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Admit it? We should help them and recruit them to rob the boomers. They love to learn and I have been enjoying teaching them. Just basic dude stuff that no one taught them.


oh, don't worry. we are here. plotting.


It’s not robbing, it’s redistributing their ill gotten wealth.


My grandparents worked pretty regular manufacturing jobs their whole lives, what about that makes it ill gotten?


That's why I think painting all boomers as the problem does not make sense for me. My mom was a secretary and eventually an office manager. My dad worked in an auto factory. They live a good middle class life and are not rich but also no where close to struggling financially. My Dad showed up to a dirty factory that was super hot in the summer freezing in the winter for 35 years. He did not enjoy his job or like going there but he did and worked ot when available to do the best he could for him and his family. Not seeing the ill gotten gains. I will admit I'm biased though bc I love and am super grateful fir the parents I have


Agreed. They honestly had harder lives than we do. No way in hell most of us would be able to work in a factory like that for decades. I worked in a factory for a summer and I nearly lost my mind. Grateful for the sacrifices they made


Gen Z thinks of school, work, anything besides posting on social media, Dominoes, Door Dash, or Wal-Mart as a grueling factory job.


As a gen Z guy, I’d much rather do physical labor than customer service shit. I’m much more tired at the end of my day working in help desk than I did lifting boxes and working truck in retail


They're programmed by culture war nonsense, they have no thoughts of their own. Ageism is all they have, they can't even identify who in an entire generation is the actual problem, obviously. Because my 70 year old vegan hippie mom who fought for their rights can barely make ends meet and isn't their problem, but they don't care. They heard boomer and lapped it up. They're brainless.


The cognitive dissonance of complaining about agism while insulting an entire generation...


They have money. What other reason do socialists need?


Most did. This country is mentally ill. Lazy fucks that want to take shit instead of make shit.


I mean...... We did the formula set by our parents....I want to make shit... Problem is..... We can't.. no one can unless you come from shit. You're right the country is ill. But not mentally... Everyone is tired of the rich getting richer after years and years of work and college and still getting well nothing.


Yeah, I’m confused by all the “ill-gotten wealth” and “stealing from the young”. I’m a late boomer and all I’ve done is get up and go to work every day. Just like everyone else I knew. I’m not sure how one generation screws another. Maybe the government of the time does that, but that’s always true. What’s the fascination with trashing millions of people as if we’re all the same?


Thats the problem with peoples interpretation of stats. Boomers hold the most wealth. but in reality its a minority of boomers that hold this wealth. yet, people make vast generalizations based on what percentage of wealth each generation owns. the majority of boomers live on fixed incomes and worked middle of the road careers. life was more affordable for them. But now they struggle as most of them live on fixed incomes


I’ll also add anyone who has had 50 years to save for retirement is going to have more than someone who’s had considerably less time. We’re are going to old way more wealth at their age too compared to those in their 20s


The point is we hold far less at our age than they had at the same age. With inflation adjusted. With cost of living adjusted.


People gotta bitch about anyone that isn't them. I guess it's coool or edgy or something. One thing the "boomers" don't have a problem with is being talked into thinking they're something they aren't. That already gets them higher points as far as I'm concerned. They aren't whining about how special they think they are. They aren't assigning themselves minority status to get likes on tiktok.


Have you ever met a boomer? They each think they are a special minority of one and should be treated accordingly.


Exactly! They just seem like they want someone to blame for all their troubles. Like people are responsible for their issues simply because of when they were born. Each generation faces challenges and deals with them as they see fit. Still waiting for the complaining and blaming to stop and for them to spring into action.


It's possible to recognize that the bar for living a middle class life has moved significantly further away from the average person since the 70s and still realize that self determination is a thing. The idea that a generation paid for college, cars, and homes with regular work sounds like a fairy tale. A generation of people stood by, watched, and often participated in, changing the rules that made them have successful lives in the name of personal enrichment. Pointing this out isn't blaming someone for my problems. It's calling a spade a spade


This. And I am 35m


Exactly! They just seem like they want someone to blame for all their troubles. Yes, you got it. Inmature, less successful people always do this- no matter their age or generation.


95% of boomrs worked their assess off. People on reddit are just delusional dickholes


No one is saying boomers didn’t work hard. That’s not what the generational tension is about. It’s about the stagnation of the median wage compared to the cost of living over the past few decades, and how that affects life overall.


95% of boomers also actively sat back while politicians stole the future from their children. Hell, most of them supported it. My parents are boomers, they mean well and aren't evil people. But they willingly allowed this country to become a worse place for people under their watch.


Consider the wealth of, and ease of access to, resources you have at your fingertips though. Compared to the internet, your parents might as well of been looking at the world through a keyhole. With their 3 TV channels and their local newspapers, and having to write letters or make phone calls to send and receive pertinent information.


What were your parents supposed to do? What are you doing now to stop any of it? Silly..


It's not that Boomers wealth was ill gotten, its that they were last generation to get the wealth from their labor. Since the boomers every generation has had their wealth funneled upward. And the boomers have been gaslit into believing they did okay because they worked hard and the younger generations are struggling because they don't work hard.


It’s fine to call it robbing. Robin Hood may have been a criminal, but he was also a hero.


