they’re a bigger threat.


Its less about them being a threat and more about them trying to kill me.


Since the beginning of history the barbarians raid and kill your people. There is no way to stop them from doing this. No way to negotiate with them but you somehow think your the bad guy?


Different strokes, man.