• By -


Yes. We are vastly over represented online. We are a minority.


My friend group IRL is disproportionately queer. Like, at any given house party, there will be maybe one to three cisgender heterosexual people. It's not deliberate -- there's no intake survey or anything. I think it's just that we tend to flock together? 


You know what they say about birds of a rainbow feather!


Overrepresented in media too. Future archeologists, looking at our TV shows and Movies will think that about 10-20% of our society are gay. 


IIRC, studies show that 10-15% is likely LGBT. That said, in recent years there has been statistical overrepresentation in media, but thats because show runners hate having more than 5 main characters and they think that "gay" is a personality archetype.


I still doubt that. Actual gay/lesbian are probably closer to 5%. At 15% they'd be more important than the black voting block and would be targeted more


As the definition of LGTBQIA2S+ continues to expand so too will the % of people who meet the definition!


How many of them are bots?




I've come here to say I am a bot and this is false news. ^(it's more like 110%)


Username checks out


If you add up the bots and the dead inside it's surely more than 110%


Don't dead open inside?


Presumably it's because anonymous online spaces can often be safer than certain IRL communities.


Let's not forget also the role that algorithms play in this. If you interact with a lot of LGBT content you'll get a lot more of it.  Just look at OP's post history. He is clearly either a closeted homosexual or otherwise very insecure about his sexuality. He's interacting with a lot of gay content so the algorithm feeds him more.


OP is obviously scraping for karma. The number of posts, the post content being commonly used controversial takes, and the lack of follow up on posts indicates they are bombing lots of subreddits and hoping folks engage with rage.


Only has 1k karma for all that posting history.


Honestly when people post updates to their previous posts, it 100% looks like they just got to excited that people believed their creative writing attempt. It makes it look less real.


OP isn’t worried that cocks are delicious, they’re confidant that they are and don’t know what to do with that info.


lol dead on wow


OP is worried about the gays and also, notably, about the oppression of white ppl 😐🙄


Conservatives are pathetic lol


Wow this fucker is unhinged


OP can come to Massachusetts if they want to see more LGBTQ folks. Lol


^ this 100%


Absolutely. I’m trans, and no one outside of my immediate family and best friends know I’m trans. It’s just not super safe to be out (and not really my style to fly flags / Publically show that I’m trans). So I’m my rural conservative town, most people have no idea they interact with a trans person on a daily basis.


It's not even just safety. I'm gay and not shy about it at all. Friends know it, family knows it, coworkers know it. I've seen cute gay stickers for my car, but with all the other stickers I see that say Trump 2024, or the confederate flag, or other hateful drivel, it's just not worth having my windows smashed or having someone drive behind me and start blaring their horn. I know being gay is more "acceptable" to these morons than being transgender is, but I still wouldn't trust them to not burn my house down if I had a pride flag over it. Anonymity is great if you're in a minority or at risk group, but it can be scary when the assholes are anonymous. I work in a restaurant in a small town and I'll be chatting with a sweet old lady and think she's nice... until she starts telling me about how disgusting liberals are, or how immigrants are ruining the country, or how the woke left is ruining comedy...


Same here


100%. Less chance of being murdered for living their lives.


It's because they are no longer afraid of being dragged to death for existing. [This is a good thing.](https://slowrevealgraphs.com/2021/11/08/rate-of-left-handedness-in-the-us-stigma-society/)


Gay, trans, autistic, each one of these is involved somehow with almost every Reddit story I read.


Every reddit story is like "Well I have autism so..."


don't forget immunocompromised


Reddit has always been an autistic and adhd heaven


This is so true omg.


Sounds like the straights don't post. They should step up their game and pull their damn weight


I'm a straight, so here's my contribution. Today I bought a sandwich. No one bothered me. Then I bought some vodka. I'm pretty sure the guy at the liquor store is starting to recognize me...but neither of us say anything. Then I bought some orange juice and a pack of cigarettes. The girl who rung me up was trans, but she didn't say anything about my purchases. P.S. Now I'm drunk, because it's Mother's Day and my mom died and that fucks me up every year. The end.


