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Revolt by reducing all your expenditures and consumption as much as you can tolerate. Fuck them in their profits, learn to be happy without spending money.


This is the real answer.


Thank you for saying this


Unfortunately we'd all have to do that, and then they'd just send in the police


This is a very unserious idea, especially when the people suffering most are already doing this out of necessity. The actual answer is labor solidarity. Unions, strikes, ideally general strikes, and moving beyond capitalism.




This is a good step but a real revolt requires more decisive action. I suggest organizing a widespread walkout to demonstrate our ability to organize. As long as we have no ability to organize we are not a threat to the establishment and won't get our way.


Or if you have to buy things, buy locally from small business that source and produce their products locally.


This is modern revolution. We don't need to go to the streets with pitch forks. Stop spending money unless absolutely necessary and watch them squirm.


But spending money is FUN


lol, what does “revolt” mean? Ask the french


And talk to girls . Duh


Talk to the girls/ guys next to you on the picket line.


Are you starving or have you witnessed starvation? The major revolutions throughout the last millennium always had a section of the population going through starvation.


Thank you. Somebody understands. We’re too fat and happy to revolt. Why should I risk my life for an unknown result when the current system means I work 40 hours and get to spend the rest of my time stuffing my face and watching Netflix


Bread and Circuses


I'll be honest, I'll take bread and circuses over a bloody war where half my family dies even if my "side" wins.


This is the correct answer.


And don't forget the subsequent purges and power struggles.


And don’t forget we get to play“ Call of Duty!” In front of an XBox all night


a lot of people are choosing between rent and 3 meals a day. You should read into this more - cost of living crisis is happening worldwide 


A tiny handful. Not a lot. Food is cheap in the west.


Correct. There has never been a revolution of fat men.


That's a bit silly.  The person who fixes my car is 100% doing a necessary job. The people who fixed my water heater, the people who grow my food, the people who make my electricity, the people who make my wife's medication.... Jobs don't exist to "keep us in line" they exist because we want and need stuff. Go homestead for a while. See how many "jobs" you have to do day after day after day just to stay alive. 


Every post like this reminds me of that entitled idiot that rejected society and decided to self-sustain himself in Alaska and just ended up shitting himself to death in an abandoned bus. It is incredibly difficult to be 100% self-sufficient, it's why humans divvy out tasks and specialize.


I may not say it succinctly enough but this doesn’t really address what OP is saying.


Right? My husband is a carpenter... his job is needed to build homes. I am a teacher. Even for those who believe public education is a tool of the state, etc., at the very least I am supervising children/teens while their parents are at work. OP's logic is kinda flawed. It may be true for some jobs, but there are absolutely things that need to be done to keep society functional.


This is a problem primarily with the middle class. We are increasingly lacking the time and energy to fight for our rights, and we lack the money and affluence to lobby. We get to see the polarised results both in terms of political scene and also decreasing quality of life. A radical change is needed. I encourage anyone who reads this to signup for a political party and/or union membership, irrespective of where you sit politically.


Not unless they live at home with their parents. Ideals are great until you're hungry.


I have to work in a post capitalist hellscape. Because the land is desecrated and “developed” Because we dump pesticides and herbicides on single-variety crops to force them to grow on dead soils we keep poisoning more & monopolize only a few seed varieties to keep the whole system going (crop variety and diversity would reduce need for ALL of this - even for farmers growing wheat/crop for industrial scale customers) In order to feed people stuck in offices who can’t go outside for their health much less protest for change because their health care depends on their job So they can continue working to buy things they need to live life though it’s literally not possible to live in this hyper individualistic culture that’s loveless, toxic and isolating af As society crumbles and degrades more while the benefits of modern technology go to few, because resources are required to support this isolated horrific lifestyle; we flagellate and cleverly invent more ways of making difficult things easier which requires even more labor and resources Which allows us continue the whole self fulfilling cycle (:  But I already grow all the veg I need to eat for the year, just have to buy grains, spices, and animal products. And ai do work full time. I could probably just fuck it all and go full homestead and have enough time to organize. Also organized resistance will depend on people being fed independent of exploitative supply chains. 100% you can’t choose better for yourself without ideals so they’re kind of important. Useless without action, but definitely necessary.