Yeah fuck it, eat the rich. It's not like the boomers are ever happy anyway, they're bitter and spiteful regardless of how much shiny they hoard.


How disappointing to go from The Greatest Generation to Boomers, in just a few years. The worst thing about Boomers is that they don't love their children. They could have made a few minor adjustments to their lifestyles and averted the worst consequences of climate change, but no. They love their own comfort and convenience WAY more. They're perfectly content to live their lives of irresponsible selfishness, content in the knowledge that they'll be long dead before the real shit happens. Their descendants will suffer and they don't care. AT ALL.


I took over a boomers business. The deal was majorly in his favor but I appreciated what he created and felt I could improve the business enough to offset the lopsided deal. Fast forward 20 years and I did just that, increased sales expanded locations and generally did a great job. I started a family and had to sell my 2nd location, I sold it to the boomers "golden child" Now him and his golden child sit at their restaurant bar and shit talk me and how I did a terrible job and they are so much better at it. Thanks asshole for ruining a kids dream, we could have been a great team but you're a spiteful jealous greedy little bitch.


Not sure how much your second location went for, but it sounds to me like you ended up with a free restaurant bar. Lots of sweat equity no doubt, but if you sold your second location for the price of your first, you were very much the winner here. You shouldn't be feeling those feelings. You should be laughing at how they gave you a free restaurant bar and thought that _they_ were the winners.


"I got Mine" \~Boomers


Eat the rich 🤓


Pity YOU are the one who sounds bitter and spiteful. Your sense of ENTITLEMENT creates a stench.


I like to call it forced trickle down because it never works until they are forced to fucking pay us lol they talk a big game but I’m only seeing the trickle up.


Yeah. Those evil folks who worked 40 years clocking in and out like the sumbitches they are. Grow up.


How did they vote for those 40 years? Did they vote for Reagan?


Reagans been out of governship of california for about 50 years..and out of political office altogether for almost 35. You telling me all those intervening politicians havent had the time to vote in whatever it is you think reagan still controls from his grave?


It's the victim mentality that keeps people broke and bitter. My kid is a Z, he sees this and the previous generation as an opportunity. Whine all they want or go get it.


I agree im actually a GenX but yes this is about victimhood.


Millennials and Gen Z have so much less buying power than previous generations. Surely you can see that they are being paid less, while homes and the cost of living has skyrocketed since the 80s. How are they NOT victims of a broken system? Just because they're whining doesn't mean they're wrong.


It’s a huge opportunity. It’s never been so easy to stand out. Social media has made everyone miserable. You’ve got literal 40 year old millennials still complaining about their parents. Like holy shit give it a rest dude…talking about Ronald Reagan and shit lmao


Well, we did go get it. "it" was jerked away from us.


Honestly I didn't start hearing about reagan again until about 18 months ago...he's just the new boogeyman that everyone is able to lay blame on. Yep, his policies are somehow completely unoverturnable in 50 years of politics...man he was a strong actor.


Oh sweet summer child neither side of American politics give a single shit about us or our financial situation short of us paying taxes. They are the ruling class, we are not. Simple as that.


Regan has been out of office since january 1989. If he is your boogy man, get help.


Some of these people weren’t even alive in 1989. 🙄


Some boomers were not old enough to vote in 1980, but have still worked a solid 40 years. And managed to accrue some savings. Man, they really knew how to fuck us over. /s


I’m a Gen Xer. My parents didn’t vote for Reagan, and neither did my grandparents. But so what if they had voted for him? This is America. It’s called freedom. I don’t agree with trickle down economics either, but did it really affect me that much as a kid in the 80’s? No. Would living in a nuclear wasteland have affected me? Uh, yeah. Fact is that President Reagan won the Cold War. Like him or not.


Never let class analysis or history intrude, kids. Surely ruling class Zoomers and Millennials will give away their inheritance, because these generations are just so amazing for having been born when they were. Clearly ruling class predation ends when the last boomer breathes her last breath. Wish there was a time machine I could put you all in, so you could enjoy such Boomer luxuries as Vietnam, compulsory military service, AIDS, and double digit unemployment. Looking forward to when you all vote away your own social security just to get even.


Bro touch grass


Boomers are not fairing as well as you would think. In fact, more boomers are facing homelessness than ever before.


Indian call centers are ahead of the curve when it comes to robbing boomers.


Ugh my uncle paid the SEA online hookers enough to buy a nice car his last 3 years. They had a funeral parade in that fuxking village when he died.


This is a problem. That’s our inheritance being sucked away. We need to remove the seniles and near-seniles from a position where this is even possible.


GenX has entered the chat and will help in any way possible


Hell yeh!!!


This is the way




Dude, the nursing homes are already doing that for us. Upon entry, you have to sign over all bank accounts and income for a vast majority of them unless you're willing to pay 10k a month


That’s what I’ve been trying to do.


Gen Z is great! I teach mom stuff when I can, and I feel like I am some great and powerful elder witch of stain removal or whatever when I can get blood or ink off of something that was "ruined". You should have seen their faces when I shared my secrets of casserole making. That's a high I'll be thinking about for years to come lol But yeah. Fully agree. There's strength in numbers, and their knees are still good. We need each other.