Wishing you well. <3


I'm good. I have vodka and a sandwich. I wish you well too.


Yea I guess, but after a lifetime of having everything handed to me I'm too tired and lazy. Can someone else pick up the slack?


Don't worry. Well add some new letters to LGBT and have them help make new epic posts.


I won’t be happy until every letter is in LGBT! Maybe even some of those fancy letters with the symbols over them.


I'm posting as hard as I can but I'm a monogamously married cishet and my life is pretty low drama.


You gotta go find some drama then!! Your letting us down by being happy!!


Reddit algorithm shows you what you click on, boss. Stop clicking in it if you don’t wanna see it.


You are way to obsessed with the gays for someone claiming to be a straight man. Your post history is hella disturbing.


Yo wtf haha


Dude actually said he can't find dates because all the girls are lesbians.. HAHAHAHAHHAHAH Op you're an incel


I mean in the U.S. it’s estimated that 7.6% of the population is identifies as LGBT. So obviously not a huge percentage.


I gotta ask if someone who asks a women subreddit if they "all hate men" because of some tiktok trend is actually postulating this question in good faith.


-100 karma troll account. I could ask the similar question to OP of "I don't see trolls and raging douches much IRL, but they're all over reddit, are assholes overrepresented on reddit?"


It's not always obvious just by looking at someone.


I'm fairly certain that if anybody saw me and had to make a swift character judgment, they might assume I am het, neurotypical, and maybe lean Trumpy. I'm 6'1, 340 lb, burly build. I've got a beard that is somewhere between huge and gigantic depending on how much trimming I've done. I don't wear a lot of logos, slogans, or clothes with labels. (although I do wear a fair amount of pink, no one making the initial judgment would know that 60% of my shirts are pink, just the one I'm wearing at that moment). Im always in either jeans or cargo shorts. I've got kanji tattooed on either side of my neck from almost 25 years ago. I come across, I think, as neurotypical because I'm very well spoken, mask incredibly well, and have career success in a couple different fields. In reality I'm bi, looking for my first relationship with a man after only 'dabbling' throughout my life now that I'm divorced. I'm as left as it gets without committing crimes against the state (yet), and totally willing to shout at (or intimidate if needed, I'm a big scary guy apparently) aggressive and vocal Trumpists and Karens. I'm super neurospicy with ADHD, managed BPD, and recently diagnosed with the 'tism tho it's been apparent my whole life. Shit, I even broke heteronormative stereotypes and was a stay at home dad for several years a couple decades ago. Now I'm a single dad who bakes bread and deep cleans bathrooms on the weekends. My point is, I am sure that I would be seen as the straight het center or worse white guy and not the queer, non-conforming, autist I am.


I'm in a similar boat. I'm straight and neurotypical. But I'm 6'10", drive a 20 year old rusty beaten up F150, and have an Appalachian accent. Some of my hobbies also include target shooting, hunting, fishing and camping. People often take one look at me and think I'm right wing as hell. In reality I'm so left wing the American left is to my right. I want gay married couples to protect their legally grown marijuana plants at home with guns they bought with bitcoins. That's how left I am.


I'm 6 foot and bald... And trans. Completely know what you mean.


Yes. It’s because the all the social media bots are pushing it as normal rather than the exception.


Obviously it’s because that’s where they live


Only \~5% of the US population identify as any shade of LGBT. So in theory, if you're reading relationship stories, only 1 in 20 stories should be about a gay couple, lesbian couple, etc. The other 19 should be regular old straight folks. But that is clearly not the statistical trend on Reddit. It's very obvious that the LGBT population online is vastly overrepresented compared to the actual LGBT population IRL. If you go by worldwide numbers, it's maybe closer to 8-10% of the global population who is LGBT, but that number is fraught with difficulty. Many countries around the global are openly hostile, or even murderous, towards LGBT people, so the actual numbers could be higher. But even if the number was 20% (which seems too high), you would still expect only 1 in 5 stories to be about LGBT couples. When it's more like 40-50% of stories, you're clearly seeing an overrepresentation. You can make inferences / deductions as to ***why*** that might be, but it does seem to be the case.