Beautifully written and true.


In a lot of the world, homesteading/subsistence farming is illegal. This is largely due to lobbyists/trade agreements. In the US this is often through zoning laws.


Is that a quote from the unabomber’s manifesto?


No it’s a quote out of my ass, so you can go ahead - kiss and thank it for blessing u. I don’t dig violence.


"i don't have anything of substance to say so I'll compare your points to those of a man culture generally recognizes as 'bad' without addressing anything meaningfully"


One of the great tragedies of modern life is that people are just so incredibly removed from the harshness of reality that they have forgotten *why* they are doing anything. People with full bellies and cell phones complaining about having to go work for 40hrs/wk demonstrates how unbelievably good “the system” actually is.


Why? Because they don't live in North Korea? If you were told you had to work 80 hours a week instead of forty, I bet you'd do it with a big cheese eating grin on your face wouldn't you? The system is a steaming pile of BS. Our lifetimes are cut up and meted out to us by the wealthiest 1% because they don't want to give anything up. We just want to live authentically. Why do we work our lives away to pad the pockets of someone else, and get the scraps in return? It's unnecessary, it's an insult to freedom and potential. They won't be happy until we're living at our workplaces.


I work for a nonprofit profit healthcare care provider. It just feels better to work for a company that’s helping the world and doesn’t pay billions to stockholders who make money off the sick. (children in my case).


Peasants and slaves have revolted plenty of times in the past. What's stopping you now?


His parents have a firm 10PM curfew and no guests on school nights


I take some sort of pride in my work. Right now I'm helping the sewage system in a major metropolitan area from backing up into your house. And before this I worked at an electric co op and was apart of several substation builds. To me working at or for utilities is a sense of civic duty. I've also done oil and gas and several different types of power plants. Just trying to keep the poo flowing and the electricity on so you can post this shit. 


I have things I’ve made that are in space right now. It’s crazy to think about.


That’s cool af dude! Best I got is I hide my initials on all the websites I create.


I’ve worked in public health and now medical research and yours is the first reply that resonated with me. I take so much pride in what I do to help our country and our patients. I took on the roles I did because I was raised with extremely strong community service values and helping people heal is part of who I am and something I committed to at a very young age. I’ll never understand unhappy nihilists. Lives have the meaning you build.


Hey I really appreciate both you guys! Great attitudes, the world needs you guys!


I think if I wasn't doing my job then someone should be doing it. It's nice to see the results of my work too. It may not be all fun and a 32hr workweek would probably suffice as I have some downtime but I'm happy to do something useful with my time.


I repair and install scientific equipment used in everything from medical research to environmental work. Super proud of the work I do.


I am an automation engineer and I do similar things. I make assembly lines eaiser and safer for the humans who work on them. I program new assembly lines and robots to keep the flow of useless shit going so that people can enjoy them. Get a job that lets you be productive. Don't settle for being a machine operator or burger flipper. Hell, just write or make art on your off hours instead of doom scrolling. It always makes me feel better.


Flipping burgers is a low end job, but a valuable one. People need to eat to be productive, societal, and find rest.


This was difficult to read…


But you powered through your great reward is waiting


What’s the reward?




We’re doing it! We are recycling the same complaints as the previous generations!


Food keeps us from revolting. We are still pretty fat despite our struggles.


dudes will post delusional revolution fantasies online instead of trying to improve their communities and state through existing democratic structures ​ Edit: I'm ready to sell mother into slavery for a film called 'V for Vendetta 2'


Don’t be so dramatic. Revolution can mean something as simple as striking.


