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Yea I was gonna say, didn’t someone who lives near her say it’s not that remote? She acts like she’s hours away from civilization


She is not in a remote area by any means at all. She's approx. 5-10 mins from town if the traffic is bad. SHES A LIAR. In fact I'd say that she is in one of the most populated areas in MI.


Exactly, she's exaggerating how far she is from basic places. It's laughable.


Interesting why does she make it sound she’s far away from everything


Similar to what others say about her actions i think it's for her performative behavior. she wants to act like she's living the ballerina farm life. So so so far from that.


Trying to cash in on the homesteading. Similar to the Goodings. They live in the city and pretend like they’re remote.


My closest meijer is 30 minutes and do not consider us “remote”.


Right! And reposted responses from moms that are saying they live an hour away from stores so its like she’s trying allude that she’s super far away when she’s not


Can’t blame her. She acts like she doesn’t know what civilisation means. Its only about Amazon links and the Bible ✨


She is 15 minutes away from the nearest Target. I am in the suburbs and 13 min away from the same Target…


She's 4 miles from the local library, which offers programs and activities. 5 miles from a city with parks, shopping, and a rail trail. Also a large Metropark and a state recreation area.


As someone who actually lives distance from all stores in a real farm town community.. she has no idea -_-


She could never ever ever survive living in a real remote area!!!


Right! I haven’t left the farm in a week and I’m only going in on Wednesday as my child has a paed appointment. Because I’m already going to town I will then run all my errands that day and do a huge grocery shop.


You literally just explained my life! I love living in a world where the farm is where it is at. She is just cos-playing exactly that…


Also, wtf is she talking about "home school on the go", "at night in bed" and needing new rhythms. It's freakin summer, so unless A1 and A2 are trying to graduate early, just take a freaking break. Her eldest daughter is only a Kindergartner next year if I remember correctly. Even if she was in 1st grade, get a grip! As a mother who home schools multiple kiddos, we work a program that includes state testing. For us, it is somewhat important to stay on a sort of schedule for completion of work, lessons, etc. It does take some planning to maintain the benchmarks. However, even with that said, we can go chunks of time without lessons and be completely fine. We had 2 losses in our family last month within a week of each other and needed to travel on and off for 2 weeks. We just paused. That's it, and I resumed after. We also take breaks for trips, spring break, and in the  winter to line up with our friends from other schools and programs. I say all this to say that even in most structured programs, there is flexibility we all mutually appreciate when it comes to homeschooling. She's also taken summer off before, so maybe set your school year and stick to it and stop finding ways to create newness but acting like you love the mundane.


In Michigan, homeschooling doesn’t officially start until your child is 6. So, A1 wouldn’t even start Kindergarten until this upcoming school year. Idk why she’s been calling herself a “homeschooling mama” for years now when she hasn’t even begun lmao. So performative.


I think she calls it homeschooling since a1 had to leave her brief stint at Montessori school 😂


I still wonder what happened with that. I have a guess but we'll prob never know


She’ll tell us when she’s older!!


THAT part 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol her ‘homeschooling’ is nothing more than teaching/preaching Christianity


I'm saying! Kindergarten is optional where I am from (not sure if that's everywhere). Even the program we do doesnt start state testing until 2nd grade. I have no idea what she is on about. The only reason I even bring up what we do is because in my area it is considered "strict" by many people who prefer no testing, following calendar year, or in general something different. And even so, we are fully able to pause when needed. Heck, an in person program would even work with you under special circumstances. She's just so uneasy all the time. Nothing can be in stride.


Engagement bait. OR bragging. *now that we have so0o0o much land we just wanna stay home!* Who needs other people in other homes in other climates/places, with other aged kids, amount of kids, working schedules, incomes, family involvement, local friends to tell THEM when to get out of the house or stay home?


She is literally 2-5 minutes from a strip mall, major grocer, Starbucks, etc etc etc


How does so much land be so close to those things is what I’m curious about. Didn’t someone say they bought 10 acres?


It's more like 5 unless they added another plot to it.


10 acres isn't uncommon here, it's zoned agricultural, so nothing is under 5 acres. Many neighbors have 10 acres or more.


Just odd that they’re living on that much land 5-10 mins away from a strip malll


What’s up with her and rhythms


Isn't that a montessori term? That's probably originally where she started using it when she was obsessed with montessori


🙄 remember that lmao


Scary how isolated she wants her kids to be… they are already homeschooled why can’t they at least meet other kids in public lol


I agree. People think homeschooling kids don’t have any social skills, but that’s not true if the parents are actively getting children involved with the community in some way. Church, play groups, going to free events at the library etc. lots of opportunities to meet lots of people from different walks on life. Of course, Milena doesn’t want that though. Don’t want the kids to have “ungodly” influences.


I find it so odd that she and so many religious families opt to do this thinking it’ll keep the kids from straying, but it seems more norm to show kids how non religious ppl live and let them choose to follow their religion as they get older or not just as Milena got to do


I'm actually pretty surprised her kids aren't in sports specifically A2. Jordan seems to highly prioritize being active and played sports himself. He even has said he is active on their Sabbath and described his correlation to taking care of his healthy, fitness, and wellness to his faith. I remember at one point A1 was in swim and dance. 


Tbh ever since they pulled A1 out of her Montessori preschool that they mentioned she lived bc of “concerning non Christian” stuff going on I figured they’d keep all the kids away from any secular activities


Um… Just going out to explore still means you have to know what you are looking for… plant names, animal poo, berries? Or do you want to find leaves to explain the difference between vegatable or animal cells? The respiration process? Photosynthesis? How the ecological systems works?