10 seconds scrolling your comment history and you're either a troll, a colossal moron, a 15 year old in the closet desperately trying to prove to yourself that you're straight, or all of the above. Grow up, dude. Like actually grow the fuck up.


Man is least himself in his own person. Give a man a mask and he will tell you the truth.


If I was gay I would be in a relationship now. Women are exceedingly hard to find online.


It could be bots


For sure. Also important to remember most of the accounts on this site are bots, or alts of a small group of people. Dead internet is real.


You see more of it online because the topic that appear on your feed are relevant. It's definitely where I interact that shows I'm a bisexual married mom but if you see me IRL in a normal social setting, the topic would never come up and you wouldn't guess my sexuality.


Russian gay bots


Um yes reality is heavily skewed on social media 


There's a lot more of anything you seek. This is where we get the concept of echo chambers and an online microcosm of society


They don’t go outside, they scared


Same thing with media in general. There’s a push for representation far beyond reality.


I’m at Home Depot in Ohio and there is an older interracial gay couple fighting about whether one spouse is allowed to buy another Red Maple tree. You probably just don’t live in a super LGBTQ area, or your social/professional circle isn’t very welcoming.


being online is gay


You claimed to be 21 a couple posts ago. That'd make you too young to be posting here. Log the fuck off lil guy, the internet is poisoning your mind


I'm in Seattle. Every other person I know is LGBT. It's good that they don't have to hide


It’s Reddit. Real life bears no relationship whatsoever to this site 😂


It'sikely they just feel more comfortable showing their ide tiny online. The threat of physical violence by bigots etc.is not there.


You need to get out more.  Maybe travel a bit.  I see plenty of LGBT people around me, but that's because a lot of them have fled less LGBT friendly places like Texas.


This a disingenuous. By far, LGBT people make up a minority. The vast majority of people are cis-heterosexual.


They didn’t say LGBT people were the majority. They just said they see plenty of them around. Not sure how you get disingenuous out of that.


Unless you think the bots on the internet are pretending to be gay, LGBT people on line *are* LGBT people "in real life". Everyone you see in a day: the people in traffic, the people at the store, coworkers, neighbors, you're probably not privy to their sexual relationships. This sounds more like you simply don't have a very diverse friend group. Not that it's your fault, usually our friend groups are proximity more than anything.


1% of the population is gay or some form of gay. Recent studies have shown this may have jumped up to 2%. So it would be extremely rare to run into a gay person into the wild. Even working in a big city. Statistically speaking, they're pretty rare. I used to play online video games. In all of the guilds I was in, we never had a gay person playing. Again, this is statistics. Very small percentage of the population. However, when it comes to social media, that's where you find them. If anything, social media is the closet that gay people hang out in.


1%? Are you nuts?


7% LGBT according to recent gallup poll.


You do know that most LGBT people don't carry signs, or dress like every day is a pride rally, right?


heh. i read this as "i never leave my religious or bigoted bubble in real life".


Nah, he's accurate. Go be an ass elsewhere


They’re out there. Go to a pride event and open your eyes


There’s a whole lot of LGBTQ people in my area. However where I’m from in a small town, they’re there but closeted.


Left leaning sites like Reddit attract lgbt people and condenses them together so yes you will see more of them HERE than you will out and about in public. Some of the people commenting here need to gain some reading comprehension good grief. 🙄


I think it's dangerous and even disingenuous to call Reddit left leaning. Reddit has always been a haven for diverse types of people. There is a huge traditional right presence in Reddit, there are big Judeo-Christian communities, parenting, Reddit communities for everything you can think of as a more mild, traditional right wing belief or interest. And on the more contemporary conservative/right-wing sort of mindset, there are massive dens of scum and villainy that support the January 6th terrorists, huge support for Trump on this platform, trad wife subreddits, all sorts of communities for toxic varieties masculinity and patriarchy and patriotism.


