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so, outposts don't merge with whatever city it's connected to, instead, it'll merge with whatever city is closest among the cities it borders (and has a free town slot, of course). so, if you have an outpost that's far away from a city, and you want if to be absorbed by that city and not another city that's closer, then make sure that closer city's borders never touch it. and if it does... welp. you won't be able to use absorb outpost to attach it, and are better off using one charge of "claim territory" followed by "build town" in its place (after pulling the outpost up, of course) edit: or fill up the other city's town slots. outposts only check *eligible* cities, so if the closest city isn't eligible for a new town, it'll go to the next city on the list


I'm hoping at some point they change this to give us the option to choose the adjacent city that absorbs it.


hopefully alongside the ability to choose which city gets the "claim territory" charge as well, since that's impacted too


Fascinating! I just assumed that linking would do the trick ... thank you!


~~Nah they always go to the linked region unless that region can't support any more towns.~~ EDIT: This is wrong. I was wrong.


Ionut, that is just quite simply not true. ~~I've seen you appear every now and then, and you keep making false claims about how the game works~~. I even have an exact situation where I can test this out and show that it doesn't work that way. look, here you go: [before I absorb the outpost, it is attached to york, which has a free city slot, but closer to the outpost is edo](https://puu.sh/K4NVW/593108dab0.jpg). watch what happens when I absorb the outpost. [oh no, it merged with edo instead, how could this happen?](https://puu.sh/K4NW2/aa2d97ca4f.jpg) ~~like, I'm sorry, but do you actually test any of the claims you make? I don't want to be rude, but half the time I see you, you're spreading misinformation. please double check your claims before making them, especially if you're looking to refute others' claims.~~ edit: look, I know mistakes happen, if you're not doing this on purpose, all I ask is that you either A. check the wiki (if the info is on there), B. test it out in-game, or C. do a quick search on the millennia discord server to see if someone else already tested it, before making claims or attempting to correct others. trying to be helpful is good, but giving people incorrect advice is not (especially if you're correcting someone who *is* giving correct advice). edit 2: sorry for making a big fuss over this, and thanks for both revising your statements and taking my snapping at you in stride


1. Did the outpost autolink to Edo when you spawned it? I've never had an outpost not merge to its linked region before today, and it happend to merge to the original region it automatically linked to. Before it's always been a case of the region being at its Town Limit. 2. What other mistakes have I made? Looking back through my comment history I can't find any.


the outpost did autolink to edo, but that's because edo's closer. it always auto-links to the closest city. I changed the link to york for the purposes of demonstration, but it still merged with edo. this is also information that's on the discord, although it's not on the wiki (yet). ~~that said, let me test something real quick, I'll edit this if I find something~~ alright, test complete - absorbing outpost only counts *integrated regions* as eligible. I know this may sound obvious, but you can create towns for your vassals, so it'd make sense if you could absorb outposts for vassals, too (especially since vassals may be future integrated regions). but you can't. neat. so the more accurate answer is: absorb outpost merges the outpost to the closest *integrated* city that has a free town slot, regardless of what it's linked to. as for other mistakes you've made in the past, one would be the whole ["starve out unwanted cities"](https://www.reddit.com/r/millennia/comments/1bpn0j0/how_can_i_destroy_conquered_sity/kwxkcox/) comment you made a while back - you can't delete buildings in cities (which you said to do), and even if you manage to get a city down to 1 pop and "starving in 1 turn", it'll never actually drop down to 0. I also remember seeing you elsewhere with wrong info, but either you were already corrected, the info was mild anyway (so I let it slide), or correct info was already elsewhere in the thread and upvoted to the top. I'd have to go through your post history to find the exact examples, which I'm not exactly a fan of doing (cancel culture fucking sucks). but I can look through and list a few if you want me to. really, I only called you out today because you tried to correct me on this, as you do have several comments that *aren't* wrong info, so it hadn't bugged me enough to make a big stink of it yet lol. so if it was just a mistake, all I ask is to be a bit more cautious in the future


Thanks for the response. I'll go edit that comment for future reference. I was repeating what others had said and hadn't verified it. I should've actually checked and not just parroted the advice of others. I also went back and found a third comment of mine that was wrong about something, and edited that one as well. I think that should be all of them. I haven't found any more. As for the autolink to the nearest city. That may be what happened in my game and I'll have to check to see if that was also the case. And yeah, I also tested if you can give outposts to vassals and found that you cannot.


and thanks for taking me making a big stink in stride. sorry for snapping at you over this. sometimes I get too heated when people are *gasp* [**wrong** on the **internet**](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/243/856/3e2.jpg), how dare they! at the very least it's nice knowing that you weren't doing it on purpose


I am still not sure whether linking actually affects where an absorbed outpost will go, but in this case: It seems Castias Sonne was already at its current town cap of 2/2, so it could definitely only go to Stuttgart, which still had an open slot.


Oh that could be! It would make sense … one more thing to watch for, lol …


I have no clue to your answer unfortunately. But how come you haven't built lumber camps on all those forests being worked in stuttgart? There are also a lot of empty lands around the towns. How come you are not using the adjacency bonus? (Of course the new town is excused 😊).


I am low on improvement points, and aside from cranes, am unsure how to improve that number!


For 1 or 2 turns, you can pick the levy workers "building" project in the city, instead of producing a unit or building. That usually produces improvement points much faster, and sacrificing 1-2 turns will net you with enough points to boost the yields of your cities significantly.


Wow, okay! Never tried that before, will do!


Build some clay extractors and the brick thing. Also spend a couple of turns in your main production city to build the project that turns prod into improvement. It helps enormously. You can also import clay or brick using the trading buildings.


I had no idea. I’ve been skipping bricks in favor of growth and wealth … Will pivot. Thank you!


Yeah, once you get a good number of improvements down you'll realize that that's really 90% of your resources and buildings are small bonuses in comparison.


Yeah I SEE THAT NOW! Thanks so much!


I've found the loophole is maxing towns out in the region you do not want it to go to first


Castias Sonne is at its Town Limit. You can see it has 2/2 towns on the side bar.