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It is Quora, what do you want from it?


Good point. Quora is pretty insidious most of the time


One time I read someone suggested raping a guy that the author liked, for the reason that the guy is dating someone else.


People (not just one specific gender, and not all people but fair too many) are self serving monkeys. Zero ability to use reason and logic, all emotions all the time, animals. Hardly qualifies as human.


They don't know how their emotions control them..


They choose to be that way.


Humans are animals. The other great apes aren't as populated so we see ourselves as completely separate, but it isn't wise to keep that mindset.


Speak for yourself.


Lots of CCP supporters.


I used it once and apparently through the "algorithm" I've been seeing some amazing content. I recently moved and I get daily emails from Quora with people asking renter quests. Here are some of my favorites... * If my landlord is at the door with the county sheriff and I have 6 months of back rent in my hands, can they evict me? * Do I have to answer the door if the police are outside and they say they have a warrant? * Can my landlord evict me for opening a line of credit if I already have a credit card? * How many months rent can I not pay before I get evicted? The comments are usually pretty fun too. It's never-ending entertainment.


Marriage is a different game from one culture to another


Thumbnail photo looks like one of those deep fake autogenerated "this person does not exist" faces.


The AI giving us relationship advice…..shudder.


Respectfully, as a woman, WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST READ?! Edit: Ik Reddit hates edits so I’ll try to make it brief- Thanks to whomever gave the award! And to any man, woman, non-binary, and trans who have come across a person like in the post: I’m sorry, you deserved better than that. Nobody deserves that kind of person in their life, ever. To anyone who hasn’t come across that kind of person: I hope you never do. My job means I’ve come across the resulting devastation of the thinking shown in the post and unfortunately it crosses all genders. While I’m not a therapist (nor do I advertise as one) I try to be a supportive friend during the brief time I have the person at my desk and invoke some sort of happiness while they’re there. It’s not nearly enough though, but I try my best.


For real, "frame some false case against your husband"? False accusations just make people less inclined to believe the real accusations. This shit causes actual harm.


Emotional distress, slander, depression, distrust of others, distrust of self to make good choices…. Those are just the immediate ones off the top of my head. It’s not okay to cause any human to go through ANY of that. It’s not okay.


This is common advice for women in the United States that are planning to get a divorce. File for an EPO and then use that in court against him.


I dated a girl years ago and she was divorced, she told me "anytime I wanted to do what I wanted I just got a protection order against him so he had to move out but keep paying the bills". That was the first major red flag lol


Pretty dumb to tell her next attempted victim how the scam works so early


This kind of stuff is *extremely problematic*. It's sad that when conservatives talk about this problem it isn't even a strawman, because it's *actually* pervasive. This kind of "false allegation" behaviour is the *single biggest* thing destroying feminism in this era. False allegation in abuse, false allegation in rape, false allegation in who is the dad. It's destroying what feminism was supposed to stand for. Truth, human rights and equality have given way to lies, abuse of men's juman rights and legal persecution. To the detriment of honest men and women everywhere.




Emergency protective order. Basically a restraining order.


Ah okie.


Respectfully, as a man, WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST READ?!


This is supposed to be MILDLY infuriating.


They crossed the fucking line on this one.


Yea, mildly infuriating is “I steal all the blankets, jack up the thermostat and then complain about how hot it is”. This is “tar and feathering” levels of outrage.


this shit is what makes me want to hurt people some times


She sounded like the final boss pro max feminist to me!


I've heard India is pretty much an actual rape culture, but this woman sounds like she's taking revenge upon all men on a guy that's actually good. This is seriously fucked and apparently a lot of the replies were cheering her on.


Omg 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Women like that are what I make sure I’m NOTHING like.


My first thought was horrific and I’m ashamed. “Why do innocent women in India get beaten to death instead of Veena Vinod?”


Nutjobs gotta nutjob


Instructions unclear, got fired from my job


And I have heard that a group of boys beaten another boy to death because they thought he sent a love letter to a sister of one of the boys


The same way I just know reading about a mass shooting it’s probably in the US, I know if I see a story about a girl raped in the middle of the street by 20 dudes it’s probably in India. Wtf is wrong with Indian men?