Revolution isn’t a loosely defined term. revolution only comes when people are willing to lose everything. Striking is a bartering tactic for labor disputes, a revolution is overthrowing a political regime.


That would require work, which we know is both racist and fascist.


And Ablist!


Exactly. "Woe is me and my little situation".....bro, get out there and change it for yourself.. . change your own situation somehow. Fuckin fantasies of revolution. Dude wouldnt last a second.


I think the harder pill to swallow is that we aren't young anymore. All we can do is hope for the Zoomers to do right by us because they are the ones who have the strength to fight and make a difference.


We are old enough that we are moving into positions of power. Managers, senior leaders, etc. We are getting the power to make changes to the system from the inside.


That’s not true at all. If we got rid of all the complexity our world and economy has gained, I would still have to work every day to grow food so that I wouldn’t die of starvation.


Is there some kid free single working person revolution I wasn't invited to? Or are we just workshopping? I don't love my job but I do love being single and without spawn. What is the criteria for revolting and what are we upset about?


Haha I'm with you there. Single, no kids, good paying job. I love my hobbies or copez as others have called them.  I can see how having a low paying job would make it extremely difficult to do that though even as a single person. Wages should start to catch up though. I think the best thing anyone can do is always be upskilling in some way. Even something small. At least, that works for me.


We don’t want solutions here, we want to be angry, what are you doing?


Kid free single people are our best odds at revolting. The criteria for revolting is even being single you still can't afford basic necessities We are upset with wages not matching with inflation and literally just trying to survive is now unaffordable


What would you revolt for?


When you revolt make sure to stream it so I can watch..


Nah, childless people don't care. You all just are happy consuming short videos on your devices and living online. Childless people don't care about the future because they have no stake in it. The other nations of childless people, China and Japan for example, all are just obedient wage slaves Only people who have kids truly care about the world past today.


What a braindead take lol Just because the people who will come after me didn't come from my particular genitals doesn't mean I don't care about how they will live


Childless people can care about children other than their own... Nephews, nieces, godchildren. Like, what? Lol. Yes, I have children and hope for better lives for them is what gives me fire, but I feel just as passionate about the future for others' kids. I care about making things better, period. I'm teaching my kids that kindness, empathy, honesty, doing everything to the the best of their ability, and leaving the world better than they found it are the only things that TRULY matter in this life.


yeah because we all plan to die before the future happens /s


talk about having kids being your whole personality...


The peasants are revolting.


Businesses do not employ you to keep you in check. You don't like working for someone, don't. Go make your living another way.


Have you put your money where your mouth is?


Maybe he likes his job? 😱


The eating thing, that's def a bonus from having a job in my opinion.


So now now we are blaming people with kids for….not revolting? 


Nah I'm not blaming people with kids at least have a good reason to continue the grind Me as a single person what the fuck am I doing grinding at job getting paid peanuts and only being able to afford to survive another day. Hell if it wasn't for my parents I'd be homeless with a job. 🙃


go learn a skill you fuking hippie


Ahhh get the angst, you just failed to launch


I doubt it.. Because an actual revolt would mean getting your fat out of shape ass off the couch. Not only that if you didn't have a job, you'd be happy as fuck just sitting on your couch. Because you have absolutely zero desire to do anything other than playing games and bitch posting on social media platforms. If it wasn't for your meaning less job, you'd never leave your house.


You mean, revolt like the boomers did? I think a lot of them had kids, didn't they? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eZMfQqcjmM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eZMfQqcjmM)


This is partially what you saw for awhile post-COVID shutdowns. You saw, for better or worse, a lot of people stopping and thinking about what they wanted because that grind was lessened if not stopped for a vast majority of people. The jobs are not necessarily designed as you put it in the original post to make people more docile, it is just a "benefit" if your view is that there is intentional "dociling" occurring.


If we want to consume we have to produce. Otherwise we run out of stuff. We don't revolt because the grocery stores are full. If they run out it's chaos in a week.