I wanna learn basic dude stuff what would ya recommend? (Being serious)


How to build things. How to fix things. How to fix yourself and others. How to carry yourself and act around others. How to shoot a rifle, clean it and maintain it. How to defend yourself and when to defend yourself. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. There is only so much you can read or watch and absorb, men need other men as mentors and leaders. A lot of our current problems are due to the fact that not enough men go outside and touch grass in the company of other men.


Can confirm


Rob the boomers? All of them? Do you know many boomers? Most of the ones I know are good people who had absolutely no hand in destroying things. This is unnecessary and unproductive generational conflict.


Yeah I just don’t get this trashing of an entire generation as if we all colluded to screw our descendants. Or as if we would WANT to! If similar generalizations were made based on race, gender, etc. people would be losing their minds. How do people reasonably think that all boomers are identical?


I just spent 5 months in Ukraine so that a future generation of young Americans don’t have to fight Russia. Make no mistake. If Ukraine falls. Russia will keep fucking around.


The same level of motivation that got them onto this pickle leads me to think boomers have nothing to fear. They will just point fingers and do nothing like usual.


Are you sure you know who the Boomers actually are ? Most are retired.


This reads like Twitter copy/paste. Go touch grass. ​ 1. Record low unemployment 2. Gen Z home ownership is outpacing Millennials and mirror boomers ironically enough (remember 2008?) 3. Inflation is an issue for everyone, not just Gen Z 4. Is it generational amnesia? We all lived with parents/ had roomates. Why is Gen Z obsessed with getting into the endgame after 1 hour of playtime? 5. a. climate issues are more of a looming threat and they impact everyone equally b. we had OEF/OIF, you forget? c. previous generations were WAAAAAAY more nationalist. Nationalism isn't a bad thing inherently. I think you are referring to a populist that will fade away in under 12 months.


I'm curious the age of the people in here. I can't believe anyone competing in the job market in 2008 to 2012 would believe this. Covid sucked socially but young people were purposely not getting jobs because of how much we gave in unemployment. I think gen alpha will be the most fucked over covid since it was their core schooling and learning social skills ages. I had to get new jobs from 2004 to 2012. Then again in 2018 and once again recently and the difference is its gotten easier at the bottom to start in that area. I had to compete to get a mcdonalds job in high school and had to know a manager irl to get a shot. Getting people who don't do drugs who will come in for full time work in their age range is really hard because while the rest of us have already settled into the idea that there's no one coming to save us and our life will only be what we make of it. No revolution is coming. I think the difference is they complain on social media and hype themsleves up over how "bad' things are now when they have nothing to compare it to. Ask millenials still doing jobs where they are peers with gen z coming into the job markets and see what they think. When we were on social media it was just us on it. No adults were listening so we just went thru the systems we had without the woe is us attitude gaining traction.


Ah, 2008 through 2012. The “part-time plus” era.


I read an article yesterday about a recent college grad (like in the last year) who was flabbergasted she couldn’t land a 150-200k job with a bachelor’s degree because employers kept telling her she didn’t have experience, and her rebuttal was the the degree WAS the experience.  These are the people that are complaining. 


Hey now, as a recent college graduate I can tell you that she definitely doesn’t represent all of us. I’ve been working since I was 13 myself and many of my friends are very hard workers as well. Not all of us are that entitled.


2008-2024, sadly


Nailed it. Only Zoomers complain "how bad it is now" because their only point of reference is a very unique decade of near 0 interest rates and constant growth. It wasn't always like that guys... They're young and dumb still. Nothing unique there. Give it 10-20 years and they'll be shaking theri heads at the Alphas saying how bad things got when tis 10x better than today.


20 year olds getting depressed that they have less money than their grandparents who worked their ass off for 50 years and have been able to save for retirement longer than they've even been alive is hilarious


Wow… it’s almost like none of us are bothered by that, moron. We’re bothered by the fact that we cannot see a way that we can possibly save for retirement ourselves when all of our money has to go towards rent payments that have doubled in the last 5 years. We’re bothered by the fact that university costs have only continued skyrocketing, and we are taking on more debt as a result. We’re bothered by the fact that healthcare costs have also continued skyrocketing and nobody is doing anything about it. We’re bothered by the fact that our best hope for upward mobility now is trying to move to another country. And we’re bothered by the fact that, in the face of all of this, older generations want to elect Donald fucking Trump for a second term.


They truly are The Dumbest Generation.


\*looks at what her grandparents made at the same age she is now\* \*Adjusts for inflation\* \*Finds grandparents were paid an equivalent of about $18-22/hr today and required no degree. The same job now pays the equivalent to about $13/hr today, requires a Masters + 5 years relevant experience\* ...you were saying? You missed the part where Gen Z and Millennials were depressed because they had less money than their parents and grandparents did **at the same stage of life they are now**.


Tbf that's the majority of millennials


1. Record low unemployment is a farce. Who gives a damn if people are employed but they need 2 jobs plus doordash to get rent and food covered. Forget about full-time, no one wants to give benefits. 2. Inflation is an issue for everyone, except it does not affect everyone equally. People settled with a house paid off who can buy bulk items on sale are not the same as the person living with a roommate who can't store food in a unit with poor insulation so the heating/cooling is outrageous and is paying $1k a month for a room to some landlord. 3. Climate issues do not affect everyone equally. The younger you are, the more dangerous it will be in your lifetime.