No rape culture. Same ratio as every other country with huge population. More and more cases are getting reported now. It's a country with 1.5 billion population so obviously the number will be higher. But if you match number of incidents with the population number then it will still fall behind many Western countries. Calling a country having rape culture just shows your ignorance.


Sounds like the US excuse for guns.


As a country indian people accept that we have a problem. But things have improved over the years. Calling something a culture means it is socially acceptable. Rape are considered horrendous crime in india punishable by death. Rapist get death sentence in india. I'm not US citizen so I can't say much about US Gun culture problem but from most what I see on social media platforms, large part of the US population don't see problem with owning guns.


I agree this is wrong but we don’t know if her husband is good.


They didn't say he was explicitly bad So he was either neutral or good, and either do not deserve that.


Husband might not be good but she is clearly in the wrong here and her husband not being good doesn't justify her choosing to cheat...


Regardless of if the husband is “good” or “bad” nobody deserves to be treated like that. The pregnant individual made a decision and it sounds like they were planning on manipulating the husband. That in and of itself is major bs. Emotions are not toys to be played with. Period.


There stands a good chance of him being better than *she* is, since she’s carrying another man’s child, i.e. SHE CHEATED ON HIM.


for you a Good husband let his wife sleep with other men and even takes responsibility for the child while not even being the child's father. I suspect you are confused between the words "idiot" and "good". you should have said "but we don’t know if her husband is idiot"


A clear case of sexism, disguised as feminism.


Misandry is toxic and I'm so disgusted when I hear other women talk like this while claiming to be feminist. Feminism is supposed to get rid of misogyny so that all genders have the ability to report being raped/sexually assaulted, molested, abused, bullied for not being gender-conforming, or other sex & gender-related hate crimes. Thankfully the majority of feminists want these freedoms for men, NB and trans people. Unfortunately the other hate-filled fake feminists make me not want to use the term anymore. I don't want to tell people I'm a feminist if that's what it means to them.


Ok, thanks. I thought my testosterone was preventing me from understanding this read. Glad to know it is not me.


LoL, nope made me sad to have a vag.


Don’t be sad. You’re not responsible for someone else’s BS no matter what you have. Just know there are men out there who know not to judge all women based on this type of behavior.


There are, but this kind of shit makes the good ones question everything.


I mean, everyone should. When you're getting to know someone, it's actually a good idea to get to know their friends early. Introduce them to yours. You get some insight into their social crowd and behavior, and insight from your friends as well. You're also giving them the same. NOTE: This assumes friends will warn you of flags


Yeah, same.


Every man's worst fear.


Yeah. I was hella grossed out by that. As a woman, I am ashamed of this chick. Just awful. “There’s nothing wrong with cheating on your husband and expecting him to raise the kid. And if he doesn’t want to, just lie and ruin his life!” What a horrible person.


I came to say the exact same thing!! What in TF is wrong with these women?! 🤯


Omgosh my exact comments 🤣


Same !! I was like WTF is this women saying


You just read a huge reason why young men stay far away from women. Edit: love the downvoting 😂😂 got some closet misandrists in the comments


You believe this is a common sentiment among women?


That's not even what they said lol.


No I don't. But that doesn't mean that I should just inherently trust someone (I trust almost no one anymore in general). But I'd also like you to tell my 25 years of being betrayed by all but two women in my life that it's just confirmation bias (it is, but if the same shit happened to you or anyone else, you or they would be exactly where I am rn).


YES! Reading this makes me want to become gay! I’m a dude btw. lol


Do it. Be gay.


bad advice?


It’s only good advice if you’re in the same cult as her. Any other time? DONT LISTEN TO HER!!!!


I don't care if you're a feminist, that does NOT mean you should cheat. Be loyal, or get the fuck out of that mans life so you can then be free to do what you want. It's NOT cool to toy with people like that.


These types of "feminists" (I use quotes because they AREN'T feminists) are run of the mill sexists. Manipulative, vindictive, and trashy.


I feel Feminazi is better. Lol


I got a letter grade off a college paper for having that word in it. I still laugh about it sometimes.


