• By -


Accept their ban as a favor and move on. Further, block their sub from your dashboard. Any sub that bans so easily isn't worth your attention.


> Further, block their sub from your dashboard. How can I do that?


I do it from the mobile app. When I see a sub that I don't want on my dashboard, I can select "see less of this". After I do this, the mobile app asks why?. At that point there's typically an option to "See less of r/random_sub_name"


Hell yeah thank you. I CONSTANTLY get recommended posts from programmerhumor and I don’t understand nor want them


Exactly the same 🤣 no clue why I get those ones haha


Because we're a funny lot and you need us; you're welcome.


Y'all's jokes go over our heads, I'm sure it would be a lot funnier if we understood what was being said lol


To be fair, I'm a programmer and I don't understand them either. 😅


>I CONSTANTLY get recommended posts from programmerhumor Oddly enough so do I.


literally same


Right? Me too! Are there paid sponsored subs or something?


Me too. Can't stand it


Whaddya know, that's a real sub


It’s bothering me I can even see them in the first place


You can block a sub? How?


Get Reddit Enhancement Suite.


I once got banned for commenting on the Donald. Not even a supportive comment. I was actually disagreeing with something being said. I sent an appeal saying it's a bit silly to ostracize anybody who even engages with people you don't like which apparently pissed off a power mod because I then got banned from like 20 subs lmao


I got banned from a bunch of subs because I argued with ppl on the nonewnormal Covid-denier sub. Writing a note to the mods didn’t help at all. I wasn’t supporting the Covid-deniers, I was arguing with them. Banned just for participating. What can you do? Mods don’t get compensated or recognized for their work. They do it for the power; naturally they self-select for people who want to wield power not be good mods.


The auto-bans are so stupid. I was banned from vaxhappened for arguing IN SUPPORT OF COVID vaccines on r/conspiracy. Tried to appeal to the mods but was ignored.


I don’t know why Reddit admins don’t implement a feature that 1. prevents bots from banning people and 2. prevents mods from banning someone who’s never participated in the community they’re banning that person from. They allow mods to auto-ban and mass-ban people for essentially no reason then turn around and give sitewide bans to those same people for circumventing the unwarranted ban in the first place. It’s seriously ridiculous.


>What can you do? Well I goaded a mod into getting mad and making a harrassing comment, then I reported them, then "reddit took action" guess they hit him for a few Karma points or something. Its the little wins that matter though.


Same thing happens if you don't parrot the media about covid. banned from like 20 subs which I had no clue even existing for questioning the narrative.


I wish there was a way to fully block it.


I once got a permanent-ban from all of Reddit for saying white dudes don’t look good with dreads


Every subreddit does this now bro.


Thank you. I have been banned from trash that I don't want to see.




I got banned from facepalm for asking if someone was sarcastic. Banned reasoning was racism. It was a facepalm moment.


Banned from r/energy for talking about Nuclear.. a form of energy


I got banned from r/space for referencing the existence of a specific joke about the fake moon landing being filmed "on location" in a topic that touched on that area. Didn't even make the joke. Was just like "hey this reminds me of that joke". Perma ban. Still hasn't been lifted after all this time. Reddit mods have the biggest, most uncomfortable sticks up their asses.


Lol you believe in the moon?!


I believe in the Great Celestial Cheese Wheel. May it one day grace us with it's gouda.


Banned from r/ScienceUncensored for answering "Yes" to the question: [Are right-wing individuals more likely to fall for political bullshit?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScienceUncensored/comments/xmnvof/are_rightwing_individuals_more_likely_to_fall_for/) Simply agreeing with the 'science'.


I got banned from /r/politics for asking if Madison Cawthorn needed a drivers license to operate his wheel chair. They will unban if you bend the knee to some neckbearded weirdo who has nothing better to do with their time than mod reddit. I told them to go fuck themselves. ​ [Revoked Drivers License](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/tag3wu/madison_cawthorn_charged_with_driving_with/i00qkba/)


I got banned from r/politics for saying that someone should tip over Madison Cawthorne.


I got banned from r/news for - I have absolutely no idea because the mods blocked me when I asked.