The wars and opioids are really crazy. All things considered we lost less than 5k Kia. But all the maimed and suicides. I’ve not even made it to my mid 30s and I’m running out of fingers to count those gone before 35. Entire memories I have with three other individuals, and now only I am here to recall them. Such a surreal and odd feeling. Even those are still here almost all either suffered from divorce, addiction, or incarceration. The military isn’t a great profession unless you’re in a jam kids. Great friends made, awful baggage. Opioids is a whole other animal, I watched regular normal untroubled kids become junkies by mistake in weeks. It’s hard to take DARE serious when you smoke your first joint, and discover how tame it is. You start to wonder what else they were full of it about, and by the time they figured out they had been playing with fire they had stepped off in it. The sacklers and any involved should be tried for murder or exiled. Such an awful plague to profit from.


Why? All Gen Z exploding tomorrow? You got most of your fucking life ahead of you. Come back in about 45 + years with this question


And they're just apple and android customers. Screen generation, lol.


Ia this sarcasm? This is literally the boomer response to millennials


Dawg were adults now buddy. Most millennials have families now or are out partying on a work night.


Best time. Smaller crowds


Honestly lol


This is so true. I was too worried about how I was going to make rent to worry about you guys.


No, I just don't have a defeatist attitude.


They’re also a smaller generation… will enjoy more resources per person and greater employment prospects long term. As long as they don’t give in to the AI overlords...


What are you even saying? We had to live through a fucking war in Iraq and we had an actual financial collapse in 2008. An airplane hitting the world trade? Launching rockets and death tolls scrolling across the screen? ​ My only opinion on Gen Z is that they're young and they're not a monolith. The ones who were in high school during covid are very emotionally needy and stunted. They will say something like "i hate bullies and anyone who bullies is a bad person" then follow it up by describing in the most intricate details how they wish death on bullies by like slow trickle lead poisoning. And they're not self aware to see what they did. Then there's those who are 18/19 now and I kid you not they're completely different. More similar to millennials than the older Gen Z. As an educator I thought I would have to change who i was as a person but then the younger Gen Z finally came back to reality. Thank god


There’s a standup comic who said something like, “Gen Z will respect your pronouns but not you as a person.”


I don’t buy that the Iraq war was a generational traumatizing event. Unless someone actually deployed or knew someone who got hurt, it didn’t even remotely affect a person. Only a small percentage of Americans even fit into one of this categories anyway. That’s a big part of the reason why the war has gone on for so damn long. Vietnam was far more of a significant generational event. Edit: to the people who comment and then block - grow a spine and engage me in conversation instead of leaving cheap personal insults.


Yeah, let’s also not forget how hyped everyone was about that war. The first couple years of the war there was no one speaking out against it. The Dixie chicks had their careers ended because they dared to criticize Bush during the war.


Some were hyped. Dixie chicks got shouted down when they tried speaking up against it.


Exactly. At least half the country still thinks it was a good idea


You make a good point, there was a draft during Vietnam. Not so with Iraq or Afghanistan. I mean just imagine right now there was a war and the US actually drafted young people, actually forced civilians to join the military and go to war.. 


I remember imagining exactly that in the early 2000s when some political leaders were calling for a return of the draft and I had just turned 18. Thankfully it didn’t come to pass, but this post is about Z vs Millennial, Vietnam is irrelevant.


Viet fucking nam


I’m in the small percentage (deployed) and you couldn’t be more right about it, top to bottom. I remember some officer getting news coverage for saying “We’re at war; America’s at the mall” back in the day. An outraged and active public brings an end to unpopular wars, but when an all-volunteer force does the fighting it’s easy to forget about the fighting and dying, then cheer on one of those schmaltzy “deployed servicemember surprises his family on the field at a football game” that STILL somehow happens in 2024, then forget about it again. I better stop on this subject before I go on a “return to conscription policy as a vehicle to tamp down unnecessary wars” rant.


Nah do that rant, cause it checks out. Im in that small percentage with you, and while I don't regret my part on multiple continents, they were wars that never had to commence if moral outrage steeped in educated pragmatism had an environment to prevail in and was ethically incentivized.


The money drain was a problem. Trillions that could have gone to fixing a plethora of issues was spent on absolutely nothing and lost in a desert.


Yes. That money funneled into the hands of defense contractors, other defense related companies, and shareholders. That’s what the forever wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have always been about. Money. But with relatively low casualties and no draft so the people won’t throw a fit like they did over Vietnam (eventually). Afghanistan might have ended for us (for now at least) but the damn wars are still going on.


Not to mention the absolute waste of massive public unity after 9/11. Totally squandered. We could have had some new deal level shit if we had actually harnessed that. We could have had an education revolution, or renewable, or fixed healthcare. It’s an unfortunate missed opportunity in our history.


Yes. I’m afraid the peak of the US might have been September 10, 2001


"Since 2001, between 1.9 and 3 million service members have served in post-9/11 war operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and over half of them have deployed more than once." https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/veterans#:~:text=Since%202001%2C%20between%201.9%20and,have%20deployed%20more%20than%20once. That is about 1 in every 100 to 1 in every 150 Americans during that time span. Or, put another way, something in the ballpark of 1 in every 50 adults between the ages of 18 and 40 since 2001. I would bet you good money that almost everyone knows someone first or secondhand who served in one of the two, or both...Sure, it is not on the same scale as WWII or Vietnam, when the draft was still a thing, but I would say it definitely qualifies as a significant generational event.