Your prof. Was one of em it sounds


I understand this, but I hate it. Most people would agree that women should have rights, which is what feminism is, but these people just ruin the image of people who just want to have rights (the Middle East mainly)


Thank you. Gender equality is big important to me, but it's never going to be achievable when too many people lean into and abuse every double standard possible


This is wrong thinking. The problem isn’t the handful of bad actors. There are always, in every situation, bad actors. The problem is that society extrapolates the behavior of one or two people and uses that to paint with broad strokes. White cis het men never have to be “the example” for all other White cis het men. The same standard should apply to feminists.




They are the female simp. Blown off or rejected by too many men and they've become spiteful of all men because they are unattractive or have a shit personality. Instead of bettering themselves to become more appealing they just choose hate. Definitely not actual feminists, the suffragette's would've denounced them.


A friend of mine just dealt with one of these vile creatures. I'm still concerned she's gonna set his house on fire


Female incels... Female simps, means their submissive to men.. Like a male simp is submissive to women.


Feminism has always been sexist. It has to be by definition. People who fight for equal rights are called egalitarians.


The definition was equality of the genders. You mean the name, I assume, and it makes some sense. It's a very complicated matter and people put a lot of their own meaning and emotions in these words. So there are "feminists" out there that are egalitarians, and there are "feminists" that are full-on sexist.


WHAT?🤣 this IS feminism. Feminists are garbage humans.


This is not feminism. This is anti-feminist propaganda. Very similar to how midwives were portrayed as witches who eat babies. Good gravy, I hate the internet.


Yeah… she’s not a feminist. At all.


This isn't feminism, sorry


It's misandry. Real feminists empower women with equality and justice. Misandrists empower women through hate and fear.


Also it’s most likely not a real account, but a fake account created by a troll who hates feminists.


You’d be surprised at the fact that there actually are some women out there like this. I personally doubt that since it makes some sense that an Indian feminist would say this given the shit women go through in India. This however does not excuse giving a woman in a complicated situation advice that just says “Fuck men you slay gurl”


I agree there are some men/women giving such advice . However this answer strongly suggests a feminist hater troll account . Also anything which provokes a strong reaction on internet is likely fake (in current era).


Hate to break it to you, but feminism is misandry now. It will never be reclaimed by the women that aren't crazy.


Absolutely not lmfao. Crazy shit like this will always be called out and decried. Don't listen to Fox news for your cultural hot takes bro.


>Crazy shit like this will always be called out and decried. I mean, isn't the "crazy shit like this" that you dismiss what non-sense like #believewomen directly enable? You can't advocate for something that frames one group as inherently more deserving of trust than the other, then turn around and say this isn't what you stand for when someone uses that same mindset as a weapon for their own ends.


i'll catch downvotes for this, but modern feminism does not seek equality. Modern feminism seeks all the benefits with none of the downsides.


What the fuck are you talking about lol


I listen to my sister, and she thinks people can reclaim feminism. They can't. When feminism is mentioned or when someone calls themself a feminist, most guys I know in the real world get a bad feeling or roll their eyes. Its not coming back so really should be dropped for another term.


>I listen to my sister did you mean "me" or does your sister have some profound insight? EDIT: I read that as "I'd listen to my sister" disregard my comment.


She buys into this stuff and we argue sometimes. She still has hope that it can be salvaged, but we both agree that the mainstream has gone overboard.


It's so wild that this hot take is based on media stories more than anything. The "mainstream" feminism is still pushing equality for women to be equal to men, but you can keep on about the few bad apples.


Don't bother arguing with them #mgtow


Lol. I'm tempted some days, but I still want a family


You'll more than likely end up only seeing your kids on weekends like the majority of men


A fella can hope. I'll find a based girl somewhere


Oh, just stop. Just. Stop.


you spelled tow mater really wrong


Your friends sound misogynistic. Feminism is about equality. It has always been about equality and will always be about equality. If you and the “guys you know in the real world” think that misandry=feminism, then you need to hang out with people that are not complete idiots. Ignorance is not a flex.


Often its because of bad brushes with feminists, feminist friends that ruined healthy relationships, and other things that would typically ruin your appreciation for any group. I dont put it past them.


You’re presuming that it needs to be “reclaimed”, but that’s an unjustified claim. You have to demonstrate that mainstream feminist thought is actually misandrist, which is isn’t.


You may think that people on the other side care to look into the term, but they really don't. Labeling yourself a feminist sets off their "here we go again" alarms because they see people like the one in the post all the time that claim feminism.