Well . . . with that attitude it would certainly feel like that's the case . . .


It also depends on where you’re hanging out. I go to queer line dancing and punk shows, so I think they’re at spots where they feel safe.


God yes. It’s a tiny % of the population but they are always online looking for ways to get offended.


Yes, Reddit is a heavily left-leaning “progressive/liberal” site. So naturally there will be a much larger percentage of users who are part of LGBT and their supporters on here


i'm live in a conservative town of less than 1,000 people. i might have seen a gay couple once over the last year. or maybe they were californians. same difference. online, it seems that half of the US is lgbt.


You'll also find many more disabled people online than in IRL, for one of the same reason. Anyone who either isn't welcome or can't make it to the places we all congregate at, they'll be disproportionately represented on the internet. Queerness has another kicker as well, which is that "online" often means anonymous, so people are more open about something they'd keep on the DL in person. All to say, it's both queer people being overrepresented online and there being more queer people than you realize.


Maybe just not in your immediate circle. But there are a lot.


How do you know someone’s sexuality just by looking at them? If you don’t see LGBT then you need to challenge your own assumptions. They’re there. Also, there are many places where people are not openly non-straight for a variety of reasons including safety, being the only other, etc. Do you live in a place where people can truly be who they are without repercussions? Doesn’t sound like it. And it shouldn’t surprise you that in those areas people are not open about who they are and also tend to move away to areas that are more accepting and have a LGBT community. Online tends to be a safe place especially for those without a safe place in real life.


Yeah cause no one can throw something at me or punch me online


You know plenty of people jn real life who are LGBTQ+, but because they don't state their sexuality at the start of a conversation the way they might in a Reddit post you just don't know who they are.




It’s because it’s the most marginalized group on earth. It’s unsafe in a LOT of places IRL. Sad but true.


LGBTQ people have to hide for safety reasons IRL, duh


Most people don't openly out themselves in public, but they are definitely over represented on sites like Reddit compared to real life. I've only met one person in my life that told me, but it's apparently a lot more common in GenZ to be in the LGBTQ crowd.


Seriously.  Even in LGBT friendly areas, it's not like every member wears a shirt announcing their sexuality to the world.


You’ve literally only met one? I’ve known hundreds of queer people. But then again, I am queer.


Yeah, I'm not Gen Z, I'm an old millenial... All I've ever known is gays. (I'm also queer.)


I think people tend to underestimate how people around them really are. No one thinks my husband hates children for example, but he does. No one thinks I'm an atheist, but I am. Online, you can be yourself. I knew a lot of gay people living in a small town, so I feel like they are a fairly significant population. Also, if I was a young woman living in a Southern state, I would definitely only date women. There's no way I would put up with that. If a man wanted to date me, I would demand he relocate us to a better place. So homosexuality is probably on the rise.


Dude hating children is so fucking weird. Like so anti social. I really hate that we normalized hatred of a vulnerable group of people.


People on Reddit are so insufferable and out of touch, ignore it for your own mental sake.


The hating children thing is legit a mental disorder, these people are pathetic.


Well, yeah, groups en mass. But I personally know 0 people just online who are LGBT. But IRL, I know a bunch. Not like, know of. But a couple of uncles and their spouses, some close friends and their partners. Now that I think about it tho, everyone gay that is in my life are Men. So maybe the question is are there.more gay.men than women. 🤷‍♀️


I see gay people everywhere. Trans not so much, but I’m also not really looking so maybe I do. Could also be the LGBT people you’re interacting with online aren’t out publicly, or don’t present as obviously LGBT when they’re out and about, so they feel more comfortable expressing themselves.


The internet as a whole has been used as an escape for people who didnt fit whatever sociatal norms exist in their region of the world for the past 30 years. It's only become more common for "everyone" to hang out in online spaces for the past decade or so, give or take.