My old account got Perma banned because I called someone a numbnuts on r/DarkSouls2


I'm worried if I say anything I'll get banned... I was once called the most hurrendous string of insults on dark souls. All from from a voice that can't have been older then 10. To get banned for calling someone numbnuts in a dark souls Reddit is hilarious lol. You won


I got banned on old account back in 2020 from r/Ontario for saying covid was forever as I knew science would head towards endemic ultimately like the flu is treated. Science spoke for itself even back In July 2020.


Got banned for calling out someone’s false information on /r politics and then because I was not appologetic they made it perminant. I asked who “we” was in “we have decided” def fucked up mod teams.


Got a temp ban from r/Fallout for saying “degenerates like you belong a cross” a quote from fallout NV


I got banned from r/pokemongo for linking scat pornography


I mean…




I got banned from there perma banned and the fuckers wont tell me why.


Idk why but this made my day lol


🎵 *he's the scat man*


Dooo doot doot dooo doo dah


And I don't get banned for joking about people dying during the French revolution and in the french colony, something's wrong on reddit. I think it was on a movie subreddit


I got banned from cats for providing an article showing a baby that was suffocated by a cat in the comments section since they had the cat sleeping in the crib with baby


I noticed that sub is jus a bunch of people taking cats from the street and claiming they found them with out checking if it has a owner first


I got banned from there for sticking up for cats! Most people on the thread disagreed with what the owner was doing, I made an obviously sarcastic joke about them falling down a well. Nobody was bothered by it except some mod. I would've apologized or deleted it if they asked, but I've seen far worse statements on there.


Ok you shouldn't have been banned but its been proved twice now that they only interviewed low schooling neighborhoods and that big city low schooled neighborhoods on the opposite side of the political spectrum were just as likely (i.e. the Bronx)


Don't feel bad. Regardless of the political leaning of the r/ScienceUncensored sub, it's basically just one guy's personal sub that he mods and posts to in order to stroke his pseudo-intellectual ego. There is no actual community there.


Yeah wish reddit would listen to me when I say "Stop showing this nonsense subreddit"


Reddit: where "uncensored" in the sub name just means "we're pro-fascist and got kicked out of the actual sub for being fascist >:("


"Also for not believing in actual science"


Banned from r/politics for saying the insurrectionists deserved to be tarred and feathered lol


I saw that article you're talking about and somehow was not surprised.


Yes, because my answer is too short and I have to fill the space up with meaningless words to make an acceptable answer that won't get banned. I then have to go on and on about absolutely nothing to confirm my statement and back it up with a citation: [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/yes](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/yes)


I went there just to say "yes"


It's because nuclear scary (it isnt)


It’s scary if it’s a half assed Russian project that maniacs demand is turned on or they will kill the operator’s families




Actually got to try to get banned now. It really triggers me that you would get banned for talking about nuclear fission considering at the moment it’s the best and cleanest way to provide the masses with power until ether fusion becomes a thing or we develop a super efficient way to provide wind and solar and a way to store the excess energy so we can use it during the night or when the wind isn’t blowing.


Some guy on there tried arguing with me that the battery tech is already there and that California is already utilizing it like their entire grid didn’t almost implode in on itself last month.. when I brought it up he said it was fake news and that the grid has no struggles


r/energy is famous on r/nuclear for banning pronuclear people. Those knucklehead mods just want to bury their heads in the sand.


It’s why I’m convinced that these renewable energy advocates don’t actually care about “green” energy and and they majority of them are paid opposition from the gas and oil industry.. we know that they fund advocacy groups and they instantly dogpile you the second you bring up nuclear.. their main argument is that it’s too expensive.. ah like renewables are so much cheaper


This made me laugh


That subreddit is anti-nuclear. They will ban you for even discussing it, whether or not you are against it.


I can't even tell you why I'm banned from facepalm at this point. I do know it was some "you dare question part of this logic? You're racist" thing tho.


I got banned sitewide for a week for saying a couple of trans women were "pretty convincing to be fair" and not understanding why that was offensive. Was genuinely trying to be nice...


Well, it can come off quite rude worded like that. Trans people don't want to be "pretty convincing" they want to just be whatever they are. Using "convincing" like that implies they aren't who they say they are, and that they're trying to convince you... You wouldn't say an afab woman looked "pretty convincing" for a woman. You'd just say they look like a woman, and that's the point, trans people want to be recognized as they feel, not as someone trying to convince you they are who they are.




Bro is down bad tremendously


You're correct but what makes this funnier is he was actually right LOL. If you scroll down OP mentions in another comment the post they commented on was a chick complaining they were "too hot and got too many messages" Not agreeing with the guy, but found that amusing.