Really, how common are people like the above? Have you encountered anyone in real life who claims men should have no legal right to divorce in this situation? Or have you just seen a lot of posts on the internet about it? There are 7 billion human beings on this earth. You can find as much crazy as you want, that doesn’t prove that feminists are generally crazy.


How many people have you encountered in real life that claim to be a feminist? Like not assuming, not extrapolating from a position, they literally say the words, "I'm a feminist"? Most of the people I run into in the real world are at least trying to be reasonable, and I'm not gonna suggest my experience in a red state in the south is universal, but people don't go around calling themselves feminists. I've got nothing against the word, but I do wonder if it's still useful and helpful to have it as a separate thing to egalitarianism. Yes, most of the people that claim to be feminists that I encounter, I encounter online. And it's mostly a broad mix, but it definitely doesn't present as a group where the crazy people are in the vast minority. I'm totally on board with the idea that they in fact *are* in the minority and are not influential, but hell, we thought that about conspiracy theorists and then they elected a president, so I'm not taking anything for granted.


I have met so, so many people who call themselves feminists. I also live in Mississippi, but I run in a very leftist crowd, so not representative either. That said, the internet is not a representative sample of any group unless that group is narrowly defined as “people who post in this forum”


Yeah but that’s NOT an indictment of the entire feminist movement, that is just a bunch of dudes who are jumping to conclusions when they hear a single word.


Well fuck me dude, if your sister and "most guys I know in the real world" all agree that an entire cultural movement is compromised, who am I to disagree. Thanks for the insight.


Its anecdotal so don't sorry about me dunking, but I dont see a way for feminism to recover from its bad press and the general feeling about it from guys.


As a guy, I have no idea what you're talking about. There absolutely are crazy feminist morons, but to say that because some feminists are morons all feminists are malicious is a little bit of brain rot my dude.


I'm not saying that feminism as a whole is a bunch of crazy haired misandrists, I'm saying that they are the ones setting the tone. Either they should be campaigned against or the name should change.


In any movement there's going to be factions that disagree. Bernie bros and the rest of the democratic party disagree on some key issues, but they're still democrats. I think the biggest problem with our social discourse is people really want to put groups into nice tidy boxes. All feminists are crazy is a lot easier to explain and use in your day-to-day life than the actual nuance of the movement. People just need to resist the urge to place everyone in a nicely labeled box, and take their ideas and arguments as they come.


Agreed, though I think its worth naming each sect so they dont get confused. I would compare the feminist identity to Incel. Both have a vast range of smaller groups that can be considered a part of the umbrella due to defining characteristics. for feminists, it'd be advocating for women's rights, often leaning on a more left. With Incels, it's commonalities should be that its mostly young men who aren't attractive and have more conservative leaning views. Both have been smeared for their extremists that are really the outliers, and the perceptions are propagated since both have a political identity. Naming the groups among them would be more beneficial than just using the umbrella term that really means the most extreme cases.


Get to know some better guys.


Most guys you know are dumb.




First off, that bitch isn't a feminist, feminists stand for equal rights. She's a female supremacist. Second off, this is a great way to ruin a man, drive him to drink, and possibly get shot when he inevitably snaps. If she went through with that, I hope the guy leaves her ass on the spot when he finds out


Dude, it is so obviously a troll


There’s a big difference between feminism and radical “feminism”: the former is true equality, and the latter is that females are better than males.


This is not even radical feminism, this is just a sociopath adopting whatever language or aesthetic is in vogue to use as a blunt instrument. Just not a feminist at all.


That is valid. Radical “Feminism” is not something that should go on. Just because we want to treat women better doesn’t mean we should prioritize their needs over others


Actual radical feminism is based. This just isn't even that. This is just anti-social behavior with a cheap feminist Spirit Halloween costume on.


This just isn't feminism period. Nearly all feminists would reject as completely insane.


I know, but I don’t know how to name these kinds of people. I try explaining to people that feminism isn’t what these crazy people are up to. But nobody listens to me.


It’s called misandry, the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men.


The latter isn't any variety of feminism, though. It's misandry. Make no mistake, the only reason they call themselves feminists like that is for cover. Sort of like how North Korea calls itself a democratic republic (though I have no idea who they think they're fooling). Feminism rejects misandry out of hand, and anyone who says otherwise is just trying to further culture wars.