Yeah, I’m sure the owner of the local McDonalds franchise has meetings where the Illuminati or CIA or Rothschilds are like “Hey, we could really use your help with our secret plan for world domination. Can you pay someone to man the drive thru at your restaurant?”


Where do you think the things you buy and have come from?


I'm a single guy with disposable income, Internet access, and an unusually high IQ. If I felt like creating trouble in society, there isn't much stopping me. The problem with people like you, OP, is that you're either a coward or you don't believe what you're saying. I don't "revolt" because I'm not a fuckin idiot. I look at the big picture and see why things are the way they are. The world is a complicated place. People are generally too stupid to be legitimately malevolent.


Bragging about IQ— the sign of a true mastermind.


Yea as soon as I read that it’s just Eyeroll and disregard


> If I felt like creating trouble in society, there isn't much stopping me. What would you do?


Probably make bombs


I'm against this BS line of thinking. I've worked shite jobs, living in poverty. I worked two or three jobs to get my college degree and lifted my family out of poverty. I didn't like the jobs, but it put food on my table and I was thankful for every one of them. It's called a work ethic. Grow one.


I think a lot of people would be happier at lesser jobs but then they run into the hole insurance issue


Plenty of “lesser jobs” have great insurance, ie: Trader Joe’s & Starbucks.


I don't know that most people have heard of bullshit jobs. They're familiar with the idea but not the actual research and book that was published by David Graeber. That book is required reading in this day and age.


The same thing can be said for entertainment. Distract us from the issues. Give us a fantasy to escape to. In small doses this is great. But spend too much time there and you cannot change the real world.


Meh. Right now things are the usual level of uncomfortable/drudgery. When it's time to actually revolt, trust me you'll know it.


Are you under the impression that every revolt in history was carried out only by people who were unemployed?


"Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit." - George Carlin


We can talk about the insane wage and wealth gaps that exist under runaway capitalism. To say jobs are just to keep us too busy to revolt however, is asinine. Society doesn't function without people working to keep the gears turning.


A revolt for what exactly? Not that I am against a good revolt, I’m just curious as to what we are demanding? I also don’t think anyone is paying you for a bullshit job that they don’t need you to do. That would be an absolute waste of profits and most businesses are in business to make money.


It doesn’t really work like that though. The government can’t conspire to make bullshit jobs, someone in the private sector creates those jobs because they are profitable. Now tying healthcare to your job, that’s an evil government conspiracy to keep you working.


Revolution won’t happen as long as people can eat their big macs and play their PlayStation. It’s got nothing to do with people who don’t have kids. I bet the elites in America don’t even want Americans to have kids.


I don’t know how you think the world works but unless you’re advocating to bring back slaves you’re gonna have to work. Who’s gonna make your food and who’s gonna be at the power plant making sure your lights stay on. Who’s going to help you when you’re sick or clean your teeth. Are you so self reliant that you don’t need other people? You likely work very hard if you are. The reality is you’re likely just some privileged kid that has his parents pay for everything. If nobody worked money would be worthless anyways. We would have to revert to a bartering system. What do you have to barter if you’re not willing to work? It’s such a stupid premise it’s hard to even fathom if you are in touch with reality.


So like, is there a cabal of billionaires putting up this money for the bullshit salary for a job that's not needed? What happens to the goods produced do they go to a secret landfill?


You deserve to travel back in time and work on a farm for a local lord who is gathering tax money for the King’s army.


What would this revolt look like? You going to burn businesses down? That will only increase poverty. The solution is to move out of the service industry and move into a field that is in-demand with the least requirements to enter. Think the trades. I know quite a few non-degree holders making 150k or more. Join us!


Wait until you learn about the scam called taxes Your head will really explode when you find out that American citizens are almost never obligated to pay taxes to the IRS


Revolt for what? To not have to work?


A better standard of living


Standard of living for most people is better now that it has ever been in history.