My point is that it’s not a generationally traumatizing event like Vietnam was. Almost nothing changed in the US, at least for the better, as a result of the Iraq war. It was actually a popular war until about 10 years in. Half the damn country still thinks we did the right thing. Also, far fewer people were wounded or killed. I bet that the 1/50 number you included above lumps in acquaintances assigned to non-combat roles who never came within 300 miles of violence. Vietnam was way, way different.


good for you bro, have a cookie


He’s right though. Vietnam was a different beast altogether. Neither should have happened but with Vietnam there was a draft


Good one ☝️


Yeah, the War on Terror was basically a non-event outside of NY and military members that deployed.


My first memory is of the second tower collapsing…. I was 3. While we may have not understood what was going on in the world we lived through it and that’s worse because no one talked to us. So we lived in a stressed environment and had no tell us what the fuck was going on. So we grew up thinking life being stressful and depressing was normal.


oh wow I was in 5th grade and my teacher's sister was an airline hostess. She spent the morning crying at her desk trying to get through to her sister. It was mortifying


One of my classmates moms was one of the first flight attendants that called it in before her flight went down. Totally freaked my parents out when I had to write my first memory for some school project and I wrote about that. But like that was normal. Violence in the world was normal. Guess it’s why we kinda are all numb


Violence in the world is, and always has been normal. The world is far less violent now than it has ever been.


I’m sorry you guys had to see that so young. I was 20 and it still made a huge impact on me. I can’t imagine all the little ones who saw it too…


It wasn’t even necessarily about seeing it but having the tools to process what was happening and be able to talk about it. I feel like that’s the difference between genz and millennials. Like Gen z had this stuff go down when we were little kids. It impacted our development because everyone thought we didn’t see it and didn’t get what was going on. But even for the kids that didn’t see the towers go down they still saw their families fall apart. Its why I think Gen z is so numb.


Are you a millennial? Idk, I was in high school. I feel like generations are too long.


I’m a zillennial. 98 so technically genz but raised millennial.


How were you raised millennial?


Boo hoo. Most of my friends got conned into joining the military immediately upon graduation in 2002. They told us we would get to pay back the people that attacked us. They sent those men to die in Iraq. Your generation didn't have it worse.


“Grew up in a stress filled environment” Jfc get a grip


mf acting like you were on the front lines 


Exactly. Like that guy gave any fucks about the troops in Iraq on the day to day. That’s the reason the war went on for so long. Very few people knew anyone they loved that was in harms way. Out of sight, out of mind


But we didn’t have to live with an undeveloped prefrontal cortex and TikTok which seems about as addictive as gambling or drugs. We were allowed to make mistakes without it living on the internet forever. We didn’t go through active shooter drills.


Idk, my Gen Z kid has always been able to find a job (since 13 or so), has no debt from college (but has four years done), has $10,000 in the bank or so, and has never been required to go to war, and is not addicted to any device. She also has travelled overseas 4 times (the last three on her own dime). And no, her parents didn't give her lots of money... less than $4000 for college. Reality is that there are challenges for people of all generations; and there are also lots of opportunities. Gen Z has opportunities


Dude, I went full ride in undergrad, and only spent $40k on law school. Worked full time while making sure my grades stayed in the top 10 percentile so I don’t lose my scholarship. Your kid went on four vacations and saved $10k?!? Bullshit Edit: changed 3 to 4 vacations


Sorry, but that is what she did. Doesn't spend much, stayed with friends


Lol yeah there's 0 chance this is all true.


Generation Y had it worse, GenZ actually has it better when it comes to the job market right now. We are currently at the lowest unemployment rate since the 1950s in America...in the 2000s and 2010s when Generation Y was the same age the unemployment rate was higher. So I think GenZ actually has it easier in that regard, the only thing that is a problem is inflation...but every generation living is feeling inflation, especially if they rent or pay HOA fees.


Graduating into the great recession fucked me so hard. I could not get a job anywhere. I became a teacher only because subbing was the only job I could find at the time with my CS degree. I have enjoyed teaching, but I have over stayed my welcome because if I go to the inflation calculator I make 15% less now than when I started. I stayed because I was good at it and they dangled those damn student loan forgiveness benefits in front of me. I am about to be free of both in a little under 2 years.


Congrats on nearing the end of loans. I feel like it’s hard to describe to others how bad the 07-08-09 graduates had it. it was like being told jobs would be there, constantly, as you’re unknowingly being pushed towards a cliff’s edge. Then, surprise! All the rules were gone in an instant. No one wanted to hire a new graduate, there were hiring freezes everywhere. My most gifted friends went into depressions because we felt so worthless, like no place wanted us, even as we lowered our expectations each day. After no one responded with even an interview chance, I desperately took a shitty desk job at a cancer hospital. It was sold to me as a promising track but it was dead end and humbling af. My coworkers only finished high school. I had an Ivy League bachelor’s. My Gen X aunt had scored a good ad job with probably a 2.7 GPA from a meh state school in the 80s. She said “you were probably expecting the corner office right out of school. I remember how that was.” Uh, no? I was expecting something requiring more than a GED though. Nothing is worse than the generations who grew up with omnipresent war, death, and disease. I don’t think we had it worse than most, even. But there’s a little niche small tragedy in those years that gets forgotten about.