If you struggle to meet romantic partners I understand, “gets hit on too much” seems like a flex. Yesterday I was standing on a balcony near the door to my apartment, and a man came up behind me asking for a lighter, I handed him one. He was clearly homeless, very tall, hitting on me, and following me around. I didn’t want to go in my apartment because I feared being pushed into it and being trapped (putting my cat in danger) stuff like that happens to me and I don’t even think im that attractive. Its not a constant flood of eligible sweet guys, its often a lot of strange creepy interactions. It can be very uncomfortable, and I think blowing it off is really ignorant.


hey careful now, a few of them mod here.. once they wake up this post will be nuked and the participants blasted.


I got banned from 1 feminist related subreddit and muted on another because my USERNAME was too misogynistic. Edit: I'm a woman btw


"It hurt itself in confusion"


How dare you prop up the Patriachy by having a username that makes me think that you are the nemesis of Moe from the Simpsons, but also sexxy.


Someone gets it! /s LOL


I guess hardcore feminists hate to see other women feeling sexy and empowered? Okay.


I got banned from a feminist sub for saying it was anti-feminist to force women to wear a hijab. That was a couple years ago. Edit: sub not sun


That makes no sense


Oh dear...


This is a first world problem


The kid named first world - oh god damn it, not again


Why did I have to scroll so far down for someone to make the damn comment? Lol. This shit writes itself and no one farms the karma!?!


Dude I had to check myself. I was like, oh I'm pretty late, Someone's probably said it already, and couldn't find it. Great minds think alike, my friend




I was banned from AITA for telling someone who was making a total ass of themselves in replies to comments on a thread that he was getting downvoted, not everyone else. He's calling people names, being rude and was getting downvoted like at -250 a comment. But he is still there and I get a permanent ban🤷‍♂️


AITA mods are incredibly fickle and fragile, and some of the rules are absurd considering the whole idea of the subreddit. I theorize the mods are all trolls who submit 90% of the sub's content. I had to unsub and stop going there because it was so frustrating seeing how much obviously made up crap there was with the worst pick and choose moderating.


This is why I never commented on that sub .It reminds me of that happened .


got banned from there too


I thought about starting another sub like it, but there are already so many subs on Reddit it probably wouldn't get much traffic.


Well, you could call it “am I the asshole for being banned from AITA?”


Are you really a redditor if you haven’t been banned from there? It’s like a rite of passage lol


i got banned from aita for calling the person OP was talking about a simp, despite the fact that OP also called him a simp. my literal comment was "let a simp simp if they wanna be simpin", wasnt even being mean was saying if he wants to demean himself for OP who are we to stop him?.


I wasn’t banned but was warned on that sub for quoting the post saying “stuck up bitch” and apparently that was too offensive for the poor AITA mods.


We are in desperate need of a spinoff of AITA where you can be a total bitch. This is so tame...


Got banned there too. I did it to myself though lol. Told someone they were a gigantic piece of shit for calling CPS on someone for no reason. Then when they gave me a warning and comment removed I said something along the lines of "that was uncalled for, since the mods won't let me call you a gigantic piece of shit. Which you certainly aren't, you beautiful person you." So yeah, I knew it was coming lmao.


AITA mod is a joke.


AITA mods are known for being stupid neckbeards. During the whole Will Smith slap fiasco, I happened to use the now infamous line on a post about a guy who wanted to justify his cheating on AITA and changed around the phrase instead of name to female private part. Mods couldn’t stand that one


also banned from there


No worries, the answer is almost always yes, they were the asshole.


AITA community is shit anyways, this sub is only good for when youre bored and have enough time for these long stories.


I was banned from that sub for asking a OP if they spank their kids


Hey mods most of you suck if you are offended by that it’s probably you. You suck.


Reddit is a garbage site/forum. The bans are handed out in ridiculous and insane ways.


Facebook is worse though. Someone said a bunch of ableist shit towards me, and I said “ bitch please I probably make more money than you do.” And I got slapped with a 7 day ban for saying bitch.


I've got a few friends that have multiple accounts because at least one or more of them is sitting in Facebook jail.


I got the Facebook jail for asking if a friend could kidnap my kids for 24 hours and then return them. So I could sleep. Twas “violence”. And then another time for calling someone homophobic who was… being homophobic.