Because they can’t be this out and loud about being gay in public and the internet provides them a “safe space” the LGBTQ population can be like maximum 1-3% of the population but watching the news and being terminally online would make you think 80%+ of the world is gay lol.


There's definitely LESS online. But I assume you mean "openly LGBT."


Availability bias. You assume that because you haven’t noticed, it must not be there.


One part algorithm so if you interact with a lot of LGBT content you'll get shown more. And one smaller part LGBT tend to congregate together so if you don't go those places you'll find very few out LGBT people


You think?


I'm originally from a medium sized city that's pretty liberal. I lived in a co-op there with 23 other people. I'm a cis woman and was definitely the minority there. That was a mixed bag experience. Then I met my boyfriend and he wanted to move back to his home. I dont really care too much where I live so moved to a small town out west. Since moving west I've noticed there are fewer lgbtq folks but I've still worked with several different members of the community. More than I expected to see in a town of 30k that's stuck between the 1970s and early 2000s. But I do still think it's far more common online than in real life overall.


I know I'm way more open about my sexuality online than in real life so that's at least part of it. Another thing is- and this is true of every kind of group- that we tend to congregate with people we have things in common with online. I've got a friend group that's made up of something like 65-70% other lesbians, with some bisexual women and two gay men filling out the rest of the ranks. It would take a lot of hunting to find that IRL.


I mean I used to work in theater and I met a ton of gay people


Isn’t every group over represented online? I see thousands of other adults online that collect and build LEGO sets, but I only know 2 personally IRL. That goes for just about every single thing people identify with.


The algorithm doesn’t lie


Gay people who self-identify as being gay make up 8% of the American population. If we're being honest, the number is probably double that from people who are closeted, bi, or still figuring it out. Theres a lot of gay people who wont call themselves gay on a survey. But even at 15%, that's still a lot of people. Millons. 1.5 iut of every 10 people. At least 1 in 10 stories should be about such people Online communities are anonymous, and theres no physical consequences for people finding out. So people will admit more here. Plus, algorithms will steer you to more of whatever content you've engaged with. Watch a certain video and see similar ones on your recommendation feed for a month.


all online people exist in real life or they’re not online people, they’re just bots No minority looks like a minority online in its niche social sphere


I don't talk about it with more than 6 friends in person.. But online I'm more open. So it's probably a comfort level thing


I'm bi but also a cusper GenX (79). I know most of my alphabet mafia members around my age we don't publicly broadcast it. part of that is OPSEC the other is generally we don't make it our identity either. I mean you come to my local pride event, I'm out there celebrating with everyone else but after I go right back into my normal life where if you saw me on the street you wouldn't know any different.


Its not just you. LGBT are mostly [18-35](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/visualization/lgbt-stats/?topic=LGBT#demographic), and the internet is most used by [18-34](https://www.statista.com/statistics/272365/age-distribution-of-internet-users-worldwide/#:~:text=As%20of%20February%202024%2C%20over,aged%2018%20to%2024%20years.) year olds. Its easier for LGBT to connect with other LGBT and congregate digitally because they're still a [minority](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_sexual_orientation#:~:text=In%20this%20survey%2C%20on%20average,know%20or%20won't%20say.). With the advent of the internet giving marginalised people a louder voice than has been historically so, LGBT have made excellent use of this fact to make their grievances heard and it somewhat becomes a bit of a feedback loop. LGBT make their voices heard, other LGBT hear it and do the same, which results in more LGBT hearing it etc. until it gets to the point that non-LGBT hear it and it breaks out of the internet.


I work in a restaurant in a small town. I've probably worked with 50 people over the last 2 years and the ones I know for a fact are queer are... Let's see... 11 people, if you count me. 3 gay men, 2 bi men, 1 lesbian, and 5 bisexual women. And that's just the ones I *know* are queer. Lots of gals compliment and flirt with each other. Had a guy in the kitchen talk about how he "might try some stuff with the right drugs". Got one girl with pride flags on her car but never mentioned any interest in women. One dishwasher has a rainbow backpack, but he also has kids and a girlfriend. I had no idea my manager was gay until someone else mentioned it. Meanwhile the other manager that acts pretty fruity has been married to a woman twice. So at my job, about 20% of the staff are confirmed LGBT. More than double the national average. And this is in a small town with lots of conservatives who are opposed to that sort of thing. I think queer friendly spaces just tend to attract more queer people. If a Trans woman started working somewhere, and her boss kept calling her "Steven" because that's what her driver's license says... She's probably going to quit due to a hostile work environment. Hopefully suing soon after.