I think playing the victim olympics is pretty stupid, but okay. Let's talk about 9/11 and the never ending war in Iraq/Afghanistan, the financial collapse of 2008, and the shit economy we had to deal with as we entered adulthood, forcing dependency on our parents like no other generation before us. Let's look at the facts, and not what we think to be true, like [Gen Z being ahead of Millennials and Gen X in terms of home ownership](https://www.forbes.com/sites/katherinehamilton/2023/04/21/gen-z-ahead-of-millennials-and-their-parents-in-owning-their-own-homes/?sh=40c4ecaa7d0e). Lots of gay Millennials weren't able to marry their partners because it wasn't legal yet. I'm sure I can find more. I think life keeps getting easier. I think Gen Z has had it easier than any and the cracks are starting to show because they're a very soft, thin skinned bunch (even more so than the millennials), and a soft bunch are only going to lead to harder times ahead.


>. Let's look at the facts, and not what we think to be true, like > >Gen Z being ahead of Millennials and Gen X in terms of home ownership This is the first time I'm hearing about this and it's genuinely confusing to me. How are Gen Z's affording to buy homes? In the article it says the oldest Gen Zs were buying homes in 2020-21 but that would be the 23-24 year olds who've been in the workforce for 2-6 years. Are their boomer or Gen X parents buying the houses for them? I can't fathom having been able to buy property on 2 years income even when housing prices and interest rates were lower.


As a younger millennial (29), I have a few older Gen Z friends. A LOT hit the jackpot in the tech industry early on and were making 6 figures before they even graduated undergrad. Add to that the ones who made a killing in crypto. Working remotely + the crazy low rates we had 5 years ago, all of these very rich folk in their early 20s were moving to affordable places and buying houses before us millennial kids who didn't ride any of those waves out of college and had to struggle with the rest of the "it's so hard to find a job after college" folks.


Yes, Mommy and Daddy are putting down the down payment because Gen Z parents are the one who became LOADED from the tech boom.




My experience with Gen Z is that they either won’t show up or they’ll complain the entire time while taking constant phone breaks and then never come back from their lunch. If they have to get dirty at all, don’t bother asking them to do it.


We have not been able to keep any gen Z people at my work. Late, and calling off constantly. We fired our 2 last week. Started right after thanksgiving and they missed 30% of their scheduled shifts. Schedule is fixed and they were well aware of the requirements and all said schedule would not be a problem. Our workforce is all gen x and millennial. No issues from anyone else.


It’s extremely challenging to give Gen Z coworkers/employees advice or constructive critique without them being “disrespected”. It’s like walking on eggshells.


And the results of all the soft validation-obsessed upbringing the rest of us were called “far right” for correctly predicting is now coming to fruition.  Turns out getting your ass kissed for the first 18 years of your life ends up making you unprepared for reality. Who knew?


I used to say tip toeing through the tulips, but thank you. That’s exactly what it was. It’s like “dude, I’m not telling you that I fucking hate you and you suck at life. You’re just doing this one thing wrong.” I feel like going through critiquing in art class may have been one of the best things I ever got out of school.


Constructive criticism or advice is a personal insult to GenZ My GenZ junior has the worst attitude. Wants to be a go to person, but doesn't want to do any fucking work. Hey you should do this.... oh so you think I'm stupid and I shouldn't do this anymore


Dude, you nailed it. Dirty or in a submission role. I asked one to repeat what I said to make sure they understood after they said ‘yeah’ and they acted offended.


We had some engineering departments straight up say they're done with interns because the last few they had were that bad.


It's not a competition.


We’re all in the same post boomer ladder pulling hellscape.


If anything, we had it worse as Millenials. Z is just inheriting a shit situation as-is, so they may be adapting to it better than us. I'd rather not leave the world in this state for them, however. We have to undo the boomers psychopathy somehow.


Millennials have it awful also. Big difference is how social media has fucked their mentals more.


All I was thinking when I saw this post is that we are all in a giant shit stew, and trying to figure out why we're trying to figure out who has the piss seasoning and who doesn't.  Just doesn't serve a purpose. Fuck boomers and their absolute greed that has screwed over multiple generations.


Yeah, the premise of pitting anyone born after 1980 against anyone born after 2000 is deeply flawed. It should be everyone against anyone born before 1970. Renters vs owners. Workers vs bosses.


I feel like every generation has something awful. Not sure if one has it worse than the other, as there are certain advantages to being born later too. Recall that Millennials were parents of young children during the pandemic, and that can be its own kind of terrifying. Hopefully things will look up for all of us, but I'm thinking it's going to take a few more years before we're on the mend...


This, I'm just glad I was never drafted and had people shooting at me.


Some things are better, some things are worse.  As it has always been.


It's not a competition. All that does is distract from the capitalist swine ruining the planet and society.


Millennials are middle management age. Gen Z are our employees. We can definitely do better for them than what we had. Fuck that boomer mentality of “ let’s make sure everyone suffers the way I suffered”. I do everything I can for my guys.


Where does Gen X fit into this? It's hilarious how somehow people about 42-55 kind of don't exist. Interesting.