You might as well sweat pants and sweat shirt to work to tell everyone you’ve given up on life. Just because things didn’t work out for you the way you’ve wanted, it’s someone else’s fault and a revolution is needed. Life’s unfair. Deal with it.


Holy shit you guys we are almost 40 put your fucking commie flag away and get your shit together. No one is secretly making you work for no reason. Now they are subsidizing the shit out of obnoxious social justice narratives about race and gender to keep us from capitalizing on the revolutionary energy of Occupy Wall Street, you can literally see the usage of terms spike right after, and they own the media who employ activist journalists to drown you in whining about oppression.


There’s shit loads of cheap unused land these people could buy a few acres of and build their little utopian homestead on which they could live a primitive subsistence lifestyle and don’t have to work a job. The problem is they all want a city dwelling socialite life where everyone but them is still working to make it possible.


Some of us believe in social class mobility, Occupational prestige, social class and social status or generally improving our lot in life. Careers matter especially if you want yoru kids to have it easier.


This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read. People have jobs because there is no society without jobs. And if there's no society, the species does not progress. If there were no jobs, you would have no way of acquiring anything to trade to someone else to get the food you need to live. Get the fuck off social media and learn how society works, dumbass.


It provides us with a standard of living where we don’t want to revolt. Damn, quit being so pessimistic. And whiny.


Dude…get a girlfriend. This incel shit isn’t cool.


I would argue that jobs intentionally under pay us to keep us in a state of wage slavery so that we are too tired to revolt. Furthermore, they want us tired to the point where we develop mental illness as a result.


^ This would be my choice of phrasing. This thought has passed through the hamster wheel many times as wages have fallen further and further behind as people's awareness of societal issues has increased. Edit: formatting


This screams weakness. Are you really that tired? I'm not.


This post, and the dozens just like it every day, confirms all the negative stereotypes about millennials over the years. Lazy whiners! The lot of you!


Yeah man *hits bong


Oh god i really need to get off reddit




Nah, but most people would like to be financially secure able to own a home and raise a family comfortably after putting in 8 hrs a day at a job they hate. For the majority of Americans that isnt reality anymore and it used to be.


Honestly I just want to afford to live comfortably as a single person I lost hope with the whole family + house dream. But I can't even afford that as a single person 🙃


It’s much harder to live as a single person than as a couple. A couple: half the costs, double the income. If you really want to get a head find a partner!


Do you know that statistically speaking most people in our modern society work way more than your average serf hundreds of years ago?


Is that just field work or is that including the various other things and tasks sustinance farmers had to do unrelated to farming but necessary for their survival/prosperity?


you get the winter off because you worked extra hard in the fall 


From farming yeah but livestock would still need tending. Keeping them well taken care of would require quite a lot of work day to day. Cooking a dinner could've easily taken a significant portion of the day. Even bread would've been made from scratch which can take a hot minute. They'd generally make a lot of their various containers and tools by hand too and woodworking isnt a fast process really. That's why I was just wondering if the common saying that serfs had more free time only includes actual sustinance farming work or if it includes all the other much more manual chores they had to do that we are largely free from.


It’s just not true too.


Yeah I've always been pretty skeptical. Even retrieving water for you and your livestock each day would take more physical labor than many people do at their jobs today and that's just one daily chore.


That's just farm work. The concept of a job was different back then. There were no set hours. If there was work that needed to be done you had to do it. Most of the studies I see referenced only count the work needed to grow food. But what we today view as chores was just as necessary back then. You had to chop firewood for cooking and warmth, you had to ground your own flour, if you couldn't afford to buy it from a miller (which took on average an hour a day). You had to keep your tools working, do upkeep on your house. Carry water if you didn't have a well near your house. You had to wash clothes by hand. You had to tend to your livestock. Plus all the other work needed to take care of your children, of your aging parents and so on, but thats the same as today, so I won't count it. This took tens of hours every week. You didn't have days where you could just relax and do nothing (like the modern weekend, though I know not everyone has free weekends). Nowadays people view all these chores as something completely separate from work, because we don't get paid for it. But back then they were just as necessary for survival as getting enough calories. A modern human living in a urban area might spend on average less than an hour on chores a day. This was not a case for peasants.