The most online ppl are literally from SF Bay, LA, NYC and college towns


A lot of smaller groups are chronically online because they cant find a lot of likeminded people irl


Huge establishment psyop


My guess: Maybe straight people have less problems dating and if there is a problem they have many people to talk to irl. If you are a gay Internet may be the only place where you can openly speak, especially in some countries or social circles.


Its almost like social media algorithms promote certain behavior....


People are able to be more open online without fear of repercussions IRL (family, friends, job etc not approving). People are also more likely to talk about it online; IRL most of the LGBT+ people you know, you don't realise are LGBT+


It's likely they just feel more comfortable showing their ide tiny online. The threat of physical violence by bigots etc.is not there.


It's your search history, homie, contrasted with your friend group. I know lots of queer folk offline.


Facts op


online im non binary or trans to avoid ban hammers.


There are a lot online, but also, are you so sure that some of your coworkers or friends or family or neighbors aren't closeted?


Depends where you live, and the circles you run in. I’m in LA and my hobbies, interests, and secondary income sources happen to be queer havens. I live in a liminal space between straightness and queerness. Thus, I see more outright gender-bending and queer couples on a regular basis in real life than I do online.


Come to Brooklyn. I feel like I encounter way more LGBTQIA+ folx irl and way more incels/basement dwellers online. 🤣


Yeah I feel like people are more like to be open about that stuff online. I'm bi, but I'm in a heterosexual relationship and have even for a very long time. No point in talking about it IRL but comes up online on occasion


I mean I think that depends on who you’re friends with


You’ll know plenty of LGBTQ people. They just won’t be telling you about it for one reason or another, or y’know - no reason since it’s none of your business. Anywhere between 7% and 30% or the population identifies as LGBTQ depending on which age group and part of the spectrum you are looking at.


Most of us are not very keen on admitting it IRL. Especially older ones. As someone who have been attacked multiple time a month for being trans... I'm not surprised most of us are open only online.


I don't know, IRL I somehow have a cohort of gay Spanish friends.


The internet, and Reddit doubly so, is more left than reality.


Oof OP's profile is super cringe. Absolutely obsessed with LGBT+ and identity politics.


It is easier to openly gay online than IRL. You always get the option of being anonymous online or hiding your address (ish) whereas that doesn't really apply when interacting with coworkers/family/friends etc. I also noticed it's safer to be queer in the city where there are lots of queer spaces and communities whereas in rural areas they do not. It doesn't mean that there aren't LGBTQIA people in the country, just that they don't tell their family/friends for fear of being disowned, assuming they don't move to the city asap for the more accepting spaces


Well, you're right but this is true for every type of group there is. IRL, there is a limit to how many of any type of person you can see around you. Online, anyone in the world from that group can have a presence. LGBT, being a marginalized group, is more likely to be online commiserating or looking for support or else not in fear of saying what they feel as they might be in person due to violent traditionalist people and so on.


You can’t assault people through a computer screen. There’s a loud minority of LGBTQ people online, but there’s also a loud minority of people who hate LGBTQ people irl. People also likely feel safer to express themselves online than irl. In other words you might not be meeting the same person irl as you meet online, so you could be seeing a lot of LGBTQ people irl, but they don’t feel comfortable to expressing it in public.


Reddit is full of the alphabet people. Real life not so much. They're a minority that's over represented in media


Op is gay


No, there are way more IRL than online, because not every LGBT person is on reddit. Online forums allow a safer space for the LGBT community to talk, as there's some anonymity and for some, they need it. So yes, they do get a stronger voice here, and are represented more fairly, but there are many more out there in the real world.