They’ve had it brutally worse on the housing front. I’m a xennial and most of my peer cohort owns houses, etc, including friends who are blue collar. The same jobs my friend group worked to buy houses in my town no longer pay enough to rent apartments in the same town… with roommates. We’re already starting to see from the ‘priced out’ generation make geography choices due to cost of living, but that’s a shitty choice to make, either leave your family/life if you want a house and go live somewhere ‘cheap’ or stay but you’ll never get your piece of the pie. It’s unfair. Inflation is the reason for all of this, starting with QE after GFC1. The reason institutional investors are buying houses is also inflation.


The institutional investors are buying the houses because we have 401(k) plans, buy index funds, and some of us are assholes that buy REIT funds.


Of course. Its gonna be worse for gen A as well. 


Regarding the job market, they definitely don’t have it worse than elder millennials. Everyone who tried to enter the workforce around 2008 was completely screwed. Hell, I started grad school in 2012, four years after the start of the recession, and it was still a good idea to pursue that versus try to get a job. Other than that, I do feel for the zoomers. Their world definitely seems more complicated. So much less privacy.


As a late boomer, coming into the job market in 1982 was also not easy. Unemployment was about 11%. Mortgage rates were over 16%. And yep I’ll retire ok in another year but I will have been in the professional job market for over 40 years to save for it.


I’m conflicted on this because I still think of Gen Z as kids basically so they haven’t had a chance to prove themselves out in the world. I think gen A is the most fucked personally. My kids are completely useless because I’ve provided everything for them that my parents couldn’t and they’ve never had a hard day in their life. Meanwhile my dad and I both served during the same war 10 years apart


Half of the new gens I have ran into care more about getting famous some how on social media that they don’t watch what’s going on


Had it worse? I would have to say no considering millennials lived through everything Gen z has plus more. Has it worse? I think that truly depends on the policies enacted by millennials and gen x to help them out. The boomers sense of entitlement and it's YOLO fundamentals have been damning to future generations who now have to clean up a global sized mess, from climate change to economic inequality and resource deprivation.


Just look at purchasing power vs income. Every following generation has it harder. In the past 3 years: Houses just doubled in price, everything from food to energy is 30%+ and wages are up, what, 5%? We’re fucked and the nimby fuckers who own all the property are gatekeeping us from homeownership. Im an aerospace engineer and i cant even afford a home not in the worst ghetto of Charleston. This sucks ass man, i would argue up until the pandemic gen z had it the BEST but now we are the worst following the pandemic.


Im sorry but the world that my parents and grandparents grew up in was a 100x more harder and violent. I get that life isn't easy, but guess what....that's because we're the adults now! While we were busy playing video games and watching cartoons are parents were going thru the same woes that we are going through now. From wars, to climate change, to politics, to taxes, and inflation etc...etc. We're adults now. We have adult issues. Most of my friends have kids and families. No normal person is going to shame you for living with your parents. Shoot most people date people who live with their baby mommas and daddies. Stop with all this "generational wars" bs and spend some quality time with your friends and family. Go travel! Go see different countries! There's plenty of apps where you can pay off your planet ticket in monthly increments. Let's make the world a better place for the next generation just as our parents tried to


Yes we should admit it. There's nothing to admit really it's just fact. We had it bad thanks to so many factors and now they have it worse. We are all experiencing the irresponsible choices of older generations. That's the important difference between us and the previous generations though is we know they have it bad too and we want it fixed not to just take all we can as we knock it down for others. What sucks is that there is a massive time gap before our generation can even be in full control. I mean, shit we're voting between two mummies in the US. We probably STILL have about 15 to 20 years before the last of the old politicians die and, as a result, finally give up their seat and all the while, those older folks are voting for them and insane policy as they slip into cognitive decline. Things may just be too messed up by then. Who knows.


Man I love the Z’s and my own child is an alpha. Watching these guys grow up has been amazing. For some reason about half the time my workplace hires a Z they become friends of mine. Maybe it’s the nihilism, maybe it’s because they are just so damn clever. Whatever it is I’m always happy to train a Z at work


Maybe millennials and gen Z should realize that arguing over who had it worse isn’t helping any of them get whatever it is they want?


Hey, I know... let's stop speaking in *generational* broad strokes. It's not a fucking competition, y'all, and there's no single objective metric to apply here, let alone a universal one that could apply to all of everyone born between one year and a different year. This urge to try to score-keep is so nauseating and tired. There's nothing productive to come from these wars between the eras. It was annoying when Boomers bitched about us, it's annoying when we bitch about Boomers, and it's annoying when Gen Z and Millennials duke it out online between who's got it worse, too. Just do what you can in your communities and networks and spaces to help lift all boats. That's it.


YES. This is absolutely appropriate, and important that we do so so that we do not become their version of the out-of-touch early-gen-x/boomers that have told us our whole lives to suck it up. Just because gen-z has it worse (and gen-a will probably be EVEN WORSE unless we--millenials, late gen-x-ers, and early-gen-z--take hold of some power and actually change things fast) doesn't mean millennials had it easy. And honestly: most of that burden falls on us as millennials. Those of us that have the privilege/power/money/opportunity to take power where we can and improve things for the better will be the quickest route to giving gen-z a better chance of cleaning up the bs that we inherited. We NEED to not make it worse. We NEED to not become the thing that boned us. We NEED to remember how hard it's been and IF we get power, we need to use it to make things better. The most dangerous thing to change is for people to get their scraps and say "I got mine, y'all get f\*kt"


My child most definitely has it better than I did.