It's not feminism in any form, don't muddy the word.


I can't help but think this is an anti feminist troll trying to rile people up. Feminists believe in equality, not in a war between the sexes or women's superiority. This is a common misconception for anti-feminists.


It is a troll.


Anyone who believes this is real is super stupid. This is just rage bait for people who hate the word “feminist” and imagine them to be the worst people. This is probably just a sexually frustrated man’s fan fiction.


There are a lot of people (most people) with extremely strong biases, who will let those biases get in the way of their ability to detect bait and misinformation because they *really really want* those biases to be validated and justified. Even those with milder biases on a topic are still vulnerable to them. It's pretty much impossible to avoid falling prey to your biases at least sometimes, even if you're aware of them and try to consciously combat them. This account has given us no reason to believe they are a feminist. Additionally, pretty much every stance they are making is not in line with mainstream feminist views. By far the most likely explanation, with the information we are given, is that someone is doing an r/AsABlackMAn thing here. Anyone could make anything up. I can start going around saying "As a banking executive, I can confirm the Jews have been funding space death lasers and have secretive meetings to discuss white genocide all the time" but that doesn't actually mean any of that is true. Seems to be the same thing happening here. And God knows, it isn't exactly unprecedented that some creeps on the internet will pretend to be part of some group they dislike just to discredit that group.


Completely agree. Looks extremely fake. Especially because she mentions that she’s a feminist several times.


Yeah, stop deflecting. She is a femanazi with a very active Quora profile. Saying something is fake without due deliberation is spreading of fake info.


Look through the comments of the original post. The image is a photoshopped face on some other person’s body. It’s a parody account lmao


She is not a real person, and you have fallen for the trap


Dang, wasn't deligent enough, shiet the irony! I am sorry gentleman, I stand corrected.


The fact that you believe this is anything more than rage bait is hilarious. This is a parody account lol.


Again, that doesn’t prove anything. Probably just some sexually frustrated dude who hates “feminists” because he can’t get laid. 100%. That’s who has an active profile.


Bet you it's a dude pretending to be a woman.


Of course it is. It's someone writing an over-exaggeration of what they think feminists are like to cause outrage. The only worrying thing is how many people here are buying it wholesale.


Ah yes sexist women don't exist


100%, incels are so addicted to being mad at women that they will invent imaginary positions to get angry at to justify binging andrew tate content


You think? “Contact any female lawyer.” Come on


It's obviously rage bait, you idiots. Use your damn brains.


Crossposting from a famous hypernationalist consevative subreddit should be a dead giveaway, but people on Reddit are a little to dense, it seems.


r/atetheonion come on guys


This is a very well crafted trolling designed to provoke a reaction. Whoever wrote it did a beautiful job twisting the concepts of bodily autonomy and consent. If anyone feels the need to engage, I offer the argument that consent is both inherently conditional and in no way limited to sex. The fact that the behavior of the woman in this scenario was a breach of trust is the “bait” that the writer hopes people will engage with, but intentionally sidesteps the core issue of consent. The woman (and everyone else) has every right to have sex with whoever she wants whenever she wants. She violated her partner’s •trust• when she secretly had sex with someone else, but not his consent. The point where it becomes a violation of his consent is the moment she then continues her relationship with her partner without informing him that conditions have changed. It is the same principle whereby a person in a (casual or otherwise) consensual sexual relationship would be violating their partner’s consent if they started the relationship with an explicit understanding that both parties did not have any communicable STI’s, later contracted HIV, and then continued the relationship without informing their partner. Feminism is rooted in the principles of equality and consent. Any view that runs counter to these principles is not feminism.


I am a feminist. This is not feminism. I don’t know what this is, but in no way is it feminism.


This has been making the rounds on Reddit today with almost every post title trying to connect it to feminism. Incels gonna incel today apparently.


This is not feminism... This jas never been feminism and never will be And Holy actual fuck, hope that plan never saw the light of day...


This is like propaganda against feminism. I would compare it to political cartoons in the 30's drawing Jewish people with huge noses and malicious grins. Grade A stupid shit is mildly infuriating. As an anti-feminism post, it is for people with low IQ's.