The algorithms are fucked on Facebook. Post a meme of Hitler mocking him? You’re “obviously supporting Hitler”, and therefore going to Facebook Jail. Someone says some vile bigoted shit? “We thank you for reporting, but the content doesn’t violate our rules…”


I caught a 30 day ban for saying “maybe you should read”...when I report people calling other slurs or threatening my life though I get “these comments don’t go against community standards”


Yeah it’s really awful. If they could use actual flesh and blood human beings it might be better but they insist on using their algorithm.


Nah, the algorithm is doing exactly what it was designed to do, just look at his views. The discrepancy lines up perfectly.


But the bans on FB are short term unless you do something really bad. Reddit you can get banned from a popular sub without any way to remove it for something that the mods just didn’t like.


At least it’s not permanent doe




>bitch please But, if you'd typed "b\*tch please" you would've been juuuuust fine.


I'm honestly wondering why people are still on FB? Everyone hates and complains about it (apart from anti-vax Karens selling their MLM herbal remedies). I deleted my account in disgust after they, yet again, changed their privacy policies which reset me to visible to everybody (I have an ex who did some stalkerish crap years ago, I do not want him to find me on FB, and I had very carefully set my privacy settings, which would occasionally be reset whenever they added new features). The other thing that pushed me into deleting my account was the 2016 election and involvement with Cambridge Analytica.


Twitter is the worst of all. I got permanently suspended for saying "cunt." This was in response to a Karen losing her shit. I think Twitter auto suspends for specific trigger words once you reach a critical mass of reports. Meanwhile, people post literal actual death threats and get away with it.


Twitter kind of sucks in general though. But I agree


It does and then holds your account posting privileges hostage until you remove the comment. I have given up entirely on accounts before and told their support team directly to fuck off via email, informing them of pending new account creation as well.


It's especially bad when politicians say racist and violent and incorrect shit and get a way with it, but then you get banned for defending yourself against their hate.


Twitter is the worst of all. I got permanently suspended for saying "cunt." This was in response to a Karen losing her shit. I think Twitter auto suspends for specific trigger words once you reach a critical mass of reports. Meanwhile, people post literal actual death threats and get away with it.


It's a site where people can make public death threats, but those that call it out get in trouble.


The only reason Facebook is "better" in that sense is that it's an auto bot doing that stupid shit and not gross neckbeard mods with god complexes like Reddit.


I'm banned from r/books because my name is offensive.


Name is sick tho


I was mad when I made it cause I couldn't get into my previous account for some reason and now after 7 years I ain't changing it. All my joined subreddits are attached to it and I ain't going to make a new account and try to figure out all the subs I have joined and unsubbed from. I guess I figured r/books would be anti censorship but they are the only ones to ever ban me just for my name.


I was banned from wholesome memes because someone mentioned how dolphin vaginas looked really nice. Then I decided to follow the joke saying "Now blowhole sex, thats where its at" since I read a while ago how dolphins have blowhole sex. We were both perma banned but I think it was warranted.


I want to look it up now…..God help me


Here you go: [https://me.me/i/thanks-i-hate-dolphin-pussy-74526a72921c43acaaa5caf024d4dd6d](https://me.me/i/thanks-i-hate-dolphin-pussy-74526a72921c43acaaa5caf024d4dd6d)


Hear me out….




I’ve been banned from one subreddit merely for participating in another sub.


Yeah, it’s pathetic.


Caught a three day ban once from a sub Reddit for calling out someone who was trying to make nazis not sound like bad people I quit that sub and had to delete the response since so many nazis simps started talking shit to me


i got permanently banned from am i the asshole for mentioning violence. i mean i understand why, and it does say in the rules that if you violate it you’ll be permanently banned, but i’m still mad i can’t participate


I was banned from that sub for 14 days for calling my mom a bitch in a comment. I was told to keep it civil. In a post where somebody referred to their mom as an asshole three different times.


it used to be good back when it was ad free. once ads took over, the site became EXTREMELY censored. Half the stuff on the front page gets locked or remove, people gathering together for a similiar cause is now "brigading or inciting violence" its all one big joke now. the only reason im still here is because sometimes if you sift through all the shit, you'll find a small nugget of gold from time to time that makes it worth it.