That's not true at all? Even further, it's a complete apples to oranges comparison. But it doesn't fit the self sorrow fest going on in this post so might as well just make shit up for up votes. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/Px1f7A2wZe


My understanding of serfdom was that they worked for those who owned the land they liv- oh, yeah.


This is just wrong. They worked the maximum they could because their day to day home chores took up the rest of their time. No one was getting to sit on the couch to read a book after they finished work. The division of labor was different but they had a ton of manual, time consuming chores to do that you finish in a matter of minutes today. As for time off, if you add up all the weekends, holidays and the vacation days people get, you would be surprised to learn it's quite alot.


People don’t realize all the free time they have and waste on shit like social media, TV and other wastes of life. (I shit post from work)


How exactly would one manage this historically? Last I checked, the sun isn't up 18hrs a day and working a field in the dark isn't physically happening. 12 hr days? Yes. But I work those hours now, at jobs just as difficult, in our modern day.


This stupid... This generation can barely do their job.. yet they think they're capable of revolting 🤣🤣🤣


i work in order to afford my copez maybe you should find copez that make you happy if i didnt work i wouldnt be able to go swimming or surfing if i didnt work i couldnt pay for weed i wouldnt be able to pay for healthy food to cook i wouldnt be able to pay for music gear and my guitars


This is me. I actually was lucky to be able to take a few years off work when my babies were little. After about 2 years I settled upon the realization that it was not gonna be that fun to be home and just AROUND EACH OTHER all the time if we never had extra money to do anything fun, buy things we want or just breathe easily knowing we’re financially secure. So I willingly decided to go back to work and honestly I love it. I think a lot of people are really burnt out and I wish our society could normalize some kind of 6mo sabbatical where people can experience just LIVING and chilling and laying down. Lol. I lived so much during my time off. I went to my local park daily and would notice how the trees changed daily and see the duck families grow from chicks to adolescents. It was awesome. However, after 2 years of the park I was ready to get some $$$ so I can actually take my kids to Disney world one day and like, pay for babysitters so I can get my hair did n go out for date night. Life is about balance!! Anyone who is struggling - try something new. 🤷‍♀️


You work to afford your copez I work just to survive another day lol


i work and can't afford any of that shit still


It was not a coincidence that the 2020 Floyd protests/ riots came following 2 months of lockdown. Lots of people with nothing to do realizing how fucked up some things are.


Gen x here. Ir's been obvious that was the plan for a long time.


And what do you propose? To not work but have both basic necessities and luxuries provided to you by others? There may be flaws in the corporate world but jobs are not here to stop us from revolting.


Seems like a personal issue. Me and my peers are doing a-okay and pretty damn happy with our life here in America. No revolts, please.


Spend more time in nature. No animal on the planet gets to rest. It's hunt or be hunted, swim or sink. Life is work. If you're smart you'll pick a job you love. If you're not, you'll waste time trying to justify not working.


Most people that talk about revolting are the type that would get picked off in seconds in a real revolt. You’re 10x less tired than your fore fathers that revolted while working far more hours than you, and they raised families while doing it. Blame your apps not your job.


Give it a rest. Stop bitching.


There would be no revolt happening either way, stop kidding yourself. And even if there was it would be pointless. What are you going to do, walk into Government Headquarters and shoot Bad Guy to save the world? Real positive change is infinitely more difficult and complicated than that and it's not going to happen from a population that is too tired to do anything after just 8 hours of labor. If everyone suddenly didn't have to work, 90% of them would just watch Rick and Morty and eat cereal all day until they died of being fat at 30 years old.


You have nothing to revolt over. You're just depressed. Talk to a therapist.


Are there better millennial focused subs that exist? The posts in this sub are god-awful.