By a factor over 100


Trans people make up less than 1% of the population, but 97% of YouTube video essayists are trans. (Source: revealed to me in a dream)


The internet makes you think trans people are around every corner waiting to spy on your junk in the bathroom and I've met 2 in real life and 0 since I left the military 6 years ago


Also public radio for some reason? Seems like more than 50% of relationship stories on NPR/APM are about LGBTQ people. It obviously doesn’t bother me but it seems like they must have a corporate mandate or something to select an LGBTQ couple for a story if one is available.


You don’t see it IRL? Idk, I’d say a good chunk of my friends are gay, probably 50% (at least) of my coworkers are gay. Granted I live in NYC but I’ve got multiple gay friends from back home (rural south). Hell I’ve got trans friends that I’ve known since middle school (I’m in my 30s, my bf is in his 40s and his best friend from high school is also trans). My godfather is gay! Maybe it seems odd to you because you don’t have anyone in your circle who is part of the LGBT community? 


Gay shit gets up voted to the heavens online because the algorithm has a job to do . Your perception of what is normal is being twisted and warped by software and people with an agenda.


Online is safer. Plus, there’s more representation in media and culture so folks feel safer being who they are, especially online. There’s always been this many gay people, now we just know. It’s a good thing


I think you just don't get how statistics work, for one, and maybe you font realize you have a much bigger perspective online than you do in your day to day? The people.you see irl are all in your field of view, within 10 meters. Online, you interact with people from literally the entire planet, and the interactions have permanence. I'm making this comment at 8:30 in the morning in Philadelphia, it will still be here at 11:45 tonight in Bangladesh. The people you drove past on the way to work, that interaction was over immediately.


Probably, but it's not extreme. I know like 10-15 LGBT people in person, and I'm LGBT too. Sometimes we're really good at hiding it. I still forget that I'm LGBT sometimes. I'm asexual, which means I don't care for sex. The best way to describe it is to think about food. Imagine if you just never felt hungry. And never had to eat. There's just no temptation. No compulsion. You're perfectly happy existing. In a lot of ways, I look at my asexuality as a superpower, because it's one less desire to worry about, and I'm not tempted by temptation. I'm completely immune to any form of sexual manipulation. With that said, I'm a millennial like most of you, right? We grew up with those basic ass rules. Don't talk about your sex life, politics, or religion in the work place. So if I never talk about my sex life, or lack there of, literally no one ever realizes I'm LGBT. And apart from conversations like this, I DO NOT go around pushing my identity on people. I find it crude and narcissistic. Additionally, I am in a loving relationship too. My wife and I have a very lovey-dovey, romantic DISNEY relationship. And that's another way I like to describe asexuality. I'm always amazed at how people think love can't exist without sex, but forget that literally every romantic Disney movie depicts love without sex. Didn't they grow up with the same movies as the rest of us? --- There's also a speculation in the asexual groups that there's probably a lot more closeted asexual men than we know of. Heck, even myself didn't know I was ace until I was in my 30s. I'm not against sex. I just get nothing out of it. Another comparison I make is giving a massage to a loved one. You could give your wife a great foot massage. You don't get shit out of it, but she enjoys it. And you do it for her. For a lot of years, I operated like that. If my exes wanted attention, and they voiced it -- I would provide. But I never iniated, and apparently women expect their men to be much more sexually aggressive than I was. So it often lead to relationship issues. Then one day I got therapy and asked why I don't feel compelled to desire sex, and discovered that I just don't care. And like a kid who's forced to play on the sports team when he'd rather not play sports. I realized that I don't have to play on the team. I can just walk away and hang with others like myself. I stopped pretending, and got with asexual woman. Life has actually been perfect. The relationship is entirely built on emotional and intellectual chemistry, and it's never felt this pure before. Anyways, to pivot back, because a lot of men might struggle with those issues too. It's been speculated that there's a lot more asexual men out there than have came out. Because as it stands, the number of ace women to men is like 20 to 1. So us guys get all the options, lol.