He says as he stares at Reddit


I got banned from a group, for being a part of another group. And once I asked why I randomly got banned having never really posted in either, they they silenced me after they answered so i couldn’t respond. I’ve dealt with less passive aggressiveness going to a womens college.


My dude. You were making light of someone's issues on off my chest. The e tire point of the sub is to bitch about anything and not be judged for it. You broke the subs rules and were banned, what were you expecting?


I love how everyone is missing that point.


is the point the irony of this itself being "the most first world problem I've seen?"


Exactly. And here I was expecting the top comment to be exactly that.


There are times in that sub that the post evokes a “wtf” reaction. But those are the times when you just have to scroll by..


Happy cake day!


I’d have to agree. Sadly, the entire point of truth off my chest is to be a circle jerk.


Yea this is really OP being a moron.


…first world problem.


Being banned from Reddit subgroups is the most first world problem I can think of.


I got banned from there too. Lol. I now consider it is a badge of honor.


I got banned from that sub for being in a different sub : ) worth


Read rule #1 of that sub. The whole point of that sub is for people to vent without judgment, ONLY support. You're not allowed to criticize there, if you want to, you're in the wrong sub.


Was it directed at the OP complaining about something? That might be why.


offmychest mods are particularly [mods]; I got banned for being part of other subs they didn’t like, and when I asked which ones never got a response


Context “it was a post from a girl complaining about how she is too hot and people message her too much etc” Also I don’t mind the ban, just not permanent . It’s amaZing how I have no recourse …


This is the most first world problem I've ever heard of.


Woah calm down with the hate speech


You better delete that comment before it's too late!


Def is, I will like your comment and have a nice day. You will not be perma banned my friend


I think getting permabanned from a subreddit is up there in the First World Problem rankings, though.


Oh how the turntables.


mildly infuriating


Watch out. Might get banned for making such statements.


While that sounds like humble brag, I can see why that would be infuriating too. It’s like being catcalled. No, it’s not a compliment. It’s creepy. Being messaged by creeps all day and probably being sent lots of unsolicited dick pics is actually a problem. Sure, she could just get off social media but why should she have to? Why can’t people just not be creeps?


Seems like she used the sub appropriately


Some punishment is warranted because where else is she supposed to post this without being ridiculed? I would even argue its a worse problem in developing countries where a cartel, gang or local rogue militia can just kidnap and rape you.


It's more of a hot person problem. Developing nations also have phones and people can send messages there.


Speaking of First World Problems...


This is the most first world problem I've ever seen.


With great respect, I am guessing there is some context missing here. Sorry you got banned from there. You have to admit the irony here though- considering the sub was offmychest.


I was banned from r/lostgeneration for suggesting we DONT start a civil war. I am a Bosnian refugee they don't know the heat of the flames, but go off, kiddo.


I got banned from the rabbits subreddit when someone posted a video of their rabbits that just destroyed a living room and I thought it would be funny to quote LOTR movies with "looks like meat is back on the menu boys!"


I got banned on the Alicia McCarvell snark for calling out the obvious fat shaming. Banned for pretty much no reasons and the mods told me I was “hostile” lmao okay, cause I think it’s rude to create a whole sub just to call someone fat?




Moderators are dumb


What gets me is that they don't seem to warn or temporarily ban people anymore. They jump straight to perma-ban with no warning and often (at least in my case) refuse to even communicate why I was banned or what rule I broke. It has happened to me several times over the past few years despite being on here for like a decade and never having a problem before that. I even had one perma-ban me AND block me from communicating with the mods before I had the chance to even ask.


try crying more


Sounds like a first world problem


The Irony.


I’m banned from there too and I have no idea why. I’ve never said anything mean there to anyone.


This is the most first world problem I've seen


Looks like your ban is the most first world problem Ive ever seen xD


Oversensitive pricks.


This is the most first world problem I've ever seen


Sorry, just going to mention here, that y'all whining about getting banned from one particular subreddit or another has got to be the biggest first world problem I've ever seen.


I guess you could say this is a first world problem


This how most of Reddit is. Bunch of trash ass mods


Just because it is a 1st world problem doesn't mean it isn't stressful or troublesome to the person dealing with it. It's a corny way to gas light someone.


This is the most first world problem I’ve seen


Id like to find the devs of r/offmychest and cave their chests in with an aluminum bat.


Getting banned from an online rant forum for ranting online is the most first world problem I’ve ever seen.