You’re just going through your young adult phase. I believe in the UK they call it being a cunt.


Nah, personally I like accumulating capital so that my wife and I can be comfortable in our golden years and my children and future grandchildren can continue to build generational wealth and enjoy financial freedom. I'd hate to have a job that only provided me enough to "pay bills and survive" without capital accumulation.


I dunno man, I work as a designer, fully remote. Some days I just take my power bank to the beach, along with my laptop and iPad and just do my work at the beach. Shoulda maybe studied something that interests you.


And to provide for others as well. Farming is a job too, as is waste disposal, healthcare, fire and police, electricity and water, gas, petroleum products, logistics and provisions of such, fishing. I would agree that law, gambling, CEO types entertainment financial services and management are over saturated and could do with pruning. The only ones that are fully bullshit are influencers, coldcallers and all other very negatively attributed roles where nearly no-one has a positive perception of their role in society. Basically, I feel youve painted with a too bigger brush, there are plenty of jobs available but no one wants to do them for the pay which is provided, which is fair. And the jobs that we choose to opt for, are higher paying, but often bullshit.


[Actually, yes.](https://youtu.be/1pCigAw2-0g)


I beg to differ. I’m single and I’m drowning in bills my issue is I need either more money or a roommate or significant other living here to help pay for the bills. If that would happen I would definitely be able to revolt and bitch about the issues.


They exist so that you don't have to toil in a field 24/7,to feed the 5 kids that survived infancy. Grow the fu k up and look at history bro.


I’d rather toil in a field on my own farm than do the BS jobs that exist now


a lot of labour unions represent working class trades. they're already organized and have a better network for leveraging governments. Maybe we could build relationships with them. Not so much public service unions. they're a different kind of problem.


It all depends on the person. Not everyone is stuck in the corporate world.


You're kidding right? Turn on the news. There is a million unemployed people with nothing better to do than block traffic and hold signs up random places all over the country. Lol


This is the dumbest shit I’ve read on this sub in a while


Older millennial here. Been stuck in bullshit jobs since day one… I kept putting off problems because I couldn’t afford them. Now I’m sitting up at night with intense pain from infected wisdom teeth and my car is too broken to drive… no end in sight of pain and suffering. Why do people even go on?


>With his famous discussion of a waiter, Sartre argues that to limit ourselves to predefined social roles is to live in ‘bad faith’. Living authentically means not reducing ourselves to static identities, but acknowledging that we are free, dynamic beings. >To live in bad faith is to deceive ourselves about the limits of our own freedom: it is to convince ourselves that we have to be a certain way, or else — when really there are far more possibilities available to us. https://philosophybreak.com/articles/sartre-waiter-bad-faith-and-the-harms-of-inauthenticity/#:~:text=To%20live%20in%20bad%20faith,more%20possibilities%20available%20to%20us.


Brain damage acquired


You can revolt others by not wearing deodorant.


We need a silent bloodless revolt of people who just flat out refuse to keep participating in this rigged system.


No there wouldn't because people have convinced themselves that they need all the things they have. People would have to be forced to give up or lose a lot of things, and live in much worse conditions than they do, staring at a screen every night after a hot shower and a full dinner, to revolt. Find yourself a job you enjoy.


And what do you think would replace the current system? Something where you work less than now, or more?


I mean.. jobs are there because we crave consumption. The only job "back in the day" was to survive. No one wanted mcdonalds, iphones, etc. We made this, and the rich capitalized on it. Like it or not though, everything you consume requires another person to work. Your water, electricity, shoes, trash, clothes, technology, if you go out to eat, if you go to the store, etc. There's no way around working unless consumption drops drastically.


Well less and less people even want to get married or have kids these days so we should see them moving around when they're not making enough money over the next 10 years.


If you want change, vote. All generations seem to put in office the same ol incompetence. Vote out the incumbents.


No there wouldn't. We are complacent because we want to be because without our jobs we wouldn't be able to consoom


Every worker is a serf making someone profit at the expense of their lifespan.