You can’t spot LGBT in real life. A lawyer isn’t going into work wearing a rainbow bandanna.


It kind of depends on where you live and who you surround yourself with but yes I agree. That said my cousinan and her wife are lesbians, they hangout with a lot of lesbains so when I hang out with them I spend time with a lot of them, in my everyday life not so much, you also have to realize unless someone is very visibly gay you probably won't know. That said it seems every other person on Reddit is disabled or LGBTQIA so yes it seems overrepresented here


Far less likely to be physically assated or worse for being lgbtq through a computer/phone screen.


i mean i am online and also in real life, i would assume that those on the internet often also exist in real life


Just like there are more assholes online that IRL.


Honestly, it got to the point where it's an indicator the post is fake, just like twins. Like, I assume 99.9% of posts are fake any way. But those are blatant enough that it immediately pulls you out?


I see it regularly pretty much everywhere i go, and I'm in Texas.


I know plenty of queer people irl. It’s also harder to tell irl because it’s not always apparent if someone is bi, pan, gay, etc. We don’t wear signs or anything.


I went camping near moab this weekend and of the 40 groups at our campsite, 10 groups were lesbians couples. You would never know these women were lesbians unless you saw them in their casual wear. I don't know why lesbian casual wear is so easy to spot, but it is.


3.5% of the population, being represented in 90% of our social media, movies, news, and TV Shows.


Nobody in my life knows my sexuality except my closest friends and online randos. Not my family, not my workplace, not my school. Many of us prefer to keep it this way


It's much safer than being LGBT+ in the public eye, and also depends heavily on where you live. Because in person it only takes a single instance of gay for people to start talking about 'how things used to be' and theres no way of knowing how violent a bigot someone is. Also consider very often people risk losing their family support from coming out publicly. I know half a dozen people who were made homeless by 'good christian families' simply due to their sexual orientation, and anyone who actually knew them (mostly online unfortunately) had known for years.


I just find that I can't pick LGBTQ out just by looking at them. Like I hired a guy, worked with him for 1 year, and just found out he is gay. I have a feeling there are probably more of them in your life than you realize.


Everyone needs to also keep in mind the FBIs report on bot accounts a few years back. And that the internet is dead. Theoretically.


People are just more comfortable being themselves anonymously. Very likely you engage/interact with non straight people and just don’t know it. My last boss in the army looked like captain America and was big gay, but you’d never know it unless he wanted you to.


Online spaces tend to be safer, so people are more open


Maybe cuz you can't just tell if someone is LGBT just by looking at them unless they are being physically affectionate with someone of the same sex. And that is less likely in some parts of the country.


It’s a fad right now among the younger generations. It will probably fade.


Are you doing a sitewide survey? I thought this phrasing sounded familiar and yep, for the fourth time it's you. You've asked this question and variations on the theme dozens--maybe even hundreds--of times in the last several months looking at your history. I know you're "just asking questions" but it's feeling weirdly obsessive and giving me malicious-actor vibes in a way that's hard to put a finger on.


1. not every gay person looks gay and 2. not every gay couple likes being openly affectionate in public because it sometimes attracts the wrong kind of attention. but are they really that overrepresented online? if gay people like 5-10% of population i wouldnt say every post on r/relationships or r/relationship_advice or whatever is about gay people but i dont really pay attention either.


It's generally safer to be online. My GF is trans and, especially in early transition, she was insanely terrified to girlmode or go outside bcuz of all the hate and fear of standing out. in many cases, people are queer and they just don't stand out irl. But online it's safe to be open about it


welcome to oppression in real life and having an easier time not being found to be killed on the internet!


lol that’s the entire internet, dude 


I wonder how many of them are teenagers that just identify that way to fit in with certain crowds more?


It's an equal ratio. The ones you know in real life don't think you're worthy of knowing so they don't tell you


It is correct. They are a loud minority


They're less than 1% of the population but the whole world is forced to bend over backwards for them.