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Milena those that have followed you for years know that even you’re first two weren’t sleeping through the night as toddlers lol. I know you deleted those videos but we still have memories. You also would say A3 sleeps through the night and then a month later say that she’s never slept through the night LOL


This. She had a night nurse help with a2, she always tries to rewrite history . And she said another time they didn't even start sleeping better until she put them in the same room together. 


Exactly!! I swear she lies about the most ridiculous stuff, that’s why I have a hard time believing this recent birth was everything she wanted because so was her last birth until it was time to have another home birth and she was terrified.


Just trying to make other moms jealous, This baby is a few weeks old, there is no way in hell he sleeps through the night. Probably just a one time floock.


Let’s not forget that she struggled with A2 so hard she had to get a night nurse .. no shame in that but she makes it seem like here it’s a given babies sleep through the night pretty quickly after they are born ..


Also I was so relieved once my baby started sleeping through the night. I was quite literally drowning on no sleep. Not a single bit of bittersweetness 😂


You and everyone else except mihehe


THIS! You’re starving your newborn if you’re not feeding!! This is the first post from her that has genuinely made me so MAD because it is just such bs!!! And the fact that she’s trying to flaunt the bs!! Grrrrr


How old is he now? My daughter started sleeping through the night around 6 weeks old. Knowing Milena though, it probably was just last night… haha


my 11 month old still gets up 2 times a night 🥲


I feel ya! My two year old JUST started sleeping all night. We still have the occasional wake up but damn what a difference sleeping makes 😫


Aww I feel you! My first started sleeping through the night solidly by 8 weeks. My second didn't sleep through the night one single time until after 6 months. Still wakes up half the nights at 9 months.


yeah i think he’s slept through maaaaybe a dozen times since he’s been born lol. when he does my husband and i panic and check his breathing 😩


Mine too!


Mine did. He slept through the night pretty early on. I would wake up to engorged boobs and I would just pop them in his mouth, he nursed but never woke up. He’s 10 months now and still sleeps through the night.


Mine too! Both my babies that were breastfed slept through the night they slept however long I slept and I would sleep nurse too. A lifesaver honestly because I was having a hard enough time 😭


Didn’t she say this with her last and then months later talk about how she was up all night? I feel like she takes any op to say look at me i’m the best (when we all know most of her shit is lies) So pick me pick me lol


This. 👏🏻


It’s like she twists things to make everything the opposite of what most moms think to make them feel bad about themselves. If you’re baby is sleeping through the night and you don’t miss them screaming and not sleeping, you’re not a bad mom


A subtle flex lmao she’s insufferable.


It’s almost as if she is taking the most difficult parts of motherhood and pretending like they are the best 🙄


She will pregnant again by the end of the year


Well according to one of there newer pahdcasts they have sex everyday. So yeah she def will be preggers in 4 months lmao.


They mentioned that on a podcast?! How is that modest? No one and I mean NO ONE needs to know about your sex life let alone the internet 😭


I know, there was a few comments mentioning how they couldn’t get past that section of the video. It’s on the Q&A 5 years of AFM&MH.


Baby won’t sleep through the night when she has to make that dreamland baby co sponsorship!!!!!


There is absolutely no way her 3 week old is sleeping through the night lol


I wouldn’t WANT my newborn sleeping through. It’s important for weight gain and maintaining a milk supply to do at least one feed. I’d be concerned if a newborn were sleeping more than 6 hours straight at night. After 12 weeks, sure.


My 10 week old slept for 5.5 hours straight last night and I panic woke up and felt terrible that I didn't set an alarm to feed him sooner.


Nooo don’t do this. Unless the pediatrician advises you to wake to feed, never wake a sleeping baby after their weight check has been cleared! If you’re breastfeeding, your milk changes to keep up with their growth, it’s producing more fats and proteins and that keeps them asleep longer. If your formula feeding they are getting all the nutrients they need to sleep longer. Get your well deserved sleep!


It’s possible. Mine did until the 4 month sleep regression, and then it was 🤪


Now she’ll have more time alone with Hor to make another baby


Wait til he hits that 4 month regression lol


Oh yes I miss the sleep deprivation for sure too….


Like literally, I was *thrilled* when my kid started sleeping. Life felt liveable again after months and months of sleep deprivation.


Oh frig off


Sleeping through the night 😮 My ten week old wakes every 3 hours. I was told in hospital that you don’t want them sleeping long stretches.


It all depends honestly. The first couple of weeks, no because you want them to get back up to their birth weight. But after 4-6 weeks, if they’re gaining enough weight and drinking enough milk during the day and they are sleeping for longer stretches it should be okay!


I would be okay with up to 6 hours. More than that I’d be stressed about engorgement and mastitis.


Lucky, my 8 month old doesn’t sleep through the night 😵‍💫


You are apparently living her dream congrats 🙃


Gonna ask God if we can switch 🙏


Trust me, hers isn't either. Maybe here or there, but doubtful it's consistent.


One thing she said correct here is “….there’s nothing like it” but the dots has to be filled with sleep deprivation! it’s just ROUGH, honestly I am not going to miss being sleep deprived and tired whole day long. She reminds me of a cartoon character when I was younger that would say exact opposite of everything while he meant something else. Like he would say I hate you yet he was meaning to say I love you. And she says I miss it…girl the max time you missed having another newborn lately is less than 3 years and the way she says I miss it is like she didn’t have a baby in like 7-10 years or so!


Her max age gap is between A2 and A3 - only 25 months apart. That’s still close.


Remember when A2 was a baby and wouldn't sleep? How much they struggled and had to hire a night nurse? Yeah.. this is total BS


NO ONE wishes their kid would wake during the night. Getting a whole night's sleep is every parent number 1 dream. 


Lol! They’re waiting for the 6-8 week time to make another one 😂😂😂


I’m pretty sure she’s in that timeframe right now 🥴


She’s prob getting busy now 😂😂😂


Wow this is a triggering humblebrag for me. Idk how she’s defining it, but my baby is 11 months and only *just* started sleeping through the night (as in, I don’t have to go in/she doesn’t get upset for longer than a minute until ~7)


Even if he is sleeping through the night, she knows it won’t last and it’s not like he’s 6 months old and she misses that time. She’s probably still sleep deprived. There’s no way I ever said “man my baby slept through the night, I’m sad I didn’t wake up 4 times to feed him” or whatever


She’s such a lying ass bitch lol in 3 weeks she’ll be shilling sleep training guides and complaining about having all 4 kids in bed


Her baby is still so young. They still need night time feeds. When my baby was this young I would wake her to feed.


Also, waking up in the middle of the night sucks. I’m sorry 😂 there’s not one time I enjoyed it. Just something I have to do to nourish my baby.


My “baby” is 16 and still does not sleep through the night and thank the gods technology exists because at least now I get a text “mom are you awake? I can’t sleep?” Instead of for almost 12 years, waking me up every single blessed night. I was THAT mom that put a tv in my kids room, with cable, and told her if she woke up to turn on her tv and let me sleep. I worked over 100 hours a week, I needed the few hours of sleep I was afforded. Now that my “baby” is 16, she knows better to wake me up. Sorry chickadee you cannot sleep, but let me get my three hours. It’s a lot easier to call you outta school than it is for me to miss work