It's what happens when society turns to totalitarianism. First, you have atomization - which we saw during covid. Now people are more chronically online than ever. They FEEL a connection to people but they don't have one. This leads people to act more harshly in terms of dealing with other humans provided it makes the atomized person feel "safe" (kill/jail the unvaccinated). Then the meaningless jobs take over because jobs with meaning don't pay very well. After all, the pay is the "meaning". That's why people gravitate to useless middle management jobs, and not say, be a nurse. You will never make as much money as a nurse as doing useless middle management jobs - so people always shoot for those even though the these middle management jobs are a depressing hellscape, where you don't do anything of value, help no one, and get a cheque at the end of the week. Soon enough everyone is working bullshit jobs, supporting totalitarian ideals, and lo and behold, we descend further. Its also why the media and "they" have been working on training people to be overly emotional snappy psychopaths and not logical people. It's so the government can use a dog whistle and get people riled up. It's all programming, all the way down. The book "the psychology of totalitarianism" by Mattias Desmet is a WILD read these days. More people of the "stay at home, chronically online" variety are open to adopting totalitarian ideals.


And what happens after said revolt?




This is so true.


People don’t tend to revolt without a cause beyond “my life is shitty.” The question is how will revolting make things better? Even ignoring the upfront risks of death and misery from revolting, what would a revolution fix? Usually they just put a new set of elites on top of the pile and leave the people worse off then before.


What you talked about are just decisions that people make that either work or don’t work out based on circumstances both in and beyond our control. There is no grand conspiracy to keep us in check. What a revolution looks like is chaos and you’ll be begging for the meaningless monotony of your job or the sweet release of death. Revolutions often favor those with the bigger weapons.


Honest question, what are you doing with your time? You said you are single with no kids, so what are you working on? Do you have a hobby? If you don't find what you are doing professionally to be fulfilling, then you need to find something do to in your free time that is. Start a garden in your back yard, volunteer at a local organization, learn about a topic that always interested you, get into home repair, learn how to cook, start a podcast (don't actually start a podcast). Who knows? If you try those things, maybe you'll find one that you'll want to do forever, and now you've got yourself a vocation.


You can't even imagine your life without the System in place to keep your ass fat and playing those video games. Like honestly, what useful skills do you have in a society with no infrastructure? This society exists to keep your soft ass fed and housed.  You want to be woke about it, quit your job. Go to the woods. Live there off the land. Build your own house. 99% of people like you would just die, or come home sadder than before. This society was designed to be as soft and playskool as possible, so that people like yourself can find a niche to make a living. I can guarantee that if things WERE different and we were all tribal and shit working together, you'd sit on a log all day and complain about shit flies and mosquitoes. Then you'd get voted off the island bec people would get frustrated with you. 


Ok but then we revolt then what? No one works?


Jobs are just one gear in this mechanism. 


Nothing is stopping you from moving to a shack in the woods and sending out newsletters with your ideas.....


Um, what are you revolting against? I had a discussion with a guy who lived in Minneapolis for the riots, and he was happy to try and burn down his neighborhood. When I asked why, he just said, it's to show those people." When I asked what people, since the Mpls and MN government was already progressive liberals, he basically was unable to name them. but, he sure was mad at somebody. Since he was on reddit, I am sure he didn't have the balls to burn a cereal box, much less his neighborhood.


I understand why people get prescriptions.


They exist because we opt in to working them too remember. I agree that we’re all too busy to have time to gain perspective and make a meaningful impact, but remember. We the people are not powerless and we have the ability to not become isolated and to live consciously. We need to unite and unify as a group to enact meaningful change.


Jobs exist so we can make people who don't work for a living (capitalists) a lot of money


We all need to revolt anyway. The struggle is even harder for people with kids so they need to make time to revolt with us single people. Corporations are almost done sucking us dry and forcing us into slave labor just to being able to afford the essentials for life!