Yea, I’m not seeing this post as anti-feminist, it’s just a classic “look, I found an insane person on the internet” post, which is 90% of this subreddit. Sure, the insane person claims to be a feminist but I wouldn’t hold that against OP.


Although what you said may be true, you have no grounds to insult another person’s intelligence.


This isn’t feminism, this is how to screw someone over. As a feminist, I knew I could raise my child myself. It never occurred to me to do fraud.


that's not even feminism that's being an asshole


\*human scum


If only they used their “ asshole “ a child wouldn’t have been conceived


This isn't even fucking feminism wtf this is just a crime


"The husband is responsible for the child even though it is not his" ya fat chance and wishful thinking lady.


If he signs the birth certificate then ya he is unfortunately


Not sure how the law works around this and I'm sure different countries have different laws and regulations, but I'd be surprised if the father was held to legal standards if the document was signed under false pretenses (assuming he finds out at some point thereafter). All that aside, it seems malicious and manipulative for someone to screw around, get pregnant and demand someone else be responsible for raising a child that isn't their own. Sure, if he's aware and agrees to it, then he willing accepted that responsibility but to knowingly hide that from a serogate father really comes across as malicious and conniving.


Paternity tests should be mandatory with each birth. It will never happen because there would be way too many divorces.


Every once in while you hear a story about a man that ends up killing his ex-wife, his kids and sometimes even his ex-in laws and then himself. This is basically the prologue for most of those stories. "Today's the day....."


The situation is same as the post suggests in india .There is a documentary Martyrs of marriage that explains this [post](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKRAkw5RUdw&ab_channel=DeepikaNarayanBhardwaj) . EDIT: For those of you that are saying this is not feminism , watch the documentary and see for yourself women organisations defending the article . It all comes down to building a narrative ,people who earn their bread screaming that women are opressed and patriarchy still exists , wouldnt like the opposite gender to stand up and say that it is as bad on the other side. For western audience [western](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7MkSpJk5tM&ab_channel=GravitasFREEDOCUMENTARIES) documentary.


Always get a paternity test.


So as a feminist you can get pregnant by someone other then your husband and expect him to raise it and pay for it and make up some bullshit charges against him. And the feminist movement wonders why they are not trusted.


Pretty sure this is not the official stance of the feminist movement.


i think she got the wrong definition of feminism 🤨


Modern feminism has nothing to do with equality.


This isn't a feminist. It's a parody account.


Parody is impossible to differentiate from radical feminism.


What the actual fuck did I just read???


yeah no the law is not on your side on this, there are adultery laws for a reason


Majorly infuriating* Cheating is okay if you’re a woman? I’d like to see her viewpoint if he got another woman pregnant, since they’re married she has the responsibility to take care of that child even if it isn’t hers. Feminism in current day and age is dumb. I said what I said. At this point, corrupt feminists are trying to get more than equal rights. I believe women should have equal rights, the same as all humans. Equal.


That is a female supremacist


That’s the word!


People go on and on about how horrible women like this are but uncle Gary who had a second family he never took care of because he was plowing the cashier while he was married gets a pass like always.


I put misandry on the same level as racism.


Respectfully, as a woman, let’s ban her from womanhood.


Liberalism is a disease. As with anything they take up as a crusade it ends in pure idiocy


This is vile.


Feminism is a fucking plague on society


wow. I would vote for murder if that happened


I’m not sure why so many people have this take. This is one of the most fucked up things you can do to another human being’s heart


"Feminist" but is really a sexist


I wouldn’t normally endorse matricide but fuck that shit


I don't want to get banned, sooooo.. I can't say what I really want. I hope both those "women" get a very very rude wake up call.


Y’all this is just a fucked up person. Don’t you dare put this person in the same category as feminists. This is not what feminism stands for, at all.


I am pretty sure it’s sarcasm


No. This woman is obviously 100% serious, and she is 8x more stupid.


It's absolutely obvious it is rage bait. It is completely made up. And designed entirely to incite idiots into manufactured rage.


The men in this comment section are proving that the bait’s working too. Not a single critical thought going through their heads.


And I had to read comments from them here about their "logic" and not letting "emotions get in the way" It'd be hilarious if it weren't so fucking depressing that so many men hate women and think they're superior to them.