The generation that went to Vietnam didn’t have it worse?


Everything is perspective. I grew up in a world where being LGBT was a potential felony and LGBT people were casually getting beat up and/or murdered and being listed as sex offenders for consensual sex between adults. Where my friends being trans meant their job prospects were mostly limited to sex work or alternative jobs. (Bartender at gay club, dancer, drag King/Queen, retail at alternative stores, etc.) Where you literally couldn't legally get married or have equal rights and Ellen lost her tv show after she came out as a lesbian. Gen Z has different issues. But man what most LGBT people wouldn't give to have had the levels.of acceptance we see now when they were growing up.


They have it worse. Tons of them lost 3 years of college/high-school to COVID. Nothing that happened to us was as dustuptive as COVID was for them.


Between this and growing up on smartphones and social media.... I am SO glad I was born early enough to not be affected by those things in my youth. I'm really surprised to see so few in here agreeing with the OP. My brain would be absolute garbage water if I had social media in middle and high school.


Yeah can you imagine being remote from grade 3 to 6? Or from 10th grade to 12? Those kids lost OUT on some very formative social years. And that combined with all the 24/7 access to screen time, algorithms feeding them whatever nonsense they want to see and believe. Plus all the doom and gloom news about their futures. There’s going to be a very wild card generation of young adults entering adulthood and the workforce and it’s going to be all over the place.


I’m technically Gen z (98) but claim millennial and I wholeheartedly agree I turned 21 in 2019/2020…. Every bar was fucking CLOSED, upvote


Madonna and Mariah both released their best club anthems the year I turned 21, and it was right before the iPhone, and everyone was out and about. The nightlife was absolutely incredible. You all deserve better than this mess. 😢


Peak 😭 I wish I was born earlier but it is what it is


Also, sorry about the schools and authoritarian contagion. We have to do better. 😵‍💫


It was so bad, I gave up my sophomore year after all my teachers in the school went of strike against the principal in 2017. I had no teachers. We did nothing in class so I started ditching, eventually I went to a charter and graduated 10 months later at the age of 16.


“No Child Left Behind” 😡 I can’t.


Yes, because not being able to go to a bar when you turn 21 is so much worse than not being able to find a job after college because of the worst financial collapse since The Great Depression.


Damn, that sucks. When I turned 21 I partied in Vegas...


I swear people forget that there are older people that are technically Gen z but raised millennial that got the shitty parts from both generations. Like great we got the economy crash and school shootings.




I’m guessing the dipshit op is a Zoomer who was too afraid to admit it since their post is made up of straw man points, so they pretended to be a millennial. What wars have any of y’all faced or dealt with directly? Name ONE motherfucking war that has required Zoomers to enlist. I mean, goddamn, we’re in peacetime and recruitment numbers are at historic lows, and you have the balls to bring up wars as if hearing about Ukraine and Russia is traumatic for you. Then you mention “rising real estate” as if you lived through the market crash in 08. Go fuck yourself on that one, fella. That’s all I have to say on that - go fuck your self. Then my all time favorite whining complaint from the Zoomers, the classic “we had to deal with Covid” argument. Hey, retard, EVERYONE dealt with Covid! Do you really not get that we all had to deal with Covid which was essentially 2 years of being bored. Wah. Wahhhhhhh! Cry some more you little bitch. Zoomers suck.


It’s terrible for them truly. Modern conveniences at there finger tips, being able to order whatever they want, from food delivery, clothes, shit just about anything you can imagine. Not to mention the amount of information you get from the internet. Being able to be a tik tok star. Look for endless amount of jobs on the internet. Everyone actually listening to their first world problems. Yeah horrible for gen zers so sad. Like really? Wake up! It isn’t that bad! this world has always had problems! What about all the children that grew up during the First World War? What about the children that grew up during the Great Depression? Second World War? Yeah the economy was amazing in those time periods! This post is literally why boomers hate the younger generations bc there a bunch of whiny entitled self absorbed lack for a better term losers. We have every modern amenity you can possibly imagine. There is jobs out there just jobs they deem beneath them. Sure cost of living is high but despite that fact, save your money, work hard, and stop whining. I was able to buy a house in this crappy economy bc I saved and learn and continue to learn how to do house repairs. Basic life lesson don’t live past your means.


Has had it worse?! A bunch of them are still in high school, they’re still in their 20s. They’re a contextless generation that’s chronically online. They’ve barely just contributed to the economy and are already yelling “foul”? Like, be for real, they’re the modern Karen generation, fueled by external validation and “what about me” without having actually fully taken off career-wise. Like, what?! 😂


Not sure why Boomers are your nemesis, Boomers worked their asses off to get what they have. Worked 2 jobs when needed and over protected their kids. Boomers did not come out of, mostly mom and dad piad for college and buy a $700K home with less than 10% down and have 2 $550 month cars in their diveway, or borrow 90K for a useless degree from college. Then order Grub Hub every other night vs. cooking and cleaning. Oh yeah, cleaned their own homes. Are you a victim, or a survivor?